A Drogons' Fate Epilogue: SciFi Alien Soul Mates Romance (A Drogons Fate Series Book 6)

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A Drogons' Fate Epilogue: SciFi Alien Soul Mates Romance (A Drogons Fate Series Book 6) Page 16

by T. J. Quinn


  Music Mix

  ~ Nick ~

  Slipping into their newly assigned cell, Acacia carefully sealed the door. Turning she smiled when he used their bound arms to pull her to him. “We are far from the celebration.”

  Shoving the wayward tendril of hair from her face, he murmured. “Sorry about that disrespectful woman. You shouldn’t have had to tolerate something like on your special day.”

  “I do not blame her. You are an extremely desirable mate. Many think you are wasting yourself on someone like me. She is a full blood Voltaire and I a Zaphredinelyn.”

  “You know I don’t like that word, sweetness.”

  “It is only natural for her to try to take you from me.”

  “That is never going to happen, and I don’t like her even thinking for a minute that it’s possible.”

  “You look really handsome tonight. I can’t believe you’re truly mine.”

  “I’m yours alright, no trying to throw me back. When I first saw you today, all I could think of was getting the ceremony over so we could spend time alone together. Can we unbind now?”

  Nodding happily, she went to work on the pulling out the tips that had been tucked securely under the edges of the tightly wrapped cloth.

  The moment the last of the cloth was gone, Nick draped it around his neck before carefully peeling her out of her pretty dress. As it slid to the floor, he finally got to see everything the gods had given her. Running two fingers over the smooth skin of her shoulder, he murmured. “You are unbelievably beautiful. I truly have no words to describe what touching you feel like to me.”

  “I love it when you touch me. It fills a little hole deep inside my soul.”

  “I could be really naughty right now, but I’m going to resist.”

  “I don’t know what that means.”

  Pulling open his robe and shirt, he slid them off. She quickly took them from him and folded them neatly before working open the stays on his pants, Nick felt her hand move against his heated flesh. His hands came up to shove his pants down, eager as he was to give her more access.

  “You are not like our males.”

  “Too bad, you’re stuck with me.”

  Her eyes quickly looked up at her. “What I mean to say is your design is better for pleasuring a woman.”

  Hissing a sigh of pleasure as she stroked her hand up and down his rod, his curiosity finally got the better of him. “What’s so great about it?”

  “There are no ridges to tear into my rings.”

  “Alright sweetness, I think I need to have a look at what I’m dealing with before we get this party started.”

  Her hands immediately came up to fuss with her hair again. “You’re a beautiful woman, Acacia.” Dropping down onto the makeshift bed, he grabbed her hand and pulled her down beside him. Cupping her cheek in his hand, he murmured softly. “Don’t worry, I’ll make it really good for you. Trust me on that.”

  “Oh, I do.” Her earnest and quickly spoken assurance gave him cause to be bold. Leaning down, he ghosted his lips across hers. Guiding her down beneath him, his hands skated across her soft skin, as he mapped every detail of her body. Her mating scent was delicate and addictive.

  Pulling one leg to the side, Nick began to kiss his way down her chest. Stopping briefly at her breasts, he explored and teased soft peaks until she began to make soft sounds of pleasure. Moving lower, he took his time inspecting all her womanly treasures. Fascinated that she seemed to have not a trace of body hair, her female parts were formed in the traditional horseshoe design he was all too familiar with.

  Rather than the tiny nub human females sported, she had an extra ring of flesh running around the inside of her lips. Pulling it back gently with his hands, all it took was one swipe with his tongue to verify that apparently provoked the same pleasure. Within moments, her body crashed into a thrashing orgasm.

  Running one finger around the entrance to her body, he slid into her. Without her needing to say a word, he knew what she had meant by rings. As his finger slid in and out, he felt a set of five concentric rings gripping at him. He imagined that penetrating her must feel like doing it five times in rapid succession with each thrust. Suddenly, he was eager to experience it.

  Looking up at her face had been a mistake. Her gentle face was filled with need, and he realized it must be her way of pleading with him. Thrusting roughly into her, he whispered. “You like that don’t you sweetness?”

  “Please, Nick. I need you.” The tiny feminine voice was needy and desperate.

  Moving up, he positioned himself and gave her one lingering kiss before breaching her body with his stiff rod. Her legs wrapped around him and she pulled him closer, impaling herself, as she made small noises that made his balls ache.

  The feeling of sinking into her body was nothing sort of dying and being reborn into a world of unimaginable pleasure. Feeling her soft rings sliding back and forth over his rod was making it difficult not to spill inside her. Closing his eyes, Nick concentrated on making it last for them. First times were all about setting expectations, and he was desperate for Acacia to see them as highly compatible.

  Whatever he was doing, he felt it was correct. Acacia was absolutely going wild beneath him. She couldn’t stay still, moving against him with such urgency he was afraid of leaving bruises. Her body had taken on a full body blush, turning her light blue skin a charming shade of almost lavender. She was murmuring in the language of Voltaire, and her words were music to his ears.

  Getting lost in their lovemaking, he vaguely realized that she peaked several times, before her body tightened around his rod, forcing him to at long last release his seed deep inside her body. Enjoying the way her rings felt around his slowly softening rod, he rolled them into a comfortable position without pulling out.

  Just when he thought she had passed out from exhaustion, she spoke. Her voice was filled with dread and a little shaky. “Am I acceptable to you as a mate?”

  Without looking down, he answered solemnly. “You’re better than acceptable. I don’t ever want to be without you. From now on, I want you at my side always.” Turning slightly, he tilted her face up to look into her eyes. “You are very important to me, Acacia. I know we are in a precarious position here on the Taron ships. Yet, I cannot turn away the comfort and understanding you offer.”

  “I’m grateful. I want you more than I’ve ever wanted anything in my life.

  “If anything looks strange to you, someone bothers you, or you feel unsafe, I expect you to let me know. I need to be able to trust that you will come to me and that we can trust each other to always be honest.”

  “I will.”

  “No matter what happens or who comes at us, you can always rely on me to keep you safe. We’ll get through this together. One day we’ll be living on Earth, and this will all seem like a bad dream.”

  “Tell me about your home world, Nick. Let me dream of what our life may be once the Taron no longer haunt our every step.”

  “Earth is amazing. I never truly knew how special it was until I ended up here. The sunshine bathes blue oceans in soft yellow light. On a good day, the skies are blue with big fluffy clouds drifting aimlessly by. At night, I used to lay on my back in the soft grass and gaze up at the night sky. I’d marvel at the millions of little white dots and wonder what each planet was like. Kissing her gently on the head, he murmured. “It never once occurred to me to think a beautiful woman was up here waiting for me. Whatever happens, always remember finding you is the part that makes all the rest worthwhile for me.”

  Farseek: Comander’s Mate



  We won the war but lost everything we ever loved. We stood fast for the Consortium. Some of us even laid down our lives for them while they left our home world undefended. As I stand looking at the ruins of what was my family’s home, I scream in rage, but there is no one to hear my pain and utter disgust.

  Farseek Brigade should h
ave been here defending our homes and families instead of light years away defending the Consortium stronghold. Those with the most power and wealth still have all they hold dear, while we have nothing left to fight for.

  As I stand looking at the desolate landscape, I am not ashamed of the two tears that slide down my face. Mother, Father, brothers, and sisters all gone and those high and mighty Consortium executives never let us know. They let us come back and find our world in ruin and our people gone.

  Were they killed or taken? There was no way to know. The thing I did know was that slavery was rampant in the Sargus Empire. They bought and sold sentient beings as if they were meat animals. Their whole economy depended on slave labor, where the Consortium relied on robots and artificial intelligence. They relied on the warriors of Farseek Brigade and other like us for defense.

  Had we been here when those Sargans attacked, we could have protected them with our elite ground force and our star fighters. From the carnage in front of me, I surmise that many of our people were killed---maybe most of them. I can only guess that the Sargans would have taken the rest as slaves to any of hundreds of different worlds.

  Someone somewhere knows something, and I will find them.

  The com in my ear buzzed. I touched my ear to hear Lieutenant Pyrr Avantu’s voice. “Commander, I’m getting reports of children being found living in the wreckage. So far about a dozen.”

  “Do any of them know what happened to the others?”

  “Those not killed were herded into shuttles and taken away,” said Lt. Avantu. “So some of our people were taken alive after the attack, but the children don’t know more than that.”

  “Did anyone find any adults?”

  “A few elders,” Avantu replied.

  “They should come with us when we leave. I doubt they would survive the winter here alone,” I told him. “I’ll clear it with Admiral Degatu. At least we know they were not all killed. Finding them is not going to be easy. I think our best bet is to go after the slave trader’s in Sargus Territory. I will speak to the admiral and get back to you.”

  “Yes, sir,” Avantu said. “We will keep looking for survivors.”

  My heart was not as heavy after I talked to Avantu. I let myself entertain a small hope that some of my clan might have survived. I’m sure others in our division felt as I did after they saw the destruction of our world. From that day forward, I would no longer honor my pledge of service to the Consortium. My only allegiance would be given to the Farseek Brigades, and to the Uatu people.

  I didn’t have to wait long for Admiral Degatu to descend to the ground of our world. In our defense force, there are two lines of command. I am Commander General of the ground forces, and Admiral Degatu commands our Starship fleet. Our combined forces make up the Farseek Division of the Sovereign Transtellar Consortium Defense Force. Our division is known for its prowess on the ground and in space. That’s why they sent us to the front.

  They had to know our home world was completely vulnerable, but they were more worried about themselves than the families of the warriors defending them. They deliberately blocked our communications about the attacks on Farseek so we wouldn’t desert them. And it would have been our right, per our contract. Farseek came first.

  We weren’t the only force defending the heart of the Consortium against the Sargus attack. Some of our ships could have gone to aid Farseek. To me, that nullifies any obligation we have to the Consortium. They are nothing but a bunch of wealthy tycoons and politicians who maintain and run the Consortium for their own gain. To them, we are just an expendable subclass of inferior beings whose clans are unimportant to them.

  Since we were so insignificant that they left our home world defenseless. I saw no reason to continue to defend them. Now I just had to convince Degatu.

  Admiral Degatu arrived about an hour later just outside of our village. He had seen the imagery of the devastation in the holovids, but it just didn’t quite capture the horrific scope of the destruction.

  Degatu was a native Farseekian of the Uato people as I am. Our race comes in a variety of skin tones from light to dark blue-gray, reddish brown to pale beige to almost white. I am a light blue-gray, and Degatu is medium reddish brown. We do not favor any color over another as the colors are only skin deep. Most of the males of our race are tall and well muscled and of varying body thickness. Warrior training keeps us fit unlike the echelon of the Consortium. Females may not be as tall and muscular, but those who are unmated train as warriors as well. Most can hold their own in a battle where we all wear special protective body suits.

  While the females may not be quite as strong on their own, the body armor augmentations are equalizing their strength. It is also good for morale to have females among us. Our customs allow for sharing sex with unmated females as long as we do not give them our seed. That is only for our fated mate; it’s how we claim them.

  I already know my fated mate is not in our division. My hope of finding her now is fading with all our people dead or taken. That could be part of why I feel so angered by this all. But I am also angered for all of my comrades who fought so bravely and came home as I did to find all of my clan is gone.

  “They did this Garvan! They kept the news of the attacks from us when they knew we had the right to come defend our people,” I murmured in a grim, quiet tone. “So far they’re about a dozen survivors, who say the Sargans rounded up the survivors and took them away.”

  “And you want to go after them,” he stated.

  “Don’t you?”

  “I do. There is hardly a man or woman in our division who hasn’t lost someone in this attack. We have to be smart about this,” he said. “We can’t go into Empire territory as Defenders of the Consortium. Once we nullify our contract with them, we are on our own. They won’t finance us for it.”

  “Even if we pool our resources, it might not be enough to get the job done,” I said, as I followed his train of thought. “We will need backers.”

  “Exactly my thought, so I took the liberty of letting certain governors of the Consortium know what we must do. I was told that Governor Evzen Guryon’s daughter Kyanna was taken by Ursagans from the Sargan Empire with a group of women from Plotain Pleasure station. The word is they are taking them to Ursaga slave auctions.”

  “You think Guryon will back us?” I started to see a plan forming.

  “He will. He may be a pompous dick, but he loves his daughter, and he will pay whatever it takes to get her back,” Pyrr said.

  “We could find some of our own people there, too.” I nodded. “I guess that means we’re now the Farseek Mercenary Division.”

  Garvan nodded grimly. It also meant we were on our own.



  I was taking out the garbage that evening in early May just as the sunset was painting the clouds in the western sky in golden hues. I paused for a moment to admire it before I tied off the bag and went back to get the recycling bin off the back porch. Cherry Street was three blocks and a quick left off Main Street, and we often got traffic stopping and asking directions for other nearby streets. It was pretty easy to miss the turns if you didn’t pay attention.

  So, when someone pulled up in a new looking Chevy, I wasn’t concerned. I can’t say what exactly happened. One minute was reciting the directions he asked for and pointing, then nothing.

  I woke up strapped to put down bunk with a helluva headache. I could barely move my head, but from my peripheral vision, I glimpsed two stacks of cots attached to the opposite side of the room. They were all full. Some of the others were moaning as though they felt as bad as I did. I figured I had been drugged, but I didn’t know by whom or why. The fact that I was strapped to a bed and felt like I had a drug hangover was not a good sign.

  It happened while I was giving those guy directions, but I couldn’t remember what. Someone had kidnapped me and stuck me in a room with a bunch of other women. I figured it was human traffickers as soon as I saw the
others, but I sure wasn’t thinking of alien slavers. I assumed they were human, human traffickers. Then this big ugly guy, and I use the term loosely, with a face like an orange catfish, kind of slimy looking, came in and started doing a bed check.

  The creature walked on two legs and had two arms that looked like seal flippers with fingers and a thumb. He wore a beige tunic with a belt that had something holstered at his hip. “I am the keeper,” he said in a gurgling voice. “You have been captured to serve the Sargus Empire. You have all been inspected and injected with micro translators so you can understand me and you will understand your new Masters. You will listen and obey, or you will be punished. You will now be released within this chamber. Escape is not possible. We are in deep space traveling within a space ship so even if you could escape this chamber, there is no place to go. When I leave this chamber, the straps will release, and you may move about the chamber.”

  At the end of his little speech, he turned abruptly and left through the sliding door. The straps holding on the bunk released and reeled into the side rail like a car seatbelt. I just laid there stunned. I was going to be a slave. How could this be happening? I was too shocked to even cry. Kidnapped by alien slavers.

  I slowly sat up and realized my baggy t-shirt and yoga shorts were gone. I was wearing a shapeless loose dress of thin material that went to my knees and nothing else. As I looked around the room, there were about twenty of us, all wearing the same shapeless shift. I guessed it was probably one of those one size fits all.

  Seeing all the women appeared to be between twenty and forty and average to very attractive, I suspected we were headed for sexual slavery. Even if I was wrong, slavery was slavery---one being owning another. My life was no longer my own.

  It looked like there was a window at the end of the room. I climbed down the ladder from my bunk and padded barefoot over to the rectangular view port. I didn’t see stars, but a conglomeration of color waves that could easily have been special effects designed to make us think we were in space. But catfish guy certainly looked real enough.


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