Burden to Bare

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Burden to Bare Page 23

by Felicia Leibenguth

“Because you look stressed out, that’s why. You two aren’t having problems, again are you? I thought you guys were lovey-dovey again,” Mya said raising her eyebrows.

  “No we're fine,” I snapped a little too quickly.

  “Hmm,” she said eyeballing me like she doesn’t believe me.

  I don’t care if she does or not.

  Looking back at Zach and Rashel I notice Zach seems a little more relaxed. So, does that mean she’s buying it? I sure hope so. Zach said something and Rashel’s face changed from hard and angry to soft and thoughtful. Zach moved away from the table and went to walk away from her. She quickly snatched his hand and kissed the palm.

  I feel a fire of anger go through me. I have to force myself to stay seated and keep from going to slap her. How dare she! She has no right to touch him like that! I don’t care that she’s a Shape-Shifter. I’m so angry I feel I can take her down in one swing. I have a brief thought of, now who’s getting all possessive? I smiled to myself, but I’m sure it looks like a snarl.

  Before I could do something incredibly stupid, Zach pulled his hand away from her with such a force that he almost pulled Rashel on the floor.

  Good, I wish he would have.

  Zach said something with such anger that it covered his face and his eyes flash fire. I can’t hear what he said, but Rashel looked at him then sharply toward me. She looked back at Zach and spoke loud enough for me to hear three tables over, “Fine go be with the trash, but she better watch her back,” she growled the words.

  Zach flashed his eyes back at her, his mouth moved slightly then he walked away coming toward me.

  The whole cafeteria remained silent as everyone watched Zach and looked at Rashel who looks like she’s about to attack Zach’s back.

  Zach got back to our table but didn’t sit down. Instead, he grabbed my hand and said, “Come with me,” he sounded so angry that I cringed a little, but followed.

  Mya watched us as we left our uneaten food trays on the table and walked out the door. I’m surprised she didn’t try to follow; maybe it’s Zach’s fury that kept her in place.

  Zach led me down the hall toward the Gym. He still held my hand and I have to run to keep up. He’s furious as he stomped down the hall.

  We entered the deserted Gym, and he went over to the brick wall. I leaned up against the wall while Zach paced in front of me. At this moment, he looks dangerous and I’m glad I’m not the one on his bad side. His eyes are full of black fire set ablaze and his mouth a feral snarl with his white teeth glowing against his tanned skin.

  “Zach,” I said timidly. I’m not sure if I should talk, but he’s scaring me.

  He stopped near the wall and before I know it, he raised his hand into a fist, punching the brick wall with such force, the brick cracked. I stared at it wide-eyed. I have never seen him like this. Before, when I was scared of him, when I wasn’t in on his secret, was nothing compared to this.

  “I’LL KILL HER!” Zach suddenly exploded, glaring at the wall with his fist still against it. He doesn’t even show any pain from punching a solid brick wall.

  I stepped back from him a little. I don’t know what to do. I’m afraid to touch him, afraid to move any farther. What if he’s so angry he turned on me, even for a split second? What do I say, how do I handle this?

  Before I know what I’m doing, I took a few steps toward him. I took his fist from the wall gently and I realized there’s some blood on his knuckles. I tried to smooth out his fist, but he’s too strong, so I kissed the top of his hand and his muscles started to relax. I looked up into his black fire eyes and he tried to look away. Keeping one hand on his, I took my free hand and placed it on his cheek turning his face to meet mine. He finally held my gaze just as I wanted him to. We stared at one another for a moment, like a silent communication. He began to relax under my gaze. I leaned forward, keeping contact with his eyes the entire time. I’m afraid to look away; I have a feeling that my eyes locked with his, are the only thing keeping him from losing it again. I raised myself up on my tip-toes and kissed his warm soft lips.

  He caught me off guard and pulled me into a tight embrace, lifting me off the ground completely. I wrapped my legs around his waist and his hands moved to support me under my buttocks. I wrapped my arms around his neck, tightly pulling him closer to me… if that is even possible.

  Our lips moved together as one and his tongue moved along my bottom lip. We both shivered with pleasure. I never want this moment to end.

  Zach pressed my back up against the wall, pushing his muscular body into mine. The wall now supports me and Zach moved his hands up my body, gliding them over my face and tangling his fingers into my hair.

  My skin is hot. We’ve never gone this far before and I’m loving every minute. We are both breathing heavily with the passion passing between us.

  We have to break apart to breathe. Zach’s hot breath, brushed against my face as we stared into one another’s eyes, never seeming to blink. His eyes, a smoldering fire, the coals still hot, but the flames died down.

  At this moment, as we still gasped for breath, the bell rang. It won’t be long before people came into the gym for class.

  Zach gently set me on my feet and moved his hands through my hair. I can tell it’s a mess, no doubt about it as he tried to smooth it out for me.

  “Lexi, I’m sorr-” Zach started to say, but I cut him off putting my finger over his lips.

  “Don’t worry about it. It’s okay,” I hushed him.

  “Lexi, I almost lost complete control,” Zach mumbled around my finger. “I wanted to go back in there and…” He didn’t finish and he didn’t need to. I understand what he was going to say.

  “It will be okay. I’m not worried about her.”

  “I am.” His eyes became hard. “She threatened you. She will never come near you again or she will regret it. You will not be walking to any classes alone; I will walk you to every class. Do you understand me?” He glared into my eyes.

  “I really don’t need an escort, Zach,” I kept my voice calm. “Besides, I don’t want you being late to class.”

  “You don’t know her. She’s conniving and will hurt you the first chance she gets. So, you will be walked to all classes by me whether I’m late or not,” he took on that deadly, possessive tone.

  I didn’t dare object when he used that tone, so I just nodded my head in agreement.

  “Good. Now let’s get out of here,” he said pulling me toward the exit on the other side of the Gym.

  “Where are we going?” I asked as we reached his Porsche.

  “To see Katrina,” he said quickly as he opened the passenger side door for me.

  “Okay?” I said confused as I sat in the seat.

  He flashed around the car and once inside he said, “I want to explain this to both of you, at the same time,” he started the car and pulled out of the parking lot onto the main road.

  “Explain what?” I asked keeping my voice casual.

  “I believe I promised you something last night.” He looked over at me as if to say, ‘you forgot already?’

  “Oh.” Now I remember. He’s going to tell us about the painting Katrina had done. I suddenly feel stressed. Am I ready for this?


  “My parents told me this story. It goes way back, about five-hundred years. It started with a malicious demon…” Zach was saying.

  Zach and I sat in Katrina’s room at the hospital. She’s been improving every day. Her bruises are healing up and she’s looking more… normal, like herself again. She said they would be releasing her soon to go home, and that made me happy. They also realized her ribs are healing at a rapid rate which surprised everyone. Maybe there’s more to her than meets the eye.

  I don’t know how, but Zach managed to talk Ms. Morrison into going home for some well-needed rest. I’m surprised she actually left. She hasn’t left Katrina since the attack, other than running home to change, but she left willingly enough today. It’s a good thin
g; we need to be alone to talk.

  “His name is kept unspoken,” Zach continued. “because creatures of my world are afraid he will hear his name and come to kill them. His name is…” Zach paused and spelled his name in sign language, M-a-l-v-e-n-t. Malvent is the demons name. “Creatures of my world are very fearful and for good reason. He is nothing but pure evil and hatred. I’m not sure of the exact year this took place, but there was a great war between my world and the ruler of the Valley of Death.” Zach paused and looked at our faces. “What?”

  “Valley of Death? I was expecting something more… evil.” I said mockingly. Katrina nodded agreeing with me.

  “It is only called that because the gate to his world is in Death Valley. My world calls it many things, but the most common is Valley of Death.”

  “You mean there’s… a gate to another world!? In Death Valley!?” I said stunned.

  “Like my mother told you… you have much to learn about my world, but yes, Death Valley. The missing hikers that are thought to get lost or die… aren’t actually dead. Well, they are, but they’re more of the undead. He uses them to create his army.”

  “He uses… humans for an army?” I asked baffled.

  “Once he gets a hold of them… they’re no longer human. He makes them into something else, something beyond imagination. They become very difficult to kill as they are extremely strong and defeat an opponent with ease. They lose all humanity and are slaves to him. They do his bidding and worship him as a God. It’s disgusting really,” Zach sounds repulsed himself.

  Katrina can’t say a word. She stared at Zach with a gaping mouth and wide eyes. I can’t speak either. I’m in shock.

  Zach continued after a moment of stunned silence. “That’s how he created his first army. He is very powerful himself but likes to use others to do his bidding. There was something in my world that he wanted and in order to get it, he created an army of the dead - his pawns.”

  “What did he want?” I asked breathlessly. Katrina kept her hands at her sides. I don’t think she could move them.

  “He wanted to rule our world, to enslave us all, but this is where Katrina’s family became famous in my world.” He smiled at the frozen-in-place Katrina. “Her Great, to however may degrees, Grandmother had a very powerful gift. She could see the future as vivid as it was happening at that very moment like she was right there. She was the only one to know what was coming, and she knew about my world through her visions. She told us about what was coming and we prepared ourselves. She gave us three months to the day to be prepared. A lot of the Supernatural World came together to fight for their freedom and for our world. Many more were cowards and went into hiding. We were ready when he appeared with his army of the undead. There were hundreds of them, but there were at least a two-thousand of us. Many creatures came from all over the world to defend our way of life. We stood united, and he paused in his crusade. We thought just from the sight of all of us he would flee, but we were wrong. He set his army upon us and it was a horrible war. Many of ours were lost, but many of his were lost as well. When he finally realized he couldn’t win, he took what was left of his army and was about to leave, when he saw what he truly wanted.” Zach paused shaking his head.

  I’m so engrossed in the horrific story, that it surprised me when he paused.

  “Well… what!?” Katrina demanded.

  “There was a woman amongst the trees,” he replied.

  “Oh, please don’t tell me this is some sick twisted love story.” I pleaded.

  “No, it’s anything but that. Everyone looked toward this woman. No one had ever seen her before. She stood dressed in a pure white dress that flowed to the ground, not a speck of dirt on it. So, it was clear, she wasn’t involved in the battle… directly. She had long wavy hair and the most stunning face anyone had ever seen. But that was not why everyone continued to stare. It was the striking white wings of an angel that flowed out behind her.”

  “No,” I gasped. I heard Katrina take in the same deep breath, but groaned in pain. Her ribs are cracked and are going to take more time to heal.

  Zach ignored me. He’s wrapped up in his story. “She was a pure White Angel. No one had seen one in many years and everyone thought they had died out. Even creatures of our world can go extinct, but there she stood, strong, powerful, and… alive. We later learned that her name was Harmony. M-a-l-v-e-n-t wanted her. He knew if she was his, he could have whatever he wanted. White Angels have strong powers, but no one ever knew how truly strong they were. Not until that day.

  “He demanded Harmony come to him, but she stood quiet and refused to move. He sent the remains of his dead army to capture her. She flared out her giant white wings, and the army stopped moving. Harmony closed her eyes and bowed her head. Her lips moved ever so slightly in a hum like she was praying. The wind picked up and the strangest thing happened. She lifted her head and her eyes flew open, looking like hard sapphire stones as she looked directly at him. Her face turned into one of power and determination. A brilliant white flame flew across the ground in a straight line, from her body to his. As the white flame passed through his army, they disintegrated into dust and carried away by the winds. When the white flame reached him, it engulfed his whole body, and he screamed out in agony. The white flame disappeared just as fast as it appeared. On the ground where he stood, laid his body with a black mist rising around him. Harmony kneeled with her hands on the ground. She was breathing hard and couldn’t seem to catch her breath. She looked exhausted.

  “The heap he left on the ground lifted into the air. The black mist seemed to be carrying him - cradling him. The only thing that moved was his eyes, and he glared right at Harmony, speaking in a hiss of outrage, “Your powers will be mine!” and he disappeared into thin air.

  “Everyone looked back at Harmony, but she changed. Her wings were gone, and she looked like she just fought an entire army by herself. She nodded to everyone who stood stunned at what just happened, then turned and disappeared into the woods. No one heard from either the angel or demon for many years. People stopped disappearing from Death Valley for a time, except an occasional hiker. The Angel was never seen again.

  “Many years passed. Hikers started coming up missing at an alarming rate. It was only about eighteen years ago that the demon returned. We don’t know how, but he found Harmony. He sent four of his newly formed army to collect her and spread the word of what happened.” Zach stopped talking. He looked upset and angry at the same time.

  “What, what happened Zach?” I asked with pain in my voice.

  “Harmony had a lover. They claimed one another-”

  “He was human,” I said shaking my head sadly.

  “No. He wasn’t human. He was…”

  “What!?” Katrina signed looking impatient.

  “A Vampire.”

  Katrina’s face turned to revulsion and disgust.

  I feel the same way.

  “Not all Vamps are like your little friend Katrina. Some actually do care and have a heart.” Zach looked at her sadly. “But yes, Harmony and the Vampire were lovers. His name was Kendall. They were together for many years before the Demon’s slaves found them. They were found in Arizona, deep in the red rock mountains. They had a home there, well more of a shack really, but still, their home. When the slaves found them, Kendall put up a fight but was burned alive before he could do anything. Nothing was left but ash. Harmony tried to save him, but she was too weak. She could hardly put up any type of a fight, which surprised many people because they knew what she could do.

  “Harmony was carried away easily and taken to M-a-l-v-e-n-t. It’s said she is still held captive in his world, no one really knows for sure. It was only a few days later that everyone found out why Harmony was so weak the day she was taken…”

  “Zach, would you stop stopping, it’s really annoying.” I snapped.

  “Shhh!” He snapped back quietly. “… So, Mr. Pitman wants your homework turned in when you come back to schoo
l. He said there is no rush,” Zach said sounding suddenly cheery.

  Katrina and I shared a look of confusion. What on earth–

  “Oh. Hi, Ms. Morrison,” I said surprised as she walked in the room. Now I get what Zach was doing.

  “I didn’t think you two would still be here.” Ms. Morrison smiled. She looked at all of us then at Katrina. “Great news, sweetie. They’re releasing you home tomorrow. Isn’t that great?”

  Katrina smiled, but I can see the fear in her eyes. She felt safe at the hospital where the Vamp couldn’t get to her, or at least that’s what we think. What are we going to do about him, anyway? He needs to be captured or something or next time he might actually kill Katrina.


  “Zach, what are we going to do about the Vamp situation?” I asked as he drove me home.

  “I don’t know yet, but I might have an idea. I’m going to have to go over it with my parents though. I don’t think they’re going to like it.”

  After a while of sitting in my driveway in the dark, I finally dragged the plan out of him. I had to laugh at myself because he still doesn’t understand how I do that to everyone. His plan seems solid. Now, all we had to do was wait for his parents to agree.


  Zach called me the next morning and the plans are set with his parents.

  I called Katrina at the hospital on her room phone. I knew she wouldn’t be able to talk loud enough for me to hear, so I told her to tap on the phone. One tap if she agreed and two taps if she didn’t. When I was done explaining, she tapped once.

  We’re all in agreement.

  When Zach picked me up for school, I have something I want to add to his plans tonight… me.

  “Zach, I want to be there.” I don’t have to say for what. He knows.

  “Absolutely not!” He’s suddenly angry.

  “Why not? I can help Katrina. This is going to be hard for her!” Not to mention for me to stay behind and hope Zach doesn’t get hurt, or worse. I couldn’t live with myself if that happened. The words he said before about challenging a Vamp rang in my head again:


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