A Nash Mystery Box Set

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A Nash Mystery Box Set Page 32

by Vella Day

  She debated heading back home but thought she could add something to Dan’s abduction tale. Besides, she really needed Earl’s opinion on her prized find.

  Voices sounded followed by a moan. Her cop instinct kicking into gear, Sky pushed open the door, stepped inside, and stilled. Oh, my God.

  Chapter 7

  The room flickered with candlelight, and incense perfumed the air. Pearl and Earl were together, which was cool, but Pearl’s outfit was anything but. Wearing a red, satin thong and a matching bra, the wrinkly skin clumped over the waistband. Pearl was facing Earl and had wrapped a pink boa around his neck. He wore plaid boxers and had his hands on Pearl’s hips, his upper body swaying to the music, and his smile beamed brighter than Venus on a dark night. Sky wanted to look away, but like a bad accident, she couldn’t help but stare.

  As soon as Earl noticed her, he tore the boa out of Pearl’s hands. “Sky. Whatcha you doing here?” Thank goodness, he didn’t sound angry.

  Pearl twisted around and slapped her hands on her abundant hips. “Not a good time, dear.”

  Sky backed up not sure how to respond. “Sorry.”

  She was halfway out the door when Earl called out. “Don’t go. Give us a sec. Pearl and I have all night to do our thing. Right, honey?” He looked up and winked at the nearly naked woman.

  “Sure.” Sky ducked outside and pressed her back against the wall. Happy he’d found someone to be with after his wife died, Pearl and he would make the perfect pair, in part because both believed in the possibility of interstellar space travel.

  A few minutes later, Pearl opened the door, her blouse buttoned wrong. “You can come in now.” She smiled. “I’m sorry you had to see that. I came over to celebrate, and one thing led to another.”

  “Celebrate?” Here she thought she’d come over to ask about Dan Joe.

  “Yes. Mary came home.”

  Sky hadn’t expected to hear good news, though a phone call would have been appreciated. “That’s fantastic. Where was she?”

  “With a man. She said she wanted to get away, claiming she called my cell a few times, but I swear I never heard it ring.”

  Good old Pearl. “Well, that’s wonderful. Better keep a good eye on her.”

  “You aren’t kidding. Thanks for all you’ve done.”

  Sky smiled, happy for a good resolution.

  Earl had a blanket over his lap and now had on a sweater with holes in the right shoulder. She wasn’t sure if she could be more embarrassed. “I’m sorry I didn’t call first. I never thought—”

  Pearl waved a hand. “Never you mind. Not only was I happy about Mary coming home, I needed some release after what happened with Dan earlier tonight. I was looking for some advice from my old friend.”

  Earl wheeled forward. “Pearl, you mind fixin' us some hot tea?”

  She shot a glance between the two of them. “Sure, no problem.”

  Sky searched Earl’s shelves for the object that reminded her of the silver pineapple, but all she saw was the gray fuel cell he claimed someone had recovered in a cave west of where she’d explored. Both were silver in color, and while hers was cone-shaped, his had a pyramid top and an inverted pyramid bottom. Not the same at all. Darn.

  “You find out who killed that man?” he asked.

  “Not yet.” She stepped closer and kept her voice to a whisper. “I found something in a cave that might be alien though. It’s in the car, and I’d like your opinion, but not while Pearl is around.”

  “Good thinking. Pearl likes to gossip something fierce.”

  The sexed up woman waltzed in with a tray in hand, the faint aroma of lemon and mint filling the air, which competed with the jasmine sticks. “Here ya go.”

  Sky took the cup. “Pearl, what happened with Dan?”

  She placed the tray on the side table, handed a cup to Earl and another to Sky, and then sat down on the sofa. “He’s a changed man. He told me he let you know about the abduction, but that you didn’t believe him.”

  “It’s not that I didn’t believe him, it’s that I need more information before I can help.”

  “I hear ya. I’m not so sure aliens were involved either, but something happened to him. He used to be sweet and always after me to… you know. Today, he was mean and unresponsive. It’s almost as if he’s looking for a fight.” She glanced at Earl’s lap.

  “What are you saying? The aliens did this to him?”

  Earl spoke up. “I don’t know who did this, but according to Pearl, here, Dan doesn’t care to have sex anymore.”

  Note to self: don’t ask Pearl anything unless I want the whole truth and nothing but the truth. “Did any more of his memory return?”

  She looked down and rebuttoned her shirt. “He remembers his lungs burning and not being able to breathe very well. His vision was mostly blurry during the whole ordeal.”

  “Dan claimed he hadn’t remembered much other than waking in his bed and being in some kind of ring with bright lights. Did he tell you if anyone asked him questions?”


  So much for hard facts. “Again, I apologize for interrupting. I just stopped by to see how Earl was doing after finding the dead body. Trauma has a way of creeping up on you when you least expect it.” Though Earl seemed to have found a way to lessen his problems—better living through sex.

  “’Preciate your concern, but I’m fine.”

  Sky smiled and hightailed it out of there, wishing he’d been alone so she could have shown him the artifact. Man, she’d never walked in on a couple about to go to it before. Sky grimaced at the visual.

  The sun had set a while ago, and her stomach wouldn’t stop making noises, so she decided to stop at EBE’s for dinner. The engine took a try or two before it turned over, but once on the road, she reached downtown in good time. The café was mostly empty except for the ever-present Phil, Doug, Matt, and old Mr. Jameson. The foursome was at their usual table playing checkers—a game that never seemed to end. When one left, she swore another took his place.

  Sky glanced around but didn’t spot Kane. While disappointed, she could use the quiet time. Jimmy was on the evening shift instead of Cathy, which meant the cook changed shifts too. Getting her meal would take time.

  “Howdy, Ms. Nash.” Jimmy Torres had a large bandage on his arm and held his neck stiffly.

  “You okay?” She hoped he hadn’t been bitten the same way Dan Joe had.

  He grinned real big. “Just a little football injury. I got head butted at last Saturday’s game, and a guy in cleats stepped on my arm.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “I’ll be fine. What can I get you? Your usual?”

  After the day she’d had, she wanted to splurge. “I think I’ll have the Crash Site trout. Baked, and bring me lots of coffee. No, make it a carafe. I have some research to do.”

  “Can I interest you in a Galaxy coffee? Looks like you could use an extra dose of hazelnut.”

  “Just black.”

  “Coming right up.”

  While she waited for Jimmy to deliver the requested carafe, Sky dragged her iPad from her backpack and did a Google search on alien artifacts, hoping to find some object similar to hers. The diner filled up all at once, and her food arrived half an hour later. She forgot it was movie night, which often brought in half the town. She shut down the iPad with the intention of searching later.

  She ate in peace and was about to pay when Harriet waltzed in, a surprise given the late hour. The chatter swelled as the department’s receptionist stopped to talk with everyone. Finally, she swung over to Sky’s table. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you. I tried calling but only got your voicemail.”

  “Whoops.” She checked her phone and turned it back on. “Kane and I went cave hunting looking for the Senator, and I shut it off. You know how it is when the cell can’t find a signal. It roams and roams and wears down the battery.” Actually, she’d turned it off after her dad called.

  “That happened to me once. So
how did that go? Get into any narrow passageways with Mr. Hunk?” She winked.

  Once or twice. “Nothing happened. We were on assignment looking for the Senator, but he wasn’t anywhere to be found.”

  “So no ass grabbing when you bent down to examine the sand for prints?” She looked like the damned Cheshire cat.

  The grilling wouldn’t end until she gave her something. “Fine. He kissed my forehead.”

  Her friend clapped and sat down in the chair opposite her. “Do tell.”

  Sky detailed what led up to the snake shooting and the subsequent finding of the possible alien cone. “So you see, he was just protecting me. The kiss was an attempt to calm me.”

  “Sky and Kane sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G.”

  Sky laughed at her antics. “Remember, he’ll be gone as soon as he finds Overton.”

  “You never know.” Harriet opened her purse, pulled out a bag of brownies, and placed them on the table. “I made these for you, but you never came back to the station.”

  Sky glanced at the counter. “You can’t bring food into the café.”

  Harriet waved a hand. “Don’t be silly. Dixie doesn’t mind.”

  Dixie was Harriet’s twin sister and part owner of the café. “Okay, but shouldn’t you be home? It’s close to your bedtime.”

  “I’m not that old. Elmer called and asked if I’d find you. He received an urgent message for you at the station.”

  From the half-smile on her face, tragedy hadn’t struck. “Did Kane call?”

  “Don’t you wish?” She pulled a piece of paper from her purse. “No, Chris is flying in tomorrow night for his mom’s birthday. He wants you to pick him up at the Page airport at five.” She leaned forward. “Tell him no. He needs to get his own damned ride to Savory. You’re not his taxi.”

  The surge of excitement she’d expected didn’t materialize. Yes, she was happy she was finally going to see him, but the fact that Chris was coming because it was his mom’s birthday, and just wanted her for a ride from the airport, didn’t sit well. It was clear they weren’t dating anymore, so why call her? When Sky had celebrated her own birthday six weeks ago, he’d called two days late, implying he wanted to break it off, but then he’d sent her an amazing red cashmere sweater. She couldn’t help but wonder if the gift was merely to keep her on the hook so she’d be available when he came to town. “I can’t let him take a cab from Page. It would cost a fortune.”

  “He can afford it. Besides, he’s no good for you. He should be coming to town to see you too, not just his mom.”

  Harriet was right. “Maybe.”

  “Remember, he only had time for you once a week when he lived here. Think about it. Gifts. Jewelry. Always wanting you to be made up like a fancy doll. He was training you to be his trophy wife. If you ever married him, you’d be together only when he needed to show you off or to give him some business advantage.”

  Sky shook her head. “So not true.”

  “Suit yourself.” She leaned on her elbows. “Tell me this, what are you looking for in a husband?”

  She never remembered Harriet being so serious. “Security, I guess. A steady paycheck and a man who’s kind to me.”

  “Oh, honey, what about passion? Someone to see you through thick and thin? After your mom passed, you didn’t have a role model.” She shook her head. “Those qualities you listed are all well and good, but let me tell you what’s important. The man of your dreams has to see deep inside you and connect with you as a person. Love you for who you are on the inside. He needs to excite you, make you want to be a better person, and push you to be all you can be.”

  That made her laugh. “You sound like the ads for the Army.”

  “It’s a good slogan to live by.” She tapped a finger on the table. “My gut tells me Kane’s that guy. You’re beautiful, but Chris doesn’t see the real you. If he did, he’d make you his top priority and stop trying to make you into someone you’re not. He also wouldn’t suggest you both date other people.”

  That part was true. Chris always seemed to want her in fancy clothes and make-up before he took her out anywhere. She always thought it was because he cared, but now she wondered if he was thinking more about himself and the type of person he wanted to be seen with. “It’s a moot point since Kane won’t be around long enough to get to know me.”

  Harriet opened the bag of brownies and the rich, chocolaty aroma made Sky’s nearly full stomach yearn for more. Harriet handed her one. Sky took her time chewing, not ready to concede her points. “These are really good.” She finished the first treat and grabbed a second. “Besides, I get the sense that Kane’s married to his job, so I wouldn’t be any better off.”

  “If he is, I bet you could change his mind.”

  Something seemed off. “How do you know so much about Kane? You’ve only seen him a time or two.”

  She leaned back in her seat and got that I’m-smarter-than-you-think look. “While you were out and about, I had a long talk with Mr. Cornell.”

  “Really?” Sky wasn’t sure she liked them talking about her.

  “Yes, and so you know, he appreciates who you really are.”

  It was worse than she thought, especially if Harriet spilled Sky’s secrets to Kane. She groaned. “He doesn’t know what I want or want I need.”

  “You’d be surprised how sharp he is.”

  “Did you mention Chris?”

  Harriet glanced away for a second. “Yes, I did.”

  Shit. “That’s personal.”

  Harriet shrugged. “Do me a favor.”

  “What?” Sky wasn’t in the mood.

  “When you’re with Chris tomorrow, think how different it could be with Kane.”

  Sky opened then closed her mouth not knowing what to say. The memory of Kane’s warm lips on her forehead made her pulse speed. When was the last time Chris had spontaneously showed her affection?

  Don’t go there.

  Fortunately, Jimmy interrupted them. “Hi, Ms. Harriet. Can I get you something to go with those brownies?”

  Harriet held up the bag. “I’m just leaving since I failed to talk sense into our officer here. Take these and share them with the others.” She pushed back her chair and raised her brows at Sky. “I’ll see you in the morning.”

  Before Jimmy left with the goodies, Sky grabbed a few more. She still had the wine in the car. Tonight might be a good time to get drunk.

  Chapter 8

  Sky’s head pounded. The light coming through her bedroom window pierced her lids and shot straight to the back of her skull. She never should have had that fourth glass of wine, but after she Googled Kane’s name and found he’d attended Columbia University and graduated at the top of his class before he entered the service, she realized he was clearly out of her league. Disappointed, she’d fallen into bed but then couldn’t sleep. She tried to convince herself she wanted to see Chris again, but doubt kept intruding. Her new feelings for Kane seemed to be overshadowing those for Chris. Damn.

  Someone knocked on her front door, and she slammed the pillow over her head. “I’m not answering.”

  Whoever it was knocked harder, clearly not going away anytime soon.

  “Fine. I’m coming.”

  She patted the nightstand for her sunglasses and slapped them on top of her head. She knew she might look stupid, but the glasses helped tame her bed-mussed hair. With a blanket wrapped around her shoulders, she dragged herself to the door, her bare feet freezing on the cold floor. Slippers. She should have put on slippers.

  Given all the weird stuff going on in town, she’d locked her doors. Sky peered through the security hole before opening up. Uh-oh. It was Kane. “Just a minute.” She spun around and slammed her back against the door, her pulse racing. What was he doing here?


  She couldn’t let him see her like this. On the other hand, she couldn’t let him stand outside while she showered and changed.

  After unlocking the door and opening it an
inch, she leaned close to the edge, not letting him see her face. “Can you give me a minute before coming in, so I can make it back to my bedroom to change? Go ahead and make some coffee if you want.”

  Shit. Shit. Shit. Not only was she in her pooh bear pajamas, her mascara had probably streaked down her face. If she hadn’t been so tired after all that wine she would have at least washed up. If Kane saw her now, he’d run for sure. Hell, she didn’t even want to look in the mirror.

  “Okay.” Damn him for chuckling.

  Not that it mattered, but she wasn’t even sure there was coffee in the cabinet. She raced back to the bedroom, and a second later, the front door opened. She grabbed her sexiest underwear, tightest pants, and that low-cut red top Harriet wanted her to wear, and ducked into the bathroom. Once the water warmed, she jumped into the shower and was full of soap when she thought she heard a soft knock followed by a squeak of the hinges.

  “Sorry to barge in, Sky, but I found out that someone saw the Senator yesterday at some perfume factory west of 89. The caller has to be someplace at ten this morning, and it’s a little past nine now. We need to hurry.”

  Even though the shower door was opaque glass, she wrapped her arms around her chest. “You go ahead.”

  “I want you to come with me.” Her heart skipped a beat. “I might need to request a surveillance video, and your authority will come in handy.”

  So much for him liking her company. Sky wasn’t about to tell him she had no jurisdiction outside the Reservation. “I’ll be right out.” She rinsed her hair then turned off the water.

  The door clicked close. Oh my God. Had he been waiting there the whole time? For an insane moment, she wished he wanted to catch a peek, but her rational side dismissed the thought.

  In record time, she towel dried, and threw on her clothes, not taking the time to put on makeup. Dear God, she looked thirteen. Sky opened the door, took one step, and halted.


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