The British Billionaire Bachelor

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The British Billionaire Bachelor Page 16

by Maggie Carpenter

  Minutes ticked by before she opened her eyes.

  “Simon,” she breathed. “How...? That was...!”

  “Mmmm...” he sighed, “wasn’t it though?”

  He sat up and reached across to the nightstand, picking up the cheesecake he had sneaked in before joining her. Spooning a good chunk off the end he presented it to her lips.

  “Ohhh–that is soooo good,” she murmured.

  He followed suit, then offered her more.

  “This cheesecake reminds me of you,” he crooned, spooning it into her mouth.

  “It does?” she grinned, luxuriating in the decadent dessert as it dissolved its creamy goodness against her tongue.

  “It does. It melts in my mouth. It’s innocent vanilla and rich chocolate mixed together, and a crust that offers just enough of a crunchy edge to make it interesting.”

  “I’m all that?” she asked wide-eyed.

  “And more,” he answered, his voice tinged with sobriety, and taking another mouthful, placed his lips upon hers, allowing their tongues to share the flavorful pudding until it had deliquesced and was slipping down their throats.

  It was 3 am when Belle heard the sound of a distant chiming. She thought she was dreaming, but when she heard Simon’s quiet voice she pulled herself from sleep. He was sitting up, his cell phone at his ear.

  “I don’t understand. Why is he suddenly being so difficult? Talk to him and call me back, but go through the hotel switchboard. The line will be clearer than this mobile. My suite number is 1001.”

  He dropped his phone on the nightstand and made a grunting sound.

  “Is there something the matter,” she inquired, yawning sleepily.

  “Yes, very much the matter.”

  “Oh. I’m sorry. Can I help?”

  “I’m afraid not. I’m buying a chain of small grocery stores. Everything has been going well until this week. It’s very odd. The seller, Cosgrove is his name, has become very difficult, making demands and throwing up roadblocks. Very odd.”

  “He must have had a change of heart,” Belle offered, trying to bring herself fully awake.

  “Maybe, but my instinct tells me it’s more than that. It’s almost as if he knows.”

  “Knows what?”

  “That I’m going to transform his little stores into much larger ones. Supermarkets. It’s been a closely guarded secret, not just because of potential competitors but because he’s a sentimental old chap and I don’t think he’d cotton to the idea. Not to mention he could decide to jack up the price, but it’s crazy. He couldn’t know. Only a handful of people know my plans and they’re completely trustworthy.”

  The jangling of the hotel phone prevented her response

  “Hello,” he said anxiously. “How much? This is completely absurd. I’m going to call you back. Stay by the phone.”

  He replaced the receiver and ran a hand through his mop of unruly black hair.

  “Cosgrove is demanding more money. I could sue him for breach of contract and he knows it. He doesn’t have the funds to fight me. I just don’t get it.”

  Belle sat quietly for a moment, then said, very simply,

  “The he knows.”

  Simon turned and looked at her.

  “What do you mean? I just told you only a handful of trusted employees are aware of my plans?”

  “It doesn’t matter. However he found out is irrelevant. He knows, period, and you know he knows, right?”

  Simon stared at her.

  “Darn it, yes, I do.”

  “So–you have a leak.”

  “That’s impossible,” he frowned. “These people have been with me forever. We’re a team, and Cosgrove couldn’t buy them off even if he tried. They make scads of money. Too much to risk, that’s for sure.”

  “Then it was someone else. A secretary maybe?”

  “A secretary,” he repeated, his frown deepening. “Why would a secretary...oh no!” he exclaimed, jumping from the bed. “Of course! Cassandra! Belle you’re a genius. An absolute genius.”

  “I am?”

  “Yes! Okay, Miss Genius, just shush for a minute. I have to think about this...”

  His voice trailed off, and Belle watched him pace, every minute or so his hand ran through his thick, black hair, a gesture she was growing to love.

  “Got it!” he declared, and grabbing the phone, jumped back into the bed. “It’s cold,” he grinned at her by way of explanation.

  She giggled, then laughed out loud, absolutely gleeful that she’d been able to help. Almost mesmerized by his exuberance, she leaned into him as he dialed, hoping to hear the other side of the conversation.

  “Jeremy–listen. We have a leak, Cassandra Langford. Yes, I understand it’s hard to imagine but I’m right. I know exactly what to do and how to catch her. Call a meeting in the conference room, secretaries and assistants included. Tell them I have an important announcement to make, then ring me back when they’re all gathered. Oh–and tell them to leave their cell phones outside the room. Make it a command, not a request.”

  “Will do skipper,” Jeremy replied. “What about Cassandra?”

  “I’ll handle that. You just act normally and don’t worry about what I’ll say. Everything will be fine. When I’ve finished making the announcement ask Thomas to remain behind and keep him talking for about fifteen minutes. In the meantime, duck Cosgrove’s calls. I want to make it hard for him to reach anyone. Got it?”

  “Yes, Simon, you can count on me.”

  “Switch me to Ian would you?”

  “Right away.”


  “Who are Ian and Thomas?” Belle whispered, now completely intrigued with the drama.

  “Ian’s my security guy. Thomas is the man Cassandra works for.”

  “Ohh... this is so exciting,” she beamed.

  “Ian. I need you to tap into Cassandra Langford’s desk phone?”

  “When?” the gruff, east London voice replied.

  “She’ll be away from her desk any minute. Jeremy is calling a meeting in the conference room right now.”

  “I’ll get right on it.”

  “Make sure her mobile is MIA for a while,” Simon added. “I need her to use her office line, and while you have it, make sure you download her call log and text messages. Everyone has been ordered to leave their phones behind so it will be around her desk somewhere.”

  “Got it boss!”

  Simon replaced the receiver, sighing heavily.

  “Oh my gosh. Can you do that? Tap her phone and borrow her cell?” Belle asked, somewhat aghast at the tactics.

  “Needs must. If she’s the guilty party she must be found out and stopped. Extreme measures, my lovely girl.”

  “Wow–so this is the world of big business,” she remarked, eyes wide.

  “Sometimes, but Belle, it appears you may have saved the day,” he grinned, grabbing her and hugging her tightly.

  “Really?” she squeaked.

  “Yes, and made me a bundle of money to boot!”

  Belle burst out laughing.

  “You are going to get one very big reward,” he promised, planting kisses, one after the other, across her face and neck.

  “I just had one just a little while ago,” she declared, “and I’d be very happy to have another!”

  The phone broke into their celebration. Simon kissed her quickly on the lips, then cleared his throat.

  “Time for me to be serious and somber,” he winked.

  Picking up the receiver, he settled back against the plush headboard of their bed.

  “Mr. Sinclair–I have everyone gathered here and am putting you on speaker,” Jeremy’s voice announced.

  “Thank you, Jeremy,” he replied, then waited until he heard the telltale click, signaling his voice could be heard by all. “Hello everyone. I’m afraid I have some rather unfortunate news.”

  He paused, waiting for the murmuring of the collected gathering to stop.

  “As you know,
I had big plans for the Cosgrove Grocery Chain, but some issues have arisen that appear to be insurmountable. Like most projects, unforeseen obstacles pop up. I still believe in the basic concept, grocery stores committed to organic produce and chemical free foods. It’s important, and I hope I don’t have to can the whole project, but as far building out the current shops and creating larger, more modern supermarkets, I might have to pull the plug. Just wanted to keep you all up to speed. Hold off on any further work until you hear from Jeremy. That’s it–I know it’s disappointing but we will soldier on. Thank you all for your efforts.”

  He could hear muted conversations and muttered words of disappointment, and Jeremy asking Thomas to remain behind. A moment later Jeremy picked up the line, cutting off the speaker.

  “Everyone gone except Thomas?” Simon asked.


  “Good. Thanks, Jeremy. Keep him there at least fifteen minutes, and then we wait. Let’s see what crinkles out.”

  Hanging up the phone, Simon turned to Belle and slid down under the bedcovers.

  “If I’m right, Ian will be calling shortly. He’ll report that Cassandra has called Cosgrove with the information. Cosgrove will panic, worried I’m about to pull out of the deal, and he’ll be convinced even further when he won’t be able to contact Jeremy or me.”

  “You are such a manipulator,” she remarked, snuggling closer to him.

  “Just a businessman rolling the dice.”

  “You seem so sure about everything.”

  “I wasn’t sure at all, until you were smart enough to mention a secretary.”

  “It was kind of obvious. If it wasn’t an executive, who was left? You would have figured it out,” she sighed. “Eventually.”

  “Eventually may well have been too late,” he said firmly. Belle had saved the day and he wanted her to know it.

  “Soooo...who is this Cassandra person? Why would she want to disrupt things?”

  “I wondered when you’d ask me that,” he chuckled. “I had a passing thing with her. She’d never been tied up or spanked and she absolutely loved it, and me apparently.”

  He paused, unsure about how to continue, and for the second time Belle stepped in and saved him.

  “She thought you were exclusive and believed you were crazy about her, and when she realized it wasn’t like that she was angry,” she offered.

  “Exactly, and Belle, just so we’re clear. No-one, and I mean no-one, I’ve ever been with, can hold a candle to you. That is–I care about you very much. I have–uh–strong feelings for you.”

  Belle placed a finger to his lips.

  “It’s okay, Simon. I think I know what you’re trying to say. The Simon Sinclair of the London social scene isn’t the Simon I’m laying in bed with right now. Would that be a correct assessment?”

  “Very correct,” he smiled, taking her hand and kissing it. “Anyway, Cassandra was very upset. I felt bad–I never meant to hurt her and I never lied to her. When she lost her job and asked me if she could come and work for my company I agreed. The timing was perfect. Thomas’s secretary had been in a bad car accident. I thought it would only be for a week or so, but it didn’t turn out that way. I have no idea when Cassandra started plotting against me. Perhaps it was her scheme all along. It doesn’t matter. I’m sure she...”

  The ringing phone interrupted him, and he reached for the receiver.


  Simon was always amused how Ian started their phone conversation. It was always, ‘Boss–Ian.’

  “That was quick. Talk to me.”

  “You were right on the money. Cassandra immediately called a woman named Dolores Bankworth. Turns out she’s Cosgrove’s personal assistant. Cassandra told her the whole story, everything you announced.”

  “I see. That’s confirmed then.”

  “Yes, and her mobile has dozens of texts between them, mostly about meeting places and times. Looks as if she’s been passing her information for weeks.”

  “Thanks, Ian. Great work. Leave that mobile somewhere obvious where she can find it. Maybe on the floor behind her desk, something like that.”

  “Will do, boss.”

  Simon sighed as he replaced the receiver and slid back under the bedcovers.

  “Cassandra called Cosgrove’s office the moment she returned to her desk. Apparently she’s been feeding them information for some time.”

  “Wow!” Belle exclaimed. “That’s awful.”

  “It’s almost over now. We can get some sleep,” he yawned, reaching up and turning off the lamp by the bed. “Come here you!”

  He pulled her into him, and she nestled against his body.

  What am I going to do when you leave? she thought, closing her eyes. Besides miss you every minute of every day.

  Simon inhaled the soft fragrance of her hair, melting into the soft, warm curves of her body. He thought about his London house, the many rooms, his chef, his housekeeper and other sundry servants. He’d be returning to a house full of people, but it would seem empty and lifeless without Belle.

  His country estate, the horses, the dogs, and the secret dungeon he’d put together with the help of old college friends, each of them carefully guarding its existence. Only those close friends had shared its delights, and only with those women considered completely trustworthy.

  Thank goodness I never took Cassandra there. It would be all over the tabloids, he silently grimaced.

  Though it was well known he was a bit kinky and slightly wicked, it would be another thing entirely to have a beautiful young woman talk to the press about some secret dungeon at his country estate.

  Belle–how I would love to show it to you–share it with you. We could spend so many happy, exciting hours there...

  ...and with images of his dungeon, and all its dark delights dancing in his head, he fell into a deep, calm sleep.

  A morning call woke them from sleep, bringing the news Simon had anticipated. After ducking his calls for several hours, when Jeremy finally spoke to Cosgrove not only was the man eager to get things moving again, he rescinded his recent demands, and wanted to know when Simon would be back in the UK to meet and close the deal.

  “Excellent,” Simon said, attempting to ignore the naked Belle at his side and concentrate on the call. “Tell him I’ll be back soon, probably fly out tonight.”

  Belle, nestled beside him and still half asleep, felt a clammy hand wrap itself around her heart, and slowly, painfully squeeze.

  Probably leave tonight...

  A strange thumping began in her temples, a hot lump formed in her throat and the threat of tears sprang up behind her eyes.

  “That’s fine, Jeremy. Talk to you soon,” he finished, and as he replaced the receiver he felt Belle attempting to slip from the bed.

  “Just where do you think you’re going?” he asked, turning and grabbing her arm, preventing her escape.

  “Sounds like you’ve got to get to work,” she lied.

  “I always have to get to work,” he breathed in her ear, “and that hasn’t stopped me before.”

  His mouth moved to her breast, kissing and licking a nipple. Sighing, she thrust out her chest, her body, still warm from the bed, welcoming the attention.

  “Mmmm, Belle,” he crooned. “I love waking up to you.”

  “Me too,” she sighed, silently adding, and it’s not fair that you’re leaving.

  He slid his other hand between her legs, toying with her clit, but the hotel phone jangled annoyingly.

  “Sorry my sweet. Better make sure...” he muttered, rolling away.

  She sat up, fighting the sadness washing over her. She had known this day was inevitable but hadn’t expected it so soon, and so abruptly.

  “Okay, Cecil, I understand. Order breakfast for us and bring the paperwork over, then call Joseph back and tell him I’ll meet him there at 11. Also–call Gerry and tell him to get the plane ready. Departure at 7pm.”

  “So–you’re off,” she remarked,
not knowing what else to say.

  “I’m afraid so, and we have to get up. Cecil and breakfast will be here soon.”

  “Okay,” she replied brightly, trying to sound normal, and for the second time made a move from the bed.

  “Whoa there!” he said sharply. “Wait a minute...”

  Grasping her wrist he yanked her back to him, hugging her tightly. “I haven’t given you your marching orders yet.”

  He was kissing her face and neck, and in spite of her mixed emotions she found herself surrendering to his loving, ardent attention.

  “You, sweet Belle, need to call the escrow office and tell them I need to close immediately. Can you do that?”

  “Yes, Sir,” she breathed, besotted by the manner in which he directed her.

  “Then you need to make sure we can get into the house after I meet with Joseph–say around 11:30–11:45–so I can check out the repairs.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she repeated, finding it increasingly difficult to concentrate. His roaming hands and the hot wetness between her legs, made focusing almost impossible.

  “Isn’t that backwards?” she managed. “What if...”

  “Ssshhh–I know what I’m doing,” he interjected, squeezing her bottom.

  “Ooohhh,” she moaned. “Yes, you do...”

  “Now you will get up and shower in the guest room. We’ll be in the bathroom forever if you stay here.”

  He pulled back, smiling down at her. Flickering her eyes open, she stared up at him.

  “Busy day,” she mumbled.

  “Yes, a busy day together. Off you go.”

  He slapped her playfully as she scrambled from the bed, watching her wrap the robe around her nakedness.

  “That’s criminal,” he chuckled.

  Despite the bittersweetness of the moment, she giggled back before padding across the room to leave, but when she reached the door she stopped and turned.

  “We can’t close escrow until 24 hours after the funds arrive,” she frowned.

  “They have already been transferred,” he answered, smiling at her.


  “I knew I was buying the house. I’m always a step ahead. You must know that by now.”

  “Yes, I do,” she sighed.


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