Reno Gabrini: A Man in Full

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Reno Gabrini: A Man in Full Page 17

by Mallory Monroe

  And he came. He couldn’t hold back a moment longer. He leaned back, with her glued against his sweaty body, and poured into her like a man exhaling his last breath. His massive biceps were all veins and strain as he poured into her. He didn’t want to beat her to the punch, that wasn’t his style to cum first, but it had been six long days. He wasn’t accustomed to being without her this long. And he couldn’t hold back.

  But his climax was only seconds ahead of hers. Because she came too. The heat from his output alone was enough to do her in. She cried out as she came. She screamed his name as the pulsations of his dick throbbed against her vagina and tightened her to a point where she felt, not just the hardness of his dick, but the very coarseness of it too.

  And he kept thrashing into her, as they both experienced the magnitude of the sensations. His cum was mixing with her cum and it was all sliding out, like milk, until there was nothing left to empty. Until there was nothing left to feel. Until Reno found himself leaned so far backwards that he was now sitting on his ass, and Trina was sitting on his lap. And his dick, remarkably, was still pulsating inside of her.

  Trina woke up later to find Reno, lying on his side, staring at her. He smiled when she opened her big, hazel eyes.

  “I missed you,” he said. “I miss my girl.”

  Trina, however, looked serious. She studied his handsome face. “Your hair is a mess,” she said.

  He laughed. “You’re one to talk,” he said, running his hands through her wild hair.

  But she still didn’t smile. Because she knew they had an issue. An issue she’d been thinking about, almost nonstop, ever since she arrived in Mississippi.

  Reno saw the distress in her eyes. “We’re going to be okay, babe,” he reassured her.

  “I’ve been doing a lot of thinking while I’ve been away,” she said. “A lot of thinking. And I’ve decided to trust your judgment, Reno, and relocate Champagne’s to the PaLargio.”

  Reno stared at her. It was his time to look serious now. He hadn’t expected her to ever give in. “But you’ll be under my thumb again,” he said.

  She was shocked. In all the arguments she had with Reno about that business of hers, he never once intimated that he understood why she wanted her business to be separate from his. But apparently he did understand. He understood how her independence meant so much to her, and how she was determined to hold onto it. She loved that about him. But it was still shocking to know.

  “Oh, yeah,” Reno said, noticing her shock, “I heard what you were saying to me. You didn’t want to lose your definition. I heard you.”

  Trina stared at him.

  “And you won’t have to,” he went on. “While you’ve been gone, I’ve been doing a lot of thinking too. And I believe it’s your judgment I need to trust.”

  This confounded Trina. “My judgment?”

  “Your judgment. I have over a hundred businesses inside the PaLargio. I own outright many of them, and because of the location alone, I own a piece of the rest of them. And I don’t give those businesses a second thought. Those businesses don’t mean shit to me, Tree. Just more revenue stream for my real thing, for my PaLargio. Champagne’s is different. It’s your thing, your real deal. It’s your real thing. And you deserve to keep it separate from mine.”

  Trina sat up on her elbows. Her naked breasts spilled out as the sheet dropped down. “What are you saying, Reno?”

  Reno exhaled. This wasn’t an easy decision for him. Not by a long shot. But he knew, for her, it was the only decision to be made. “Champagne’s is yours, and I want you to keep it that way.”

  Trina’s heart began to soar. “And keep it where it is now?” she asked.

  He nodded. “And keep it where it is now,” he said, and she immediately threw herself into his arms.

  “Oh, Reno!” he said with joy as she hugged him. Then she looked into his eyes. Tears were beginning to form in hers. “I love you, man,” she said, heartfelt, to him.

  “I love you more,” he said to her, stared into her eyes, and then began kissing her again. Long and passionately. He moved down, to her naked breasts, and began ravaging her there. And Trina lifted her head, smiling as he sucked her breasts, and she knew it all over again.

  She had to be the luckiest woman in the world.

  Two hours later and Jody Parks drove up to the Hathaway residence.

  “I’m outside of the place now,” he said into his cell phone as he looked at the ranch-styled home.

  “Good,” the voice on the other end said. “But don’t come on too strong because she’s going to already be suspicious. Just play it off as if you’re this rich guy with his own plane and it’s nothing for you to make this detour. That’s how you have to play it.”

  “What if she doesn’t buy it?”

  “Then that means you didn’t play it right! But I don’t care how you do it, you get her to spend some time with you. I need you to be her confidant when her faith in Reno starts to waver. She’s got to feel that you went out of your way to come and see about her. She’s got to feel as if you’re a true friend to her, not some creepy stalker. If you play it right.”

  “Don’t worry,” he said. “Before she leaves this town, I’ll have her believing my intentions are pure and I’m the best friend she could ever have. She’ll think it’s just like old times, when we were as close as sister and brother. Then I won’t owe you another dime and you people can leave me the hell alone.”

  “If you do what you’re supposed to do, I’ll consider your debt paid. You fuck up, and you’ll pay with your life. That’s all.”

  Jody could hear his heart began to pound. How in the world did he get mixed up with people like this? He killed the call and got out of the car.

  Upstairs, Trina was asleep on top of Reno when the doorbell rang. She moved to get up, but Reno was holding her too tightly. She didn’t want to wake him up, because he needed his rest, so she wiggled her way out of his grasp.

  The doorbell was on its second round of rings by the time Trina slipped on a pair of shorts and threw on a t-shirt. By the time she made it to the front door, it was on its third round of rings.

  “Yes?” she asked as she looked out of the peephole. When she saw it was Jody, she frowned. “Jody?” she asked.

  “Yeah, it’s me,” he said from the other side of the door. “How are you?”

  “What do you want?” she asked him.

  “I felt bad about what happened at the Carlton. I wanted to make it up to you.”

  But it made no sense to Tree. They weren’t a few miles away. They were a few states away! “But why would you be in Dale?” she asked. “In Mississippi?”

  “That’s what I’m saying,” he said. “I felt I needed to make it up to you. I was on my way to a business meeting in Charleston. I told my pilot to make an additional stop here in Mississippi. And here I am!” Then he smiled. “You didn’t know I owned my own plane, did you?”

  But Trina was nobody’s fool. This was feeling weirder by the second. “But you came all this way for what?”

  “To see you. To talk to you. To give you that insight Reno wouldn’t let me give to you.”

  “But how did you know I was even here?”

  “One of your employees told me. Since I knew I had to come near here, I decided to drop by.” He smiled. “I’m not stalking you or anything like that, Tree, so relax, okay? I’m not some creep, okay? I feel I can really help you, I can help your business.”

  “Who is it?” Reno asked behind her. Trina looked back. He was coming toward the door in his pants and his unbuttoned shirt. “Who is it?” he asked again.

  “Jody,” she said, still stunned. “Jody Parks.”

  Reno couldn’t believe it either. “What the fuck!” he said and hurried to the door and slung it open. When Jody saw Reno, his heart dropped through his shoe.

  But it was too late for him to even think about running because Reno grabbed him by the catch of his collar and flung him into the house. Trina looke
d out, to make sure he was alone, and then closed the door behind them.

  Reno dragged Jody and threw him onto the sofa. Then Reno stood there, looking at him. “What the fuck are you doing here?” he asked him.

  “I was on my way to Charleston--”

  Reno slammed his fist across Jody’s jaw. Jody shrieked in pain.

  “What are you doing here?” Reno asked again. “Don’t fuck with me, Jody!”

  “I came to talk. . . I wanted to talk to Trina.”

  “Talk to Trina about what?”

  “Just talk to her.”

  Reno rammed his fist into Jody’s face again. Blood gushed from his nose. “Talk to her about what?” Reno asked again.

  “Her store!” Jody yelled in pain. “I wanted to give her pointers---”

  “You’re a fucking liar!” Reno roared. “Why did you come here? Why were you so surprised to see me here?”

  “Reno, it’s not like that. I wasn’t,” he started, but Reno had had it. He rammed his fist into Joey’s face over and over. He beat him down on that sofa. Trina moved back, and hated that it had come to this, but she knew Reno was doing what he had to do.

  “They made me!” Jody finally yelled when he couldn’t take another punch. Trina looked at Reno. Reno was staring at Jody.

  “Who made you?” he asked him.

  “They said they would, if I didn’t, they said---”

  Reno grabbed Jody again by the catch of his collar. “Who made you, motherfucker, answer my question! Who made you?”

  “Acer!” he yelled.

  Reno knew him. “He’s a loan shark.”

  “I owed him money. Big money. My business was failing, I was in a lot of debt, and he . . . the banks wouldn’t. . . so he loaned me money.”

  Trina stared at Jody. It was all lies. He wasn’t any turnaround expert. His own business had failed!

  “How much you owe?” Reno asked him.

  “Fifty thousand. Plus interest. Only the interest isn’t money, it’s . . .”

  Trina moved up beside Reno. “It’s what, Jody?” she asked.

  “They wanted me to be your confidant. They wanted me to be the inside man for some scheme they’re cooking up. They needed to know what you were thinking and what was going on, and they knew I once had a good friendship with Tree. So they were going to use me.”

  Trina, puzzled, looked at Reno. Reno looked at her, too, and then looked at Jody. “What else?”

  “They didn’t tell me anything else. They told me to reestablish our friendship. That was all I was supposed to do.”

  “You keep saying they,” Reno said. “Who’s they?”

  “Acer. I don’t know his real name. He has different people working for him. I deal with different people. They told me what to do, and I wouldn’t owe them a dime if I succeeded. They didn’t give me any choice, Reno.”

  Reno released Jody and stood erect. “Get my phone,” he ordered Trina and she hurried to the bedroom. When she returned, Reno made a call and moved slightly away from them, although they both heard the conversation. “Send me a couple of guys,” he eventually said, and then killed the call.

  Trina started to ask just where were these couple of guys going to come from, but she already knew. If Reno had his people keeping an eye on her in Vegas, she would have been naïve to think he was going to let her come all this way to Mississippi without somebody watching over her. But to her surprise, the two men entered her parents’ home almost immediately, as if they were just outside the door, and they didn’t bother to knock.

  “Yes, sir?” the tall one said as they entered.

  “Get him,” Reno ordered, and the two men headed for Jody. “Take him to the box.”

  The two men grabbed Jody and left. Jody would have asked where they were taking him, but if it meant getting him away from Reno, he was agreeable. Anybody was preferable to Reno.

  Trina looked at Reno when they left, and she had that look of concern on her face. Reno exhaled. “It’ll be all right, babe,” he said to her. “I promise you that.”

  “What do you think is going on, Ree?”

  “It’ll be alright,” he said again, his face betraying his words. “It’ll be alright.”

  The bag was taken off of Jody’s head and he realized he was in a small living room inside a small house. The two men who had ushered him out of Trina’s parents’ home were the two men who now stood guard over him. He smiled. He felt as if he had dodged a bullet.

  “What kind of place is this?” he asked them. “One of Reno’s safe houses? He finds a house to rent or buy whenever he or his family is in a town long enough.” Jody smiled. “Didn’t think I would know that, did you?” The two men were ignoring him. “Well I do know it. I used to work for Reno, too, you see. I know all his little secrets. I know if he meant to harm me, I would have been dead by now. But he won’t harm me. You know why? Because we go back too far. Way back. We used to chase those females like it was nobody’s business, I’m telling you. And Reno, he was worse than I was. But we loved us some females. Yes we did,” he said, looking around. “Yes, we did.”

  It was nervous chatter and both guards knew it. They’d seen it countless times before. It was Jody’s way of maintaining his dignity; of not shitting all over himself with fear. Because if he worked for Reno in the past as he claimed, then he had to know Reno didn’t play. So they let him talk up a storm. And he talked and he talked. He laughed and he talked. Until the front door opened, and Reno walked in. He shut up then.

  Reno hesitated, as he stood at the closed door looking at Jody. Jody wanted to smile; he wanted to say something to lighten the tension Reno brought into the room when he walked in it, but every instinct within him told him to keep it buttoned. Reno, with that intense look on his face, was not the one.

  Reno removed his gloves and walked up to the small chair they had Jody sitting in. Jody’s heart began to pound. And suddenly he felt as if he had to remind Reno of who he was. He felt he had to remind Reno of his humanity.

  “Remember when we tried to sneak into that Knicks game that time, Reno?” he asked him. “I was telling the guys here about it. You pissed in your pants when that guard caught you by the collar.”

  “Have you pissed in yours?” Reno asked him.

  Jody’s smile left. “No,” he said.

  “You should. It may be the last piss you ever have.”

  “Why you wanna say things like that, Reno?” Jody pleaded. “Why you talking like that?”

  “I spoke to Acer,” Reno said.

  Jody’s heart dropped.

  “He didn’t know who the fuck you were.”

  “But I’m telling you he’s the one I was dealing with!”

  Reno pulled out his gun and without any pause whatsoever shot Jody straight through one of his testicles. Even Reno’s own men winced as Jody screamed out in pain and grabbed his bleeding balls. He was in so much pain that he flipped the chair over and then flipped over himself in unbearable pain.

  Reno kicked the chair out of his way, lifted Jody by the catch of his collar, and then slung him onto the sofa. He placed the barrel of his gun at Jody’s second testicle. “Didn’t I tell you I didn’t like games?”

  “Reno, please,” Jody begged.

  “I told you two things. I told you not to fuck with me, and I told you to stay away from my wife. But you decided my word wasn’t worth shit to you, and you defied me, Jody! What did you think I was gonna do? Let you play me for a chump with no retribution? Are you that stupid, or did you think I was?”

  “I didn’t, Reno, I don’t,” Jody was crying and out of his mind with pain. He could hardly hear Reno.

  “Who sent you here?” Reno asked him. “Who told you to follow my wife to Mississippi?”

  “I told you---”

  Reno pressed his barrel harder against Jody’s testicle.

  “Reno, no!” he yelled, bending down in pain.

  “Then tell me, gotdammit! Who told you to follow my wife here?”

sp; “He’ll kill me if I tell!”

  “And what the fuck you think I’m gonna do to you if you don’t tell? A bird in the hand is worth fifty fucking birds in a bush motherfucker! I’m that bird in the hand, asshole. They threaten to shoot you, but I just did. So who should you fear more? And I’ll shoot your ass again if you don’t stop fucking with me, Jody! Now who sent you here, and you tell me the truth!”

  Jody’s face was now a mask of anguish. He was at that point of no return. “Compton,” he said.

  Reno frowned. “Who the fuck is Compton?”

  “Compton Durail,” Jody said.

  “Durail? I know that name.”

  One of Reno’s men, the smaller one, spoke up. “That kid that tried to carjack Jimmy Mack earlier this year was named Durail. Jermaine Durail. Compton’s his older brother.”

  Reno looked at his guard. “You know him?”

  “I heard of him. He owns the Meg Club on Market.”

  Now it was beginning to make some sense to Reno. The Meg Club on Market was where Jimmy’s friend Connie shot and killed Jermaine Durail. Was this what it was all about? Was Compton Durail blaming Jimmy for his brother’s death? Was this some revenge plot? Reno didn’t know, but he was going to find out.

  He began heading for the door.

  “Reno!” Jody cried out. “What about me? I’ll bleed to death if you leave me here!”

  “Drop him off at the hospital,” Reno said to his guards. “Drop him in the parking lot and then haul ass.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Reno looked at Jody. “If you mention my name to the authorities or anybody else the way you just mentioned Compton Durail’s name to me, my name will be the last word you speak on the face of this earth. If you don’t believe me, if you ever find yourself doubting that I’ll keep my word, I want you to look down, at your balls. Or, at least, what’s left of your balls. That’ll tell you all you’ll need to know.”


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