Naughty by Nature

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Naughty by Nature Page 15

by Judy Angelo

He released her lips for a second. “It’s time to come, little one, come for me now.” And then he was kissing her again, deeply, and as she clung to his lips, he stroked her faster. And the deeper his kiss, the faster he stroked until she stiffened in his arms and dug her fingernails into the skin of his back, and still he did not stop. When she screamed her ecstasy into his mouth he felt like he was riding the wave with her, his fingers on her nub, feeling it throb as her body flung her over the edge.

  When her moans died down and her trembling began to subside he released her lips, lay down beside her and gathered her into his arms. As she melted against him he smiled and kissed the top of her head.

  “Thank you,” she whispered, her breath tickling his chest. “That was…awesome.”

  “No,” he said softly. “Thank you.”

  She rested her hand on his belly and ran her fingers over the fine hairs there. “For what?” she asked. “I was the only one who had fun tonight.”

  “You’d be surprised,” he said as he stroked her hair. “I probably enjoyed that more than you did.”

  “I doubt it,” she said with a chuckle. Then she peered up at him. “But why didn’t you…you didn’t want to make love to me?”

  “More than anything.”

  “You’re not just saying that to make me feel good?” She gave him a look tinged with uncertainty.

  He gave a little snort. “Look south and you’ll see if I want you or not.”

  She did. And the huge bulge in the front of his jeans must have convinced her because she lay back with a satisfied sigh. Then after two seconds she raised her head again. “But then I don’t get it-”

  “Shhh. Don’t worry about it. Tonight was all about you.”

  “Yeah, right,” she said then sat up in the bed, not looking the least bit embarrassed that he was ogling her breasts. “You didn’t have any condoms, did you?”

  That caught him off guard. “What makes you say that?”

  “Just answer the question, Wolf.” She was not letting him off the hook.

  He gave her a sheepish grin. “Okay, you got me. I didn’t.”

  “What? You invite me over here, all intent on seducing me and then you didn’t even have protection?” She folded her arms across her chest. “Explain yourself.”

  “You’ve been upset with me all week,” he said as he lay back into the pillows and stared up at her, “about that photo Vanessa sent me. I should have burned it the day I got it but I left it in its envelope and threw it down and then it got buried under piles of work. Stupid, I know, but I’d actually forgotten I had it.”

  Tessa frowned. “So what does that have to do with tonight?”

  Wolf shrugged. “I just thought that focusing on you and only you would make you see how much you mean to me.”

  “What?” Tessa scoffed. “So you thought you’d show your love for me by denying me sex?”

  “No,” he said and reached out and took her hand, forcing her to uncross her arms, “I thought I’d show you how much you mean to me by denying myself sex, not you. You had an orgasm, didn’t you?”

  “Yes, a really great one,” she said, and she was blushing as she said the words.

  “And I didn’t,” he said solemnly. “And that’s for a reason. Tonight I wanted to show you that it’s all about you.”

  “Aww,” she said, as her face melted in a smile. “That’s so sweet.” She leaned over and kissed him on the nose.

  Then she gave him a pinch on the shoulder that made him yelp.

  “Hey, what was that for?”

  “Next time you plan to seduce me,” she said, eyes flashing, “make sure you have protection. Next time I want it all.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” he said and quickly put up his hand to ward off any more attacks.

  “And next time,” she said as she lay back down and curled into his arms, “I’ll make sure you have one of the best orgasmic experiences of your life.”

  Wolf smiled. He was definitely going to hold her to that promise.

  He pushed her back into the pillows and as he leaned over for a kiss, he said, “I look forward to it.”


  Could the sun shine any brighter? Could the birds sing any sweeter? Could the kids in her class behave any better?

  Well, yes, they could but regardless, Tessa was one happy camper. Wolf was in love with her and all was right with the world.

  She strode into the classroom, a brilliant smile on her face. “Good morning, class. I hope you’re all ready for today’s test.”

  The universal groan told her they weren’t…as usual. But still, it did not dampen her cheerful mood. Could her students see the sunshine in her face? Wolf Spencer was in love with her and there was nothing that could spoil her mood. And she was in love with him.

  Tessa sucked in her breath. She was in love. She’d actually admitted it to herself. She, who had often taken the term ‘in love’ with a grain of salt had finally been bitten by the bug.

  But what did that mean for her and Wolf? Where did they go from here? Slowly, she let out her breath then, putting on a calm face, began to hand out the question papers. She’d think about that later. Right now she would just bask in the glow of being loved.

  When the bell ran an hour later Tessa blinked. She shook her head. Had the hour passed that fast? She’d been so busy daydreaming she hadn’t even paid close attention to her test takers. They could have cheated right under her nose and she wouldn’t even have noticed. Goodness, she had to get her act together.

  As the students filed out of the classroom they each stopped to place their test papers in a neat pile at the edge of her desk. The last one, Manuel, dropped his paper on top of the pile then paused and glanced down at the paper in front of her. Then with a grin he turned and walked out the door, whistling as he went.

  Tessa frowned. What had he found so funny? She glanced down at the paper and heat rushed to her face. Thank God Manuel had already left. There on the sheet of paper in front of her was a huge letter T and an even larger letter W and between them was a big fat heart. And there were other hearts scattered at the top and bottom of the page. She’d been doodling her love all over the paper. Oh, Lord.

  She shot up out of the chair and gathered up her papers. Wolf had taken control of her heart and now he was dominating her mind, too. Not good. She must be suffering from system overload and she knew exactly how to solve it.

  It wasn’t just that she was in love. She was in lust, too. Her body craved him. It would give her no peace till she ‘knew’ him in every sense of the word.

  Now it was her turn to make plans for Wolf. This weekend. Her house. Dinner and a movie. And there would be one other thing on the menu…hot, mind-blowing sex.


  Candles…check. A Brian McKnight love song playing in the background…check. A home cooked meal and wine…check. Now all she needed was Wolf.

  As soon as the thought entered her mind she heard the purr of an engine as his car pulled into her driveway. Talk about perfect timing.

  She dashed back into her bedroom, patted her hair, dabbed a little perfume on her wrist, then ran back to the door to meet him. When she opened she was perfectly calm with a relaxed smile on her face. He would never guess that inside her heart was pounding like a dozen African drums in anticipation of what lay ahead.

  When he got to the door he swept her up into his arms and planted a kiss on her mouth as she laughed in surprise. “You look beautiful,” he said, “as always.”

  “Why, thank you, sir,” she said as he released her and she gave a little curtsy, holding the skirt of her dress wide. It was a ruby-red dress, perfect for dancing, with a flared skirt that revealed quite a bit of thigh. And she had the shoes to match. Wickedly high heels, of course. Even though they weren’t going anywhere farther than her house tonight Tessa wanted to make a lasting impression. And from the look in Wolf’s eyes, she had.

  “If you’ll just follow me,” she said and led the way to the livi
ng room where a bottle of white wine awaited them in a bucket of ice. The way she ushered him in, anyone would think he’d just entered a grand mansion and not a little bungalow in Burlington.

  She waved him over to the sofa then poured the glasses of wine and handed one to him. Then she made herself comfortable beside him.

  “So, how was your day?” she asked as she twirled the stem of her glass.

  "Er, good. It’s a Saturday. Lazy day.” He sounded distracted and she knew why. Wolf was staring at the length of leg exposed as she shifted on the seat, causing the red fabric to slide up her thigh. Excellent.

  She leaned over to place her glass on the coffee table and her skirt slid up even higher. And his eyes followed its movement every centimeter of the way. When Wolf swallowed, Tessa knew she was getting under his skin.

  Wicked girl that she was, she let him suffer some more when she pretended to brush a piece of lint off his jacket and leaned toward him, giving him a tempting view of the tops of her breasts. From their phone conversation that morning she could guess he’d planned to be on his best behavior tonight but she intended to wreck that plan real fast.

  When Wolf sucked in his breath then released it in a sigh Tessa decided to put him out of his misery. “Come on,” she said, touching his arm, “let’s take our wine to the dining room. I don’t want our dinner to get cold.”

  When he got to the dining room he seemed pleased at all the effort she'd made to make things perfect. Just like he’d done, she'd prepared a table lit with beautiful candles but hers were scented and there was a sumptuous bouquet of white roses in the middle of the table. And then there were the sultry sounds of the love songs coming from her stereo…

  The dinner started out romantic but uneventful…until she moved in for the kill.

  They’d had their meal and drunk their wine when Tessa invited Wolf back into the living room where they would be more comfortable. She turned up the music, just a little bit, then told him to relax on the couch.

  She left him lounging on the sofa then went to the kitchen and got a bowl of freshly washed grapes. Forget the movie. She had other things on her mind.

  When she got back to the living room Wolf cocked an eyebrow at her offering of fruits. “More food? I’m full.”

  “Not too full for this,” she said, then slid her feet out of her high heels. She scooted onto the seat beside him and tucked her feet under her. “Open,” she commanded.

  Tilting his head back, he complied and she popped a fat purple grape into his mouth. “Mm,” he said, his voice muffled. “Sweet.”

  “Have another.” She slid an even bigger, juicier one between his lips and when he bit into it, it popped, spraying her cheek with the rich, red juice.

  Tessa squealed and made to wipe it off but he caught her wrist and pulled her toward him and then he was kissing the drops of juice from her cheek. He let his lips slide from her cheek down to her neck and then to her collarbone, making her nipples stand at attention. She moaned in delicious agony.

  She'd meant to tease him some more but she could wait no longer. She put the bowl of fruits on the table and slid off the sofa. She held out her hand to Wolf. “Come. Dance with me,” she whispered.

  This time he didn’t look surprised at her request. In one fluid movement he rose to his feet and took her hand then he pulled her close and began to rock to the rhythm with her in his arms. He closed his eyes and lowered his head so they were cheek to cheek, and so they danced until Tessa pushed against him, nudging and prodding as they danced until he was backing up the hallway toward her bedroom.

  She pulled his head down and gave him a slow, sensual kiss even as she pushed him through the door and into the room. Then she pushed the door shut behind them. Now she had him exactly where she wanted him.

  She broke the kiss. “Take your shirt off,” she ordered.


  She could see Wolf’s face in the pale moonlight slanting in through the window and he was obviously taken aback by her boldness.

  “Take your shirt off,” she repeated, “and come over here.” She walked past him and went to lie down on the bed, striking a seductive pose against the pillows. She gave a provocative pout and crooked a finger at him.

  That was when things seemed to click for Wolf. She must have caught him off guard at first but now he needed no further invitation. He was unbuttoning his shirt even as he headed for the bed and by the time he got there he ripped it off and flung it onto the chair in the corner.

  Moonlight slithered across his body, revealing a muscled chest and washboard abs that gleamed in the pale light. In quick time he’d divested himself of footwear and now all he wore were trousers that emphasized the length and strength of his legs. And there was that bulge at the front.

  Tessa rose up to kneel on the bed and then she reached out and pulled Wolf toward her. She dared to be bold because tonight she would be in charge.

  She gave him her most sensual smile and then she turned her attention to the flat nipple on his chest that was perfectly positioned for a kiss. She leaned forward and gave that nipple a lick…then a kiss…and she chuckled when she heard him groan. Oh, sweet torture. She was going to give him a full helping of it.

  She slid her lips across his chest to suckle at his other nipple and his gasp was more than enough reward. Then while she ministered to that very sensitive part of his anatomy her hands slid down to worry the snap on his slacks. They were soon falling in a heap at his feet.

  “Onto the bed,” she whispered, her voice almost harsh with urgency. When he complied she smiled to herself. Now for part two of her plan.

  “Lie back and close your eyes,” she said and when he hesitated, giving her a questioning look, she gave him a none too gentle shove in the chest that had him falling back against the pillows.

  “Close your eyes,” she said again and it must have been the forcefulness of her command that made him obey.

  “No pranks, Tessa,” he said through clenched teeth. “I know you.”

  “You may know me,” she said softly, “but do you trust me?” She slid a hand across his cheek, reveling in the slight roughness of his jaw, then she cupped his chin. “You know I wouldn’t do anything to hurt you, right?”

  Eyes still closed, he sighed. “I guess so.”

  He guessed so. Well, good enough. She would live with that for now.

  Tessa reached into her nightstand and pulled out the two sashes she’d placed there. In quick time she’d secured Wolf’s left wrist to the bedpost, then the right.

  His eyes were open now. “What are you doing?” Despite the question he didn’t seem overly worried. In fact, he was grinning.

  “What does it look like I’m doing?” she grumbled as she reached for a bandana. “Now close your eyes.”

  He did. Tessa climbed up and over his body and placed the bandana over his eyes then she tied it in a knot behind his head.

  “I don’t know about this, Tessa. Not being able to use my hands is one thing but not being able to see?” He moved his head from side to side but wasn’t able to loosen the band over his eyes. “When it comes to a girl like you, God knows what mischief you’ll think of.” His voice had just a tinge of worry.

  Very good. That would only serve to heighten the excitement. She put her lips to his ear. “You trust me…don’t you?” she whispered the words but, deliberately, she gave her voice a slightly wicked tone – just to keep him off balance.

  “I…guess,” he said softly but now he sounded even more uncertain than before.

  “Just relax,” she said and gave him a peck on the forehead. “I’m not going to hurt you. You’re going to love this. Promise.”

  Then she reached over, opened the nightstand drawer one more time and retrieved the first weapon in her arsenal – a very long, very delicate feather.

  She turned her attention back to Wolf and used the soft, fluffy tip of the feather to circle one nipple and then the other then she went back to the first. He began to wriggle
but she did not stop. Instead, she flicked the nipples with the feather, making them pucker into hard little pebbles.

  He sucked in his breath. “What the hell are you doing?” he hissed, wriggling in agony. “That tickles like crazy.”

  “I see,” she said, giving him only that enigmatic answer and then she went back to her task of teasing him to a state of frenzy.

  It seemed to be working because with each stroke of the feather he writhed and strained at his bonds, but they did not give and his arms remained above his head, his hands trapped against the headboard. “Jesus, Tessa. I need…oh, God.” He jerked and strained some more.

  “You need what, dear sir?” she taunted, never once letting up. The feather was busy doing its work.

  “I need your lips,” he gasped. “Now.”

  Still kneeling on the bed, she leaned forward and pressed her lips to his. He groaned and kissed her hungrily. But she knew this was not where he wanted her lips right now. Still, she kissed him, boldly thrusting her tongue between his lips, feeling him kiss her back desperately.

  Then he pulled away, panting. “Kiss me there, Tessa,” he said, his voice a hoarse whisper. “I need your touch.”

  Only then did she decide to have mercy on him. She slid down his body then covered one nipple with her mouth and suckled there until he groaned his ecstasy aloud. Then she moved to the other nipple and did the same. She was rewarded with his sigh.

  She slid her lips from his nipples to the shallow sink between his pectoral muscles then slowly she moved lower and lower until her lips were right over his navel. There, she gave a lick that had him twisting again.

  “I need to touch you,” he growled, and began straining at his bonds, so hard this time that she frowned and reached up and gave him a smart slap on the arm.

  “Stay still,” she hissed. “Don’t let me have to punish you.”

  That made him go still for a moment. She decided to take advantage of the lull and move to step two. “Just wait right here,” she said. “I’ll be right back.”

  Not that he could have moved, even if he wanted to. She’d been a girl guide and when it came to tying knots she knew her stuff.


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