Perfectly Imperfect Mine

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Perfectly Imperfect Mine Page 29

by Amelia Shea

  In one short month, she would be Mrs. Trey Garrison Stone. Sadie Stone. Bogs constantly teased her about her future name. “Damn girl, that’s a hot porn star name.” He thought it was hysterical until Stone threatened to beat his ass if he ever referred to his fiancée and porn star in the same sentence again. Yeah, Stone kept his promise. He fought for her.

  The car door opened and Stone hopped in. He looked calm as always. Without a word, they headed off to the restaurant. She didn’t ask about the call. They had their agreement but she did reach over and clasp his hand in hers. He squeezed her hand and continued driving.

  As Stone pulled into the parking lot, she noticed everyone else had already arrived. Of course, they had, the party started thirty minutes ago. Once out of the car, he grabbed her hand and they headed into the restaurant. Shepard’s Bistro had been shut down for the night due to their special event. She wasn’t sure how Roxanne was able to get this place closed to the public on a Saturday night. She never ceased to amaze her. As they walked through the restaurant she could see the silver and white banner above the patio doors.

  “Sadie & Stone’s Bachelor/ette Party”

  They opted to do a combination. When Stone overheard Emory talking about hiring a stripper for the bachelorette party, Stone insisted they do a combo.

  “It’s about fucking time, man!” T walked up behind them. Sadie turned to see him dressed in jeans and a gray button down shirt. This was dressy for T. She was still trying to figure out how Roxanne was going to get him into a tuxedo. As Best Man, he had to wear a tux.

  Sadie noticed at second glance that he was followed by a tiny little blonde. When they stopped at the doors, she was able to get a better look at her. She was really cute, short blonde pixie hair and huge blue eyes. She looked like a doll. But so tiny, maybe five feet. Sadie smiled over at her. She looked nervous and her big eyes kept darting around the empty room. She gave Sadie an awkward smile and immediately craned her neck up to T.

  “You guys go in before Roxanne sends out a swat team for your asses. Oh, and Bogs has already planted in everyone’s mind that the reason you’re late is you pulled over to fuck!” T snorted. Pixie girl gasped in shock. Stone laughed while Sadie just rolled her eyes. Comments like this were nothing new to her but pixie girl looked appalled.

  “Are you guys coming in?” Sadie asked T, looking between him and pixie. She wondered why he hadn’t introduced her to his friend yet. He usually did a “Sadie, this is…insert flavor of the night’s name”. She didn’t look like his usual flavor though and that was a compliment to pixie. She looked sweet not skanky.

  “Later, you guys go, I’ll catch up.” He turned and grabbed the little pixie’s hand and dragged her back through the empty restaurant.

  Sadie stared at the back of their heads when Stone grasped her hand. “Come on, baby.”

  “Stone, who was that with T?” He stopped before opening the door.

  “Business,” he stated while opening the door and they were bum rushed by everybody. Let the party begin!

  The party was amazing. They laughed, drank, danced, they even did karaoke which Sadie was pretty sure was an epic fail. All their friends were there along with family. Many toasts were made in their honor. A few of the older folks gave some marital advice from their experiences. Roxanne made sure the night was perfect. Sadie was trying to convince her to get out of the bounty hunting and into event planning. She’d make a killing.

  The party was a success with a few dramatic moments thrown in. Emory had “accidentally” spilled her sangria down the back of Nina’s white dress. Nina was livid and had a few words for Emory, all of which were nasty. Emory apologized. However, the smirk on her face took away from the sincerity. Sadie made sure to steer clear of that mess. But she was always “Team Emory.”

  Drama seemed to follow Emory around the entire night. Ever since Thanksgiving, if Ethan was around, Emory wasn’t. Easter had been the only exception and even then, she ignored him the entire dinner. Tonight seemed to be the first time since then that these two had been in the same room. Sadie had never mentioned the Thanksgiving incident between them to anyone but Stone. He just shrugged and said, “Ethan has two choices, he can pull his head out of his ass, or he can lose the missing puzzle piece.” When Sadie asked what that meant he just shrugged again and said Ethan knew. And they left it at that.

  The tension only grew thicker when Brayden, Emory’s new boyfriend, showed up. Sadie was taken aback by Ethan’s behavior. He wasn’t just mad; he was raging to Stone and Bogs in the back corner. They had to calm him down before they finally came back to the table. Ethan never returned to the table. Instead, he chose to leave. She thought it would bother Emory but she looked happy to be with Brayden. She never even looked in Ethan’s direction as he left, but he watched her until he was out the door.

  The rest of the night continued without any more drama.

  “You ready, baby?” Stone asked. He came up behind her and he wrapped his arms around her waist. She nodded as she looked out into the night from the patio. Almost everyone had gone, just a few stragglers finishing up drinks. They stood in silence as the warm breeze sifted through her hair. The music was still playing in the background.

  “So, was your night perfect?”

  “It was perfectly imperfect,” Sadie whispered.

  “Just like us, sweet girl,” Stone whispered in her ear before kissing her neck.

  The End

  Publisher’s Note

  Please help this author's career by posting an honest review wherever you purchased this book.

  About Amelia Shea

  First time author, Amelia Shea, is a writer of contemporary erotic romance. She believes in the mixture of a little sweet, a lot of sass and whole lot of dirty wrapped up in a happily ever after. She fell in love with reading as a child and began writing shortly after. This is her first published novel. A northern girl, living in the south, she spends most of her time juggling, sometimes literally, the kids, the husband, too many pets and life in general.




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