Big Daddy Sinatra_Bringing Down the Hammer

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Big Daddy Sinatra_Bringing Down the Hammer Page 7

by Mallory Monroe

  “Say it to yourself,” Amelia said with a smile as she headed upstairs. “Say it to yourself!”

  And later, when Hammer made his way upstairs, words were the last thing on his mind too. He opened the bedroom door to find Amelia, showered and completely naked, lying on top of the bed with her phone lifted up as she thumbed through her emails. Her long hair framed her face, and her sleek black body caused his penis to almost ejaculate. She looked that damn sexy!

  He locked the door, removed every stitch of his clothing, and made his way over to Amelia. He sat on the edge of the bed. Amelia continued to thumb through her texts.

  “You’re going to give me some of your attention?” he asked her as his eyes trailed down her enticing form and his penis continued to expand.

  But Amelia smiled and continued to thumb through her phone.

  “Hey,” Hammer said. He wasn’t accustomed to being ignored.

  Amelia laughed, and then sat her phone on the nightstand. “I heard you the first time,” she said. But when she saw that he was naked, and that his dick was as big as it had gotten, she began to feel the heat too. And she looked into his eyes.

  When her soft eyes looked into his milky blues, he felt a tightness in his chest. Leaving her used to be a piece of cake – he had to do what he had to do and she had to understand that. But now leaving her, and their son, was becoming harder.

  He leaned down and kissed her on both of her smooth cheeks, on her forehead, and then on her lips. When he kissed her lips they parted, and his kiss deepened. And then his tongue went in.

  He kissed her for a long time. It wasn’t a desperate kiss, but it was an anxious one. Weeks without her smile and her smart mouth and her truth was going to be sorely missed. He wanted this night to be memorable.

  He eased onto the bed beside her and pulled her into his arms. And then, on his back, he pulled her on top of him. She smelled so sweet and felt so soft that he found himself wrapping her small body into his big arms and holding her. Nothing was sexier to him, and more sensual, than to hold the woman he loved. And he loved Amelia. Unlike any woman he’d ever been with, he loved Amelia. It wasn’t something he verbalized. He was only beginning to fully realize it himself. But he loved her.

  That was why she had to shut that operation down. If she didn’t, there were forces at work he couldn’t control. And wasn’t going to. He loved Amelia, but he was a company man first.

  Amelia closed her eyes and laid her head on his chest as he held her. Hammer could do that to her. One minute she couldn’t wait for him to fuck the shit out of her. The next minute all she wanted was his arms around her: holding her. Protecting her. Loving her. No other lover had ever loved her like Hammer did.

  But then she caught herself. It was presumptuous of her to assume he loved her. He cared for her, she was pretty certain of that. But that was mainly because she was the mother of his beloved son. But love? That, for Amelia, was on a whole other level. No man she’d had a romantic relationship with, and that included her deceased husband, had ever gone that far.

  One of his hands began rubbing her body while the other one made it between her legs and began rubbing her clit. Amelia started pulsating right away. And when she was wet enough, and when his fingers were saturated enough, he licked them and then guided his fully aroused, big, thick penis inside of her.

  Amelia’s eyes opened when she felt that fullness overwhelm her. And when he started moving inside of her and began rubbing against her ridges as he began fucking her, she wrapped her arms around him and held on tight.

  Hammer’s eyes became hooded as he fucked Amelia, and he began sighing and groaning with every stroke his dick completed. It felt so good to him that he lifted her up higher, and began sucking her breasts, to the point of making her nipples hard and swollen, as he fucked her.

  He came first. It wasn’t his style. It wasn’t his normal way. But all bets were always off when he was with Amelia. He had control; he was known for his ability to master his emotions. But he had little when he was in bed with Amelia.

  Amelia came too, with a hard, deeply sensual orgasm, and she shuddered as his hands squeezed both of her breasts and his mouth captured hers. He was still pouring into her when she came.

  They finished together.

  But later, when Hammer had showered and dressed and kissed his sleeping son goodbye, and when Amelia had put on a bathrobe and walked him to her front door, it took all both of them had not to become too emotional. Weeks apart were just devastating to them both. They didn’t know if they could take it.

  Hammer stood there staring at Amelia. His hair was tussled and all over his forehead, and he looked ten years younger to Amelia. But he didn’t feel younger. He felt old. And alarmed that this lady had so much power over him.

  “Take care of yourself,” he said to her. “And JoJo.”

  “I will,” Amelia responded. “Don’t be out there worrying about us. We’ll be fine.”

  “If you need to reach me, contact Ozzie. He’ll find me.”

  Amelia nodded. “I will. But you be careful, Hammer. Jo needs you. I do too.”

  He gave a sad smile, kissed her on the lips, and walked out of her house.

  Amelia just stood there, watching the man she loved walk away, and those emotions she had been bottling up, spilled out. “Oh, to hell with it,” she said out loud and ran out of her house, barefoot and in nothing but a bathrobe, and ran to Hammer.

  He turned around when he heard footsteps and was startled to see her. Ozzie, waiting at the SUV to open Hammer’s door, and Ray Rosen, waiting behind the wheel, were startled too. Amelia Sinatra might have been a lot of things, but neither man ever viewed her as romantic. And Hammer Reese damn sure wasn’t!

  But when she ran to him, that same unromantic man pulled her into his arms. He lifted her off of the ground, she wrapped her legs around him, and he carried her back into her home.

  Ray grinned. “He’s gonna fuck her,” he said loud enough for Ozzie to give him a look.

  As soon as his butt pushed the door shut, he laid her on the foyer floor, opened her bathrobe and her legs, and ate her so hard and so ferociously that she had to stifle a scream. She arched and trembled and came just from his oral alone.

  And when he unzipped his pants and shoved his dick inside of her wetness, they both were groaning. They both could barely contain the feelings.

  He fucked her on that floor even harder, and with more urgency, than he had in bed. His feet were pushing against her hardwood floor, as his dick kept pushing deeper and deeper inside of her, until she came with a thunderous cum. She was practically in tears when she came. And then he came just as hard, too.

  They laid there, afterwards, knowing that their passion had only prolonged the inevitable. But also knowing they were so glad they did it anyway.

  But when Hammer finally got them up, and zipped up, and tied her bathrobe, that pain of departure was even tougher. He hugged her. Kissed her again. And then he stared at her. “Have that entire operation shut completely down by the end of this week,” he warned her yet again.

  She nodded. “I will. Don’t worry. I will.”

  “You don’t know how important that is.”

  “Okay. I get it.”

  Assured, Hammer kissed her again, this time hard on the lips, and then just left. Amelia closed the door, fell against it, and wiped away tears she hadn’t planned to shed.

  Outside, Ray Rosen smiled and sat erect when Hammer reappeared. Ray looked at Ozzie, who had taken a seat inside the SUV. “Told you so,” Ray said.

  “Told me what?” Ozzie asked with a frown.

  “Look at Boss. Got pep in his step now. I told you he was going back in there to fuck her. And that’s exactly what he did!”

  “Keep talking that way about the boss and you’re going to fuck your way out of a job.” He got out and opened the back door for Hammer.

  But even as Hammer got into the SUV, Ray couldn’t help but smile. Their boss was in love. Who would ha
ve thought it even possible?

  But just three days later, it didn’t seem possible. Amelia got word that Bone Crush was slinging dope under her name, and she confronted him. He claimed he was operating under the protection of Hammer Reese himself, and Hammer’s men, who were supposed to be protecting Amelia, turned on her too. They were shooting to kill her. And she found herself alone in the woods, unsure who to trust or who to believe, running for her life.

  And she ran. Through the woods she ran. Bullets were flying, and she was dodging them all, and even turning around to get off a round or two herself.

  But mostly, she ran.

  Until a Van that suddenly drove across her path and stopped her. She ran into the passenger door and fell backwards from the impact.

  The van doors opened quickly, two men got out, and she was thrown inside of the van’s cargo section as if she was a hunted animal. Targe and his men ran up as the van’s driver gave them the thumbs up. They had it under control. And then the van took off.

  It wasn’t a trivial matter to anybody. Not to Targe. Not to his men. Not to Bone Crush’s men inside that warehouse who also, Amelia would be shocked to know, worked for Hammer too. That van had just taken off, not just with anybody inside, but with Amelia Sinatra, the half-sister of crime boss Mick Sinatra and business titan Big Daddy Charles Sinatra. She was also related to mob boss Sal Gabrini, casino mogul Reno Gabrini, and “Dapper Tom” Tommy Gabrini, all of which were vicious too. This was no ordinary grab.

  A volcano, they were certain, was going to erupt.


  Charles stood at the dresser mirror in his bedroom the next evening and slipped on a pair of boxer’s. Just as he slipped on his white dress shirt and before he had a chance to button it, he received notification of a rapid succession of incoming text messages. He grabbed his phone off of his dresser and checked the messages.

  Jenay walked out of the bathroom with a short towel around her body tucked in just above her breasts. She had showered, dried off, and was heading for their room-sized walk-in closet. She noticed Charles on his phone. “Business or one of the children?” she asked as she headed for the closet.

  “Business,” Charles said as he read the text messages. All of the messages were from one of his property managers. All of the messages concerned plumbing problems at an apartment complex he owned. What should we do, Boss, the manager had written. What the fuck you think, Charles wanted to write back. But he wrote, call the plumber, instead, started to add duh, but didn’t, and then tossed his phone back on the dresser.

  “How long is this meeting expected to last?” he asked Jenay as he began buttoning his dress shirt. “I’ve got a plumbing problem over at Brainerd I need to check out.”

  “Four or five hours,” Jenay responded as she searched for a certain outfit in the closet. “Something like that.”

  Charles looked at her through the dresser mirror. “Four or five hours? Jenay!”

  She laughed. “Just kidding boy! We should wrap it up in a half-hour tops. It’s just a get-acquainted meeting.”

  Charles exhaled loud enough for Jenay to hear. She turned toward him. Although his back was to her, she knew he could see her through the mirror. “I know you would love to miss this particular meeting, but we have to do this. We’ve been putting it off long enough. I don’t know why you’re making such a big deal out of nothing.”

  “Nothing?” Charles asked. “Yeah, right. Let one of my ex-lovers come up in here talking about how she wants to go into business with me. Let’s see what a big deal it is to you then.”

  “There’s a big difference between some guy I dated very briefly thank you very much, versus those shanks you dated who you can’t seem to get rid of.”

  “What do you mean I can’t get rid of them? They live right here in Jericho! How am I supposed to get rid of them? But thanks for answering my question. Because I know and you know you’ll have a double fit if I did what you’re purporting to do. If I tried that shit.”

  Jenay frowned. “What shit am I trying, Charles? The man we thought was going to be our partner sold his partnership to Eddie. I had nothing to do with that!”

  “You may not have, but this Eddie character knew who he was about to do business with. He knew you, his ex-girlfriend, would be his partner.”

  “I wasn’t that man’s girlfriend, alright? It wasn’t that deep. You just need to chill Charlie, damn! Why are you tripping like that? You’re acting like I’m some stupid kid who’s going to leave you and run off with Eddie!”

  “That may be Eddie’s plan.”

  “But that’s not my plan!” Jenay was forceful. “What’s wrong with you? I’ve never known you to be the insecure type at all. The jealous type when a man is involved? Yes. Big time. But insecure? Never! What’s with you?”

  Charles stopped buttoning his shirt and exhaled again. “I don’t know,” he said. “And it’s not insecurity. I wish it was.”

  “Then what is it?” Jenay asked. Was this some kind of projection, she wondered? Did his grave concern have something to do with that woman at the banquet, and how he wanted to make Jenay feel guilty too?

  “Something feels wrong about this, Jenay,” he said. “I can’t put my finger on what, but something feels wrong about this deal.”

  “Maybe because we thought we had a clause that gave us the right of first refusal on any partnership transfers, but there was no such clause in the deal. So, we get whomever.”

  “Or we don’t,” Charles said as he looked at her through the mirror.

  Jenay hesitated. “Charlie, we can’t do this based on emotions. If we don’t keep our fifty percent stake in Eye Sore, we will never expand, and that won’t be sustainable for us. I don’t want to go back to struggling the way that hotel was doing when I first took over. We’ve got to keep our half share of Eye Sore, or we will be going backwards.”

  “I understand that,” Charles said. “But I still don’t like it.”

  Jenay wasn’t crazy about it either, so she grabbed the outfit she was going to wear: an understated black business suit that she flapped over the closet’s marble-top center island. Then she looked over at Charles. “What did Brent say about that guy?”

  Charles knew exactly who she meant. “The autopsy confirmed he was killed when he was thrown from his pickup. I’m sorry it ended that way, but he came to my house with that shit. I didn’t go to him.”

  “I know it, babe. But you know how Jericho talks. They’re saying how the Sinatras have been bringing trouble to their beloved town ever since your father killed your mother. Nothing but violence, they say. Somebody’s starting a petition to get us excommunicated.”

  Charles frowned. “From Jericho? I want their asses to try it!”

  “So, do I,” Jenay said. “Just a bunch of bored housewives looking for excitement, I think. But I’ll be damned if they’re going to turn us into their daily soap opera.”

  “Damn right,” Charles agreed.

  Jenay walked back over to her shoe rack inside the closet, but she had to bent down to the floor of her closet, where her overflow shoes were stashed, in search of a particular pair.

  When Charles looked at her through the dresser mirror again, he saw her bent over. He also saw her bare ass beneath the short, skimpy towel wrapped around her. His dick, securely tucked away inside of his boxer’s, began to throb. And he knew, right then and there, that he wasn’t letting her get out of there without getting some.

  He dropped his boxer’s to his ankles and stepped out of them. By the time Jenay found the pair of shoes she had been searching for and rose back to her feet, Charles was directly behind her.

  She bumped into him as she was turning, and a presence there when one had not been there when she first bent down startled her. When she looked and saw who it was, she smiled. “Boy, you scared me!” she said.

  But when she saw that look in his beautiful eyes, and as he untucked and removed her towel, tossing it aside, and placed his hands on her hips,
she knew more was on his mind than just that meeting they would soon be late attending. And when he pulled her naked body against his, and she felt his hard erection where he, too, was naked from the waist down, she realized, just as he had, that she wasn’t getting dressed without a detour.

  A wonderful, romantic detour.

  Just what they both needed, she felt, to get the tension off.

  And Charles didn’t disappoint. He never did. He leaned down and began kissing her. Then he backed her into a corner, continuing to kiss her as they moved. He fingered her between her legs in a fondling of her clit that caused it to expand bigger and bigger and arouse her to a point of a quick orgasm.

  But Charles was never a one-trick pony. As he fingered her, he was all over her breasts, too. He was licking them and sucking them and biting her nipples. And then his free hand was rubbing and squeezing her ass. He was slapping it too.

  Jenay felt aroused from every one of her pressure points: her breasts, her ass, her vagina! And when his mouth moved to her lips, and began kissing her again, her hands rested on the sides of his face as she returned his kisses with a passion usually reserved for late night loving rather than evening time.

  But Charles never did it the usual way. He did it his way. And his way excited Jenay to a point where she didn’t have to be prompted. She sat up on one of the closet’s low shelves, wrapped her legs around his body, and all but invited him to taste it.

  Charles loved her willingness. He kissed her long and hard in that position. But then he removed her legs from around him, lifted them straight up instead, and took more than a taste. His mouth ate her furiously. He was already addicted to her taste, and he went down on her so hard that she had to grab hold onto another shelf to keep her body from jumping, and to keep from screaming out and disturbing the whole house.

  For a long time he pleasured her with a mouth penetration that electrified her. He was moving her ass up and down as he licked her and sucked her and ate her passionately.

  “I’m going to cum, Charlie,” she began saying breathlessly as he mouth-fucked her. “I’m going to cum!”


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