Unbridled Pursuit (Novak Springs Book 2)

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Unbridled Pursuit (Novak Springs Book 2) Page 17

by Dawn Brower

  Wes wiped his hand across his eyes. "Was that necessary?"

  Vitoria walked to the counter and grabbed the wine bottle and filled her glass again. She swished it in the glass and studied him for a brief second before she tossed the contents at him again.

  "What the hell, Tori. Wasn't once enough?"

  "I had to make sure."

  "Of what?"

  "If it was necessary?'

  He pinned her with a glare. "You didn't deduce it wasn't the first time?"

  "No. You see I'd like to do more than waste perfectly good wine dripping all over your face—but everything else would get me arrested." She set her wine glass down and filled it again.

  "You're not going to throw that at me too are you?"

  "No this glass I intend to enjoy." She took a sip. "All by myself."

  Wes grabbed a nearby hand towel and wiped his face clean of the wine. "I'm an ass and I don't blame you for throwing your wine at me. I'd like to start over if you're willing."


  Wes's mouth opened and closed. He stared at her for several seconds. "Why not?"

  "Look Wes. I wanted to be friends. Maybe even more than that, but you ruined it all by being a jerk over and over. I don't see how we can get past all that. Leave please." Tori turned to leave him in the kitchen. He could see himself out. “I’d rather relax in my den with a nice fire—alone.”

  “Good idea, I’d be happy to join you.”

  “Are you deaf? Did you not hear me say I’d rather be by myself?”

  Wes continued to ignore her and walked down the hallway. Why was he being so obtuse? Her emotions were such a whirlwind of chaos—all battling for control. Vitoria wished she could hate him, but for some reason she couldn't. Part of her wanted to punch him—if he kept pushing, she’d give into the desire.

  All right, if she were being honest, she wanted to do more than punch him. He looked incredibly yummy. His shirt was wet enough to hug his chest and outline his well-defined muscles. When he’d removed his sweatshirt she’d had to restrain herself from giving in to the instant craving to let her hands roam across every inch of his body.

  “You don’t even have a fire going yet.”

  Vitoria sighed. “Because I haven’t figured out how to light it. You interrupted my inspection by invading my space before I could ascertain the inner workings.”

  “You’re in luck. I know exactly how to work it. Once I get it lit, we can get comfortable and iron out a few things. Give me a minute, and we’ll have a roaring fire.”

  Vitoria could see she was losing this particular battle. He wouldn’t leave until he believed he’d done what he came to do. She’d have to suffer through another one of his long lectures. At this point, she was rather numb to them anyway. If it got him out of her hair sooner, she could deal with it.

  Besides, she had wine, and a good glass of her favorite drink always made things more bearable. Taking his advice, she relaxed against the sofa and watched him work. In no time he had a fire going. His blond hair glowed into a gold flame against the light. Vitoria took a sip of pinot grigio and enjoyed the view. At least the jerk was good for something. The man had a beautiful face and an extraordinary body.

  As long as he didn’t open his mouth, she could enjoy the fantasy a little while longer.

  “There, a fire just as you wanted.” He wiped his hands together and stood up in front of the fireplace. When he turned, he sucked in a deep breath and stared into her eyes. “You really shouldn’t be staring at me like that or we’ll never get around to having the conversation I want to have with you.”

  Vitoria set her wine glass down and stood. She sashayed to his side and gave into her desire. Her hands traced over his chest, the tips of her fingers trailing circles around his nipples through the dampness of his shirt. “Talking is overrated.”

  He didn’t need any more encouragement. Wes yanked her into his arms and plundered her mouth with his own. Soon his hands were under her shirt and lifting it over her head. He pulled one of her lace-covered breasts into his hot mouth and sucked the nipple into a hard peak. Vitoria sighed and ran her fingers through his hair.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he whispered as he pulled his head away from her breast. “I want to kiss you all over.”

  “Quit talking and start doing,” she demanded. Wes didn’t need any directions. He already knew how to give her exactly what she wanted—craved from him.

  She took a step back and allowed him to strip her clothes off. Her bra hit the floor, followed by her skirt, and then her matching panties. He licked his lips and pulled her toward him. Wes dropped to his knees and trailed kisses across her stomach and down her hips. He pulled her down to the floor and worshipped her with his tongue.

  “Take off your clothes,” she ordered. Vitoria wanted to see his naked skin glowing from firelight.

  Wes pulled off his shirt. He stood long enough to shed his pants and pull a condom out of his pocket. He joined her on the plush carpet in front of the fire. His hands roamed across her body as he stretched out beside her. He kept his promise and worshiped her body with thousands of light kisses. Wes didn’t leave one inch of her untouched. If she didn’t know better, she’d think he loved her and was showing her through his actions. Vitoria knew, though, that Wes could never feel such a beautiful emotion for her. This had to be enough—she’d make sure of it.

  “I need you, don’t stop,” she begged.

  “Never,” he promised.

  Wes towered over her, spreading her legs so they were open to accept him. He tore open the condom package and rolled it over his long, thick cock. He entered her slowly, and she savored every inch of him. His length filled her, stretching her in a way that had her moaning with pleasure. He lifted himself up and stared into her eyes.

  Vitoria took the opportunity to wrap her legs around his waist and grip his forearms. His eyes probed hers, watching and waiting; Vitoria didn’t know for what. He started to move inside of her, never taking his eyes from hers. His gaze was hooded with desire. Each stroke sent a thousand sensations shooting through her; his undivided attention excited her more than she could fathom.

  It didn’t take long to have her hands tightening around his arm and her nails digging into him. She screamed as the orgasm rolled through her. Still he continued to pump in and out of her channel. His hardness stroking over her sensitive flesh.

  Vitoria’s breathing became more labored with each thrust of his hips. She gazed up into his eyes and saw something, a glimmer of hope, and she wanted to believe, but she couldn’t allow it. Wes wanted something from her. He demanded it. Still Vitoria held back.

  Wes stopped and rolled off her. He sat down and picked her up, swung her onto his lap. She wrapped her arms around his neck and searched his eyes. What did he want from her?

  “Ride me, Tori.”

  She didn’t need any more instruction. Vitoria slid down on him and let him fill her once again. Her head fell back as the pleasure overcame her. Wes trailed kisses down her neck and sucked on her sensitive nipples. She screamed as another orgasm ripped through her. Wes thrust up again as he found his own release. His arms tightening around her.

  Her eyes flew open, and she saw his reflecting back every emotion she could feel inside of her. His kiss was tender, sweet, and more than she could handle. Vitoria tried to pull away, but he held her too snugly against him.

  With a firm, gentle hug and his hand rubbing her back soothingly, he whispered in her ear, “It’s all right. Let yourself feel. I promise I will make it all good.”

  A tear fell down her cheek, her emotions overwhelming her. What did this all mean? Why did he have to tear her apart? Wasn’t it too late for them? Wes kissed her tears away. He made her feel loved and cherished.

  Vitoria didn’t know how to let someone love her—or if that was what he tried to explain to her without using words. She might be reading it all wrong. If she were smart she’d make him leave, protect her heart from further harm. Vitoria decided i
n this one instant she’d allow herself to see where it would take her. She believed if she didn’t she’d grow to regret it.

  “Are you staying the night?” she asked.

  “I’m staying for as long as you’ll let me.”

  “Good, then maybe we can continue this upstairs in my bed.”

  Wes laughed, picked her up, and carried her to her bedroom where he proceeded to make love to her all over again. Vitoria didn’t let herself think, she enjoyed every second of it. Tomorrow was soon enough to worry about what he wanted from her—sex with Wes was entirely too good to deny herself.

  One thing Vitoria never did was reject something she found amazing. She could pretend for a while this would be something permanent in her life. As long as Wes was willing to give her what she wanted, she’d allow him the pleasure of it.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Sunlight illuminated the room, filling it with brightness. Wes cracked an eye open to see the light reflect back at him from a set of mirrors covering the entire wall in front of the massive king size bed he currently lounged upon. How had he managed to miss the mirrors the night before?

  Oh yeah, he’d been a bit preoccupied with the lush woman in his arms.

  He could see the possibilities of having a wall of mirrors and couldn’t wait to utilize them. It would be like having a simultaneous home movie going on before his eyes as he brought Vitoria to the brink of release. The idea excited him, and he rolled over in search of her only to be disappointed at the empty side next to him.

  Time to get up and figure out where she’d wandered off to. They’d forgone talking the previous night for a more pleasurable pursuit, but he was determined to make her sit still long enough to listen to him.

  Wes rolled out of the bed and searched for his pants. He saw nothing around the floor, and it hit him why. Of course his clothes were not in the bedroom. He’d stripped them off in front of the fireplace. His only choice was to go back downstairs and retrieve them if he wanted to get dressed. Nudity never bothered him, and he had no problem sauntering out of the bedroom without a stitch of clothing. Besides he planned on spending a lot of time in his current state with Vitoria. Clothes would get in the way of his long-term goals where she was concerned.

  Wes left the bedroom and walked down the hall. He stopped at the edge and stared down into the den. He could see his clothes scattered around in various places on the floor. The fire still blazed in the fireplace, and full wineglasses were sitting on the table.

  What held him transfixed was the sight of Vitoria lounging on the sofa below him.

  Her head rested against the back cushion with her hand covering her eyes. A white satin robe covered her gorgeous body, gaping open down the middle of her breasts. She moved her arm and let it fall to her side. Her eyes fluttered open and stared up at him. Blue eyes transfixed on him staring down at her with a satisfied smile filling her beautiful face.

  “Look who finally decided to wake up.”

  “Someone wore me out. I needed my beauty sleep.”

  Vitoria snorted. “Someone’s been lying to you. Beauty is not a word I’d use to describe you.”

  “You’re right. It’s to lame of a word to properly illustrate how awesome I am.” Wes smirked, enjoying the banter between them.

  Vitoria shook her head and leaned forward. She placed her elbows on her knees and let her head fall forward into the palm of her hands. Wes chuckled at her exasperation. Time to join her downstairs—maybe they could have some fun on the couch.

  First, though, he needed to have a conversation with her. Yes, he enjoyed exploring her body and bringing her pleasure, but if he wanted more than that, he would have to make her listen. Wes hopped down the stairs and strolled into the den. Vitoria lifted her head up and rested her chin on one of her hands, watching him with interest.

  “Like what you see?” he asked.

  Vitoria licked her lips and sighed. “You do have some attributes worth admiring.”

  Wes could feel himself harden. The sight of her pretty pink tongue darting out of her mouth filled him with desire. Hell, who was he kidding? The mere thought of Vitoria piqued his interest. He needed to put on his pants before he acted on his need to be buried deep inside of her.

  He picked his jeans up off the floor and slipped them on, not bothering to button them, just zipped them closed enough to keep them from falling down and left them resting at his hips. Wes crossed his arms across his chest and turned to give Vitoria his full attention.

  “We need to talk.”

  Vitoria sighed, stood, and stared him in the eyes. Her petite build was tiny next to his six-foot frame, making Wes want to hold her close, protect her. She glared up at him and bit her lip. He could see indecision clouding her blue eyes.

  “I’d rather not. This”—she waved her hand between them—“feels good and talking about it might ruin it.”

  Wes stared at her. He understood why she didn’t want to have this conversation, but it needed to be done. They couldn’t put it off. If they did, they couldn’t move forward, and Wes really wanted to get beyond this. He remained silent and considered his options. How could he get her to open up and be willing to express what she wanted from him?

  Vitoria started to fidget, nervousness filling every one of her features. She twisted her hands in front of her. “You understand what I’m saying don’t you? We fight all the time. If we start talking, it’s going to lead to another argument. Can’t we enjoy what we have here for a little while before we throw something else into the mix?”

  Maybe she had a point. If they took it one day at a time it could develop into something more. Wes sighed and scrubbed his hand over his face. So many decisions—the right one elusive, lingering out of his reach; if he could only get a hold of it, he’d know what to do.

  “I’m not sure what we should do.” His eyes searched her, hoped to find some kind of answer in their deep blue depths. Nothing came to him. At least not something he could really use to decide what the next step to take. “Why don’t we agree to see where this will take us? I would like to start over. Be something different to each other.”

  “Do you think we can? Forget all the words said in anger and move on?” Vitoria shook her head. “I don’t think it’ll be that easy.”

  “Maybe not,” Wes agreed. “I’d still like to try.”

  “Why? You’ve been exploding with anger, ready to attack me without any provocation. What changed?”

  “I did.” Wes moved toward her, picked up her hands, and held them inside of his. “I’ve been an ass. I realize it. You’ve been trying to tell me for a while now about Vivian. I didn’t want to listen. Can you forgive me?”

  “No. Yes. I don’t know. I can’t answer that right now. I’m just—” Vitoria paused, gazed up at him. “I can’t let it all go because you will it away. I need time.”

  “Time is something I can give you.” He lifted her hand and kissed her knuckles. “As long as you don’t tell me to fuck off. I can work with whatever crumbs you throw my way.”

  “I’m not making any promises. I may still tell you to fuck off.” Vitoria curled her lips into a satisfied smile. “Knowing you, I’ll have a reason in five minutes.”

  “Oh I have a better idea.” Wes trailed kisses down her forehead, cheeks, and the base of her neck. “It’s so good, sweetheart, I promise you’ll want me here for hours—maybe even days.”

  A soft chucked rumbled from her throat. “Hmm—it sounds intriguing.” Vitoria ran her tongue across her lips. “Please tell me more.”

  “Oh, I’ll do more than that, I intend to show you.” Wickedness filled his eyes as he pulled the ties of her robe open. “Your breasts are perfect.”

  “And there is a shortage of perfect breasts?”

  Wes nibbled on her earlobe and snickered. “Absolutely and I get the privilege of worshiping the only pair.”

  “Then you should be careful you don’t damage them,” she murmured.

  “I intend to lick and suc
k on them until each one is peaked with sensitivity. You’re going to moan, scream, and beg by the time I’m done with you.”

  “Quit talking so much, and maybe I’ll believe you.”

  Wes intended to keep his promise. They were only beginning, but over time he hoped they could be more than this. He would give her time, and while he allowed her that concession, he would push his way into her life so far she wouldn’t know what to do without him.

  Vitoria pushed down his zipper and reached her hands inside his jeans. She cupped his dick in the palm of her hands, stroked it until he groaned with the pleasure.

  He needed to focus or she’d take control.

  Wes lifted her hands up above her head and pushed her against the wall. He pinned her hands in place with one hand, and glided the fingers of his other hand down her belly. She moaned as his fingers stroked her clit, her eyes burning with desire. He pushed one finger inside her and pulled it slowly out. His fingers hovered above the heat of her core. He waited—watched her reactions. Her eyes shuttered, her lips hung open with a silent moan.

  “Don’t stop,” she begged.

  “Why should I continue?” he whispered. “Give me a reason.”

  “You’re driving me crazy.” Vitoria moaned, the sound reverberating through the room. She tried to pull her hands free, but he held her in place. “I want to touch you, let me go.”

  “Not yet.”

  Wes pressed his lips to hers and pushed his tongue into her mouth. She sucked it into her mouth greedily. Their tongues danced together, each fighting for control. Wes wanted to drive her insane with need. She was falling into his trap quite willingly.

  He let her hands go. Vitoria twined them around his neck and yanked on his hair. Wes cupped the cheeks of her ass and lifted her against the wall. Her legs wrapped around his waist as he hugged her whole body against his. Wes’s jeans slid down his hips so he pushed them all the way to the floor and kicked his feet free from them.

  Vitoria’s nails raked his head—she nipped his lips with her teeth. “Quit messing around, you’re driving me crazy.” She whimpered, her need evident in her voice.


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