Embracing Ember

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Embracing Ember Page 11

by Astrid Cielo

  “Fine, I’ll grant you your leave of absence, but if we find you have kept information from us, be prepared to face punishment,” Linette said, her nasal voice grating on Maria’s nerves. Her hawk-like features had always given Maria the creeps. Dr. Langston and Linette had both been in the same unit as Maria while they served and had strategically been placed at Trinity Heart because of Ceylon, Silvius and the other members of the crew were allowed to observe the healthcare system. She hadn’t liked them while overseas in Iraq and she almost smiled at how some things never changed. While Linette had always been harsh and manipulative, Dr. Langston had appeared friendly and trustworthy. It only hid his true colors, reminding Maria of a snake waiting for the strike. Maria nodded and handed over her request, and left after being dismissed.

  She made it to her car before she collapsed in tears, the stress of keeping such secrets taking its toll. Even her stomach seemed to be reacting to the increased stress. She was vomiting and add that to her new constant fatigue and she had become all but useless as an emergency nurse. Her colleagues had started asking her if something was wrong. She knew then that she had to get away. Forget about Silvius and what they had done together. But letting go was so hard when Silvius was perfect for her, called to her in ways she didn’t know someone could. Her body always heated, readying for him any time she thought of him. Even now when her world was in turmoil her nipples pebbled at the thought of him taking them into his mouth and her pussy wetted with her juices at the memory of his big, hard cock driving into her channel until she screamed from her orgasm.

  Maria had to leave, to hide somewhere until she didn’t dream of his touch.


  Ceylon walked into the apartment allotted him and immediately felt her absence. Ceylon called out for her, knowing she wouldn’t answer, but praying with every fiber of his being that she would. He had felt as if something were wrong all day and made himself stay and listen to Dr. Langston drone on and on about how the implementation of the medical scanner would be both beneficial and harmful to the healthcare system. Each moment was like agony to his senses, but he told himself his worries were ill-placed, and that Ember was fine. He had heard and read of the symptoms that a mother felt when she noticed her child was missing, had even sedated an unlucky woman in his first year as a healer who had lost her child, but he had never felt it before now. The panic was overwhelming and only his need to find Ember kept him grounded enough to remain calm enough to rationalize through what was happening.

  Her artwork was scattered over the kitchen table, small colorful pictures that seemed geared toward children. He knew she had secretly used her art to save money for the time when she would finally get away from Landon, but she had never shown him any of her artwork. The disarray of the art and the overturned furniture in the kitchen made his heart race faster. He pulled out his communicator and contacted his ship, hoping beyond hope that Ember was fine and she had just left to go shopping or something.

  “Secundus?” Ceylon growled impatiently. Of all the crew to answer, he was least thrilled it was Secundus.

  “Yes, this is Secundus. Ceylon, is there a problem?”

  “I need you to tap into the security feeds we had placed through this residence. I can’t find Ember.” Ceylon knew the panic was starting to seep through into his speech, and just hoped that Secundus would do as he asked.

  “Okay. I assume you want today’s feed, correct?”

  “Yes. I just need to know that she is okay.” The wait was agonizing. Only the knowledge that it would take Secundus a small amount of time to go through the various feeds kept him from screaming for him to hurry.

  Secundus broke the agonizing silence with a growl of fury. Secundus’s next words made Ceylon feel as if the world had disappeared beneath him.

  “What is it?” Ceylon asked when Secundus didn’t tell him what was happening.

  “Some male has your Ember. He hit her a few times but she appears uninjured. He dragged her from the residence and got past the guards. What would you have us do?”

  Ceylon only momentarily wondered why Secundus seemed so willing to help. For as long as he could remember Secundus had been ornery and difficult to be around. It had amazed Ceylon that he had been one of those selected for a diplomatic mission. The only person that Ceylon had noticed not being intimidated by Secundus was Lindsay.

  “We need to know who this person is, but I am pretty sure it is her ex-mate, a male called Landon. We have to include the Earth authorities, but I want to search for her also. I can’t lose another mate,” Ceylon stated his voice breaking with the thought of losing Ember. She had become his heart and it wouldn’t beat without her.

  “I’ll get everyone involved, although we can count Silvius out. He has been keeping an eye on the little nurse you brought on board with Ember.”

  “Okay. Thanks. I’ll see you all in about an hour.”

  Ceylon looked out the window and the beautiful colors painting the horizon as twilight fell upon Earth, it would be dark soon, like his life would be if he didn’t find Ember.


  Ember stared at Landon, not believing she had let herself be caught in this never ending cycle. Again. She felt hopeless as he dragged her roughly into his late parent’s farm house that Ember thought he sold after their deaths about two years ago. He so graciously explained with his fists that she was to blame that they couldn’t go back to the house he bought, because she couldn’t do without going to the hospital after her punishment.

  “Undress, Ember. I am going to remind you who you belong to,” Landon said as he roughly pushed her onto the bed. Ember’s panic that had receded at the familiarity of being with Landon came back with a vengeance. Of all the tortures he put her through; the taking of her body after she said no was one of the worst. No matter how much she washed afterwards, she still felt dirty and violated.

  After Ceylon had taken her, claimed her body in a way she had only read about in a few romance novels, she could never allow herself to be subjected to that again. Her anger found its roots in that thought, blooming into a rage that he thought to take her as if she belonged to him.

  I belong to no one, but myself and who I choose to give myself to.

  Ember decided that she wasn’t helpless. She would not wait to be saved and if Landon thought she was just going to roll over and take it, then he had another think coming. “No.”

  Ember almost laughed at the look on his face at being denied. She stood and crossed her arms, to stare him down. Yeah, he could probably hurt her, kill her, hell he could probably take by force what she denied him, but that would be the only way she would submit to this bastard.

  Ember’s face burst with pain when he back handed her, knocking her to the floor. She gasped in pain as he yelled at her, his fury evident in the tone of his voice. “You insolent bitch, when I am through with you, you will have no doubt who owns you.”

  He grabbed her by her hair and lifted her up to his face, pressing his mouth on her now bruised lips, attempting to force his tongue into her mouth. She opened her mouth and he plunged inside. After a brief moment of panic she bit down capturing his tongue between her teeth and biting down until she tasted the tell-tale coppery taste that signaled she had drawn blood. He pulled away from her, releasing her hair. She dashed around him, but she wasn’t quick enough. Landon grabbed her arm and slammed her to the ground before spitting in her face causing a brief satisfaction at seeing the blood that coated his mouth. Then he was on her. Punching her and kicking her. Ember curled into a ball and prayed for rescue, for him to grow tired of the beating, or for just plain rescue. His punishing hits lasted long after she allowed unconsciousness to take her away from the pain.


  Silvius was watching Maria’s house. He felt as if something were wrong, that something wasn’t adding up. Maria had told him about her assignment and Silvius knew he was playing with fire by wanting her, but he couldn’t help himself. So far she hadn’t revealed their reason f
or coming to Earth, and for that everyone was extremely grateful, but she had to explain to him why she left the way she did. Why she walked away from him without a word. He knew that he couldn’t just approach her, with her affiliation it could raise questions that she would have to answer. Questions that could lead to trouble for her.

  He knew the moment he met her, when she was helping the other human male to help keep Ceylon’s Ember alive that she was the one supposed to be his mate. Her black hair fell in long wisps around her shoulder framing her round face with full cheeks. Her eyes were large, somewhat large for her face and framed in dark lashes. Her brown eyes were dark and full of intelligence and oftentimes sparkling with defiance he knew she suppressed. Her average height brought her was perfect for her to lay her head on his chest. She was absolutely gorgeous with her caramel skin and curves that accentuated her soft but muscular frame. He sometimes forgot she was a soldier, one trained in combat as well as healing.

  Silvius was intrigued at the Earth’s way of defense. Their planet was divided, unlike Salin, but their armies stood a better chance at defending themselves than did the forces that Salin trained. No one was a full time soldier on Salin. Earth had armies, navies and air forces that helped to defend their homes. Salin could learn a lot from them just like Earth could learn a lot from Salin.

  Movement inside the house captured his attention. Maria’s hurried movements in her bedroom alerted him that the something that wasn’t quite right was happening right now. Before he knew what he was doing, he was in her house and had her pinned against the wall. Silvius was astounded by his actions. Everyone always praised him for his level headedness. It was one of the reasons he was chosen for this mission, his ability to focus on the task at hand was often joked about, but revered all the same. He instantly regretted his actions when he noticed the look of fear on Maria’s face. He had scared her and that was not his intention. His grip loosened and he opened his mouth to tell her that he meant no harm when she moved. She swung making contact with his temple with her fist, momentarily dazing him. He released her completely and she took full advantage stomping on his instep and dropping to the floor to scurry out of the way.

  Silvius groaned and forced the pain to the back of his mind while he grabbed her, taking her to the floor, supine. He straddled her, effectively winding his legs around hers and pinning her hands to the floor in his own. Maria’s labored breathing caused her lush breasts to brush against his chest, ensuring that his cock swelled in readiness. She continued to fight, a wildness creeping into her eyes. “Maria,” he crooned.

  Maria stopped struggling and looked up, tears flowing down her cheeks, her bottom lip trembling enticing him to take a nibble. “I didn’t tell them anything. I swear.” Her confession tumbled from her lips in a rush, the fear still making her eyes shine wildly. He moved to hold her wrists in one hand and moved his other to gently cup her cheek keeping her eyes focused on him.

  “Maria, we know. I know you didn’t. Please don’t fear me, mea. I would never hurt you. No one would have hurt you even if you had told our secrets. We are going to reveal all, but we agreed not now.”

  “Then, what are you doing here?”

  “I felt as if something was wrong. When you were moving so hurriedly, I became worried so I came to see what was wrong.”

  Maria blushed a becoming rose color as she realized their position. Silvius couldn’t help himself and he kissed her on the mouth, his tongue delving into the moist depths of her mouth. She became pliant, her body arching into his, a silent plea for more. But they needed to talk. He had to know why she had become so afraid that they would harm her. Maria moaned as he pulled away, his body protesting the action. He got up and helped Maria to her feet before leading her to the bed and placing her in his lap. She protested attempting to get up, but he held her firmly until she settled in his lap, her head resting against his shoulder. The small sigh that escaped her made him smile. At least she was content enough to be held by him despite her protests.

  “What made you think someone was going to harm you?” He asked after a few blissful moments. She stiffened and he felt her need to avoid answering the question. “Answer me, Maria.”

  Whether it was his firm voice or the relief of being able to confide in someone, he didn’t know and in the end he truly did not care. “When I didn’t have more to report to my superiors, they became suspicious. I decided to take some time off. I told them I was going to visit family, but I don’t know. I didn’t expect to see you and then there you were. I thought you had decided to hurt me for telling your secrets. I didn’t though. I couldn’t tell them in good conscience something that I believe you should tell yourselves.”

  “Maria, we would never harm you for doing your job. I apologize for scaring you, but I became alarmed when you acted out of character. So, do you need help packing? I could always come with you.” Silvius held his breath as he waited for her answer, hoping she would agree, but he didn’t get the chance to hear it when his communicator beeped. “Hold on, that is the emergency beep,” He said as he answered the call. Maria watched him with curiosity, her eyes losing the wildness and gaining the keen intelligence that he had come to love.

  Secundus was on the other line letting him know that everyone was needed to help find Ember. Her ex-mate had taken her and Ceylon was beside himself with worry. Knowing that if something similar ever happened to Maria he would want everyone to help look for her, he agreed. It didn’t stop him from being disappointed that he had to leave Maria.

  “What is it?” Maria’s face was full of curiosity, her eyes alight with something akin to intrigue. He kissed her on the nose and set her on the bed beside him before standing.

  “Ember’s ex-mate has kidnapped her and Ceylon needs help finding her.”

  “Maybe you should call the cops. I don’t think it will help your cause if your people become vigilantes.”

  Silvius smiled down at her and took her by the hand pulling her up and against him. “Don’t worry mea. We have used all the proper channels, but Ceylon wants us to search also. I need to help him. Will you wait for me to return?” Her eyes widened at his request, but she nodded. His heart soared and he captured her lips one more time. “I will be back, soon.”

  Maria nodded and followed him to the door. Offering him a small smile, she said “Be careful.” He nodded and walked toward the place he had hid the transporter, her taste still tantalizing his senses.


  Ceylon reviewed the surveillance feed and was enraged. Ember’s abuse by Landon was unacceptable. The Earth authorities stated that they would look into the situation, but that Ember wasn’t a missing person unless she had been missing for twenty-four hours. In twenty-four hours Ember could have faced unimaginable abuses or worse she could be dead. Silvius walked into the room, his face a mask of worry. He had told Ceylon about his meeting with Maria. Ceylon hated that Maria felt the need to leave town because of their secret, but couldn’t think of a solution when Ember wasn’t by his side. Ceylon vowed to find a solution to keep Maria from being in trouble wither superiors after Ember was safe in his arms.

  “What is the plan?” Ceylon turned to Silvius, his mind in complete chaos.

  “I’m really not sure where to start. I mean, if it were Salin we would be in our element, but this is Earth,” Ceylon said, his exasperation coming through with every word. Silvius nodded thoughtfully, as if he were weighing his next words carefully.

  “I have an idea, but it will require contacting a friend of mine on another ship. Will you accept that?”

  Ceylon nodded knowing that involving other diplomatic teams would raise many questions and possibly place barriers in his way of finding Ember. But Ceylon had to try, his very soul was crying out for Ember’s safe return.

  Silvius punched something into the monitor and a few moments later a dark red male’s face appeared, his hair almost white was held back at his neck in a queue, and his eyes were an eerie light blue, so pale his pupil was nearly t
he only thing you could see besides the whites of his eyes. Ceylon knew those features marked him as a tracker. He was a large male with bulging muscles. His mouth curved into a smile as he looked over at Silvius. “Good day, Silvius. What can I help you with?”

  “Good day, Dais. I need you help finding an Earth female named Ember. She is Ceylon’s mate. Would you be able to help?” Dais looked at Ceylon; his pale blue eyes seemed to disappear as his pupils dilated.

  “No one beyond your shipmates knows that she is your mate.” It was a statement and not a question, Ceylon nodded in agreement anyways. “Why have you not told her that you have claimed her? That I don’t understand. If she is so important that you would claim her, why would she not know?”


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