Evicted: Crashing In The Car (Taboo Erotica)

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Evicted: Crashing In The Car (Taboo Erotica) Page 1

by Anya Merchant

  Evicted: Crashing In The Car


  Anya Merchant

  Copyright © 2014 by Anya Merchant

  All rights reserved

  Kindle Edition

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or persons is entirely coincidental. This work is intended for adults only. It contains substantial sexually explicit language and scenes that may be considered offensive by some readers.


  It was cold in the house when Jeff woke up, far colder than it should have been. Of course, that was going by the old standards, the standards he had developed back when the bills were paid on time, and there was still an abundance of money under the roof.

  Jeff was a senior in high school, and he lived with his step mom, Madison. The two of them had been supported by Jeff’s dad, Bill, but when he was laid off from his well-paying factory job, all of that had collapsed like a poorly constructed tent.

  Bill had taken off to the Midwest, hoping to find a job working in the oil shale, or at a factory that had managed to weather the recession. That left Jeff and Madison mostly alone to fend for themselves, which meant doing everything they could to scrape together enough cash to get by.

  “Honey, are you up?” asked his mom. Jeff opened his eyes and saw her standing in the doorway to his room, wearing a tiny night gown. If he hadn’t already felt the cold, one look at her would have revealed it to him, with her hard nipples pushing out against the thin fabric of her gown.

  “Yeah, I’m up,” he said. “So how long before we lose the electricity, too?”

  “I’m so sorry honey,” said Madison. “Your father is going to figure something out. Until then, we just have to hold tight.”

  Jeff climbed out of bed, feeling as though the cold was sucking all of the heat right out of him. It didn’t help that he was only wearing a pair of boxer briefs, which didn’t do much to conceal the hard branch of morning wood he was supporting.

  Madison didn’t seem to notice, or at least pretended not to. She walked over to her son and wrapped her arms around him, pulling him into an embrace.

  “I love you, honey,” she said. “We’ll get through this. We just need to watch out for each other.”

  She felt so warm against his chest, and so soft. It was hard for Jeff to ignore just how good the sensation of having his hard cock pressed against her stomach was.

  “I know we will mom, I’m not worried,” he said. “And I’m glad that you decided to stick around instead of following after dad.”

  “Just because your 18 doesn’t mean you’re all grown up,” said Madison, ruffling his hair. “Besides, I was more than happy to stay behind and look after my sweet boy.”

  Madison was a gorgeous woman, with medium sized breasts and a figure that was curvy in the sexiest of ways. It had been hard for Jeff to accept the fact that she was his step mom for a while, but over the years, he had come to love her.

  The two of them continued to hug each other, and Jeff tried not to think about how sexually charged the embrace was. It felt good to have her against him, in a way that overstepped the bounds between mother and son. He tried to push the nasty thoughts out of his head, admonishing himself for letting them in.

  “Okay, I should head downstairs and make breakfast,” said Madison. “It’s just going to be cereal this morning, but I still want to set you up with something.”

  “Mom, it’s fine, I love cereal,“ he said.

  The two of them continued to hug. Jeff began, almost unconsciously, to rub his package against her. It felt so incredibly good, and after a second or two of it he realized that he was on the brink of cumming.

  “I love you, honey,” said Madison. She finally broke away from him and turned and headed out of his room.

  Jeff took his time getting dressed. For a minute, he considered sitting down at his computer and taking care of his erection, but threw the idea out as being too perverse to do with his mom in the house. He ended up just throwing on a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt, and then breathing steadily until his lower half had relaxed.

  His mom was on the phone when he made his way downstairs, and he could tell just from her tone of voice that it wasn’t good.

  “It’s the middle of winter, how can you ask us to leave?” she said, pacing around the kitchen. “We will have the money in a couple of days, just give us more time!”

  Jeff sat down at the dining room table. He felt powerless, just listening to one side of the conversation.

  “You’re a cruel bastard, you know that Frankie?” Madison slammed the phone down, and set her hands on her hips. “Oh, I’m sorry sweetie. Everything has come apart…we didn’t pay rent this month, and the landlord…he’s threatening to evict us.”

  “Mom, it’s okay, let me call him and talk to him,” said Jeff.

  Jeff’s conversation with the landlord went even worse. He ended up arguing with the man from several minutes, until the ultimatum was finally issued: either they pay up by the end of the day, or pack their stuff up and leave. He set his phone down, discouraged and angry.

  “Mom, we have to go, I think,” he said. “If we wait the weather could get even worse.”

  They had only lived in their current apartment for about 9 months, ever since moving into it as a cheaper alternative to their old one. Luckily, this meant that there wasn’t an overwhelming amount of collected household items to move, at least not too the degree that they couldn’t get it out in one day.

  “I know sweetie, I know,” said his mom. “Don’t worry, we’ll drive to your Aunt Debra’s and stay there for a little while.”

  “Doesn’t she live in Seattle, mom?” asked Jeff.

  “We’ll make it sweetie,” she said. “And we’ll rent a storage unit in town and put everything we can’t take with us away in it.”

  “Alright mom,” he said. “We’ll make it work.”

  It took the two of them less time than expected to pack the first load into the car. There was an outdoor storage lot on the other side of town, and slowly but surely, they loaded most of their stuff into it. Jeff found himself being thankful of the fact that his mom drove a minivan for the first time in his life.

  The last load was clothes, blankets, and bedding. As they were unpacking it, Madison grabbed a couple of heavier blankets and some cushions and set them off to the side inside the van.

  “Are those going in too?” asked Jeff.

  “No honey, we’re going to need some of this stuff for the trip,” she said. “Jeff…we might not always have the money to stay in a hotel.”

  Jeff felt a little strange thinking about what that meant. The two of them would be sharing the floor of the minivan, in the cold of winter. It was hard for him to imagine how they would even manage to stay warm under the circumstances.

  “If that’s what we have to do, then that’s what we have to do,” he said. “I’m not worried mom, as long as we’re together we’ll be fine.”

  “That’s right honey,” said his mom softly. “That’s right.”

  They finished by the mid-afternoon. Madison had packed a bunch of what was left in the refrigerator into a lunch for them, but neither of them were hungry, and decided to eat it later. All they had with them were some basic electronics, blankets, and other things that they’d need on the trip. The apartment was empty, and as they looked at it from the outside, Jeff somehow knew that it would be the last time he’d see it.

  “Let’s get going, honey,” said his mom. “We have a lot of ground to cover.”

  The start of the trip was no different from many other drives that Jeff had gone on with his mother. They talked about the weather, and his dad, and listened to the radio. It wasn’t until they stopped for gas on their way to the next town over that Jeff really began to think about their situation.

  “We’re going to have to budget this very carefully,” said his mom. “We’ll only have enough for gas, food, and maybe one night at a motel.”

  Jeff nodded.

  “I’m fine with that mom, but we’re cutting it a little close, don’t you think?” he asked. “Is there any way we could get dad to send us some funds? Or something?”

  Madison slowly shook her head.

  “It’s just not going to happen. Your father has nothing, and is struggling just as much if not more than we will be.” She gave him a forced smile.

  “Alright,” said Jeff. “I’m sure we’ll find a way to manage.”

  They munched on the lunch that Madison had prepared as they continued on. The first part of the trip was a couple of hours of interstate driving, and the two of them took turns. Jeff felt like he was leaving more than just his hometown. It felt like he was leaving his old life behind, and would be heading off into a new situation, totally different from anything he could predict.

  He was glad that Madison was there. Even though the relationship between the two of them sometimes felt strange and tense to Jeff, having her along with him made it a lot easier to keep going. She was his mom, and she was looking out for him, even though things looked bleak.

  “Do you want me to take over?” Jeff asked her. His mom had been behind the wheel for the last 90 minutes, and she seemed to be in a world of her own.

  “Oh, what?” she said. “Oh, no that’s okay sweetie, I have it covered. Thanks, though.”

  She reached her hand over and rubbed Jeff’s thigh. It was an action that excited him much more than it should have, and he had to work to keep calm and contained.

  “You know, I used to go to the drive in when I was a teenager in a van like this,” she said.

  It was hard for Jeff to listen to her. All of his attention was focused on his mom’s warm hand, and the tiny amount of distance in between the edge of her fingers and his hardening cock.

  “Oh yeah? How was that?” he asked her.

  “You’re a teenage boy, you must know what I’m talking about,” said Madison. Her hand went up and down along his inner thigh, driving Jeff wild with frustration.

  “No mom, you’ll have to tell me,” he said. “I have no idea.”

  “Well, when young men and young women end up in an enclosed space like that, in the dark…” Her fingers seemed to pull even closer to Jeff’s package as her words trailed off. “Things can happen. I had so many different boys all try to make the moves on me like that, it was unbelievable.”

  “And did any of them ever succeed?” asked Jeff.

  His mom glanced toward him quickly, her face blushing bright red.

  “That’s, that’s not an appropriate question, young man!” she said after a moment. “Cool your jets!”

  “I just want to know what happened, mom,” he said. “You’re the one who brought it up. Did any of the boys touch you, or try to do more than that? Did you go along with it?”

  “There was one time…” she said, softly. “Oh, I shouldn’t be telling you this.”

  Madison’s palm came to rest right on top of Jeff’s cock, as though she was so lost in thought that she’d also lost track of her hand.

  “My last boyfriend in high school, let’s just say that me and him really enjoyed one of the drive in movies we saw.”

  Her answer caused Jeff’s cock to ache for attention. He tried to force the sick thoughts out of his head, reminding himself that she was his mother, and was and would always be off limits.

  “Oh, there’s a rest stop up ahead,” said Madison. “Perfect. I think…I think we might have to spend the night here, sweetie.”

  Jeff looked over at his mom and saw that she was serious.

  “I’m not opposed to it, but we’re going to have to be careful,” he said. “It’s the late fall, it gets really cold out at night.”

  “I know honey, but we’ll find a way to make it work.” She turned on her blinker and pulled her car over into the lead off lain. There were two separate parking lots on either side of the facility, one for passenger cars and one for the larger trucks, trailers, and overnight campers. Madison pulled into the second one and parked.

  The sun was setting on the horizon, and for the first time that day, Jeff felt tranquil. It was such a strange reaction to have to the events the two of them had been confronted with, but he looked over at his mom and smiled.

  “Alright, I’m going to head inside and head to the bathroom,” she said.

  “I’ll come with,” said Jeff.

  The two of them got out of the van and headed over to the entrance of the rest stop. It wasn’t until they had made it inside that Jeff realized just how many truckers there were hanging out in the lounge area and around the bathroom. One of them was sipping from a cup of coffee, and whistled as his mom walked by.

  “Boy howdy, you are fine looking!” he said. “How about you join me in the cab of my truck for a while?”

  “No thanks,” said Madison. She started to walk towards the bathroom, but the truckers burst into laughter, and she turned back towards them.

  “How about you take a ride on my pole?” shouted another. “You can suck it clean when you’re done, if you want.”

  “Is this your son here?” asked one of them. “Damn, you are a serious milf. I wouldn’t believe that you even had kids if it hadn’t have been for the evidence.”

  Jeff’s mom glared at them, an action that somehow made her look much more cute and sexy than she already was.

  “For your information, I’m taken,” she said. “This is my boyfriend.”

  She turned away from them and walked into the women’s room, leaving Jeff alone with a bunch of truckers staring at him in awe. One of them walked over and clapped him on the back.

  “Well done there, youngin’,” he said. “She must be a wild thing in the sack.”

  “She’s not-“

  “Have her suck you off good tonight for the sake of my thirsty ass,” said one of them. “I bet her lips must feel great wrapped around your cock, god damn they are so fine and juicy.”

  Jeff was mortified at the situation, but his cock seemed to be enjoying the mental images the words of the truckers were putting in his head, twitching and hardening as he pictured his mom on her knees, sucking at his tool.

  “Ready, sweetie?” He turned, and saw his mom walking towards him. She caught him totally off guard by leaning in and giving him a kiss on the lips. Jeff was totally speechless.

  “You boys have a good night, now,” she said to the truckers as the two of them walked back outside.

  The second they sat back down in the minivan, Jeff turned towards his mom.

  “What was that?” he asked.

  “I’m sorry sweetie, it was spur of the moment,” she said. “I was worried about what ideas those guys might get into their heads if they thought I was here unattached.”

  Jeff just shook his head.

  “You could have told me in advance, or something,” he muttered. Madison just smiled.

  “Come on, let’s get the back set up for us to sleep in.”

  It didn’t take all the much effort to move everything left in the minivan forward into the front. The back seats collapsed down, creating a sleeping area for them that was about the size of a queen sized bed.

  “Perfect,” said his mom. “With some blankets and pillows, this could actually be pretty comfortable.”

  “Let’s hope it’s also pretty warm,” said Jeff. He could see his breath on the air, and was more than a little concerned about the possibility of one or both of them ending up with hypothermia before the night was through.

  “It will be fine,” said Madison. She had
finished laying down the blankets, and after taking off her shoes, she climbed into the minivan. Jeff started to follow her, closing the door behind them, and then stopped in mid-step.

  His mom was stripping out of her clothes. Her shirt was already off, giving him a clear view of her bra clad breasts which seemed to be overflowing from the tiny garment. She started wiggling out of her jeans, slowly bringing them down off her and exposing the flesh of her legs.

  “What are you doing?” he asked, feeling his cock responding to the scene very differently than how he wanted it to.

  “Just trust me, the inside of the bed will be warmer this way,” she said. “Come on, you do it too. We’ll catch colds, otherwise.”

  Jeff could tell just from the look on his mom’s face that she wasn’t backing down. He turned as much away from her as the tiny area of the inside of the van would allow, and began to undress.


  “Are you comfy, sweetie?”

  Jeff was under the covers next to his mom, and comfy would not be the word he would have used to describe his predicament. He could feel his mom’s body heat, and knew that she was close enough for him to touch, if he wanted to.

  “Is this really okay, mom?” he asked her. “I could always sit upfront, and let you have the back.”

  “Honey, don’t be ridiculous, it’s fine,” she said. “I’m your mother, and you’re my son. There is nothing weird about us sharing a bed for one night.”

  The loaded silence that followed seemed to directly contradict her assertion. Jeff sighed, and turned away from her in the bed.

  “I’m glad you’re here with me Jeff,” said his mom. She slid closer to him, and cuddled against his back. Jeff, in turn, did his best to act like he didn’t have a raging hard on.

  “This is a tough situation mom, I understand,” he said.

  “We can get through it together, sweetie,” she said. “By the end of it, I think we’ll be closer together than we ever have been before.”

  He didn’t say anything, but he could feel his mom’s hot breath against his neck, and it was driving him wild. Jeff turned back towards her, and looked into her eyes, lit up by a small sliver of fluorescent light from one of the lamp posts above.


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