Seven Sexy Sins

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Seven Sexy Sins Page 5

by Serenity Woods


  “Not my first time.”

  “Thank God.” She meant it. She was relieved he knew what he was doing. She needed him to lead her down this exciting, slightly scary road.

  He drew the bra down her arms and threw it onto the floor. She sat up and her face grew warm as his gaze rested on her breasts. He looked at them as if they were ice cream sundaes and he was desperate for the cherry on the top. “Fuck me, Hillman, where the hell have you been hiding those?”

  She burst out laughing, which quickly turned into a half-groan as he caught her hands, linked their fingers and pulled them above his head, forcing her to lean over him. Raising his head, he closed a hot mouth over her right nipple, and the breath caught in her throat. “Oh God…”

  Her head tipped back as he sucked, his tongue circling the sensitive area, and she arched her back, which somehow just made it even more sensitive. Her heart pounded, and she widened her thighs and pushed down against the hard length in his jeans, arousing herself on him. He moved his mouth from her right nipple to fasten on the other, and he released her hands so he could bring his down to cup her breasts. He brushed his thumb across the nipple he’d just left, which, wet from his mouth, was excruciatingly tender and receptive.

  She was close to coming, and she didn’t want to yet, not until he was inside her. She lifted herself up slightly, but clearly he didn’t want that. He caught her hips and rolled one last time—a fateful move, because they were nearer the edge of the bed than they realised. The momentum carried them right off the mattress, and with a startled squeal, she grabbed hold of him, falling right on top of him onto the carpet.

  He shifted at the last moment to cushion her fall and then lay there for a moment, winded. “Ouch,” he said eventually. She started laughing and he joined in. “Are you hurt?” he asked, running his hands down her sides.

  “No.” She pushed herself to her feet and held out a hand, hauling him up. “But then I had something soft to land on. You?”

  He groaned as he straightened. “Only my pride.”

  “Is that one of your fancy moves?”

  “I’m pleased to say that was the first time I’ve been so engrossed I’ve fallen off the bed.”

  She blushed at the compliment, letting him pull her toward him, and he wrapped his arms around her. She put a hand up to her hair, where a section had loosened. He squeezed open the clip and threw it onto the table. As the locks tumbled down, he spread them around her shoulders, smiling. “You’re so beautiful.”

  “Thank you.” Out of the corner of her eye, she saw movement on the TV and looked at the screen. His gaze turned to follow hers, and they watched for a moment as the two blondes made love, still in the shower. One aroused the other with a vibrator and the water cascaded over them both, turning their skin to satin.

  Rusty turned back to her and laughed, shaking his head.


  “This is just, like, every man’s dream.”

  She pretended to look at her watch. “I think your two minutes are up.”

  “I’m trying, Faith.” He pushed her backward to the wall, which she met with a bump. Her hands fumbled at the buttons on his shirt as he began to kiss her again. She pushed it off his shoulders, and he let it fall to the floor.

  She ran her hands up his chest, admiring the muscles she’d seen in the pool so many times but never thought she’d get her hands on. She brushed his nipples and threaded her fingers through the reddish-brown hairs as he watched her, enjoying her admiration. Then she began to fumble at his belt.

  He stopped her hand. “Let me, it’s quite hard.”

  “Well, praise the Lord.”

  “I was talking about the belt.”

  “Hey, I’m not complaining.”

  Laughing, he undid it, opening the buttons of his jeans. She caught his hands as he went to push them off. “No, don’t, leave them on. You look so damn sexy.”

  He stopped and grinned. “Yes ma’am.”

  “That’s my boy.”

  He pushed her against the wall, moving one hand up her thigh. His eyes met hers, and she felt her cheeks flush as he slipped his fingers inside the black lacy panties for the first time. She opened her legs for him, sighing.

  “Am I wet enough?” she asked innocently.

  He gave a deep, sexy laugh, sliding his fingers through her warm folds, and brought them up, slick and coated, to arouse her gently. “You’re kidding me, right?”

  She let him stroke her for a while before adding breathlessly, “So we don’t need any lubrication then?”

  “Ah…not so much.”

  She moistened her lips with her tongue as he continued his skilful stroking. “So you’ll be able to slide in and out easily?”

  His eyes were hot and exasperated. “That’s it. I can’t wait any longer.”

  “Oh, thank goodness.”

  He retrieved a condom from his pocket and tore open the packet as she slid her panties off. Releasing himself from his boxers, he began to roll it on.

  “Wow.” She stared, eyes wide. Oh my God, I’m looking at Rusty Thorne in all his glory. “Seriously Rusty, wow. My very own re-enactment of Ocean’s Eleven Inches.”

  “Hardly, but thank you for the lovely compliment.” Ready for her, he placed both hands under her backside, and, to her shock, lifted her and wrapped her legs around him.


  He paused, holding her still, and she felt the tip of him press into her. His eyes met hers. “Are you sure about this? Last chance.”

  She nearly cried. “For fuck’s sake…”

  He pushed his hips and slid all the way into her, deep as he could go.

  Faith gasped as he stretched her, filled her. He stopped moving, his mouth millimetres from hers, exchanging breaths with her. Their eyes met. All amusement fled, and a deep, dark desire clawed its way up her, a hunger she’d never felt before. She’d never, ever wanted a man this much, never craved someone with this intensity.

  He breathed out in a long, controlled exhalation. Lowering his lips to hers, he kissed her deeply. Then, very, very slowly, he began to move.

  Faith felt dizzy with desire. The hairs on his chest grazed her nipples, making her gasp again, and her swollen sex was excruciatingly sensitive. She wanted it to last forever, but within minutes she was sighing, her lids fluttering. “Oh God…”

  He kissed her eyelids. “Come on, Hillman, hang in there. I’ve only just started.”

  “Ah I can’t, it’s too…”

  He stopped moving. “Multiple orgasms aren’t till number six.”


  Holding her tightly, he lifted her off the wall. She threw her arms around him as he carried her over to the bed, where he turned, sat and lay back, still inside her, pushing her up so she sat astride him. “Count sheep,” he demanded. “Distract yourself.” He ran his hands up her body and cupped her breasts, brushing her nipples.

  Sighing, she arched her spine, enjoying the feel of her hair falling down her back, so close to coming it was like exquisite torture, but wanting to savour the moment. To the side, she caught a brief glimpse of one of the blonde girls reaching an orgasm, face creased with pleasure. Oh God. She tried to picture sheep jumping over a fence, but clearly, that wasn’t going to work.

  Rusty was obviously having trouble coping as well. The sight of her breasts thrust toward him appeared to have pushed him to the edge. For the last time he rolled her and moved her legs up. He pushed himself up until he was almost kneeling, looking down at her with an expression of such tenderness, such desire, that she just melted.

  “Pretend I’ve got socks on.”

  She wrapped her legs around him and lifted her arms slowly above her head, stretching underneath him. “Come on, Thorne, show me what you’ve got.”

  “Oh, man…” He began to move, more insistently this time, bending to kiss her.

  Faith ran one hand down his back, slipping it beneath his jeans. She could feel he was s
till holding back, worried about hurting her. He was so sweet. But she didn’t want sweet Rusty. She wanted the hot, rough man she knew he could be.

  She dug her fingers into the tight muscles of his butt. “I’m going to come, honey. Harder.” He gave a slight shake of his head and murmured something, but she missed it, too busy gasping as he slid one hand beneath her and lifted her, deepening his thrusts. “Oh, jeez, yes, don’t stop…” Her muscles tightened. “Rusty…”

  “Let it go, babe.”

  She screwed her eyes up and squealed as she came, the orgasm so strong it almost hurt. He swore loudly as her muscles contracted around him, and he shuddered as his body pulsed. The feel of him swelling hot and hard inside her was exquisite, and intense waves of pleasure rolled over her for what seemed like an eternity.

  Chapter Six

  For a few moments afterward, there was only the sound of breathing, accompanied by the cicadas out in the orchards. He leaned his forehead on her shoulder, and she pressed her lips into his hair.

  Then, quietly, Rusty started to laugh. “Fucking hell.”

  Faith joined in. “Oh my God.”

  “Are you going to write about that on your website?”

  She collapsed into giggles, and he winced and withdrew from her, rolling onto his back. She pushed herself up and looked down at him, meeting his eyes, which were light with amusement and other emotions too, tenderness, affection and more than a little admiration. She kissed him. “Thank you.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “Hey, I had nothing to do with that. That was all you.”

  “Yeah, yeah.” But she was pleased with the performance. Surely, she must have matched at least some of his previous exploits? She kissed his lips again. “No wonder you have a reputation.”

  “Sweetheart, a man’s only as good as his woman makes him.” He grinned, brushing his fingers against her cheek. “So I must be terrific.”

  She gave him a longer kiss this time. When she lifted her head, his eyes were hooded, dark with lazy satisfaction. He glanced over at the TV, where the other blonde was now pleasuring her friend. “You want to turn that off?”

  She picked up the remote. “You had enough?”

  “Well that’s going to make me start all over again, so it’s probably best if you stop it.”

  She laughed and switched off the DVD.

  He sat up, reaching for a tissue on the bedside table to dispose of the condom, and buttoned himself back into his jeans. Then he flopped back onto the bed. He sighed and raised his arm to look at his watch. “You want me to go now?”

  Lying on her side, watching him, she raised an eyebrow. “You want to go?”

  His eyes met hers, and his lips started to curve. “I didn’t say that. I thought this was a one-at-a-time thing.”

  She studied him for a moment. She honestly hadn’t given any thought as to what to do after they’d finished. She’d already paid for the room, so should they just go their separate ways?

  She ran her gaze down him and slowly back up. He looked incredibly sexy lying there, bare-chested, hair mussed, sleepily sated. Suddenly she wanted him to stay more than anything in the world.

  She shrugged. “We do have the room for the night. And the bath’s big enough for two, if you want to join me.” She pushed herself up and off the bed and walked over to the bathroom. Then she turned and looked at him, giving him a saucy smile. “And I still have the magazines left. I think a little more research might be in order.”

  He rolled onto his side to face her, propping his head on a hand. A smile spread slowly across his face. They looked at each other for a moment.

  “God,” she said, “you look good enough to eat.”

  “Not till sin number two.”

  “Maybe we could have an advanced showing…”

  “Oh no.” He got up and came over to her. “Your rules. One sin at a time, no more, no less, remember?”

  “Damn it. Stupid contract.”

  He pulled her to him. “You need to exercise some restraint, Hillman.”

  “The word’s not in my vocabulary.”

  “So I’m beginning to understand.”

  Their eyes met. He brought up a hand and brushed her cheekbone. She smiled. “That was fun, wasn’t it?”

  “Hell, yeah.”

  “Six more sins, Rusty.”

  “Mm. When are we doing the next one?”

  “Same time, same place?”

  He raised an eyebrow, looking pained. “A whole week?”

  “I only publish one article a week. But I don’t expect you to wait.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “We’re not exclusive. I don’t mind if you want to see someone else in the meantime.”

  He frowned. “I don’t cheat on my girls.”

  “We’re not dating, love. It’s just a business partnership, remember?”

  “Even so…” He put his hands on her hips and pulled her closer for a kiss. “No one would match up to you, anyway.”

  She felt a wash of pleasure, which she quickly squashed. They were flattering words, but she was hardly going to be the last conquest on his list. “Yadda, yadda. It’s up to you. I’m just saying, I know what your sex drive’s like, and if you need someone else to…you know, help you out midweek, I’m not going to complain. Long as you wear a condom.”

  He looked startled. “Good lord. Miss Romantic.” He studied her for a moment. “Are you planning to see anyone else?”


  “Then I won’t either.”

  “Whatever.” She smiled mischievously. “Guess you’ll just have to put up with adjusting the antenna.”

  He stared at her. “Doing the what now?”

  “You know. Clearing the snorkel. Buffing the banana. Five-knuckle shuffle.”

  “Faith Hillman, for God’s sake, where on earth did you dredge those terms up?”

  She laughed. “I did an article on masturbation.”

  He shook his head, turned her around and slapped her bare backside. “Get in there and put the bath on. I’ll get the magazines.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  He muttered something under his breath and walked off. Grinning, she put in the plug and turned the taps on in the huge tub. What a great night this was turning out to be.

  Wednesday evening was the first time she met Rusty again after their assignation at the motel. They’d all agreed to meet at the local wine bar, as they occasionally did halfway through the week. Faith walked in at about eight fifteen, a little late, and saw them all in their usual corner on the sofas, talking. She paused for a moment. Dan and Eve were on one sofa, Eve stretched out with her feet on the arm, leaning on Dan, his arm around her. Rusty and Toby were on the other. Usually she would have walked straight up and sat between them, but today…

  Dan glanced over and saw her, and she waved as she walked to the bar and ordered herself a glass of wine. She didn’t look over while she waited, flicking instead through the bar menu, although she wasn’t hungry. She was nervous about striking the right casual note with all of them. They had always been affectionate as friends, exchanging hugs and kisses, and she’d never thought about it before, but suddenly she was very aware of any contact she had with them, and not just with Rusty, either. His comment about Toby being keen to get her into bed had shocked her, as had Rusty’s eagerness to volunteer himself. Perhaps she truly had been naive in thinking a man and a woman could be friends. There was a topic for another article there, somewhere.

  She paid for the wine and carried it over to them, pausing for a brief moment as she debated whether to pull over a chair, but then Toby patted the sofa between him and Rusty, and she sighed and climbed over Rusty’s legs to sit between them.

  Toby leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. “Hey, gorgeous.”

  “Hey, Faith.” Rusty’s arm lay along the back of the sofa, but he dropped it now to squeeze her knee with a hand.

  She leaned back and propped her feet on the low table in front of her. “Hey, g

  “You’re late.” Dan took a slug of his beer. “Been off with Beau, have we?”

  Eve laughed. “No, she’s not seeing him until Saturday.” She waggled her eyebrows at Faith. “Ready for sin two?”

  “I’ve just walked in the door. Can we talk about something else?”

  “No,” said Toby. “Come on, dish the dirt. What was he like?”

  “You’ll have to read the website.”

  “I did.” Toby grinned at her shocked face.

  Faith looked across at Dan. “Have you read it?”

  “No. The last thing I want to know about is what you’re getting up to beneath the sheets.”

  “It’s good reading,” said Toby. He winked at her. “Three times in one night, eh?”

  Dan rolled his eyes. Faith giggled. “Don’t torture him.”

  “I can’t believe you fell off the bed,” said Eve. “What would you have done if he’d been knocked out?”

  “Made myself a cup of tea,” said Faith. “I’m sure he would have come around eventually.”

  They all laughed. Faith risked a quick glance up at Rusty. His eyes were warm with amusement. “So you enjoyed yourself?” he asked.

  She shrugged. “It was all right.”

  Eve laughed. “I think that’s an understatement, judging by what you said on the website.” She looked mischievously at Toby and Rusty. “He sent her a Valentine’s Card.”

  “Oh?” Toby raised an eyebrow. “What did it say?”

  “What was it, Faith? Looking forward to Part Two, or something.”

  Faith just shrugged again. She’d been surprised when the card arrived. It was the first Valentine’s card she’d ever received, apart from a hand-drawn one when she was eight from the kid next door. She’d known he’d meant it as a teasing gesture, but still, it had made her glow, and she’d put it next to her bed where she could see it as she dozed off.

  Rusty sipped his Coke. She was pretty sure he’d done it to cover up a smile.


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