Smoke and Mistletoe (Best Wishes Book 3)

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Smoke and Mistletoe (Best Wishes Book 3) Page 1

by A. J. Macey

  Smoke and Mistletoe

  Book 3 of the Best Wishes Series

  A.J. Macey


  What do you do when your life finally calms? Celebrate...

  Over the last few months, life at Redwood Supernatural University has been busy, overwhelming, and sometimes downright terrifying, but it’s finally winter break. With two and a half weeks of down time, I'll get the time I've desperately wanted to just hang out with friends, family, and my boyfriends. After everything we've been through this semester, don't we deserve a little time to relax?

  When the guys come to my hometown, I'm surrounded by gifts, love, and all the embarrassing mother/boyfriend bonding that I never knew I needed. And, if I'm being honest, the hot chocolate isn't the only thing getting steamy. But my mom doesn't need to know about that part.

  Unfortunately, winter break isn’t all mistletoe, magic, and mini marshmallows. As if being kidnapped by my crazy ex-boyfriend and getting stuck as genie-smoke wasn’t bad enough, now I’m finding out that there’s a lot more to my supe identity than I’d ever imagined. At least I have six guys to help me navigate the craziness that is being home for the holidays.

  I got this...I think.


  Book 3 of the Best Wishes Series is a holiday ‘novella’ but is essential to the storyline and must be read between book 2 (Smoke and Survival) and book 4 (Smoke and Betrayal).

  The Best Wishes Series is a seven book WhyChoose/Reverse Harem saga featuring MMFMMMM meaning there is M/M content, and the female main character doesn't have to choose between her love interests.

  This book contains references involving PTSD, sexual assault recollections, domestic violence, and other themes that some readers may find triggering.


  Smoke and Mistletoe

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12


  Smoke and Betrayal

  Special Thanks


  About the Author

  Also by A.J. Macey

  Copyright © 2019 by A.J. Macey

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof

  may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Cover: JodieLocks Designs

  Editing: Ms. Correct All’s Editing and Proofreading Services

  Formatting: Inked Imagination Author Services

  Dedicated to:

  My daughter, Evelyn Rose.

  The world is waiting for you.

  Smoke and Mistletoe

  Book 3 of the Best Wishes Series

  By A.J. Macey


  December 19th

  Wednesday Afternoon


  "I'll see you later, boo!" Char shouted as I started toward my childhood home, the clicking of the luggage wheels steady on the cement as I walked to the front door. I waved over my shoulder as well as I could with my sore body. Even a week later, the stress from being strung up radiated through my body, especially my delicate joints. Dr. Ingress and Dr. Tanner had both been impressed that my rotator cuffs weren't permanently damaged.

  Turning back toward my house as Char drove away, I took a deep breath, for once being at peace in my hometown instead of constantly afraid. The dark cloud and heavy weight that had pressed down on me for the last four and a half years lifted in such a wave of relief that my eyes burned with the build of tears. Pushing away the urge to cry, as I had shed enough tears in the last week, I took in the one-story ranch house. It had faded tan siding with dated, 1960s style windows and pillars holding up the roof on the small porch.

  The scent of cookies, sugar, and bread permeated the air as I stepped over the threshold. A wave of tears filled my eyes once more; for the first time in years, the smell was homey and welcoming and not just a temporary escape from the hell that had become my life. One of the last times I stood in this entryway, I was injured and scared and about to be told something that would change my life. Now, I stood injured but healing, free and ready to move forward. Not just with the guys, my friends, and school, but with myself and my powers, finally growing into who I was as a person... supernatural, whatever.

  Will I ever get that distinction right in my head?

  “In the kitchen, Lucie!" my Mom called out, the sounds of her measuring cups and spoons clinking and clanking together filling the space as I walked down the hall.

  "Hey, Mom," I greeted as I turned the corner, breathing easier since I left my suitcase and backpack near the front door and didn't have to lug it with me.

  She inhaled sharply when she saw me. "Oh, sweetheart." Mom had been in the hospital wing after they found me, sitting with the guys, Sadie, and me, but I knew what she saw. The deep blacks and purply blues had started to mix with ugly greens and yellows as some of the skin deep bruises began to heal. The bandages covering my neck, eyebrow, and body hid the jagged gashes and cuts, but I knew I looked worse for wear.

  Felt like it too.

  "Yeah, I feel like I've been run over by a truck," I admitted, coming forward. "Know what would make me feel better?"

  "What?" Her single worded question was shaky as she tried to keep her tears at bay, hugging me gently as to not disturb any of my injuries.

  "A cookie or a brownie, something sugary," I murmured against her shirt, my lips curling up as she chuckled. "Please," I half whined.

  "Yes, yes," she teased, pulling away. "I made you cookies right here." I perked up when I saw the small tin of assorted goodies, taking them from my mom's outstretched hands and giving her a quick kiss on the cheek.

  "Thank you, and I love you."

  "I love you too, sweetheart. Need help getting your things to your room?" Shifting my shoulders slightly, I felt the painful tug deep within the joints, so I nodded as well as I could with the bandages around my neck.

  Mom headed down the front hall before shouldering the backpack and wheeling the suitcase behind her. I waited at the entrance from the hall to where it opened up to the kitchen and living room before following. She left my bags in my room, dropping a kiss on my head before darting back to the kitchen as the timer went off.

  I stood inside my room, glancing around at everything. The room was mine: dark blue comforter and cozy flannel sheets next to the simple end table and pineapple shaped lamp. A chocolate chip cookie nightlight sat near my black and white newspaper-patterned rug, as if several articles were layered together and printed on the short fibers.

  It was all me, but at the same time, I felt a weird sense of disconnect. Because the life and the person I was when I lived in this room was no longer me. My odd revelation was broken by the buzzing of my new phone, and I walked over to my bed and sat down gingerly.

  Landon: Hey lemon drop, we made it back to town. Let us know when you're settled in!

  Lucie: I just got back not long ago too, just got my stuff put in my room and now I'm sitting here procrastinating doing stretches.

  Dante: firecracker, you know what the doctor said.

  Lucie: Yes, yes, I know. And I will... After a couple cookies.


  His text was followed by a long string of crying emojis that made me smile. Unfortunately though, the cut on my lip still hurt if I smiled too wide, so I could only grin o
n one side. The boys and I continued to chat as I nibbled on one of the sugar cookies from the tin. Finally, after another five minutes of reminders from Cam and Dante, I put my phone down, dug my yoga mat out of my suitcase, and rolled it out.

  My muscles tugged painfully at first, the bandages restricting my movements, but I breathed through the pain. Somehow, my ribs hadn't broken during the week at Noah's hands, but my muscles were badly bruised. At the instruction of Dr. Ingress and Special Agent Dr. Tanner, I needed to stretch twice a day, minimum, to keep my muscles from locking.

  It took less than ten minutes, and after I finished my body throbbed, but I was able to move easier. With that, I took the rest of my stuff out of my suitcase, putting it into the top two drawers of my empty dresser. By the time I was done, I was exhausted.

  "Lucie," Mom called through the door, knocking before peeking in. "Here's something to drink and something nutritious to nibble on so you can take your medication."

  "Thanks," I replied, getting up with a groan to grab them. "I'll probably take a nap for a little while; stretching, packing, and unpacking all within a few hours is very tiring work."

  "All right, sweetheart. I'll be making something for dinner. Anything in particular you want?" I raised my non-bandaged brow.

  "You... cook?" I drew out the words skeptically. My mom was a hell of a baker, regular food though? Let's just say we had a lot of takeout growing up.

  "Oh hush, I'm not going to have you do it," she huffed with a smile. "But you have a point. How about I have the dinner delivered?"

  "That sounds delicious. Let's do that!"

  Mom laughed before leaving me to my room and my waiting bed. After drinking the water, I took my pain medicine and ate a few bites of the granola bar and cup of fruit my mom had brought me, before curling under my comforter. I made sure to shoot the guys a message to let them know I'd be asleep for a while. It wasn't long before my eyelids drooped, and I fell into a dreamless sleep.

  The muffled sound of the doorbell ringing stirred me awake, my eyes peeking open to see that I had been asleep for about three hours. Yawning, I stretched as much as my stiff body would allow, my back popping in response. My mom called out to let me know the food was here, her voice distorted by my closed bedroom door, so I shuffled out from under the blanket and made my way out into the living room.

  "I got your usual," she explained as she pulled out the foil-wrapped burgers and container of fries. "Didn't want to wake you, but it was getting to be about dinner time, hope that's okay."

  "It's perfect. Thanks, Mom. A greasy burger is just what I need right now," I told her, the loud rumble of my stomach reaching both of us and making her shake her head.

  "No kidding; here's your milkshake. Bruce must have recognized the order seeing as how he packed you a small container of extra cherries."

  "Oh, yum," I exclaimed, taking the little plastic container and popping one of the fruits into my mouth. "Bruce is the best."

  "What about me? I'm the one who ordered it," my mom teased, settling into her seat at our table, the other half of the scuffed wood still covered in stacks of recipe books.

  "You too." I stuck my tongue out at her, loving the lightheartedness of the conversation. After over a month and a half of Noah's psychological bullshit, my mind was still trying to adjust to the normal day-to-day life. "So, how many orders do you have for this season?" I asked, glancing over at the wall of stacked holiday cookie tins. "I feel like your pile nearly doubled in size since last year."

  "That's because it has, and that's just for one event! The town has a new winter festival coming in, a traveling one. You know, the kind that only stays in one place for a couple days before moving to the next town?"

  "You're baking for that? That's awesome."

  "But that's not even the best part. It's actually a supe festival. So humans and supes can go see all the displays and play all the games, and there's going to be a couple of stands selling treats, but they wanted to have local stuff too for humans who didn't want to have anything that's been tampered with or altered with magic," she explained. My brows went up, my eyes widening. That was a big thing for my hometown, especially the smaller section outside of Enumclaw where I grew up, where basically everyone was human and supernaturals weren't talked about very often.

  "Maybe the guys will go with me. That'd be something fun, I think," I brainstormed out loud. "When are they supposed to be here?"

  My mom and I spent the next little while talking about the winter festival and all the details for it, catching up about her business, and laughing away as we ate. By the time I went back into my room, my cheeks ached from smiling so much, and my muscles throbbed from how much I had laughed.

  But I wouldn’t change it for the world.


  “Hey!” I hollered, getting the guys’ attention. “Lucie wants to call for a video chat.”

  “Hell yeah!” Logan and Landon shouted simultaneously, hopping over the back of the couch to flop onto the cushions on either side of me. Hudson and Nik stood over the back of the couch, bending forward, while Cam scooted over from where he was sitting on the floor. My blood rushed in my ears, and I felt my heart race. Not because he was leaning back against my legs, but because he wedged himself between them, his arms draping over my thighs and his shoulder blades pressed into my cock.

  Fuck, I groaned silently. Ever since that game night where Lucie had dared him to show the sexiest place for him to kiss on someone other than her or Nik, any touch, brush, or glance from Cam seemed to rev me up.

  And confuse me so much more.

  “Hey, guys,” Lucie said, her soft greeting pulling me from my quickly spiraling thoughts as her beautiful face filled the tablet’s screen. “How’s it going?”

  “We miss you!”

  “Not bad.”

  “Good, hanging out.”

  “The usual.”

  All answers were blurted out at the same time, making Lucie smile and shake her head. Her happy sapphire gaze took us all in, her hair flaring out around her on a pillow as she settled into bed.

  “How are you, Firecracker?” I asked once we had all stopped talking at the same time, Logan and Landon pressing into my sides to fit into the screen. Lucie’s forehead was bandaged on the left side where dark bruising spread down her temple, both cheeks, and jaw. Her healing lip was no longer covered in a pad of gauze, though her thin neck was wrapped to hold the various remaining pieces to her injured body. I knew there was more under her pajamas, healing cuts and dark marks that marred her skin, and her wrists were bandaged from the rope burns.

  She’s safe, I reminded myself, pushing away the heartache that filled me at seeing her so broken.

  “Tired, but good,” she told us. “I unpacked my suitcase and bag into the dresser, so it’ll be easier to make sure I don’t forget anything when we go back to campus. Stretched, took my medicine and a nap before dinner with my mom.”

  I couldn’t stop the curl of my lips at seeing Lucie seem truly happy for the first time in months, finding joy even in the small day-to-day things that most people wouldn’t appreciate. She’s not broken, I told myself.

  “Oh, food sounds so good right now,” Logan groaned, holding his stomach.

  “Dude, we just ate,” Cam countered with a laugh. “How do you constantly have room in there and still stay fit?”

  “Closely guarded secret, my friend,” Logan joked.

  “What are your plans for the rest of the night?” Hudson asked from over my left shoulder, where he had his elbows propped on the cushions.

  “Sleep,” she murmured, her eyes already starting to droop. “I don’t need a second dose of my medication tonight since I’m not feeling too bad, but all the moving around today without any caffeine zapped my energy.”

  “Any fun plans for tomorrow?” Cam asked, his slight shifting making him rub against me, my cock twitching to life at the feeling.

  Please don’t let him feel that. I don’t want anything to be w
eird between us.

  “Mom, Char, and I are going into town to walk around for a bit. Go to some of the shops and see if we can find some cute packaging and gift tag stuff for one of my mom’s orders this year.”

  “I am sure that will be fun,” Nik stated softly, Grigori hopping on his shoulder with a squawk of agreement.

  Or at least I think it was in agreement.

  “We’ll all probably be heading home soon, maybe get together tomorrow for a bit depending on what our families have going on,” I explained. “We’ve all collected at the twins’ place for a little while before heading out.”

  “Speaking of,” Cam piped in, glancing at his phone. “I just got a text from Aunt and Uncle about wanting to spend some time together, so I’m going to head out.” The rest of the guys agreed, all of us saying goodbye to Lucie before I ended the video chat. One by one, they left, until it was only the twins and me.

  “So,” I stated, having planned on hanging behind so I could talk to them.

  “Can we not do this, dude?” Logan ground out, his jaw tensing rhythmically as he glanced at me out of the corner of his eye.


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