A Nash Mystery Box Set

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A Nash Mystery Box Set Page 52

by Vella Day

  “It still sucks.”

  The next morning, she half expected Kane to say he was heading out, but instead he suggested that they go to town for a good breakfast at EBE’s. She wasn’t sure of his agenda, but since she wasn’t in the mood to cook, she agreed. Being in town would give her a chance to tell the Chief about the closed Base. Whether he agreed to let her come back to work was anyone’s guess. There probably wouldn’t be a trial as those prosecuting her had left town and wouldn’t want to admit they existed.

  Sky wanted to suggest to Kane they search for the Base’s new location, but she understood he’d be heading back to Phoenix soon since he wasn’t getting paid to stay in Savory. To add to her depression, Lauren had called this morning to say she wasn’t going to air her piece since they’d found nothing. Sky said she totally understood.

  Sky twisted in the front seat to face him. “You know what sucks the most?”


  “We never did figure out who killed Randall Tyler.”

  “You probably never will. I think you’ll agree that he was killed because his murderers needed access to the Base.”

  “It’s gross to think they killed him for his eyes.”

  “It could have been two workers from the Base who wanted more secure access, but they’d have to be pretty desperate if they were willing to kill a man for it.”

  “I agree. Those men are probably long gone, and until they commit another murder, they’re going to get away with it,” she said.


  Kane parked in front to the restaurant. As she slipped out, her cell rang. “Uh-oh. It’s the Chief.”

  “Sky. Where are you right now?”

  “I’m about to go into EBE’s.” What did he care?

  “I’m glad I caught you.” She hoped he didn’t think she’d flee town.

  “What’s up?”

  “A couple of things. Harriet told me what happened, and I wanted to thank you for risking your life to look for her. I also received a call from some General explaining everything about the Base. You’re off suspension. You can start work tomorrow.”

  “Thanks.” Or not. She was enjoying the first vacation she’d had in forever, but if Kane left, she’d want to throw herself into her job.

  “One other thing,” he said. “Harvey’s gone.”

  “Gone?” Holy shit. Had there been another abduction?

  Kane held open the café door, and she headed to her usual spot. The breakfast crowd was particularly noisy this morning, so Sky had to press her palm to her ear.

  “Not gone, gone,” the Chief explained. “He quit the force. He couldn’t live with the lies anymore.”

  “What lies?”

  “You know Harvey’s son died several years ago?”

  “Yes, he overdosed.”

  “Harvey knew the drugs came from someone in his son’s unit, and ever since, he’s had a hate-on for the military. Harvey wanted to drive out their presence before they ruined anyone else.”

  She tried to connect the dots. “Are you saying Harvey let the Base know we were coming?”


  “I would have thought he’d want the Base exposed. It would make the military look bad for hiding secrets.”

  “I don’t think Harvey was thinking clearly. He knew their presence was bad and wanted them gone. He didn’t want anyone else harmed.”

  “I never would have guessed. Thanks for letting me know.” She disconnected.

  Kane sat with his back to the café wall. This time, Sky faced him, secure in knowing nothing could harm her with Kane there. “Harvey was the rat.” She told him why.

  “Maybe he did us a favor.”

  “Do you really mean that? I wanted to find aliens and help free any prisoners.”

  “We have no idea if there ever were prisoners or aliens for that matter.”

  She scrunched up her nose. “You might be right.”

  Kane chuckled, and Cathy came over to take their order then left. He leaned back in his seat. “I have a proposition for you.” He had a twinkle in his eyes and that sexy dimple in his cheek appeared.

  “I’m listening.”

  “I have a feeling with Harvey gone and Carl probably returning to work soon, the Chief will hire someone else new, and your duties will once again be relegated to traffic tickets and bar fights.”

  “Ouch.” She shrugged. “I think you’re right. We don’t get a lot of crime around here. Well, at least we didn’t before the Base stuff started happening.”

  He grabbed her hands. “What about moving to Phoenix with me and starting a detective agency?”

  The wind was knocked out of her lungs. “You want me to move to Phoenix? To start an agency?”

  “Yes. There’s more. Move in with me.”

  Her heart pounded so fast, she could barely think. “I’m speechless.”

  “Can I take that as a yes?”

  “Yes! Oh my God. I can’t believe it.”

  Kane's smile nearly made craters in his cheeks. “There is one stipulation.”

  No way would he make her do something she didn’t like. “What?”

  “You let me buy you the biggest, heaviest car made.”

  Sky laughed and loved him even more. “It’s a deal.”

  I hope you enjoyed Sky and Kane's story!!

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