Brazen or Bust

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Brazen or Bust Page 3

by Anara Bella

  Nica picked up the two tequilas she’d ordered and headed over to Logan’s table. Watching his expression change to one of surprise, she placed the tequilas on the table and parked herself beside him. “Since neither of us should drink alone I’ve decided to join you.”

  He took in the drinks and raised his eyebrow quizzically. “What’s this?”

  “Tequila shots.”

  “You know that’s not what I mean. When did you start drinking tequila?”

  She leaned forward and rested her elbows on the table. “Just now. I think I like it.”

  “Do you now?”

  “Yep. Come on, drink up.” Nica threw her shot back and gasped. Somehow the scorching effect wasn’t lessening all that much.

  Logan watched her with a lazy grin. No doubt he was laughing at her inexperience with hard liquor. She decided to ignore the grin and taunt him instead. “What’s the matter, can’t handle it? You’re falling behind here.”

  “Yeah, right. I can drink you under the table.”

  This was going to be easier than she’d thought. “Prove it, big boy, I’m two shots ahead of you. From where I’m sitting you’re all talk.”

  He picked up the shot glass and downed it. “We’ll just see about that.”

  Luring Logan to her place had been a snap and Nica was more than a little stunned by that.

  Her hastily improvised ruse had turned out to be unnecessary. She hadn’t had to do a thing to get Logan over here. He’d insisted on seeing Nica up to her apartment all on his own.

  Now here they were in her tiny, walk-up apartment. All alone. Together. Alone. Nica couldn’t believe it. Okay, so they were both slightly drunk, but this was her chance and she wasn’t going to waste it.

  It was past time to make Logan see her as a woman, not as his honorary kid sister. Past time to show him she didn’t see him as a brother. Way past time to make her move.

  She walked over to the living room window and looked down to the road. “Looks like the cab left.”

  Logan started. “What? Why the hell would he leave? I haven’t paid him yet.” He moved to join her at the window.

  Nica hid a secretive smile. Probably because I paid him and told him to go when I pretended to forget my purse in the cab and went back for it. “Who knows? Maybe an emergency came up and he had to leave.”

  Stopping beside her, he scoped out the area. “That’s just weird.”

  “Isn’t it?” She turned towards him. “You may as well crash here. The couch is comfy enough.”

  He eyed the huge old couch. “I don’t know if that’s such a good idea.”

  “Why not?”

  He hesitated a long minute, and Nica waited with bated breath. “Come on. Why not? It’ll take forever to get another cab out here.”

  He finally nodded. “You’re right. Why not.” He scrubbed his hands over his face. “Do you have any coffee?”


  “Yeah, I think we both could use a little coffee about now.”

  It was kind of late for coffee but maybe it would give her time to think. And to work up her nerve for part two of her plan. “Sure. I’ll go make some.”

  Besides, with nervous tension ratcheting her panic meter higher by the second, she’d take any excuse to stall making her move. She was such a pathetic chicken.

  She headed to the kitchen on slightly unsteady legs. Okay, she might be a little more buzzed than she thought. Maybe coffee was a good idea after all.

  She took her time measuring out the grounds and the water as she contemplated her choices of what to do next. She was so hopeless with this kind of thing. In her entire life, she’d only ever slept with one guy. That was back in college. And the whole incident had been a resounding fiasco. Nothing to draw on there. How on earth did a woman go about seducing a guy?

  Seduction scenes from various movies flashed through her head, all of which she discarded. And then Carmen’s advice popped into her head. Just show up naked. The guy will do the rest.

  She immediately rejected the idea. No way she could do that. Could she?

  She thought about things staying the same between her and Logan and quickly decided maybe she could. Especially if it meant their relationship changed from vertical friends to horizontal lovers.

  There was one major problem though. Naked wasn’t a good look on her. She had no illusions about her assets. She wasn’t voluptuous and sexy like a woman should be. Her new clothes made the most of what she had, but without the sexy trappings she wasn’t anywhere near the big-boobed sex kittens she saw splashed across the cover of every men’s magazine.

  She chewed her bottom lip and vacillated over what to do as she watched the coffee drip. Strip. Don’t strip. Go for it. Forget it. The coward in her wanted to forget the whole thing, but when she thought of everything she’d done today to change she couldn’t. She just couldn’t give up on Logan that easily. She’d made those changes for a reason and now was not the time to back down. Now was the time to pull out all the stops. Now was the time to remember her new mantra—brazen or bust.

  In an effort to quell the jitters doing the cha-cha in her tummy, she took a few deep breaths, filling her lungs to bursting and letting them out slowly. It didn’t take long for her to realize it wasn’t going to help. She could stand here taking deep breaths until she hyperventilated and passed out, she still wasn’t going to calm down.

  Maybe she should’ve had more to drink. Then again, maybe she’d all ready had too much to drink. Was she seriously standing over the coffee maker thinking about taking all her clothes off before casually strolling back into the living room?

  Carmen’s advice sounded in her head again. Go for it. Don’t wimp out.

  That was yet another reason not to back down. Carmen had helped so much with everything Nica couldn’t face her again if she didn’t at least try. To hell with it. She wanted Logan and this was one way to find out if he wanted her too.

  Without letting herself think about it any further, she whipped off her top, shucked her jeans, then reached up to take off her push-up bra. But that was as far as she got. Her hands just wouldn’t do it. She couldn’t take that final step.

  Then again, her bra wasn’t covering much, and the matching thong Carmen had talked her into was covering even less. Maybe this was close enough to naked for her purposes. Either way, she’d find out soon enough.

  She poured two mugs of coffee and set her shoulders. I am a brazen woman. She took a step towards the living room. I am a brazen woman. The phrase ran through her head in tempo with her feet. Every time she said it she moved another step closer to Logan.

  When she finally made it back to the living room she stopped cold. Logan was slumped back on the couch with his eyes closed.

  Great. He’d fallen asleep. All that agonizing for nothing.

  She put the coffee on the side table and nervously, cleared her throat.


  Shit. Had he passed out? She hesitated, uncertain about what to do next. Should she keep going or just forget it? It was a no-brainer. After working up her nerve to come this far, hell if she was going to back down now. He could just bloody well wake up and that was all there was to it. She hadn’t gone through all this for nothing. She might never be able to work up her nerve again.

  She cleared her throat again. Louder and more insistently, determined to go over and shake the living daylights out of him if she had to.

  Seconds before she went to do just that, his eyelids fluttered.

  Chapter Four

  God what a night.

  With his eyes closed to help him focus, Logan tried to gather his thoughts. The first thing he needed to do was clear his head and get some coffee into him as soon as possible. The last thing he needed was to act on any of the wild impulses he’d had running through his brain tonight. Why the hell had he said he’d stay the night?

  Lost in his own thoughts, he didn’t hear Nica come back with the coffee. Not at first. But when she cleared her throa
t he forced his bleary eyes open.

  And the erotic vision he saw before him made him wonder if he was hallucinating. Or had died and gone to heaven. Shit. Was he drunker than he thought? Because he couldn’t be seeing this right.

  Nica was standing only a few feet away from him and she was almost naked. He felt his eyes go wide with shock until he thought they’d pop clear out of his head. He slammed them shut again.

  That couldn’t have been what he’d just seen. Could it? The urge to look again was overwhelming, but he knew it was a bad idea. He shouldn’t look. No, he really, really shouldn’t look.

  He opened his eyes.

  Holy shit. She really was right there, almost close enough to touch. And with just two tiny scraps of fabric covering her breasts and an even smaller scrap covering her pussy. She was close enough to naked for it not to make any difference.

  Holy fuck. “What the hell are you doing? Put some clothes on.”

  She blushed and with relief he saw her waver. It was going to be okay. She was going to come to her senses and go and get dressed. Thank God, because his self-control was hanging by a thread. He shouldn’t have had all those damned tequila shots.

  He quickly made a deal with God. If Nica went away, or at least threw some clothes on, he swore he’d never drink again.

  But nothing was going his way tonight. Instead of leaving, the little siren threw her shoulders back and took a tiny step closer.

  No, no, no. This couldn’t be happening.

  But it was. And it just kept getting worse as Nica slid a finger under her bra strap, running it back and forth before letting the strap slip off her shoulder. “Putting clothes on wasn’t what I had in mind.”

  What the hell was she up to? Was he seeing this right? He scrubbed his face with his hands again, trying to snap out of the drink-induced haze he was in. He needed to sober up in a big hurry. Like yesterday. “What are you saying, Nica? Be plain because I’m not thinking clearly right now.”

  She took another timid step towards him. Then another, stopping right in front of him. Her bare knees almost touched his. “Do I really have to spell it out for you?”

  He swallowed. Hard. Hard being the operative word. His entire body stiffened. Especially the out-of-control part of him that had no business showing any interest in Nica.

  Nica who was like a sister to him. Nica who he’d known since she was a kid. Nica who was wearing almost nothing, making his mouth water and his dick stand at full attention.

  Still struggling to gain control of his unruly body and his wild thoughts, he didn’t notice her move until she did the unthinkable. She leaned forward, closer for God’s sake, putting her hands on his shoulders.

  Stunned, he couldn’t move. Not even when she shifted her weight and crawled right up onto his lap, settling in with one leg on either side of his. Her hot core was so close to his striving cock she all but scorched him through his jeans.

  He choked back a groan.

  Without thought, he reached up to steady her and found his hands filled with her satiny-smooth, luscious, kissable, very naked ass and almost blew a gasket.

  She gasped at the contact and stiffened. He expected her to jump up and bolt but instead she wiggled her butt and settled back on his lap.

  Shit. He was so fucked.

  Against his will, he let his hands squeeze her butt cheeks, enjoying the womanly feel of her soft, rounded flesh. His mouth was so temptingly close to her breasts, to the delectable tips he was dying to taste and lick to hardened peaks. His cock strained in his jeans, desperate to get out and bury itself in her oh-so-sweet sex.

  And just one thing pounded in his brain to the tempo of his reckless, irresponsible, throbbing cock.

  Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

  Because that was all he wanted to do right now. Fuck Nica until neither of them could see straight. Until they were burnt up, blissed out and completely sated.

  How the hell did he get out of this? How the hell did he not act on his lust? How the hell did he sober up enough to stop this insanity and remember Nica was off-limits?

  The decision was taken out of his hands when Nica buried her fingers in his hair and kissed him with those lush, inviting lips that had been haunting him all night.

  God, she tasted incredible. He was drowning. Sinking down, down, down. Into the honeyed heat of her luscious mouth. Their tongues parried, plunged, tasted until his will was obliterated. All he could do was take in, feel, react. The sane inner voice telling him this was a really bad idea faded away to nothingness, the warning ignored and unheeded. And finally thinking ceased altogether as he reverted to instinct and drive and desire.

  With a moan, Nica broke the kiss and leaned back. Logan watched in mesmerized fascination as she popped the clasp at the front of her bra with shaking fingers and let it drop to the floor.

  God, she was beautiful. So beautiful.

  Her breasts were small but perfectly formed, with dusky little nipples that called to him in their already peaked excitement. He had to taste their sweetness, sample their texture. Lose himself in the soft flesh beckoning him.

  He captured one gentle swell in his mouth and suckled, enjoying the salty taste of her skin. She started to squirm and the movement made her breast slip out from between his lips.

  He thought for sure she’d demand he stop, but instead she grabbed his T-shirt and started to pull it off. “Too many clothes.”

  She was so right. In short order, he helped her dispense with the offending shirt. Not satisfied with just his shirt, she started on the front of his button-fly jeans.

  In a hazy sort of fascination, he watched as she freed his buttons faster than he ever would have thought she could. He blurrily wondered where she’d learned to remove men’s clothing with such efficiency and found just thinking of her with another man made him want to bash the unknown guy’s head in.

  All thought fled when her hot little hands clasped his straining cock. A groan ripped from his throat at her exquisite touch. More. He wanted more. He pushed his pants lower to give her greater access and she didn’t hesitate to take the invitation. One hand left his erection to cup his balls, while the other kept working its magic on his shaft. His eyes rolled back in his head, a tingling sensation already starting in his balls.

  He’d never been so turned on so quickly by anyone in his life. That Nica was the cause of it was more than a little mind-blowing even in his semi-inebriated state.

  Still trying to take it all in, Nica took him by surprise when her magic fingers stopped stroking him and she scooted off the couch to kneel in front of him.

  In shock, he watched as demure little Nica lowered her head and took him into her hot, wet mouth. The incredible feelings shot down his cock and up his spine. “Fuck. Me.” It wasn’t an order but rather a heartfelt declaration.

  She pulled away from him and his dick left her mouth with a pop. “Do you like this? Am I doing it right?”

  “Shit, yeah.”

  She grinned an all-knowing grin as old as time.

  Lowering her head again, she ran her tongue up the length of him and around the bulbous head of his cock before taking him fully into her mouth.

  The groan that ripped out of him came straight from his balls.

  She sucked. And licked, and took him so far into her mouth he thought he’d died and gone to heaven. And still she continued to lap him up like a starving woman. She moaned deep in her throat and the vibration ricocheted through him. He wasn’t going to last much longer this way, and he wanted to be deep inside her sweet pussy when he came.

  He clasped her shoulders in shaking fingers. “Come here.”

  She gave his cock a final lick, and then looked up at him with eyes darkened by desire. “I like doing this for you.”

  “Baby, I love you doing that too, but I want to be inside you when I come.”

  She stood, an adorable mixture of ingénue and siren. Hooking her thumbs in her thong, she pulled it down and stepped out of it. He almost came just from s
eeing her completely naked. For a moment she looked so vulnerable his heart ached, and he rushed to reassure her. “You’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”

  She blushed. “Thank you.” Without hesitation, she started towards him and then stopped. “I almost forgot.”


  She snagged her purse off the end table where she’d tossed it earlier and rooted around, grumbling under her breath until she held up a condom. “Found it.”

  His heart sank. He’d forgotten about protection. She had him so nuts he wasn’t thinking at all, but still, it was unforgiveable of him not to think of it himself. “Thank God, you remembered.”

  She grinned. “Carmen to the rescue, yet again.”

  “Remember to give Carmen my heartfelt thanks.”

  Nica grinned with abandon. “Don’t worry, I will.”

  She ripped open the packet and moved to put it on him, but he stopped her. There was no way he could hold himself together if she did it so he took the condom and rolled it on.

  She seated herself facing him in his lap again and the fleeting thought that she belonged there danced in the back of his head. He ran his hands along the silky skin of her back, her hips, her ass. She felt incredible. So soft. So smooth. Like a dream. One he never wanted to wake up from.

  He let his fingers drift past her nether curls and stroked her already soaking sex. God, he couldn’t believe she was so turned on so fast. He petted and stroked until Nica moaned deep in her throat.

  “Fill me up, Logan. Do it now.”

  She was so sexy, so hot, so inviting. Where had this little vixen been hiding all his life? He was so worked up that he was tempted to do as she asked. But he wanted more from her. He wanted her to come at least once before he was inside her because God knew how long he’d be able to hold off once her pussy was squeezing his right-on-the-edge cock.

  He continued teasing her clit, rubbing the hard little nub until she was practically panting. When he was sure she was going to come at any second, he stuck one and then two fingers into her vagina. She gasped and pulsed around him. Finger fucking her, he didn’t stop until she came with a shuddering scream.


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