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Blade Page 6

by Alexandra Ivy

  “Valli,” Blade whispered.

  “They’re forcing my legs apart and strapping me down.” Her words came out as a low cry. “I’m trying to fight. Can’t…too weak. They’re putting something inside… Oh my God, no... Why are they doing this?”

  “Enough!” Blade rasped, his arms sliding around her as he hauled her trembling body toward him. “Oh, ma chère, I’m so sorry. Goddess help me. I’m so sorry you had to go through that.”

  Tears rolling down her cheeks, she pressed herself hard against his chest, savoring his intoxicating musk.

  “It wasn’t you,” she breathed, her arms wrapping tightly around his neck. “It was never you.”

  He buried his face in the curve of her neck. “It’s over now, ma chère. No one will ever hurt you again. I swear it on my life.”

  Chapter 6

  Never had Blade felt so protective of another being. He was a Pantera, and that made him a natural defender, but this female, and the life growing inside of her, well, they brought out something close to feral in his heart.

  And in his cat.

  After they’d shared a quick meal of soup and bread, Blade had shown Valli to the room where she’d be staying, for how long he didn’t know. He did know the hope he had in his heart, of course, but he would never force the issue. He’d been caged for too long. He’d never do that to another. But he wanted her to be as comfortable as possible.

  He wanted her to see it as a home.

  He’d given her the room on the other side of the cottage. It was fresh and clean, with pale yellow bed covers, white curtains, and a soft oval rug on the floor. It also faced the gardens and a heavy stand of cypress. She’d smiled when she saw it, and she’d settled in, he’d almost told her she could have it redone any way she wanted.

  But he’d held his tongue.

  Blade poured two glasses of sweet tea and headed for the front door. At the screen, he paused. Valli was sitting in one of the chairs on the porch. In the light of the coming sunset, her sable hair glowed as it fell about her bare shoulders. She was the most beautiful female he’d ever known, and all he wanted to do was sit beside her and take her hand in his.

  It was so strange, this feeling. He’d never known it or wanted it. He liked to travel, get away, not be tied down. And yet, here he was dreaming about porches and holding hands—

  A sound rent the calm bayou air, ripping him from his fantasy. Like feet pounding earth.

  No, not feet.

  Those were the heavy pads of a puma on a mission.

  Blade pushed the screen door open and stepped out onto the porch, just as Valli pointed toward the feline weaving through the cypress at a quick pace. She stood up and the pale yellow cat with crystal blue eyes headed straight for them.

  What did she want?

  Setting the tea down on a nearby table, Blade stepped to the edge of the porch, directly in front of Valli. He didn’t want anyone around tonight, especially a former colleague. He wanted Valli all to himself.

  In seconds the cat transformed into the female he knew well. Or had known… But that was a long time ago.

  “Good to see you back, Blade.”

  He gave her a nod. “Good to be back.” He glanced over his shoulder. Valli looked stunned. She’d clearly never seen a shift, and the surprise at both the act and the fact that Pantera are fully clothed when they do, had her eyes bulging. “Valli, this is Faith. A fellow Suit.”

  “Right,” Faith drawled. “Just a fellow Suit.”

  Blade did not have the time or the energy to deal with this female’s age-old and very one-sided crush. “What do you want, Faith?”

  She was staring at Valli, or trying to. “Houseguest?” she drawled.

  Before he could get a word out, Valli came to stand beside him. She was trembling slightly, but her chin was high and her eyes never left the female’s. “It’s nice to meet you, Faith.”

  The Pantera female’s nostrils flared and her eyes dropped to Valli’s abdomen.

  That’s right. My cub. My female.

  “You, too.” This time when Faith’s gaze lifted, her expression was far more gentle and respectful. “Sorry I scared the shit out of you.”

  “You didn’t,” Valli said. “It was just...surprising.”

  “Of course.” Faith gave her a halfhearted smile. “I’m sure you’ll get used to it. The longer you’re around us...and then with your own cub—”

  Blade cut her off. Again. “What do you need, Faith?”

  Faith flicked a brow upward, her sky-blue eyes darting between Blade and Valli. “Okaaay...Raph sent me.”


  “He wants to see you first thing in the morning.”

  A thread of irritation moved through Blade. “He could’ve called or texted me.”

  “I was in the office,” she said casually. “I volunteered.”

  Blade sensed it was more than that. He suspected that this female Pantera who’d once had feelings for him wanted to check out the human female who’d brought him back home to the Wildlands when nothing else ever had.

  “Well, thanks for the message,” he told her, slipping his arm around Valli. “It was good to see you, Faith. Have a good night.”

  The message was loud and clear, and Faith took it in stride. She gave them both a nod, then turned around and raced off, shifting back into her puma by the time she hit the stand of cypress.

  Alone once again, Blade turned to Valli and gave her an apologetic smile. “I’m sorry about that.”

  “Don’t be. It really was just surprising.” She inhaled deeply, glancing out at the sunset. “And it’s me who’s sorry, Blade. About everything. Accusing you, fearing you.”

  “You had no choice, Valli. What they did to you... You’ve suffered too much.”

  She turned back to look at him. “No more than you suffered. I can’t imagine the pain you endured.”

  His chest tightened at her words and the way she looked at him—a strange combination of hope and need and apprehension. He wanted to give her the first two and take away the last.

  “We’re here now,” he said. “You’re safe, surrounded by those who wish us good health and happiness.”

  “Like Faith?”

  His lips twitched, but he nodded.

  “She knew I was pregnant.”

  “She scented it.”

  Her lips flattened and a just a hint of fire illuminated her eyes. “And she didn’t seem happy about it. She did, however, seem into you.”

  Blade smiled and took her hands in his. “She was happy. We’re family here, Valli. And we haven’t seen cubs born to our kind in a very long time. It’s a miracle that each of us thanks the Goddess for. Now… Faith might’ve had a crush on me, but that was a long time ago.”

  Her eyes searched his. “Did you have a crush on her too?”

  Heat surged through him. His human female was showing her interest, staking her claim. And nothing could’ve made him happier in that moment. “Never. In fact,” he added. “I’ve never had a crush… until now.”

  Her cheeks grew pink and she smiled softly. “Tell me about yourself, your life here. Do you have blood relations? Immediate family? Parents? Siblings?”

  “I actually never knew my parents,” he told her. “I think they’re living in Europe somewhere.” He turned and looked at the dying sunset over the bayou. “It’s what I heard when I was a cub, anyway. I was actually raised by my grandmother, but she’s long passed.”

  “Was she good to you?”

  He glanced back at her, thoughtful. “She was strict, but very, very loving.”

  She exhaled. “You’re lucky.”

  It was the first time Blade had wondered about her history, her family. With none of his own, he’d been thinking only of the future. What they could create together.

  “I saw that you were living at the diner,” he said. “Is the woman who owns it your relative?”

  “She’s a friend.” Her eyes searched his. “I’m kind of like you. Absent p

  “I don’t want that for our cub, Valli,” Blade said impulsively.

  Her eyes widened and her lips parted. For a moment, Blade had to rein in the temptation to kiss her. Her scent alone stirred his blood.

  “I’ve heard you say that a few times,” she said. “Cub?”

  “It’s what we call our young.”

  “Do you think...”


  “The baby will be able to...”

  “Shift?” he supplied with a smile.

  She returned it softly. “Must be wonderful to shed your human skin. Be something else. Run on instinct. Do you shift a lot?”

  He shook his head. “Haven’t in several weeks. We can only shift inside the Wildlands. The magic won’t stretch farther. And since I returned last night, I haven’t had the chance.”

  Her eyes suddenly clouded. “So you couldn’t shift when you were held captive? All that time...”

  Blade didn’t answer. He released her hands and went to the edge of the porch, looking out at his beloved Wildlands. “It was torture at times. The urge was there, the hunger, but no way to satisfy it.”

  “Like sex?”

  His ire receded, and a smile touched his lips. “A little bit like that, yes.”

  She came up beside him. “Can I see, Blade?”

  “What?” He turned to look at her.

  Her eyes were wide and her cheeks were flushed. “Do you want to do it right now?”

  Blade’s skin went tight around his muscles and his cock filled with blood. “Valli...”

  “What color is it?” she interrupted. “Is it fierce? Would it hurt me?”

  Even as Blade grew impossibly hard, he knew she wasn’t talking about sex. She was talking about his cat. That’s what she wanted. Wanted to see.

  Disappointment swept over him, but he refused to give in to it. If the female wanted to see his puma, he would show it to her. After all, it belonged to her, it would be ruled by her someday. Not that she knew that.

  He gave her a wicked grin, then leapt over the porch railing. Once he was a few feet away he turned back to her and called, “Don’t be scared, female. It would never hurt you. In fact, it would kill to save you and the cub.”

  Her eyes glittered with interest. “Show me.”

  Your wish is our command.

  Closing his eyes, Blade called upon his cat. With weeks passing since he’d last worn fur, the feline was right below the surface of his skin. Desperate to emerge. Instantly, he felt the hum of the shift, felt his bones change and reform, his muscles too. And then, there was only peace and instinct.

  Life was just that simple inside the cat.

  It wanted only basic things. Food, sunlight, exercise, mating... His eyes opened. Valli.

  With a soft growl, he padded toward the porch, letting her look him over. From massive head to flickering tail. Letting the curiosity in her expression morph into amazement, and something else...


  No, that wasn’t possible. Not yet.

  Drawn to her, he leapt over the very railing he’d jumped a moment ago as a male and stalked over to her, rubbing against her legs. She was a tall female, and it was easy to position his head beneath her hand.

  “So beautiful,” she uttered, her voice threaded with awe.

  As she petted him, long heavy strokes from his head to his lower back, the scent of her mixed sublimely with the scent of his young. It flooded his puma’s nostrils and brought on a low, warm growl from deep in his throat. Without thought, only instinct, the cat turned into her and rubbed its massive face against her lower abdomen.


  As if she’d heard him, a soft sound escaped Valli’s throat. Nostrils flaring, his puma pulled in the delectable bloom of her arousal. The cat eased its head back, glancing up. Gone was the smile. Valli looked pink and wonderfully turned on. But her eyes were humming with unease. Maybe she wasn’t sure if she should feel what she was feeling.

  His cat didn’t like the look and pulled its head from her warm hand. Calling the feline home, Blade quickly shifted back into his male form.

  Valli was breathing shallowly now, and even without the cat he scented her arousal.

  “I...” she began, licking her lips.


  “I should go to bed.” She swallowed and clarified, “To sleep. I... Good night.” Then she turned around and disappeared inside the house.

  * * * *

  Something was definitely wrong with her.

  After changing into the cotton shorts and white tank that had been donated by a female in town—along with several other lovely things with the tags still on them—Valli dropped back on the bed and pulled the covers up to her waist.

  When Blade’s cat had nuzzled her belly...

  She dropped her head, her cheeks on fire.

  Such a feeling. Like nothing she’d ever experienced—or even imagined existed. Not only was there an assault of heat everywhere inside her body, but the euphoric sensation of utter bliss. Like that moment, that action, was what life was all about.

  Oh, God, she sounded like a crazy person. A Pantera puma rubbed up against her a little bit. It wasn’t the height of eroticism. Or shouldn’t be.

  And yet, it was.

  She stared up at the ceiling as a cool, fragrant breeze wafted through the open window to her left. Was this undeniable attraction about guilt? Did she feel guilty about treating him so badly? Accusing him of assaulting her? Was her mind trying to turn the negative into a positive connection with the father of her child?

  The answers to her silent questions never came, but a knock on the door sure did.


  Her heart shot up into her throat and she tossed off the covers and sat up. Lord, his voice was so dark and arresting. It made her feel restless. Again.

  She went over to the door and leaned against it. She didn’t dare open it. She was rattled, aroused, and she didn’t want him to see it. Or, heaven help her, smell it.

  “Do you have everything you need?” he asked through the wood.

  Hell no. You’re out there and I’m in here.

  “Yes, thanks.”

  A long silence followed, then, “Okay. Then..sleep well.”

  “You, too, Blade.”

  As she turned from the door, she thought she heard a low rumble of a growl, but she couldn’t be sure.

  Disappointment snaked through her. At him, and at herself. Why hadn’t she just opened the stupid door? So he might’ve scented her attraction. Big deal. They didn’t have to do anything about it. They could’ve talked a bit more. Shared some coffee or dessert.

  Or a passionate kiss where he held her against his chest and put his big hands on the back of her head, threading his fingers in her hair.

  She fell back on the bed and heaved a sigh. Yes, something was definitely wrong with her.

  What was she going to do? She couldn’t stay here. She had a job and a life and an apartment. Well, she prayed she did. She hadn’t called Fran yet, hadn’t wanted to lie about where she was or tell the truth of it—but no doubt the woman was beyond worried. She had to go back. She had to be able to support her child, because no matter how attracted she was to this Pantera male, she wouldn’t allow herself to get pulled into something that very well might be a short-lived whatever. He’d come after her because she carried his child, and she needed to keep reminding herself of that.

  Men don’t stick around.

  If she’d learned anything from her sorry excuse for a mother, it was that. They get what they came for and take off.

  Blade’s face appeared in her mind. Those soulful and fierce black eyes, the sharp cheekbones and full lips. Instantly, her stupid insides melted again. It was crazy. Ever since she and this male had talked in the Panteras’ infirmary, she’d felt impossibly drawn to him, like she’d seen his heart, open and honest. And now, since coming to his home, all she wanted to do was be touched by him.

  Was it the chil

  The cub.

  The word made her smile softly. She was never going to sleep tonight.

  A scent wafted through the open window then. Bayou and flowers, and wet, green earth, and night. And...something else.

  She inhaled deeply. Whatever it was, it was so intoxicating that when it entered her lungs, a rush of heat spread throughout her entire body.

  She’d been sexual with only one man in her life. It wasn’t a long-term thing, and after a few months he’d revealed he’d been seeing someone else on the side. So over the years, she’d gotten used to taking care of her own needs. She’d wanted to make sure she was never dependent on a man for pleasure. Or anything else. Because once you were, you gave up your power.

  The scent hit her nostrils again. Spicy and hot...

  Groaning, she slipped her hand inside the waistband of her shorts and ran it down her pelvis until she met shaved, warm skin. Her eyes closed and Blade appeared in her mind. There he was. Shifting from man to beast and back again. So powerful, so protective.

  The image made her instantly wet and she slipped her fingers inside her folds and found her clit.

  A groan exited her lips as her ear picked up a strange sound. She froze for a moment and listened. Something was outside, but not close. It was moving in the brush.

  Pulling her hand from her body, she leapt from the bed and went to the window. At first, all she saw was cypress and the garden in the dark of night. But then she caught movement again and tracked it. Several yards away, under the bright glow of moonlight, an amber cat stalked something.

  Long, purposeful, predatory strides.


  Her sex clenched with need. Maybe it was the Wildlands, the magic they possessed. Maybe they were possessing her.

  Or, goddamit, maybe she just wanted this male.

  Without sense or reason, she stripped off all her clothes and stood at the window naked. As she watched him chase something in the stand of cypress, her hands cupped her breasts. Massaging them, she whimpered. Tugging and playing with her hard nipples, she thrust her hips forward.

  Releasing one of her breasts, she drew her hand down over her small curve of belly and straight for the spot that ached for her touch.


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