Adele the Voice Fairy

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Adele the Voice Fairy Page 2

by Daisy Meadows

  Frowning, Rachel and Kirsty looked at each other, wondering what to do.

  “Stand next to the piano while I play, and sing the song straight through,” Alto told Gobby.

  “All right,” Gobby agreed. “Can I have a brand-new outfit for the show?”

  “With a voice like that, you can wear whatever you want!” Alto told him.

  As Gobby began to sing, Rachel pulled Kirsty aside a little.

  “What Gobby just said gave me an idea,” Rachel whispered. “But we need to get out of here quickly, because we’ll need Adele’s magic to help us.”

  Quietly, the girls slipped out of the tent and then hurried around to the back of it, out of everyone’s sight. There, Rachel opened her backpack and Adele fluttered out.

  “I heard everything you said, girls,” Adele cried. “Gobby the goblin has my clef, and that’s why he has such an amazing singing voice!”

  “I have an idea about how to get your clef back, Adele,” Rachel told her. “Can you change me and Kirsty into fairies?”

  “No sooner said than done!” Adele replied. With one wave of her wand, a puff of rainbow-colored fairy dust transformed the girls into fairies with glittery wings as beautiful as Adele’s.

  “We have to find A-OK’s trailer,” Rachel said as the girls zoomed up into the air.

  “It’s probably pretty close to the rehearsal tent,” Kirsty suggested. The three of them flew higher into the sky so that they wouldn’t be spotted by the people below, and then began circling the backstage area. Soon, they spotted a large gold trailer with A-OK written in black glitter on the door.

  Adele pointed her wand at the door, and a stream of fairy sparkles unlocked it. The door opened just enough so that Adele and the girls could slip inside.

  The trailer was very long, with a bathroom and a seating area at one end. At the other end, each A-OK member had his own dressing room. In each one there was a big mirror surrounded by lights, and a glittery sign with the band member’s name on it. Their stage costumes were hanging on hooks.

  “Gobby will want his own dressing room,” Rachel said with a grin. “Adele, could you make one for him?”

  Adele nodded. There was a space between Amir’s and Jeff’s dressing rooms that had piles of spare clothes stacked in it. Adele briskly waved her wand, and the clothes lifted up into the air and neatly hung themselves on an empty clothes rack that was out of the way. More of Adele’s magic created a dressing room for Gobby with his name written in sparkling green letters above the mirror.

  “Gobby needs a stage costume,” said Rachel. “I guess it will have to be green, or he won’t like it! Any ideas, Kirsty?”

  “How about some green sneakers with bolts of white on the sides?” suggested Kirsty.

  Adele nodded and conjured up a pair of emerald-green sneakers with dazzling white lightning bolts.

  “Maybe he’d like some dark green jeans,” said Rachel. “Oh, and a belt with a G-shaped gold buckle?”

  Adele flicked her wand and the jeans and belt joined the sneakers in Gobby’s dressing room. The girls then added a green and purple hoodie and a matching baseball hat.

  “And now for the most important thing of all,” said Rachel. “Adele, we need a clef necklace, exactly like yours.”

  “But without the magical powers, obviously!” Adele said, her eyes twinkling. A mist of fairy glitter swirled briefly around in the air. Then the necklace appeared, hanging on one of the hooks.

  Rachel smiled. “We have everything we need except Gobby!” she declared. “Let’s go and find him.”

  The three friends flew out of the trailer, and Adele locked the door again with her magic. They headed for the A-OK rehearsal tent, but on the way there they heard shouts and cheers coming from over by the stages.

  “What’s that noise?” asked Rachel, hovering in midair.

  “Look at that little stage over there,” Kirsty said. “There’s a crowd of fans around the A-OK boys — and Gobby’s with them!”

  Staying high up in the air so that no one could see them, Adele, Rachel, and Kirsty flew over to the stage. It was surrounded by life-size cutouts of the four boys, posters of the band, and booths selling A-OK T-shirts, CDs, and programs. Rio, Finn, Jeff, and Amir were signing autographs and chatting with the fans who were crowding around the stage — and so was Gobby! Rachel, Adele, and Kirsty could see that the goblin was enjoying every moment, posing for photos and scribbling his name in autograph books.

  “Gobby, it’s great that you joined A-OK!” called a girl from the crowd. “But are you feeling nervous about the concert later? You look a little green!”

  “Um — I’m so excited about being in A-OK, I feel sick!” Gobby replied. “But I’m sure I’ll be all right when I get onstage later.”

  “Can the band sing something for us right now?” another fan shouted eagerly. There were cheers of delight at this suggestion.

  “You’ll have to wait for the concert, folks,” Alto told the crowd of fans. “The boys need to rest their voices now.”

  The fans looked disappointed, but they continued clamoring for autographs, shouting questions at the band, and snapping pictures with their cell phones. They all wanted photos of the band’s newest member, Gobby.

  “Gobby’s loving all the attention!” Adele whispered to Kirsty and Rachel. “How on earth are we going to get him away from all his new fans?”

  “I have an idea!” replied Kirsty. “Listen, this is what we’ll do. . . .”

  Adele, Rachel, and Kirsty flew to hide behind one of the T-shirt booths. There, out of sight, Adele’s magic returned the girls to their human size. Then Adele hid herself in Rachel’s backpack, and the two girls hurried out to join the crowd of fans around A-OK.

  “Hi, Gobby!” Kirsty called, smiling up at him. “We saw you earlier today, remember?”

  “We didn’t realize you were such a big star!” Rachel added. She waved her autograph book in the air. “Can we please have your autograph?”

  “Of course!” Gobby agreed graciously, holding out his hand.

  “And will you please sing something for us?” Kirsty added, giving him her autograph book.

  Gobby shot an anxious glance at Alto Adams on the other side of the stage.

  “I’m not supposed to sing anything until the concert,” he muttered as he scrawled his name in the book.

  “Oh, please?” Rachel pleaded.

  “You have such a wonderful voice!” Kirsty added.

  Looking very pleased with himself, Gobby cleared his throat and sang softly:

  “I’d climb the highest mountain,

  Just to be with you,

  I’d swim the deepest river,

  Just to be with you. . . .”

  But Gobby didn’t look quite as pleased when Rachel and Kirsty instantly clapped their hands over their ears. The girls had horrified expressions on their faces.

  “Is there something wrong with your voice, Gobby?” Rachel asked with a frown.

  Gobby stared at her in disbelief. “No!” he snapped. “Why?”

  “Because you sound awful!” Kirsty told him. It wasn’t true at all. Gobby’s voice was still beautiful, but Kirsty had a plan.

  “No, I don’t!” Gobby gasped. He fumbled at the neck of his hoodie, feeling for the magic clef as if to make sure it was still there. “My singing is amazing!”

  Rachel and Kirsty shrugged and glanced at each other.

  “Maybe you’re just feeling a little nervous about the concert later,” Kirsty suggested.

  “Yes, you need to relax a little,” Rachel added. “I bet you have a fabulous costume all ready for you in the A-OK trailer. That’ll make you feel like a real star!”

  Gobby cheered up instantly and nodded. “Yes, maybe I should go and check it out,” he said thoughtfully.

nbsp; “We’ll come with you,” said Kirsty, winking at Rachel. “We know where the trailer is. We saw it earlier today.”

  Gobby slipped off the stage and hurried away without Alto Adams or the other boys noticing. The girls went with him, leading the way to the trailer. Then Rachel and Kirsty saw a very faint cloud of shimmering fairy dust. Adele peeked out of Rachel’s backpack and used her magic to unlock the door again!

  “Oh!” Gobby gasped with delight as he climbed into the trailer and saw the dressing rooms. “Look, it says GOBBY over there on that glittery sign!”

  “There are your new clothes for the concert, hanging on those hooks,” Kirsty said, pointing.

  Gobby smiled from ear to ear and rushed over to look at his outfit more closely. He seemed thrilled with the jeans and hoodie and the gold belt with the G buckle. But then Gobby noticed the copy of the clef necklace hanging on one of the hooks. Rachel and Kirsty saw him frown and begin to sing softly:

  “I’d climb the highest mountain,

  Just to be with you,

  I’d swim the deepest river,

  Just to be with you. . . .”

  Gobby seemed to be making sure that the magic of the clef necklace he was wearing was still working. Rachel and Kirsty immediately groaned loudly and shook their heads in despair.

  “What’s the matter?” Gobby demanded angrily.

  “Your voice sounds awful, Gobby!” Rachel exclaimed. “I hate to tell you this, but your singing is really bad!”

  Gobby looked very angry. Meanwhile, Kirsty picked up the fake necklace and slipped it over her head.

  “That necklace makes you look like a superstar, Kirsty!” Rachel exclaimed admiringly. “Why don’t you try singing a song?”

  “OK!” Kirsty said with a grin. She began to sing:

  “When I’m with you I feel so glad,

  The truest friend I ever had,

  I know we two will never part,

  And that’s the real key to my heart!”

  Kirsty knew she sounded terrible, but Rachel cheered and clapped loudly.

  “I never realized you had such a great singing voice, Kirsty!” Rachel declared.

  Gobby was looking very confused.

  “I think the other goblins have been playing a trick on me,” he murmured to himself.

  Then he pointed at Kirsty. “I want that necklace!” Gobby announced. “This one I’m wearing doesn’t work anymore!”

  “Are you sure, Gobby?” Kirsty asked innocently.

  “Yes, I’m sure!” Gobby snapped. He pulled off Adele’s necklace and threw it to the floor. Instantly, Adele zoomed out of Rachel’s backpack. Swooping down, she caught the necklace before it hit the ground. It immediately shrank to its fairy size.

  Gobby gave a shout of rage. “It’s a fairy trick!” he yelled, stomping his foot. He barged out of the trailer, almost knocking over the A-OK boys as they came through the door. Jeff, Amir, Finn, and Rio looked very surprised! Adele quickly flew to hide inside Rachel’s backpack again, clutching her magic musical clef and beaming happily.

  “What’s the matter with Gobby?” asked Amir.

  “He brought us here to see his costume,” Kirsty replied. “But it looks like he’s changed his mind and he doesn’t want to be in the band after all!”

  “That’s too bad,” said Finn. “But we were practicing our songs on the way over here, and just as we reached the trailer, our singing voices came back!”

  “It was like magic!” Jeff added. Rachel and Kirsty laughed. The A-OK boys had no idea just how right they were!

  The concert took place later that afternoon. Rachel and Kirsty were lucky enough to get places right at the front of the stage, and they danced and sang along to all of A-OK’s songs with the rest of the crowd. Adele joined in, too, still hidden inside Rachel’s backpack. Because she was nearby, there was just enough magic around to ensure that the concert was a success!

  As A-OK finished with one of their well-known hit songs, accompanied by a spectacular dance routine, Rachel and Kirsty clapped and cheered until their hands were sore and their throats were hoarse.

  The A-OK boys took a bow and then bounded off the stage. Rachel and Kirsty moved away from the crowd, and then Adele popped up out of Rachel’s backpack.

  “Wasn’t it a great concert, Adele?” asked Rachel with a grin. “Thanks to your magic!”

  Adele smiled, too, touching the clef that hung around her neck. “It was wonderful,” she replied. “But we need to find all the magical clefs to bring harmony back to superstars everywhere!”

  “We’ll keep looking, Adele,” Kirsty assured her.

  “Thank you!” Adele called. Then, with a flick of her wand and a friendly wave, she was whisked off to Fairyland.

  “Five more magical clefs to go!” Rachel remarked, as she and Kirsty made their way back to the Walkers’ tent. “Do you think we’ll find another one today, Kirsty?”

  “I hope so!” Kirsty replied.

  Adele has her magic clef back. Now Kirsty and Rachel need to help


  the Choreography Fairy!

  Join their next adventure in this special sneak peek. . . .

  “Hooray!” cheered Rachel Walker, as she and her best friend, Kirsty Tate, walked along Rainspell Beach. “The sun is shining, we’re on vacation together, and we’re at the Rainspell Island Music Festival.”

  “It’s been wonderful so far, hasn’t it?” Kirsty agreed with a smile.

  It was certainly turning out to be a day the girls would never forget. First, they’d seen their favorite band, The Angels, open the show. Next to perform was the boy band A-OK, who had wowed the crowd with their melodic harmonies. And best of all, Kirsty and Rachel had found themselves caught up in an exciting new fairy adventure, this time with the Superstar Fairies!

  “Hi, girls,” chorused three familiar voices.

  Rachel and Kirsty turned to see Lexy, Serena, and Emilia — also known as The Angels.

  “Hi,” said Kirsty. She and Rachel had met the band a while ago, when they’d helped Destiny the Rock Star Fairy. Now they were friends. The girls in the band had even given them backstage passes to the festival! Being friends with pop stars was almost as much fun as being friends with the fairies!

  “Did you see A-OK? Weren’t they fabulous?” said Lexy.

  “I didn’t know they were such great performers,” said Emilia, kicking off her sandals and wiggling her bare toes in the golden sand. “Those boys rocked!”

  “I can’t wait to see Sasha Sharp tonight,” Rachel added. “She’s such a good dancer.”

  “Sasha’s amazing,” Serena agreed. “Have you seen the video for her new song, ‘Let’s Dance’? She does such a cool routine. How does it go again?”

  The Angels started singing Sasha’s latest hit, and they all tried to remember the dance moves. . . .

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  e-ISBN 978-0-545-52056-0

  Copyright © 2012 by Rainbow Magic Limited.

  Previously published as Pop Star Fairies #2: Adele the Singing Coach Fairy by Orchard U.K. in 2012.

  All rights reserved. Published by Scholastic Inc., 557 Broadway, New York, NY 10012, by arrangement with Rainbow Magic Limited.

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  First Scholastic printing, March 2013




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