Heart Racer (Heart Racer College Biker Romance Series)

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Heart Racer (Heart Racer College Biker Romance Series) Page 5

by Marian Tee

  She grimaced. “That.”

  Sensing how nervous she was, he casually took out his fake glasses from his pocket and put it on, taking his time to adjust them on his nose. When he looked back at Bobby, Leandro knew that he had been right to put on his disguise.

  She was smiling now, obviously more relaxed. “You look so different when you have glasses,” she told him.

  “Different in what way?”

  Bobby seriously mulled it over. “Well, I guess it makes you more…human? Imperfect?”

  “And that’s a good thing?”

  “It makes me less self-conscious around you,” she explained. “That’s all.” She gave him a sweet smile – something Leandro doubted Bobby would do if he didn’t have his glasses on. “I’m really sorry about this. We took in several new charges just yesterday and all of them fell sick within a few hours. The doctor told us it was chicken pox.” She let out a big sigh. “Unfortunately, we’re also understaffed right now, with one of the caregivers on leave and another down with the flu.”

  “So you need to be here just in case they need an extra hand?”

  She nodded, adding, “And to keep things calm and make them think they have a leader here.”

  He told her bluntly, “You are their leader and from what I can see, you’re doing more than well, championing this foundation’s cause.”

  She flushed with pleasure at his words. “Thank you for saying that. It’s…high praise, coming from you.” She bit her lip, wishing she could say all the other things she wanted to say to him but felt so stupidly shy to do so.

  “Shall we, umm, have dinner then?” Bobby gestured towards the mini dining room in her office. It basically served as her studio apartment since the office also had a mini kitchen and a sofa bed.

  “I’d love to.”

  He followed her to the table, taking a seat at her request. He offered to help her prepare the food but she waved the suggestion away, telling him that guests were never to be made to serve.

  She served them pasta and salad, Mediterranean style, she had told him proudly. When he took a bite, he grimaced and slowly reached for his glass of water. Someone had to tell Bobby that Mediterranean was more salty or spicy than sweet.

  “So…how did this start?”

  The question was something frequently asked of her, and Bobby was used to answering it. More than that, she actually enjoyed answering such questions, and so she happily took her time telling Leandro about Voiceless Haven, which operated as an orphanage for children with hearing impairment.

  “I was sixteen when my parents made me a part of the committee, and believe me, the older ladies didn’t want me. They did everything they could to block my membership, thinking that I’m the poster child for New Jersey Shore.”

  He said straight-faced, “I think its name is Jersey Shore.”

  Bobby smacked her forehead. “Oh yeah. I keep forgetting that. But you get what I mean, right? Well, the first day I came here and I was dressed like this, one of the board members mistook me as one of the help and got me to help the milkman carry boxes of milk into the kitchen. They were horrified when they found out what happened, but I thought it was hilarious. Five months after that, they gave me this office,” she said proudly. “I want to be really hands-on and stay as close to the kids as possible.”

  “And the kids? How do you find them?” He was genuinely interested to hear what she had to say, but more than that, he wanted to watch Bobby’s expressive face as she talked about the foundation. She was so passionate about it, and she was only eighteen years old.

  “The usual. The government sends them our way, but we’ve also put the word out of the street and because of that, we have a higher walk-in rate than usual.”

  His eyebrow raised at that. “Do you mean the children come in here on their own?”

  “The older ones, yes. And sometimes, the parents themselves bring them here. Other times, local parishes tell us about deaf children being mistreated or neglected in other orphanages and we negotiate for their release into our care.”

  “So you bribe them.”

  “Or blackmail them with bad publicity,” she said cheerfully.

  His lips curved. “I approve.”

  She laughed. “I thought you would.” She then realized she had been talking all the time and her cheeks turned red. Yikes! He must think she was such a self-centered chick. “I’m sorry for rambling,” she said, cringing.

  Leandro was bemused by the apology. “You weren’t. I liked listening to you.” At her doubtful look, he rolled his eyes and said, “Do you have to doubt everything I say?”

  “Only when you say something that’s too good to be true.”

  “You’re too cynical.”

  She quipped, “It’s because I want to be like you when I grow up.” His laugh made her stomach do somersaults, and Bobby knew she was blushing again. It was strange, the way Leandro didn’t seem to mind how snarky or outspoken she was…

  Something might have shown on her face at the memories Bobby was suddenly trying not to remember because Leandro asked, “What is it?”

  She shook her head quickly. “Nothing.”

  “You became pale all of a sudden, mégaira. It must be something.”

  “What does mégaira mean?”

  He didn’t hesitate. “Shrew.”

  A full second passed before she realized he wasn’t joking. “Jerk!” She laughingly crumpled a sheet of tissue into a ball and threw it at him.

  He caught it handily with a smile…and threw it back at her. “But you are a shrew,” he said mildly.

  She suddenly felt hot and tried not to think that it was because of the way Leandro was suddenly gazing at her. How did he do that? How could he just change the atmosphere from friendly bantering to one with sexual innuendo without anything being said? She wished she could cross her arms over her chest. She knew he was looking at her breasts, and she knew he knew she was getting excited over it. He had been the only one other than herself to see them bare, and his reaction that night had been, umm, gratifying. Like he was worshipping her because of it.

  Bobby reached for her glass of wine. “If I’m such a shrew, why are you here?”

  “Because you’re a hot shrew.”

  She sputtered her wine. “Leandro!”

  As she reached for her napkin and patted her lips dry, he said softly, “That’s the second time you’ve said my name.”

  Bobby shrugged uncomfortably. “So?”

  “You tell me.”

  “It’s just a name.” She tried to sound snarky, but she ended up sounding so blasted feminine and weak. So not like the tough chick everyone thought she was.

  His laugh was low, sexy, and mysterious. “You may deny it as much as you want, but I have a feeling I’m right in thinking you do not just call any man by his name.” When her eyes widened, Leandro knew he was spot on and he smiled in deep satisfaction. “That is good. You can only ever call me by my name, no one else.”

  Bobby pursed her lips. She had learned her lesson. She was not going to get into an argument of that nature with him again. He’d only end up kissing her.

  The pursed look on her face was beyond cute. It made Leandro want to kiss it off her lips and turn it into something else. His cock reacted at the thought and he shifted in his seat, trying to get comfortable. “Bobby,” he said huskily, leaning forward.

  “Y-yes?” She couldn’t help leaning forward, too.

  But before either of them could speak again, there was a knock on the door. “We need an extra pair of hands here! Two kids vomiting, green stuff all over the floor, and another has diarrhea, so there’s poop, too.”

  The mood abruptly changed, and Leandro and Bobby immediately broke apart. Bobby jumped to her feet, unable to meet Leandro’s gaze. “I’m really sorry about this. But I need to go and---” Hands settled on her shoulders, turning her around.

  And then he kissed her.

  She didn’t even think of struggling this time.
r />   What was the point? It was obvious to anyone that she was crazy about Leandro Christopoulos. Her hands climbed up and twined themselves around his neck as she returned his kiss, her head dizzy with the scorching-hot feelings of passion that assaulted her senses. Her body was on fire as Leandro’s hands roamed while he was kissing her, and she inadvertently let out a gasp when she felt his hands moving up to cup her breasts.

  His hands were large, but her breasts were just the tiniest bit larger, and the fact that he couldn’t completely cover them had Leandro so hard and aroused. He knew if he didn’t put a stop to this he would be fucking her then and there, and to hell with everyone waiting for her to take command.

  Leandro knew he had to let her go this very moment. It was the only way to keep himself from getting her naked and horizontal. But before he did that, he had to do one last thing, just one more taste---

  “L-Leandro?” she whispered when their kiss broke off. But not a second passed before she realized that he was making quick work of her blouse. The next thing she knew, her blouse was completely unbuttoned, parting to the sides, and he was unclipping her bra.

  “Le-aaaandroooooo…” His name turned into a moan as he plumped one breast reverently, taking the time to stare at it before he took her nipple into his mouth and started to suck. Hungrily. Like he was starving, and it was only her nipple in his mouth that was keeping him alive.

  Her head rolled back and her nails dug deep into his back. It was so good. It was too good. She wished it wouldn’t stop, and she had to bite her lip hard when he moved to her other breast and did the same, sucking and sucking until her breasts felt so heavy and swollen, her body shaking in his arms.

  Knock, knock, KNOCK!

  “I’m getting desperate here, Bobby!”

  But Leandro didn’t stop sucking on her nipple.

  Oh God.

  She had to swallow several times before she found her voice. “Umm, yes, I…I’m c-coming.” Leandro did not stop sucking, but she could feel his lips stretching…into a smirk. Jerk!

  “You sure you’re coming?”

  Leandro was laughing now. She dug her nails deeper into his back, but that only caused his shoulders to rock in silent laughter.

  “Umm, yes. Five minutes.”

  A pause.

  “Well, he sure is good if he can get you to come in five---”


  “Okay, okay, I’m coming---”


  “I mean, I’m going.”

  At the sound of receding footsteps, Leandro asked wickedly, “Are you, mégaira? Are you about to come?”

  “Shut up.”

  He kissed her hard and after, he bent down to squeeze her breasts and kiss her nipples tenderly, one by one, before getting her clothes in order. Bobby tried not to let her disappointment show as she found herself fully covered in a matter of seconds.

  Leandro tipped her chin up. “Next time, we do this at my place.”

  The finality of his words terrified her, and Bobby felt like he was asking – no, commanding – her to jump off a cliff and trust him to catch her. “I’m, umm…”

  He kissed her again, more passionately this time, his tongue boldly pushing in, reminding her of the taste that she could not get enough of.

  When he lifted his head to gaze down at her, a hard expression had settled on his gorgeous Greek face. “You can try to escape me, but it won’t work. I want you and I know you want me.” He murmured something in Greek, and seeing her frown, Leandro said simply, “You belong in my bed. It is your fate.”

  Chapter Ten

  Two days later, Bobby stood outside her dorm, trying not to be anxious as she waited for Leandro. She had many reasons to be nervous, but she was doing her best to ignore all of them. A small nagging part of Bobby still doubted Leandro, thinking he was too good to be true. She had already been a victim of a guy’s cruel play with her feelings once. Was she setting herself up for the same pain again?

  And then there was her clothes. When Leandro had said he’d be taking her out to meet the other members of his biker club, she had impulsively gone shopping. She was wearing a leather bolero, tight-fitting top, and a new pair of jeans. She had drawn the line on wearing killer heels – that one would just have Bobby end up crippled – but she did buy new flats, too. Everything else in her closet looked like they had been around since ancient times.

  An expensive-looking car slowed down in front of her. Bobby held her breath when the window rolled down – and expelled it again as she schooled her face into a blank expression. It was not Leandro. It was Blaine and Valerie.

  “Off to a hot date?” Valerie jeered. “Maybe you managed to book a dirty old man for tonight’s gig?”

  She said evenly, “Good evening to you, too, Valerie. There’s a new 7-11 straight ahead by the way.”

  “What the hell am I going to do at 7-11?”

  “Buy soap to wash your mouth? Your mother wouldn’t be happy if she learned how dirty it is.”

  Bobby counted three full seconds before the insult registered.

  “Babe, this bitch is saying you’ve got a dirty mouth.” Blaine rolled his eyes. “Just shows what a fucking bore she is. I love your dirty mouth.”

  “Shut up, Blaine,” Valerie snapped without looking at her boyfriend. She was too busy glaring at Bobby with undisguised loathing.

  Seeing that, Bobby asked seriously, “Can’t you guys just move on?” Sometimes, it seemed to her that Valerie had woken up one day wanting to hate on another person, and she had randomly chosen Bobby, who wasn’t even in the same school as her.

  “This isn’t high school anymore, Valerie. We’re already in college, for heaven’s sake---”

  “It doesn’t matter where we are. It doesn’t matter when. I’ll always hate you---”

  “And that’s what I don’t get,” Bobby interrupted her quietly. “You already had Blaine make me think he was in love with me and then dump me on the day of prom. What else do you want?”

  “That you realize you’re never meant to fall in love,” Valerie snarled.

  The other girl unlocked the door and threw her door open, forcing Bobby to jump back before she was thrown to the sidewalk. Valerie pointed one furious finger at her. “You never learn, do you? No guy will ever like you. You like being thought of as one of the boys, don’t you? Well, you are that – a boy! So if you think new clothes will turn you into a girl, it’s not going to happen. It just makes you some queer in drag---”

  Bobby couldn’t even work up the smallest amount of anger at the other girl’s words. “Even if it does make me a member of the LGBT community, what is it to you?”

  Her reasonable question only seemed to piss Valerie off even more.

  Valerie’s hand snaked out, clearly intending to scratch Bobby’s eyes out.

  Bobby gasped, too shocked to even think of hitting back. She raised her arms to cover her face, but nothing happened.

  When she opened her eyes, all she could see was a man’s lean hard back.


  She could feel the tension vibrating from him as he said coldly, “You don’t get to be within a ten mile radius of Bobby from now on. If you do, I’m going to get you expelled from this school and nothing in this world can take that out of your record. The moment you try to hurt her again, you’ll ruin your life forever. Do you understand?” His voice was thickly accented, his every word spit out in rigid syllables like it was all he could do not to fly into a rage.

  “Leandro---” Bobby tried to move, but Leandro suddenly held her hand from behind. Stay.

  And so she was forced to stay behind him. She tiptoed but couldn’t see much, and she ended up making a little jump to see what was happening. Blaine was also out of the car holding a thrashing Valerie, who was still keen to get to her.

  “Let me get to her,” Valerie screamed.

  It was hard to jump when Leandro was still keeping her imprisoned with his grip, but Bobby managed to catch a glimpse of V
alerie’s face and it was not…nice. If she was not trying to be nice herself, Bobby would have to say that Valerie had gone crazy because that was how she looked.

  “Why are you protecting her?” Valerie demanded. “You dumped her already---”

  Color stained Leandro’s cheeks at the barb. “I did not dump her, but I do not owe you – or anyone else – any other explanation. Only Bobby knows the truth---”

  Valerie laughed unpleasantly. “Oh, that’s rich,” she said in a singsong voice, “You’re being played again, Booooobby. Can’t you see? He’s explaining it to you, just you, because he’s got your number. Pretty boys can get you to swallow anything---”

  “That’s enough.” Leandro took out his phone. “I’m calling school security and reporting you for causing a disturbance. If you don’t leave in five minutes, you will be cited for a major disciplinary offense.”

  “Go ahead,” Valerie screamed. “She’s already ruined my life!”

  “I didn’t ruin your life,” Bobby protested, now even more confused and feeling more than a little pity for the other girl. Why had she failed to notice how unbalanced Valerie was?

  “I barely even know you---”

  “I will never forgive you for stealing him away from me!”

  Bobby gave up trying to understand Valerie. She had clearly lost it. That was the only explanation since she had no idea what the other girl was talking about. How could Bobby have stolen Blaine when he had always been on Valerie’s side?

  Leandro looked contemptuously at Blaine, who was pathetic in his attempt to control the crazy bitch in his hands. “You will be part of the report if you don’t get her out of here.”

  Blaine blanched at the threat. “Shit, babe, we need to leave---”

  “No! I want to teach that bitch a lesson! She needs to know that she’s never going to be happy! She doesn’t deserve to be happy! She took my love away from me. That’s why I taught her to love you, so you could leave her and make her feel my pain.”

  Blaine managed to get Valerie into the car. He slammed the door shut and pressed the button to automatically lock it.

  Valerie rocked the car, trying to get the door open and when it didn’t, she let out a scream of thwarted rage. “You’ll soon find out that he doesn’t really want you! No one will ever want you! He’s playing you for a fool! You’ll see!”


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