Miss Radley's Third Dare

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Miss Radley's Third Dare Page 10

by Heather Boyd

  Mr. George grinned as he held the door and allowed her to pass inside ahead of him. Since he’d trailed along largely in silence at Melanie’s side the whole distance from home, she wasn’t sure what he thought of his invitation but he didn’t seem perturbed about his inclusion.

  She stopped in the center of the shop and glanced around. Valentine had explained that he hoped to take over this shop when Mr. Faraday retired in the next year. It was exactly six o’clock and the sudden clamor of a dozen or more chiming clocks brought a wide grin to her face. She had always wondered what it would be like to come here when they all chimed together.

  She smiled at Valentine. “That’s really quite something to hear.”

  “I only have five at home,” he whispered. “When we have a shop, you can expect to hear that sound more and more often.” He turned her as Mrs. Faraday appeared from the rear of the dwelling and welcomed them. “Thank you for the invitation.”

  “We are very pleased our request for a meeting could be arranged at such short notice.” There were two other men, and their wives she assumed, standing on either side of Mrs. Faraday. The men stared; the ladies glanced at her nervously as the introductions were made.

  “Thank you for inviting me.” She risked another smile, wondering what was going on in their heads. Did they like her or not? Had she underdressed for the occasion? Had her hair become frizzy again in the evening breeze?

  At her side, Melanie stirred and moved forward. “This is quite the gathering. Mrs. James, how well you look today. Mrs. Faraday. I trust your families are in good health.”

  “They are, Miss Merton. It’s very good to see you back where you belong.”

  “I am happy to be here.” She smiled. “Valentine has told me so much about his hopes for the shop and his affection for Julia too. I’m very pleased.”

  “It is obvious indeed.” Mrs. Faraday gestured behind her. “Come. Everything is ready and waiting.”

  Valentine frowned then moved his arm around her back to guide her into the rear of the shop. A table in the rear workroom had been cleared and a selection of delicacies had been laid out on a pretty tablecloth. “Is it a party?”

  “Yes.” Mr. Faraday glanced around beaming. “It is my retirement.”

  Valentine’s grip tightened but then he released her. “Why didn’t you tell me earlier that it would be so soon?”

  “I wanted to surprise you with the good news.” Mr. Faraday passed over a glass of spirits and offered punch to herself and Melanie. “I received a most generous offer for the building. Too good to refuse, in fact.”

  “I see.” Julia glanced quickly at her betrothed and saw his face had paled. He appeared devastated by this new development. “What does that mean for us, Valentine?”

  He winced. “That I now have to negotiate with someone else for rent. It could cost more.”

  Julia caught his hand and squeezed. “I’m sure we’ll manage the change.”

  “I’m sure you will too,” Mr. Faraday said as he peered over his glasses and then winked at her. He passed Mr. George a glass and then raised his. “Mr. George, I want to thank you for ensuring this old man can be assured many long and comfortable final years.”

  They both twisted to look at the silent presence at their back.

  George smiled at Faraday. “As I said to you. The building is sound and a good investment.”

  “Why would you do this,” Valentine whispered in shock.

  George shrugged. “I had the money to spare. Besides, the way your father was condemning the venture meant you’d never obtain a fair deal from a landlord, no matter how many conditions you met.”

  Valentine gulped. “You bought the building just so I would lease it from you?”

  He nodded. “At the same rate until you’re on your feet. Don’t thank me yet. You have a lot of hours to put in before you’re regarded as highly as Mr. Faraday and can match his income. Mr. Hawke manages my investments as you know and will set up the paperwork and handle everything between us. Shouldn’t take too much time at all, I imagine.”

  “Oh, Walter!” Julia threw her arms around George impulsively and squeezed him for all she was worth. “You truly are the best man.”

  George extracted himself quickly, blushing. “You deserve this chance.”

  Valentine shook his hand but then scowled. “You might have dropped a hint.”

  “You’re welcome.” George glanced at those gathered. “So, I take it you finally agree to Mr. Merton’s inclusion in your ranks?”

  There was agreement all round and Valentine beamed. He gripped Julia’s hand firmly. “Thank you. Thank you so very much from both of us.”

  “And I must thank Miss Radley. If my own health were better, I would have given chase that day instead of standing still like a blind fool. Brighton has become a dangerous place, but also dangerous for men with dishonorable intentions, with a woman like Miss Radley in our midst.” Faraday took both of Julia’s hands. “You have my undying gratitude for coming to my wife’s rescue that day when I could not. Thank you.”

  Julia beamed. “I was honored to help in any way I could. You’d both looked so happy moments before.”

  He smiled too. “We’re looking forward to your wedding.”

  “And the wedding breakfast? Have you made plans for that yet?” Mrs. Faraday asked. She drew Julia aside so the men could talk about the business.

  She gulped and then smiled guiltily. “Not yet. I haven’t thought much about the wedding at all yet. Mr. Merton’s proposal was very unexpected.”

  Mrs. Faraday shook her head. “To you, perhaps. The rest of us were waiting for this day to come, and high time too.”

  Julia glanced at Melanie helplessly, uncertain what to say to that.

  Melanie smiled serenely and joined them. “The wedding breakfast is well in hand, I assure you, Mrs. Faraday.”

  Her words had the necessary impact. The ladies grew excited and then retreated to serve the men across the room.

  Julia drew Melanie aside. “You shouldn’t have lied to them. I’ve done nothing, and no one has even mentioned the wedding breakfast before today. I don’t know what to do.”

  “It is done.” Melanie nodded. “Cook promised me months ago that she and Mrs. Baker would divide up any cooking, compare notes on the menu, and ensure you a day you will long remember.”

  Julia gaped. “You organized my wedding breakfast before you left Brighton? How could you know I would accept your brother, or that he would even ask?”

  “These things are best never left to chance.” She smiled briefly. “We should rejoin the rest of the party.”

  Melanie moved toward the women and Julia followed, somewhat in shock. Hadn’t she been told time and again that Melanie didn’t approve of her? That she would stop at nothing to have Valentine wed to someone else? That seemed a vast contradiction to the reality she now faced.

  She glanced at Mr. George, only to find the man staring at Melanie too. His brow wrinkled but then he glanced away to speak to Mr. Faraday, no doubt about the building he’d recently purchased. The pair laughed together and then moved toward a rear door.

  Melanie followed at a distance and peered into a side room they’d just inspected. She spoke to Mr. George and it was clear her words were awkwardly received. She turned away soon after and rejoined the older women.

  Valentine caught her hand. “I can’t believe we’ve won through at last.”

  “I can. Didn’t you say that together we could do anything?” She leaned into him a little, her happiness bubbling over. Now all she had to fear was the wedding night. Whatever that might entail.

  That was something she didn’t want to think about too hard right now.

  After a little while, another set of clocks chimed and she was surprised by how the time had flown. “Eight o’clock,” Valentine announced. “I promised your brother we wouldn’t return too late.”

  She nodded then noticed Melanie was already bidding farewell to Mrs. Faraday. “Does
Melanie have exceptional hearing?”

  “No, but she does have a better sense of propriety than myself. She’s been glancing at the clocks for a reason, not just to admire Mr. Faraday’s work. Let’s get you home so Linus doesn’t grow cross with us.”

  Julia sighed and said her goodbyes then they filed out the door. She glanced back once, making a few plans for her own life with Valentine. She’d find a small corner of the workshop to claim. She didn’t want to be in the way but she didn’t want to be left behind at home every day.

  Since it was dark out now, she drew near Valentine and they talked over the details of the shop’s reopening under his leadership. Once, she glanced over her shoulder and noticed Melanie and Mr. George were speaking quietly together. She hadn’t seen them appear so easy with each other in a long time, and she was pleased.

  “I’d like to celebrate,” Valentine whispered.

  Her spirits lifted even further. “How? Where?”

  “Only with you.” He leaned close. “Come and see me after Linus falls asleep.”

  Julia’s pulse jumped. Linus could fall asleep in an instant if the circumstances were right. “I could slip out to the workshop for a little while.”

  “Come to the townhouse instead. I’ll be waiting at the back door for you.”

  What he suggested was not without risks, to her reputation and to his. “I don’t know. What about your housekeeper?”

  “Forbes has the night off and I will take care of Mrs. Vant.” He grinned. “Do I really need to be the one to dare you to do something potentially scandalous with me this time?”

  Julia grinned, remembering how she’d pleaded with him right before he’d accepted her dare to race her in the ocean. “Very well. I’ll meet you at your back door, provided you make it worth my while.”

  “I’ll have champagne waiting.”

  Julia almost squealed with excitement and then cast a guilty glance behind her. Linus rarely allowed her to drink. “I love champagne,” she whispered.

  “That’s why I purchased a few bottles earlier this week.” He smiled warmly. “I have to return Melanie to the hotel after I leave you. Give me an hour and then come to me.”

  She squeezed Valentine’s arm, excited to have a partner in scandalous behavior at last. So far, he’d never let her down. “I can’t wait.”


  Valentine dragged Julia into his home before she said one word and quietly shut and locked the rear door. Small noises traveled far on a still night and he didn’t want any interruptions. Not when he had stolen a moment alone with his betrothed for their private celebration. He was giddy with excitement for the future and he wanted to celebrate with Julia. “Did you have any trouble getting away?”

  “None. Linus was half asleep when I returned and snoring within fifteen minutes of retiring. It’s incredible the change in him, now we are to marry. He’s almost pleased with me.” She touched his arm. “Is your sister happy everything has worked out with the company?”

  “I think so. George joined us for the stroll to the hotel so we didn’t have a chance to speak privately.” He raked a hand through his hair. “And my father was waiting and blathered about family responsibilities and settling for second best. She slipped away before I could even say good night, but I could tell she has something on her mind.”

  “And Teresa?”

  “I did not see her.” He wasn’t worried about Teresa one bit. Not after discovering how she’d worked against him. He slipped his arm around Julia’s back and urged her toward the parlor, where he’d lit candles and the fire in preparation for her arrival.

  The room was warm and intimate. Perfect for improving their relationship. He wanted Julia to consider him her friend and future. He didn’t want their wedding night to be awkward. “Champagne is this way.”

  She clapped her hands and giggled at the sight of two champagne glasses set beside the open bottle on the small table. He poured and handed her a glass. “To disaster narrowly averted.”

  They clicked glasses and Julia sipped her beverage, her eyes aglow with mischief. She smiled warmly and settled on the settee. “I’m so happy that everything will work out with the company. How kind of Mr. George to help us.”

  “He was remarkably devious about it.” Valentine sat beside her and reclined comfortably too. “George has some explaining to do tomorrow morning. Never a hint he knew what tonight was about.”

  “Oh, don’t be too hard on him.” She grinned and took another sip of her champagne. “Did you see how gentlemanly he was with Melanie tonight? He never used to like her very much.”

  “Because of how she reacted to Imogen’s loss of sight, I imagine. She’s never been very good around sickness, I’m afraid, especially when it involves our friends.”

  “She wasn’t very kind about Imogen’s lost sight. I truly thought she would hate the idea of our marriage.”

  He tipped his head as Julia started to fidget. “She doesn’t. She’s very happy about us.”

  She swallowed her champagne quickly and set the glass down.

  Puzzled by her sudden nervousness, he set down his glass too. “Would you care for more? I must warn you, though, too much might make your head pound in the morning. That might be hard to explain.”

  “I had three glasses once.” She laughed a little nervously. “Imogen conspired to help. My head hurt so terribly the next day that I vowed never to drink so much again.”

  He grinned. “When was that?”

  “Hawke and Abigail’s wedding.” She sighed. “I miss Abigail.”

  He refilled her glass and handed it to her. “Perhaps they will visit soon.”

  “It’s been a while. We should invite them for the wedding.”

  Valentine nodded. “I certainly hope they will come but it depends on Hawke’s schedule.”

  Julia lifted her glass to her lips but didn’t sip. “Marriage changes people.”

  She swallowed quickly, a sure sign of nervousness.

  “It doesn’t have to with us.” He took her glass and set it back on the table. “I like you as you are, Julia. I don’t want you to be anyone but yourself.”

  “Do you really mean that?”

  He nodded and leaned forward to kiss her cheek. “Well, there are two things I’d have different: your name, and for your bed to be closer to mine—the very one in fact, so we could stop sneaking around and talk like this all the time.”

  He leaned back as she sucked in a sharp breath. Perhaps that was a little too blunt but with Julia, he thought he should be able to share his hopes for their life together. “Marriage means different things to different couples. My parents are not happy together. My father married my mother for her money. They are not in love. They do not share a bedchamber, hardly ever the same drawing room. I don’t want that for us.”

  Julia touched his hand, her expression concerned. “My parents were happy.”

  “I remember them well. The way your father adored your mother was something to admire.”

  Julia glanced down at her empty fingers. “Neither one of my parents would have dared misbehave like this though. I’m not much like them.”

  “I’m not either.” He traced the edge of her jaw to her full lower lip with the tip of his finger. “Not with you. When I’m with you, I’m filled with any number of inappropriate thoughts.”

  Her face flushed. “Such as?”

  “Are you wearing trousers again? How long are your legs?” He grinned. “Can I steal another kiss? Or more?”


  He touched her cheek, brushing his thumb over the burning crest. Her breath was fast and her eyes glowed with something he dared hope was desire. “Everything. I want to share everything of myself with you.”

  “I’d like that too.” She turned and sought his mouth. He held her to the kiss, deepening it when she fell against his chest, her arms twining around his neck. This was no stolen moment but the beginning of their life together. He held her close, loving her strength, her ea
gerness for new experiences. Her reaction told him everything he’d always known deep down.

  He’d made the right choice to marry her because he loved everything about her.

  He loved Julia’s wildness. He didn’t ever want to see her tamed.

  He cupped her rear with both hands but Julia captured his wrists and pushed them aside. “Not so fast, sir.”

  He stared at her a moment then pushed back. She fought to hold her ground and in the struggle, he slipped beneath her on the settee. He took in his predicament and then grinned widely. She was half on top of him, which had not been his original intention, but aligned with his hopes for the future. “Not that I don’t love tussling with you but now you have me, what are you going to do with me, my dear?”

  She appeared startled, and her hands flexed around her wrists. “I don’t know.”

  She shifted, moving her lithe body flush against his. The pose provoked him and, unable to resist, he lifted his hips and brushed against her sex with his growing arousal. “We could wrestle all night if you want.”

  “Wrestle?” Her lips parted, and when he did it again with clearer intent, she gasped.

  “I don’t need to be on top if you’d prefer the honor.” He lifted his head to claim a quick kiss. “Do you remember the other day when I was teaching you to defend yourself? I had my arms around you so tightly. I wanted to kiss you then. Did resisting me excite you?”

  She sat up quickly and nodded. “But that’s wrong. If we’re to be married then I shouldn’t fight with you.”

  “If we are to be married, we can do anything we like with each other.” He sat up and captured her lips. “Any way we like. Any time of day or night.”

  He got to his knees beside the settee. He caught one wrist and then the other in a light grip, but his intent was there for her to see. When he tried to move her hands, she denied him. “I love how strong you are,” he whispered. “When you resist it excites me.”

  Julia swallowed.

  “I’d never hurt you, I swear. It is just play.” He relaxed his grip a little. “Glorious, exciting play. I would never want you to be afraid of me.”


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