Brazen or Bust

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Brazen or Bust Page 6

by Anara Bella

  When he’d first shown up at the bar she’d been thrilled, figuring her plan to make him jealous was going to go better than she’d hoped. But the more uncomfortable Joe made her, the harder it got to keep up the façade that she was into him.

  But like it or not, somehow she had to stick it out if she had any prayer of making Logan jealous. The question was, how much longer could she stand Joe’s constant groping?

  She sipped her drink as she considered tossing the whole stupid plan out the window. And then she had a brilliant idea. Maybe if she pretended to have a headache she could get Joe to take her home early. Logan wouldn’t know she’d ditched Joe. To Logan it might just look as if she’d taken Joe back to her place for a night of hot sex.

  How had she not thought of this sooner? It was the perfect solution. An absolute win-win situation for her. She’d get rid of Joe and still make Logan jealous.

  Joe came back from the restroom and threw his arm around her shoulders, pulling her flush against his side. “Did you miss me?”

  Hardly. She dredged up a smile in case Logan was watching. “You have no idea.”

  He kissed her on the neck, and she inwardly cringed from the unwanted contact.

  “Knew you would.”

  This guy’s ego had no limits. “Listen, I’ve got a headache that just won’t quit. Would you mind very much if we cut tonight short?”

  He looked taken aback for a second and then, much to her amazement, gave her a knowing smile that didn’t make a lick of sense. “Sure thing.” He finished off his beer and dropped his hand to the small of her back. “Let’s go.”

  Unease washed over her. He looked far too happy about this. Was she missing something?

  They left the bar and he guided her through the parking lot to the far end where he’d parked his truck. He unlocked the doors with his key fob and hopped in leaving her to find her own way into the vehicle.

  What a gentleman.

  She shook her head and opened the door. By the time she slid onto the bench seat, Joe had the CD player crooning a slow love song. The nervousness she’d been fighting down all day kicked up a notch. He’d had hard rock playing when he picked her up so what was this about? When he didn’t start the truck right away her anxiety increased tenfold. Was this some kind of seduction thing he had going?

  With alarm, she watched him turn towards her, laying his arm along the back of the seat. He dropped his hand and ran the back of his fingers along her cheek. She barely suppressed the shudder of distaste.

  Good grief. He really was making moves on her, right here in the parking lot. This guy was class all the way. Before she could get over her incredulity and say something, Joe moved closer and put his arm around her.

  How the hell was she going to get him to just take her home?

  He leaned in close to kiss her and everything inside her revolted. She jerked back to avoid the kiss. “Could you just take me home? I wasn’t kidding about the headache.”

  He didn’t move his arm, just pulled back and studied her for a moment. “You don’t really expect me to believe that.”

  “Why not?”

  “Come on. You’ve been giving me signals since I picked you up?”

  He had to be joking. “What are you talking about?”

  He let his hand drop until his fingers almost skimmed her breast. “You want me. I know you do.”

  Was this guy for real? “What I want is to go home.”

  He nodded. “That’d be better. My place is a mess.” He leaned closer and the disgusting smell of beer assailed her. “Come on, honey, let’s have a little taste to get things going.”

  As she struggled to deal with the fact that he just wasn’t getting it, he laid a slobbery kiss on her. She squirmed to get away, shoving hard at his chest to dislodge him but he didn’t budge. What’s up with him? He’d only had one beer so he wasn’t drunk. Talking through the side of her mouth, she told him to, “Knock it off.”

  “Don’t fight it, sweet cheeks.”

  He moved to kiss her again. She pulled back as far as she could without putting her head clear through the seat and turned her face away. “I said stop it.”

  Not even remotely listening, he kissed her again but this time she ignored the revulsion that shuddered through her and felt around until she found the door handle.

  Finding its cool steel shape with relief, she yanked it up. As soon as her door opened, she shoved at Joe with every bit of strength she had, dislodging him enough to slip out from under him and land feet first on the parking lot asphalt.

  He reached for her and she skipped back.

  “What the hell are you doing?”

  She snatched up her purse from where it had fallen on the ground. “I’m finding my own way home, asshole. Have a nice life.”

  Before he could react, she slammed the door in his face and scurried for the safety of the crowded bar. She could have used her cell to call a cab right here but she didn’t trust Joe not to come after her. Besides, one of the lights in the parking lot was out and it was pretty dark, making her feel even more nervous. It was probably the reason Joe had parked back here in the first place.

  Feeling isolated and alone, she glanced back at Joe’s truck to make sure he wasn’t following. Pure relief washed over her when she saw he wasn’t. The last thing she wanted was another run-in with that jerk.

  Preoccupied with her thoughts, she barreled along, not paying attention to where she was going until she crashed into another person coming around the corner of the building.

  She grasped at strong arms to keep from falling at the same time as firm hands steadied her. Apologies rang out. Their gazes locked. And recognition hit them both at the same time.


  “What the hell?”

  Damn it. So much for making Logan think she’d gone home with Joe.

  Logan’s eyes narrowed. “What happened?”

  Like I’m going to tell you. She shook her head, hating the way her body came to life just by standing this close to him. “Nothing.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “Forget something?”

  She snatched onto the excuse. “Yeah. I, uh, was just heading back in to get it before we take off.”

  The lie might even have worked if Joe hadn’t picked that exact moment to zoom past them and roar out of the parking lot. Was nothing going to go her way tonight?

  Logan had looked skeptical even before Joe took off without her. Right now he was the poster child of disbelief. “What’s going on?”

  Maybe if she downplayed things he’d back off. “Nothing you have to concern yourself about.”

  “Let me be the judge of that.”

  She shrugged. “We had a disagreement, is all.”

  Logan narrowed his eyes. “Did he try something?”

  Annoyance vibrated through her, and she stiffened. “That’s none of your business.”

  “Of course it’s my business.”

  She raised her voice. “No, it’s not.”

  “Yes, it is!”

  Why was he yelling at her? Anger bloomed, full and lush and she yelled back. “No it’s not!” She stabbed him in the chest with her finger for emphasis.

  Logan’s hands twitched on her arms and he leaned closer. “What did he do to you?”

  “What the hell is this, an interrogation?”

  A muscle ticked in his jaw and she could see him trying to get a grip on his temper. She stared him down, willing him to back off and at the same time forcing herself to get a grip on her raging hormones. Angry or not, with Logan this close it was hard to ignore the overwhelming urge to kiss him.

  Finally, Logan broke their tense contest of wills. “It’s not an interrogation. I just asked a simple question.”

  Maybe so, but she wished he’d stop pushing. A few drops of rain peppered her face and she put her hand out to see if she’d imagined it. She hadn’t. It was as good an excuse as any to make her escape. “It’s starting to rain. I’m going in.”

“You’re avoiding the question.”

  What could she say to make him stop drilling her about this? Maybe if she was flippant he’d get frustrated and take the hint. “What question?”

  He gave an exaggerated sigh that conveyed his irritation better than words. “Did Joe try something he shouldn’t have?”

  Nica wanted to scream out of sheer frustration. This whole night had turned into a huge disaster. Instead of being jealous, Logan was doing the over-protective brother thing. Again. And she’d had enough.

  She fisted her hands on her hips. “You made it quite clear the other night you don’t want any part of me, so what do you care?”

  “That doesn’t mean I don’t care what happens to you.”

  “That’s exactly what it means.”

  Logan growled in apparent frustration. “I care, damn it. I shouldn’t, but I do. Too much.”

  “But not the way I want you to.” She hated the betraying hitch in her voice. She moved to run back to the bar but Logan wouldn’t let her go. Frustration and hurt pumped through her system. She pointedly looked at his hands on her arms but he didn’t remove them.

  He opened his mouth, but whatever he’d been about to say died on his lips when the sky opened up and rain deluged them in earnest.

  And still, he didn’t let go.

  For one long, tense moment, they glared at each other. Neither moved. They barely breathed. Logan seemed to be battling with himself but for the life of her Nica couldn’t understand why. In fact, she didn’t understand any of it. Least of all why he refused to see her as a woman.

  And then a tiny flicker of hope danced around the edges of her psyche. Was this the chance she’d been hoping for? Could she use this to push Logan over the edge? Damn, she wished she was better at this seduction thing.

  Unsure of what to do next, she didn’t do anything. But Logan took the decision out of her hands when he dipped his head and crushed her mouth in a devastating kiss.

  As if by magic, her anger vanished. She melted like butter on warm bread. It didn’t matter that it was pouring. It didn’t matter that she was frustrated with his bullheadedness. It didn’t even matter how hurt she was. He still took her breath away. And apparently also her will to resist. She was hopeless. And the truth was, even that didn’t matter.

  Warm, drenching rain continued to fall, but she didn’t care. She barely even took notice. She pulled him closer, wishing their clothes weren’t in the way so she could touch his bare skin. Their mouths ate at each other in a desperate dance of need and want. Everything inside her came to life and sizzled in a frenzy of erotic yearning. Why was Logan the only man who could set her on fire this way?

  In seconds their clothes were soaked through, making everything feel more intimate. More immediate. More urgent. They were in their own little world, drowning in the heat and taste of each other.

  Fiery desire blazed through Nica. All she wanted was to have Logan inside her again. Here. Now. Up against the brick wall behind her. Consequences be damned.

  Maybe then he’d see they weren’t a fluke. Maybe then he’d see they were meant to be together.

  Logan’s head whirled in a red haze of desire. He couldn’t seem to think at all. Moments ago, he’d never been angrier. Now, he’d never been more turned-on in his life.

  Somehow his anger had morphed into this gut-wrenching, rampant need. He didn’t care about Joe. He didn’t care about Nica’s recklessness. He didn’t even care where they were. All he cared about was this moment and how incredible she felt in his arms. How she made him feel more alive than he’d ever felt before.

  Focused solely on Nica, he relished the feel of her wet skin beneath his fingers. Her lips beneath his, her tongue doing wicked things that made his dick throb in tempo with his heart. All he wanted was to have her wet and writhing beneath him. Nothing else mattered. It was the most important thing in the world. It was the only thing.

  He pulled her closer still, dropping his hands to her incredible ass, squeezing and grinding her into his throbbing erection. He searched every corner of her mouth, toying with her tongue, tasting her as deeply as possible. He wanted to consume her.

  The pelting rain just added to the frenzy, the prevailing urgency of lust driving them on. Swept away by sensory overload, he pushed her up against the brick wall. Her pelvis pressed snug against him, but that was nowhere near enough. He needed her closer. He needed to be buried in her wet heat. He needed to fuck some sense into her.

  Thank God, it was secluded and dark where they were. And the torrential rain was a blessing in disguise because no one was around to see what they were doing.

  He grasped her thighs and pulled her legs around his waist, achingly grateful her short denim skirt didn’t hamper the movement. With access to her hot core right there, his heart all but pounded through his chest in anticipation. He was almost where he wanted to be. Just a little bit more. Pushing the crotch of her panties aside, his seeking fingers found their way to her hot, wet pussy and teased her sensitive clit.

  She writhed against his fingers and threw back her head. “God, Logan, what you do to me.”

  Her declaration was music to his ears.

  He thrust into her with one finger, then two. She was so damn ready for him his cock jerked in anticipation of plunging into her pulsating core. Her searing flesh beckoned him to do the unthinkable.

  God, they were in a public place, but that didn’t matter. He had to have her. She burned like living flame through her clothing. The only thing hotter was the blaze of lust driving him on.

  One handed, he worked at the buttons on his fly while holding her up with his free hand. God bless her, Nica didn’t hesitate. She freed his cock and gripped his erection with both hands almost sending him over the edge.

  He groaned at the exquisite sensation of her soft hands touching him. “Baby, I have to get inside you before I go crazy.”

  She nipped his bottom lip. “What are you waiting for?”


  Her eagerness blew his mind. He couldn’t believe his beautiful wildcat wanted this as much as he did.

  Still holding his cock, she led him towards her waiting pussy while he held the crotch of her panties aside. Rain was in his eyes. He could barely see but he didn’t care. He was almost there. Nirvana was within reach.

  A wolf whistle cracked through the air.

  They froze.

  Quickly, Logan concealed Nica as much as he could, burying her face in his shoulder seconds before a couple ran past them in a flurry of giggles and laughter.

  Neither of them moved until the couple was out of sight, but the interruption had done its job. The madness of the moment had passed and good sense reigned supreme once more.

  Nica slid her legs down his hips and they broke apart. Still breathing hard, they stared at each other in shock for endless seconds before Nica looked away and started rearranging her disheveled clothing.

  Stunned to find himself in this predicament, Logan followed suit, his mind reeling with the enormity of what had happened.

  They’d almost had sex, right here in a public place. “My God.”

  Nica looked up, her face a study of wary expectation.

  Furious with himself, he let his anger fly. “Damn it. This shouldn’t have happened.”

  Her features immediately contorted with anger. “You’re going to do it to me again, aren’t you?”

  He struggled to understand what she meant. “What are you talking about?”

  “I’m talking about the other morning.”

  The light dawned. She was talking about the fateful morning after when he’d freaked out and then bailed on her. Not one of his shining moments. And she wasn’t wrong. He would have thought it impossible, but he was even more freaked out now than he’d been then. That he was keeping his cool this well was nothing short of a miracle. He seriously needed to get a grip. He had to make her understand that this thing between them was wrong. That he was the one at fault here. Not her. And he had to
do it in a calm, reasonable way. Unlike the last time.

  “This isn’t about you. This is about me. I’m a complete slime for taking advantage of you. Again.”

  She was anything but calm. “Damn it all to hell. Maybe I want you to take advantage of me. Did you ever think of that?”

  Her anger hit him like a freight train but he pressed on. He had to make her see why this shouldn’t have happened. “You can’t be serious. You’re like my—”

  She cut him off with a finger against his lips. “If you call me your little sister one more time I swear I’m going to throttle you.”

  His mind raced. How did he make her see how wrong this was? Before he could try again, the pouring rain quit as abruptly as it had started. Logan swiped his hands over his face to clear his eyes. His gaze bore into hers, willing her to see his side of this. “You don’t understand. Tony’s my best friend. Best friends don’t sleep with their best friend’s sister.”

  Nica blinked, clearly taken aback. “You have to be joking. This is about Tony?”

  “Yes. No.” He shoved his hands through his dripping hair. “Damn it. I don’t even know anymore.”

  She shook her head, looking numb. “There’s no winning this argument with you, is there?”

  He shook his head. “No, there isn’t. Tony, hell, your whole family, was there for me at a time when I really needed them. I still can’t believe I’ve abused their trust like this. They’d be appalled at what I’ve done. My only hope is to stop before I make things worse.”

  Nica took a moment to absorb what he’d said and then nodded once. She glanced down, her shoulders slumped, looking deflated. At last, without looking up, she nodded again. “Okay, then.” She turned away and started for the bar.

  He called after her. “Aren’t you going to say anything?”

  She stopped. “There’s nothing left to say. My family’s more important to you than I am. This is a fight I can’t win.”

  He reached out to catch her arm but stopped. “Where are you going?”

  She turned around to face him again. “I’m going inside to get a drink while I wait for a cab to take me home.”


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