Brazen or Bust

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by Anara Bella

  Nica’s got a new look, and an attitude to match. Logan doesn’t stand a chance…

  Nica Morelli is through wasting time mooning over Logan Donovan from afar. It’s time to make him see her as more than his tomboyish, honorary little sister. Now, armed to the teeth with a sexy makeover, Nica’s kicking butt in four-inch heels and taking no prisoners.

  One minute Logan’s enjoying a beer at the bar. The next, he’s mesmerized by the finest butt he’s ever laid eyes on. It shimmies, it shakes. It makes him want to do all kinds of wicked things to it. Then he realizes who the butt belongs to—his best friend’s little sister. No matter how badly he wants the tasty bait she’s dangling in front of him, she’s forbidden fruit.

  Except now that she’s got him turned on, tied up in knots, and swimming in intense emotion, what’s he supposed to do? Fall in love? Not in a million years…

  Warning: This book contains hot ’n steamy graphic sex brought about by the flagrant use of seduction, near-nakedness and lavish amounts of tempting, teasing and tequila.

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  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

  577 Mulberry Street, Suite 1520

  Macon GA 31201

  Brazen or Bust

  Copyright © 2010 by Anara Bella

  ISBN: 978-1-60928-114-4

  Edited by Heidi Moore

  Cover by Angela Waters

  All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  First Samhain Publishing, Ltd. electronic publication: July 2010

  Brazen or Bust

  Anara Bella


  To my mother, who taught me the important things in life. I miss you, Mom.

  To my good friend and critique partner, Cat, without whom this book would never have been finished.

  To my editor, Heidi, who works tirelessly to bring out the best in my books. Thank you so much for all you do.

  Chapter One

  “Is that really me?”

  Nica turned this way and that, checking herself out from every angle. But no matter how much she looked, she still couldn’t take in her unbelievable transformation.

  Her best friend, Carmen, stepped into view in the three-way mirror. “You’d better believe it.”

  Nica shook her head. “This just doesn’t seem real. I feel like I’ve been taken over by aliens or something.”

  That had to be it. How else could Nica explain the fact that she didn’t recognize herself? Or that she’d gone ahead and made this drastic change to her appearance in the first place.


  She who had always shied away from change whenever possible. The fact that she’d had the guts to go through with a makeover this time was shocking enough, but who would’ve thought she’d turn out looking like this. Hell, she actually looked sexy.

  Sexy of all things. Imagine that.

  Carmen grinned like a Cheshire cat. “If you’ve been taken over by aliens then I want to be taken over too. You look fabulous.”

  And amazingly she really did. It was just so unexpected. Her past attempts to change her looks could only be called resounding failures. Mind you, she was sixteen the last time she’d done any experimenting. But she still shuddered whenever she remembered the fluorescent-blue eye shadow, the bad bleach job, and who could ever forget the nightmare perm fiasco that had frizzed her hair out to impossible proportions. She’d ended up looking like a souped-up poodle on steroids. It’d almost been enough to turn her off ever trying it again.

  But try it again she had. Thanks to Carmen’s nagging and her heartfelt promise that everything would turn out great this time because she would help. Thank God, she’d known what she was doing. Carmen, the ultimate fashionista, had steered Nica in the right direction.

  At last.

  Maybe, just maybe, this would make Logan notice her. Logan—the dark-haired hunk who’d grabbed a hold of her heart when she was still a teenager and had never let go. He was the only man who made her want to take chances. It was his continued indifference that had prodded her to stiffen her backbone and change the direction of her life.

  But who would have believed a simple haircut, some make-up and new clothes could bring about this miraculous transformation to her appearance.

  Nica continued to stare in wonder at her radically altered reflection. She shook her head back and forth, enjoying the feel of her fiery-red hair swinging freely about her face instead of being confined in its usual ponytail. Its carefree vitality invigorated her. And the new color did fabulous things for her skin and eyes. Hell, her eyes looked downright exotic. More blue, more dazzling, just plain more. As for her lips, all she could say was wow. That was some amazing lipstick the make-up artist had used because she now had full, downright sexy-looking lips.

  She couldn’t take in all the changes. Especially the transformation from the neck down. The new body-hugging clothes she wore made her look as if she had a figure. She, Nicola Francesca Morelli, described by one and all as slim and boyish, actually had a figure.

  Fancy that.

  “I’m telling you, you look amazing.”

  Nica tore her gaze away from herself and took in the huge grin of satisfaction on Carmen’s face. “I really do, don’t I? I can’t believe it.”

  “I can. Why do you think I’ve been after you all these years to do something with yourself? I always knew the potential was there hidden under your indifference. Hell, after all this time your sexy side must have been screaming to get out.”

  What could Nica say? Carmen was right. It was past time she stepped out of her comfort zone and did this.

  Way past time.

  In her defense, it wasn’t easy being the only girl in a family with three boys. Her brothers had always treated her like one of them, which no doubt contributed to her being a tomboy all her life. Working in the family construction business didn’t help either. Although she worked in the office, it was on-site, so her daily uniform consisted of baggy jeans and even baggier T-shirts with the ultra-attractive addition of a hard hat.

  She’d never felt the need to be feminine and it didn’t help that the whole girlie thing had always eluded her. Whenever she’d tried to break out of the tomboy mold in the past she’d always felt just plain ridiculous.

  If only she’d known Carmen when she was sixteen, because this time was way different. This time she’d been talked into going to the beauty salon Carmen frequented, with insistent claims that Enrico was a genius with hair. Carmen wasn’t wrong. Yep, going to a proven professional made all the difference. With the hair and especially with the make-up. Letting Carmen pick out her new clothes was the pièce de résistance.

  She looked different. She felt different. As crazy as it sounded, she was different. And not just on the outside.

  Her twenty-fifth birthday had been the impetus. The thunderbolt moment when she’d realized time was marching on, and if she didn’t do something soon Logan would be snapped up by someone else. That instant of clarity changed something in her. Forced her out of her state of inertia and brought her to this very moment.

  “I honestly didn’t think I could ever look like this, no matter what I did. And yes—” Nica quickly inserted, “�
�I know you’ve been telling me to do this for years.”

  Carmen, looking very pleased with herself, laughed. “As long as you admit I was right for nagging, I’m happy.”

  Nica ran her fingers across her new wispy bangs. “Do you think Logan will like the new me? I mean, really like me.”

  “Honey, if he doesn’t then we’ll shove him in the nearest hole and bury him ’cause it’ll mean he’s dead.”

  Nica turned from the mirror and fingered the sleeve of the jacket Carmen was holding. “I wish I had your confidence. It’s going to take more than just looks to get Logan’s attention. He thinks of me as his honorary kid sister. I’m going to have to pull out all the stops to get him to see me as a woman. Do you think I can pull it off?”

  Carmen turned thoughtful, and Nica knew she had doubts as well. “I know you’re a bit awkward around men you’re attracted to—”

  “A bit awkward? Talk about an understatement.”

  Talking over Nica, Carmen continued, “—and flirting doesn’t come naturally to you—”

  “I think it’s safe to call what I do idiotic babbling.”

  “—but you can do this, Nica. I know you can. It just takes some practice.”

  Could she do this? Did she want Logan enough to make a fool of herself? She closed her eyes and pictured Logan’s sea green eyes twinkling with laughter. The dimple in his chin that kept his strong features from looking harsh. She’d lost count of the times she’d wanted to taste that dimple. Just thinking about him made her heart race.

  No way around it, she wanted the man more than she wanted just about anything else. And for the first time in a long time she was willing to take a chance and go after him. “I’m in. Where do we start?”

  Carmen tapped her fingernail on her teeth. “I’m not quite sure. You know, I think I’m too hungry to think.” She shoved Nica back into the change room overflowing with a wide assortment of pants, tops and dresses. “Finish trying on the clothes I’ve picked out. Then we’ll go eat and figure out your next move.”

  Nica laughed. “You don’t have to force me. I can’t wait to see how this stuff looks on me.”

  And shockingly, it was true. Up to now she’d always avoided shopping whenever possible. She’d never experimented, always chosen comfort over style. She never even tried anything on. Just held it up to her body to see if it would fit. If it looked big enough she bought it. Probably the reason nothing ever fit her right.

  But Carmen had changed all that. She’d been telling Nica for years she could look better if she wore the right clothes. Obviously, she was right. Nica sighed. She’d never hear the end of this. But if her new look turned Logan’s head it would all be worth it.

  Nica took a huge bite out of her burger and chewed in blissful satisfaction. “I didn’t realize how hungry I was.”

  Carmen daintily bit into a fry and grinned. “You’re always hungry.”

  “Not always.” Nica stopped chewing for a moment and then returned her grin. “Okay, most of the time I am, but today I was so excited I didn’t think I’d be able to eat at all.”

  Carmen took another bite of her fry. “It’s tough work turning yourself into a guy magnet.”

  Nica sat back in the booth. “I’m hardly that. You know when I was a kid I thought if I could just put on a bit of weight maybe my boobs would grow.”

  Carmen laughed and waved the half-eaten fry at Nica. “Big boobs aren’t all they’re cracked up to be. It took me a long time to stop being self-conscious of mine. And it doesn’t always get you the kind of attention you want. Guys often think women with big boobs are easy.”

  Nica sighed. “Just once I’d like to have that problem.”

  “That’s what you think. You have no idea what it’s like to have a guy hold an entire conversation with your chest. Certainly not my idea of a dream date.” Carmen finished off another fry and sat back in the booth. “A guy thinking you’re sexy is one thing. A guy thinking you’re just a great set of tits is another. Besides, there’s nothing wrong with your figure. Once Logan gets a glimpse of the new you he’ll be blown away.”

  Nica frowned as something occurred to her. “Right up until the moment he realizes it’s still just me. I know I feel different, but my basic personality hasn’t changed. Not really.”

  “Thank God for that.”

  Nica glanced around the mall’s busy food court searching for the right words to get her point across. “What I mean is, I’m not the sex-kitten type. I’m not the kind of woman who mesmerizes men. I’m kind of boring.”

  Carmen scoffed. “No, you’re not.”

  “I’m definitely not a sexy femme fatale. This makeover is like putting tinsel on a Christmas tree. I’m still just a plain old tree underneath all the brand new glitter.”

  “Yeah, but trees are beautiful all on their own. The glitter just attracts attention. Makes them festive and unique.”

  Nica wrinkled her nose. “But once I nab his attention, then what?”

  Carmen sprinkled more salt on her fries, getting more on the table than on her food. “Once you’ve got a man’s attention you have to keep it based on who you really are. Otherwise they won’t stick around.” She put down the saltshaker with a thud. “And why the heck are we talking about Christmas trees in July?”

  Nica shrugged. “I’m sitting here trying to figure out what a man like Logan would want with someone like me, makeover or not.”

  Carmen leaned forward and looked her straight in the eye. “You want Logan, don’t you?”

  Did she even have to ask? “Yes.”

  “Then you need to get over this insecurity of yours. You’ve been wasting years just sitting around dreaming about this guy. You owe it to yourself to at least try to get him. Think of love as a battle field. See the hill, take the hill.”

  Nica broke eye contact and drew idle circles through the spilled salt on the table, her mind racing with a myriad of renewed doubts and worries. “I don’t know if I can pull it off.”

  “You’ll never know unless you try.” Carmen reached over and stopped Nica’s hand, making her look up again. “Twenty years from now, do you really want to look back and wonder what could have been if you’d just made the effort? You’re a smart, funny, good-looking woman. Why wouldn’t any man go gaga over you? Cut yourself some slack, Nica. It’s time you took some risks. Do you want the hunk or not? Because if not, there’s no shortage of women who’d like a shot at Logan.”

  Carmen was right, of course. Nica was tired of pining for Logan. The truth was, she already regretted the time she’d wasted. How much worse would she feel if she didn’t follow through after making it this far? How would she feel if Logan found someone and settled down and she hadn’t even tried to get him for herself?

  Nica tossed her a playful salute. “Okay, general. What’s next?”

  “I think we need to take you out for a test run.”

  “A test run?”

  “Yeah, we need to go to a bar. Throw you into a mass of men and see how you react to the attention.”

  A spike of fear shot up her spine. “A bar full of guys? You can’t be serious. I turn into a stammering idiot whenever I try to flirt.”

  Carmen nodded. “Exactly. So what’s better than practicing on a bunch of random men?”

  She had a point. “I’m with you in theory, but I haven’t got a clue how to do this.”

  “It’s very simple really. You need to be bolder. More brazen. Pull out all the stops and flaunt your inner vixen for all it’s worth.”

  Oh God. Could she do that? “I don’t know if I have an inner vixen.”

  “Of course you do. Every woman does. You just haven’t tapped into yours yet.”

  Well, that was obvious. “No kidding.”

  Carmen sat back, the wheels turning in her head practically visible. “You know, maybe what you need to do is pretend you’re someone else. Someone sexy and confident, like Angelina Jolie. Don’t think what you would do or say, think what Angelina would do or s

  Nica stopped short, realizing that wasn’t a bad idea at all. It was certainly worth a shot. Maybe pretending to be someone else would make her feel less like an idiot. And what would it matter? Even if she made a fool of herself she’d never see any of those guys again.

  Feeling nervous but surprisingly excited by the idea, Nica leaned in close. “You’re right. I need a new attitude to go with my new look. It’s time to pull out all the stops.”

  “That’s the spirit. Go, Nica.”

  Nica laughed, feeling exhilarated, energized and ready for action. “Yeah. I’m going to go for it. No half-measures. No false starts. No stopping until I’ve done what I set out to do. Here I come, Logan Donovan. I’m going all the way. Brazen or bust.”

  Chapter Two

  That there was one mighty fine piece of prime real estate. Bar none, the sweetest ass he’d ever seen.

  Logan watched in mesmerized fascination as the mouth-watering backside in question shimmied and undulated to the heavy beat of the dance music blaring through the bar’s sound system. He’d always been an ass man and that one right there was enough to make a grown man cry.

  It was a pure bonus that she had red hair. He loved fiery redheads.

  He didn’t recognize this one though. She had to be a newcomer because he never would have missed spotting her before this. No way. Not with that ass, or with how often he came to PJ’s Bar.

  He took a swig of his beer. Without taking his eyes off the visual feast before him, he absently enjoyed the slightly bitter taste of the cold brew as it trickled past his tongue and cooled his throat.

  He was trying to get a good look at Red’s face, but with the flickering lights and strobes he hadn’t had much success. But that first-class ass was enough to make him want to get to know her better anyway. A lot better.

  The music finally switched to a slow tune. That was his cue. Time to make his move.

  Putting down his beer, he stood and then made his way over to his quarry. Her current dance partner put his arms around her and pulled her into his embrace, settling in to enjoy holding her close for the dance. But that didn’t deter Logan.


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