Mafia Boss's Fearless Lover (The Karzhov Crime Family series Book 1)

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Mafia Boss's Fearless Lover (The Karzhov Crime Family series Book 1) Page 2

by Leslie North

  Kat stashed the money into the lockbox Mickey had given her. According to him, while there might be honor among thieves, strippers were a breed of their own and just when you thought you could trust them, they’d steal you blind and leave you to rot in the gutter.

  She reached for her robe, intending to cover herself up before entering the bar, but Mickey stopped her, “You won’t need that.”

  “Yes, I will. I told you during my interview, I dance. That’s it. I don’t serve drinks and I don’t perform more personal services.”

  I dance…Kat thought her parents would probably roll over in their graves if they could see how she was putting years of ballet lessons to use.

  Mickey tried to stare her down, but Kat didn’t blink. He shrugged his shoulders, “Whatever. Come on, you can’t keep someone as important as Nikolai waiting!”

  Kat slipped on the robe and tied the sash as she followed Mickey back out into the bar. He led her straight to the guarded booth, murmured, “Be real nice, now,” and then left.

  Kat turned to the two bodyguards eyeing her up and down. “Mr. Nikolai asked to see me?”

  They parted in unison, revealing the booth’s only occupant with a broad smile upon his face. “I’m so glad you could join me. Please, have a seat.”

  Kat smiled nervously. The magnetism she felt from this man left her feeling like a silly schoolgirl.

  “So, Mickey tells me your name is Kat Miller,” Nikolai commented, signaling for one of the bodyguards to call a waitress.

  “It’s actually Katya,” she informed him in a soft voice.

  “Katya. A nice Russian name. Are your parents Russian?”

  “Were. They died a couple months ago.”

  Before Nikolai could respond the waitress arrived. He ignored the server’s flirtatious smile and asked Kat, “What will you have?”

  “Water please, with lemon.” Kat felt the angry vibes flowing off the waitress and avoided making eye contact.

  Nikolai smiled, “How about some white wine instead?”

  Kat shook her head, “I don’t drink.”

  “At all?”

  “I really don’t like the way it makes me feel. And frankly, why would I do something that I know ahead of time is going to have me throwing up and hugging the toilet in the morning?”

  Her expression of distaste made Nikolai laugh and had him thinking of ways to corrupt the little innocent sitting next to him. She had played the vixen on the stage quite convincingly but seeing her blushing like a young girl made it very apparent to him that Kat desperately needed lessons in how to be bad and he would be her willing teacher.

  “Well, you heard the lady,” Nikolai told the waitress, “Water with lemon.”

  “Yes, sir. And what will you have?” the server asked with a sultry glance, moving close enough to touch him.

  Kat watched as the waitress blatantly flirted with Nikolai, wondering how she could do that with her sitting right there. She couldn’t remember the waitress’s name, but decided that the woman was not to be trusted. At. All.

  “Vodka on the rocks. My private stock. Bring two glasses of ice and the bottle.”

  “Yes, sir,” the waitress said, glaring at Kat jealously as she left. The guards closed ranks once again, enclosing Kat and Nikolai in their private setting. They sat in silence, Nikolai’s gaze making Kat feel as if he could see inside her soul. She wondered how much power he had, and if he was part of the same organization as Danil.

  After the waitress brought their drinks, Nikolai leaned toward Kat. “Tell me about yourself.”

  Kat felt his husky voice wash over her and became slightly alarmed at the shivers that raced down her spine, landing at her core. She reached for her ice water, took several sips, and then set the glass down. Meeting his eyes, she softly asked, “What do you want to know?”


  Nikolai poured two shots of the ice-cold vodka. It had been a long time since a female had grabbed his attention in such a way, and he was intrigued by the complexity she presented. Vixen or angel? Maybe both.

  He slid the shot glass over to her. “Drink!”

  Kat shook her head. “I told you, I don’t drink.”

  Nikolai tossed his drink back and asked, “You were serious?”

  “Of course. Why would I lie about something like that?”

  Nikolai watched her and then asked, “So, when did you start dancing?”

  Kat nodded towards the stage. “You mean that kind of dancing?”


  Kat chewed on her bottom lip wondering if her conversation would get back to Mickey or not.

  “Is it such a big secret, then?” Nikolai asked, seeing the indecision on her face.

  “Well, I wouldn’t want to say anything that would get me into trouble with the manager.”

  “Mickey?” He smiled and leaned closer, “Now I am intrigued. Spill it.”

  Kat chuckled. “Well, I might have told a little white lie to get him to give me a live audition.”

  Nikolai smiled. “Was what I just observed your audition?”

  Kat blushed. “Yes.”

  Nikolai stared at her, wondering how long it had been since he’d spent time with a woman who still had the ability to blush. He leaned closer still, “What did you tell Mickey? I promise not to rat you out.”

  Kat leaned in so their heads were only a few inches apart, “I told him I had several years experience as an exotic dancer back in Missouri.”

  “You don’t?”

  “No. Not even one time. I’m a classical ballet dancer.”

  Nikolai’s eyes widened and then he sat back and laughed. She loved how the corners of his eyes crinkled when he laughed.

  “That is good.” Nikolai just knew there was a story here and wanted to hear it all, from her lips. His eyes drifted down to her lush mouth, her bottom lip just a bit fuller than the top. Kissable lips. Lips that would look great…

  “Okay, what is a classical ballet dancer doing dancing in a strip club?”

  “Why does any girl strip? Money, of course,” Kat tried to tell the lie without flinching, and hoped she’d pulled it off.

  Before Nikolai could comment, Mickey came to their table. “Kat, are you ready to go on again?”

  Kat looked up at him in dismay. God, I can’t do that again! Not tonight!

  Nikolai saw the panic on her beautiful face and came to her rescue. “She will not be performing again this evening. She has just agreed to have dinner with me.”

  Kat looked at him, stunned. Mickey seemed thrilled and rubbed his hands together with a smile. “Excellent! Then Kat, I bid you a goodnight. Do not forget to empty out your lockbox and turn it in before you leave. I’ll see you at two o’clock tomorrow.”

  Kat nodded her head, “Okay…”

  The thought of other men seeing her displayed like a whore had Nikolai clenching his fists in a surge of jealousy but his face remained neutral.

  After Mickey left Nikolai tossed back the contents of his glass, watching as Kat took a small sip of her water and tried to see beyond his bodyguards. It was obvious to Nik from the tension in her body that she was walking a very thin line at the moment.

  Why would she apply for a job at a strip club if she can’t stand to be in one?

  Chapter 5

  The sound of glasses crashing to the floor echoed through the bar causing Katya to flinch and catch her breath.

  Nikolai stood up and held out his hand to her, “Come.” He pulled her from the booth. “I assume you have other clothing backstage?”

  The short robe she had donned after her performance barely touched the top of her thighs and was diaphanous to the point of being almost completely see-through. While he was thoroughly enjoying the sight, some part of him recognized she was unused to dressing in such a way and would be horribly embarrassed to be seen leaving dressed like this.

  Kat nodded, casually glancing around the bar, hoping Danil might have arrived while she was speaking with Nikolai
. She needed to find Danil!

  Nikolai watched her scan the bar, definitely searching for someone, but whom? She’d just arrived from the Midwest according to her own words, and she knew no one in the city. Or did she? Not liking to be played the fool, he took her arm and then tipped her head back to his own.

  “Who are you searching for?”

  He was 6’4” so Kat had to tip her head almost all the way back in order to meet his eyes. She did some fast thinking before she replied, “No one. Really. I was just trying to see if the same guys were here, or if different men came in here throughout the night.”

  Nikolai knew she was lying, but decided to save further questioning for later. When he had her alone and could call her on it.

  “Go change and then meet me out front.”

  “Okay, but you know you don’t really have to take me to dinner. I know you only offered because of my reaction when Mickey asked me to dance again.”

  “Oh, you think you can read my mind after only knowing me for what,” he glanced at his expensive watch, “fifteen minutes?”

  “No, but isn’t that why you offered?”

  His smirk let her know he was teasing her. “Yes, but I was going to convince you to join me for dinner anyway. Mickey just took away the asking part.”

  Kat shook her head at his logic. It was clear that it never entered his mind that she might have declined his dinner invitation. “You’re pretty confident, aren’t you?”

  “Am I wrong?”

  Kat sighed, “Probably not, but know we’ll never know. Will we?”

  She knew she was playing with fire teasing him, but she couldn’t help it. The attraction she felt for him was something new. Her last boyfriend had been more on the friend with benefits scale. Sexual attraction to Jimmy hadn’t been anything special, more like a mutual way to relieve stress after a long grueling practice session or stellar performance.

  She’d never known such overwhelming desire upon meeting someone before. Up to now rather than put herself out there for some real human experimentation she had contented herself with reading books and fantasizing about romance and sex. Not to say she didn’t have any experience, but on a scale of one to ten, most of her physical encounters in the past would rate no higher than a four.

  Something told her that getting involved with Nikolai would be off the charts. She gave him a small smile and then headed to the backstage area. The other women were all out, either working the lounge area or the more private backroom. Kat removed the see-through bra along with the G-string and put on her own underwear, wondering how women could willingly wear such skimpy underwear and be comfortable. Going commando would be more comfortable than what she’d just taken off. She quickly donned her street clothes: worn jeans that hugged her body and lean legs perfectly, brown leather ankle boots, and a black jersey-knit off the shoulder sweatshirt that bared her pale skin beneath.

  Normally she would have worn a leotard beneath the top, but that was for another time and place. The bra situation wasn’t to be, as she hadn’t worn one to the bar this afternoon. She adjusted the top several times, trying to hide the fact that her nipples were hard after having spent the last fifteen minutes in the presence of Nikolai. She was turned on, and without the benefit of a bra, anyone willing to look would be able to see that fact. Knowing there was nothing to be done about it she fluffed her hair up, wiped off the garish makeup and lip gloss, and then retrieved her tip money.

  Tucking the bills into her back pocket, she grabbed her sling backpack and the lockbox and then headed for the front door. She could see Nikolai talking with his bodyguards as she approached. After she handed the lockbox to the bouncer, he reached out and took her hand, pulling her out into the night.

  While they waited for his limo to be brought around, he spoke to one of his bodyguards in Russian, instructing him to wait for Danil to show up and bring the ledgers back to his penthouse.

  Kat listened, trying not to let on that she could understand him, but she couldn’t help but look at him when he mentioned Danil’s name.

  Nikolai felt her focus change when he mentioned his brigadier and wondered if she by chance knew how to speak Russian. Thinking he’d need to test his theory out later, he told his bodyguard he’d talk to him in the morning and then addressed Kat. “Come, dinner waits.”

  He helped her into the limo, instructing his driver to take them straight to his penthouse. He also instructed the driver to call ahead and have dinner waiting for them. Replacing the handset, he raised the dividing pane, cloaking the back of the limo in soft blue light and securing their privacy.

  “So, Katya, what brought a girl from the Midwest to Sin City?” Nikolai settled back against the plush leather interior and watched her fidget for a moment.

  Kat took a breath and decided she needed to stick as close to the truth as possible. She was a horrible liar. Always had been, always would be. “After my parents’ deaths, I found some papers that indicated I might not be as alone in this world as I’d originally thought. I did a little research and it led me here.”

  “So, you are looking for someone?” Nikolai asked, remembering how she had searched the bar as they exited his private booth.

  “Kind of. I don’t think this person even knows I exist, to be honest. It seems my parents had some sort of a falling out with my mom’s side of the family.”

  “What about your father’s family?” He watched as the skin around her eyes tightened – in fear, or in anger. He couldn’t read her yet, but he would be able to. Soon.

  “I…,” Kat paused, not giving voice to the hatred that burned in her gut at the mention of her father’s family, who killed one another to hide their dirty secrets.

  “Yes?” Nikolai prompted.

  “I can’t contact them at this time.” She looked out the window as the luxurious vehicle came to a stop outside one of Las Vegas’ newest hotel casino properties. Looking back at Nikolai, she asked, “What are we doing here?”

  “This is where I live.”

  She looked up at the building, craning her neck to look out the window, and still she was unable to see the roof. She turned back around to see Nikolai smiling at her in a way that had her questioning what he might be thinking.

  As Nikolai ushered Kat into the elegant lobby, he told her, “Dinner should be waiting for us.” he told her as he. He waved his hand in greeting to the uniformed employees who stood ready to serve and spoke briefly to several of them. When he led her to a private elevator and inserted a keycard, she raised her eyebrows, wondering about the man by her side.

  The name Tsarsko had not surfaced on any of her Internet searches. But unfortunately information on the American-based Russian Bratva’s organizational structure and leadership was elusive. There were many different branches operating within the United States, many of them rogue groups that had no significant ties to the others.

  As the elevator came to a stop, she waited for the doors to open and when they didn’t, she glanced over at her companion to see him lounging against the wall of the elevator car, watching her like a wolf watches a rabbit before it pounces.

  She stared back at him for a moment then dropped her eyes, unable to hold his stare.

  Nikolai smiled at her nervousness. He had heard the catch in her breath the first time their eyes had met, and the attraction he felt for her had only strengthened over the last hour in her presence.

  He approached her, noticing with a small smile how she backed up until she was plastered against the mirrored wall behind her. He lifted one hand, placing it on the mirrored surface next to her ear and then leaned down so that he could whisper in her opposite ear, “Are you hungry?”

  Kat swallowed and tried to look him in the eye, but it was hard to maintain with him so close to her. She could feel the heat pouring off his chest, and the smell of his cologne was intoxicating. She felt her knees start to soften. She’d never had such a reaction to a man before and was at a loss how to handle it.

  She swallowed
again, her mouth dry. “I could eat.”

  Nikolai let his free hand pick up a strand of her hair as it lay over her shoulder, curling softly over the top of her breast. He let the silky strands flow through his fingers, rubbing it between his thumb and forefinger before leaning close so that his breath just brushed her ear, “Me, too. I’ve been hungry since I watched you dance. Shall I tell you what I’m hungry for?”

  Kat closed her eyes as his words brushed over her senses. She was in deep trouble and felt her resolve weakening.

  Have a little fun, you’re due! You can always pick up the hunt for your uncle in the morning. You’ve never had an opportunity like this. Who knows, reality could be much better than books…

  Kat couldn’t stop the groan that escaped her lips as he nuzzled the skin just beneath her ear, causing shivers to consume her entire body and her breath to hitch as she struggled to maintain her composure. “I thought we were going to eat food.”

  Nikolai inhaled her sweet scent, a combination of shampoo and vanilla. She smelled good enough to eat. “Food can figure into the equation.”

  Kat lightly pushed against his chest, moving him back far enough she could see his eyes, “Why did you bring me here?”

  Nikolai met her eyes and then asked her, with a raised brow, “Do you really need me to spell it out?” His free hand was now caressing her collarbone, slowly inching its way down her chest.

  “I think you’d better. I wouldn’t want to assume the wrong thing.”

  Nikolai grinned. “How about we step out of this elevator and see what the kitchen sent up. While we eat, I’ll be happy to describe in detail everything else.”

  Kat knew he was giving her a small reprieve, and possibly himself a chance to regain his control. “That works for me.”

  “Good.” Nikolai kissed the top of her nose and then stepped away, pressing a button to open the elevator doors.

  Nikolai led her from the elevator and into a stunning room done in whites and blacks, with bold splashes of bright colors thrown in here and there. While he went to check out the contents of the serving cart, the wall of windows drew Kat towards them.


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