Toy's Story

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Toy's Story Page 7

by Brenda Stokes Lee


  “Fuck that Zatoya bullshit... I'm calling the police in case you have to lay a bitch out down there.”

  Instantly there was a loud crashing sound and Logic abandoned all hope of arguing with me. I dialed 911 on the house phone, threw the phone down and I ran right behind him.

  I could hear the screaming and yelling as I ran down the grand spiral staircase and I could tell that Logic was fucking pissed.

  “You two Mother Fuckas must have lost y'all fuckin minds coming in my fuckin house, unannounced at this fuckin time of night.”

  “Look Logic... Put the gun down. We boys and shit. We've known each other since Junior High. There's no need for all this violence.”

  “Nigga, fuck you! Were we boys when you was sticking your dick in my girls mouth?”

  “Look man, we made a mistake. That shits all over now. I'm just here to bring Nakeisha back to you.”

  “It's true Logic. I just fucked around with Mookey to make you mad. I'm home now baby. Mookey just came to drop my stuff off and apologize. We really missed you baby.”

  “F-U-C-K Y-O-U too Nakeisha! Who the fuck told either one of you that I want your trick ass back! Take all of that shit, whatever the fuck it is and get the fuck out of my fuckin house before I fuck up my marble floors with you fuckin blood.”

  Now at this point neither of them even knew that I was in the house. In fact I think Logic was so angry that he even forgot that I was here.

  “Come on man. Let's just talk about this without the gun before you do something that you'll regret.” Mookey tried to reason with him.

  “You two Fuckas think that I'm playing don't you? The only thing that I'm going to regret is that I didn't put some hot shit in your ass when I caught you butt fuckin my girl!”

  “Logic, I know I hurt you and I'm sorry.” Nakeisha declared through tears as she tried to move closer to him. “Please baby just put the gun down. I'm home now.”

  “Bitch I don't want you. Fucking this nigga is the best thing that you've ever done for me. I have a woman and y'all got to take your silly ass buffoonery some fuckin where else. And don't even fuckin think about touching me, Nakeisha.”

  Needless to say that was my cue to reveal myself. “What's going on baby?” I asked as I reached a comfortable perch on the stairs where I could witness the drama but avoid being shot. “I called the police is everything okay?”

  “No, everything is not okay. These two silly ass, stupid, broke Mother Fuckas right here are about to get some hot shit in their ass if they don't get the fuck out of my house and my life in about five seconds.” He snorted as he pointed his weapon at Nakeisha and Mookey.

  Nakeisha's eyes instantly locked on me and she had the audacity to get angry. “Who the fuck is she and what the fuck is she doing in my house?”

  “Your fuckin house? Bitch you must have fell and bumped your head, because you just lost your fuckin mind. Your ass barely spent the night here. Hoe, please.” Logic chuckled. “I don't know what the fuck I was even thinking giving your skanky ass a key. Matter fact... Put my God damn keys over there right the fuck now!”

  “Logic why can't we just talk...”

  “Nakeisha, you're not listening to me! Take your shit and your broke ass man and get the FUCK out of my house before I shoot your ass. Oh yeah, and don't forget to leave my fuckin keys.”

  As I spotted the flashing lights at a distance and heard the distinct sound of sirens approaching, I knew it was time to get the gun from Logic. The last thing I needed was the police to mistakenly shoot him instead of one of those dumb ass fools he was threatening to shoot.

  I said not a word, but simply walked up behind him and hugged his waist. “Give me the gun so I can take it upstairs before the police come in. Let them deal with this monkey shit.” I whispered in his ear.

  Logic chuckled. “You're right. Don't worry I got it.” He immediately popped the bullet out of the chamber. Put the safety on. “You'd better thank her because she just saved your lives.” He said before taking the gun to his study where he locked it in a hidden safe.

  While he was gone I took the liberty of introducing myself to the two orangutans that stood spellbound before me. “Hi I'm Zatoya Waters, Logic's girlfriend and attorney. The police will be in here any second so listen to me. I know you're here because you don't have any money or anywhere else to go. I get that. So, take your things and I'll put you up at a hotel for a few nights. Meanwhile I'll talk to Logic about a fair settlement offer so you two can go on with your lives. Okay?”

  “Fuck you and fuck that. Logic's my fuckin man!” Nakeisha retorted.

  “Fine... If that's how you feel. I'll let the police haul your ghetto asses to jail for trespassing?”

  “We'll take your offer.” Mookey announced. “There's a Holiday Inn a few miles from here. We'll go there.”

  “What? The Holiday Inn. Oh hell no! Do you have any clue how much money Logic is worth? Fuck that! He can do a lot better than the fuckin Holiday Inn.”

  “Nakeisha, I can't scam Logic. He's my best friend. If we ask him for money to help us get on our feet then he'll help. I'm not going to fuck you behind his back anymore. So, yes... We'll take your offer.”

  “Smart man that you have there Nakeisha. So what is it going to be?” I asked as I watched Logic heading back towards the foyer.

  Nakeisha looked at me and rolled her eyes. “Yeah, fine... whatever. I just want to get the fuck out of here. I'm done!”

  “Good. I'll talk to the police and let them know that it was a big misunderstanding, but you two need to start moving this shit to the back door.”

  Logic stood by my side and watched as Mookey and Nakeisha carried their bags through the back entrance to Mookey's truck.

  “What's up?”

  “Baby they're broke with nowhere to go. They just need some time and money to get their shit together. I'm going to put them up at a hotel for a few nights. And tomorrow we can figure out how to get them on their feet and out of our lives. Okay?”

  “Why didn't they just fuckin call and ask for money if that was all they wanted? Stupid ass bitches.”

  “Logic... They couldn't call you because they were afraid that you were still mad at them.”

  “I wasn't but I am now. Waking me up in the middle of the fuckin night with their porch monkey bullshit!”

  I smiled as I hugged him around the waist. “Hey it's not so bad. I'm up and you're wide awake I think we can find something to do to relax.”

  Logic tasted my lips just as the police knocked on the door. “I'm sure we'll figure something out. Let me get rid of the police.”

  “Okay and I'll find our unexpected guest somewhere else to go.” I agreed.


  It was close to three thirty in the morning before Logic and I crawled back into the bed. It was obvious that he was wound tighter than a clock and needed some major sexual healing. Geared up to do serious work I went to the bathroom and prepared him a nice, sensual bath. I infused the tepid water with scented bath salts and essential oils. While soft music, aroma candles and rose petals floating in the bath water, set the tone and romantic atmosphere.

  Of course I didn't need to do all of that, but sometimes it pays to put in the extra work. As I lead Logic to the tranquil oasis that I had created for him he was very appreciative. When I stripped nude and joined him in the gigantic roman tub to bathe him he was moved. His eyes gazed upon me as I softly sponged his body with a large natural sponge. He looked at me as if I was the most beautiful thing he had ever encountered. And then it happened.

  “I'm in love with you Toy. And that's big for me because until this point I've only been in love with one woman. But you are the most incredible woman that I've ever known and I'm in love with you.”

  Until this very second I had never admitted to anyone, not even myself that I was madly in love with Logic. Still he never once asked me how I felt about him. In the short time that we had been dating Logic had learned a lot a
bout me. One thing he had learned fairly quickly was that I have a hard time expressing my emotions and feelings when it comes to love. My heart had been damaged and bruised far too many times for me to not guard it with my very life. I didn't have the luxury of leaving myself open for another blow from a man who really just wanted to fuck me.

  But as I stared into those hypnotic brown eyes of Logic's I instantly knew that he wanted, no needed to know exactly how I felt about him. I sampled his soft lips. “I'm in love with you too. I have been since the night I met you.”

  Logic was silent. He pulled me into his lap and kissed me hard. His tongue went so far down my throat I thought it had become detached from the base of his mouth. Our tongues did an oh so familiar dance that instantly made our nature rise. Logic was harder than I could ever remember as his manhood pressed at the entrance of my steaming hot grotto and demanded entrance.

  Our eyes locked as it slipped without warning inside me. It felt deliciously hot and wet and I couldn't deny that I liked and wanted. Condoms had always been a given, no ifs, ands, or buts about it, until this very second.

  “Is it okay?” Logic asked as he slowly pulled out and prepared for another stroke, or dismount. It was strictly my call.

  “Yes, yes yes!” I nodded as I anxiously waited for him to fill me with his smoldering hot steel pipe again and again.

  “Fuck this feels so right.” He groaned as we slowly bumped and grind hard against each other, raw and completely natural for the very first time.

  The sex this time was wonderfully magic. My emotions and senses were all over the place, just like Logic's hands. Those long thick fingers of his were giving my clit hell, while his other hand massaged my swollen breast. His hands played me like a musical instrument and I loved it.

  Now never, ever, ever had I trusted a man to enter me without a condom. Still tonight, I trusted Logic. Actually, I knew I could trust him. Logic Hart was as healthy as a race horse. I saw his health records and the results of his last mandatory blood screen run by his life insurance carrier.

  Yes the sex this time was just shy of magnificent. Why wouldn't it feel incredible? We were two young people who had just proclaimed their love for each other. At that very second I realized that Logic was right. Sex is ten times better when you are in love. I didn't believe it when he said it the night that we met, but now I know that it is true.

  “I fuckin love this and I love you.” I heard myself scream prior to losing all control.

  Water splashed everywhere as Logic grabbed me by my waist and lifted my body up slamming it down on his hard dick repeatedly as he released ten strokes after me.

  Screaming in pleasure and sweet pain I wrapped my legs around his waist and clung to him as if he was an unexpected life preserver in the middle of the ocean. His body trembled and convulsed from his orgasm as I held him tight in my arms. At that very moment the two of us became one as we embraced each other in silence pondering our fate.

  Chapter 15

  Now even though Logic had an incredible season the Nevada Kings were in the Play Offs, but they did not make it to the Super Bowl. Naturally Logic was a little down, well until he realized that his season was finally over and he could spend more time with me. Absolutely nothing had changed. I jumped on him every morning and he tried to break my damn back every night. We were a perfect couple in and out of bed. We were so perfect that I completely forgot that I had not properly and officially ended my Friends with Benefits arrangement with my former lovers Tyson and Jamar.

  You would think that a man who was obviously only in it for a fuck would quickly get the hint when you refuse to return any of his calls. It should be obvious that I don't want to fuck, so leave me the fuck alone. Still this sea monkey continues to blow up my phone, email and Facebook page as if the world was about to end. Things had gotten so bad I had to seriously consider canceling my Facebook account, changing my email address and getting another phone. Unfortunately, I waited a little too late.

  Logic and I were about to get into some serious Grown Folks' shit that is probably illegal in at least ten states and Puerto Rico when my phone beeped that I had a text. Naturally, I ignored it and continued to enjoy Logic's slow hand screw, but it kept beeping making it real difficult for either of us to concentrate. Finally frustrated and a tad bit pissed, Logic picks my phone up from the nightstand and looks at the message.

  Normally, I would lose my damn mind if a man fucked with my phone, but I allowed it. I was not about to lose a man like Logic over a damn phone, so I chilled.

  “Just turn it off.” I said.

  “Why it's just going to start again when you turn it back on.” He replied irritated. “Toy you need to deal with that.”

  “With what?” I asked confused. “Who is it?”

  “Uh... apparently, it's Mr. Big Dick for the tenth fuckin time today.”

  Caught completely off guard I had to laugh. “See that's what you get for checking my messages. Give me my phone.”

  “You think this shit is funny? It's not funny Zatoya. I'm sick of this fuckin phone.”

  I carefully examined Logic for the real source of his irritation and it was obvious that he was jealous. “Look, you're right. I'll take care of it. There's nothing going on... You know that right?” I asked as I tried to caress his back, but to my surprise Logic pulled away.

  “I don't know what I know anymore.” He mumbled as he got up and headed for the bathroom. “I'm going to the gym.”

  “Logic I'm sorry. I'll take care of it.” I offered.

  Now, I'm not really sure if he did not hear me or just chose to ignore me, but Logic did not offer a response. He simply went in the bathroom and slammed the door. It was official, he was fuckin pissed. In retrospect I must admit that he had every right to be upset. I should have handled this ghetto nigga's ass months ago.

  Angry, sexually frustrated and sick of his bullshit I texted Jamar. “Stop bothering me. We are done. Have a good life.” I callously typed.

  “Toy I need to talk to you, please pick up your phone.” He quickly responded just as Logic came out of the bathroom and set at the foot of the bed staring at the wall.

  “Why haven't you ended it with those two niggas? I don't get it. I'm not enough for you Toy?”

  “Baby of course you are.” I responded as I crawled to the foot of the massive king size bed and tried to hug him.

  “Don't ...” Logic warned as he peeled me off of him.

  “I thought they'd eventually just get the hint. I'll call both of them while you're gone and let them know it's over.”

  “Yeah you could do that, or you could call Mr. Big Dick right now and let him know that I'm the only big dick in your life.”

  “Okay, I can do that, but I just don't understand why you're so pissed.”

  “Zatoya, your phone has been going off nonstop since I met you. Well, except when your ass was stranded in West Virginia on Christmas Eve.”

  “That's not even fair Logic. Have you ever once, seen me pick that damn phone up to respond to one of those calls? This is bullshit Logic. I love you and you know it. You're actually going to get pissed at me over a phone... What the fuck's really up?”

  Logic didn't answer.

  “Never mind. It doesn't even matter.” I concluded as I dialed Jamar's number.

  “Hey what's going on?”

  “Where the fuck have you been Toy? I've been calling you since Christmas.”

  “Probably still in West Fuckin Virginia where the fuck you left me!” I snorted. I had officially fuckin had it.

  “You still mad about that bullshit? Come on Toy... I thought you were bigger than that. I apologized, what else do you want me to do? Uh?”

  “Jamar, just leave me alone, that's what I want you to do. Nothing more and nothing less... Just leave me alone. I'm in love with someone and whatever was going on between the two of us is officially done. So, please stop calling and texting me.”

  “In love with who... that white boy? Please... What
ever, you don't know nobody like me.” Jamar laughed. “You know you miss this rock hard dick. Let's get together to night so I can show you how much it misses you.”

  “Jamar, I have a man! I'm in love. His dick is at least two inches bigger and thicker than yours and he's a fuckin millionaire. So stop calling me, damn it!”

  “Yeah what the fuck ever. Who's this nigga?”

  “Since you must know, he's Logic Hart of the Nevada Kings. That's who he is. Okay?”

  Jamar started laughing uncontrollably. “Oh shit. Logic Hart... You fuckin had me there for a second. That's funny as hell.”

  “What's so funny? What you don't believe me?”

  “Hell no... That's some funny shit though. That nigga's somewhere in Vegas rolling in about ninety million dollars worth of dough and at least six bitches.”

  “Actually, he's in Baltimore. And until you called with your monkey ass shit he was about to roll in between my legs. I'm not playing stop fucking calling me.”

  “Yeah okay. Whatever Toy. I just called to see if you'd do my taxes again this year.”

  “Bitch what did I just say? My man's worth over a hundred million dollars! I don't even work anymore, but you think I'm going to do your damn taxes. No, nigga! No!”

  There was a long pause. “Are you serious?”

  “Yes, I'm serious. So, stop fuckin calling me.”

  “No I mean, you're not going to do my taxes?”

  “Oh my God!” I screamed. “Nigga, you're not listening.”

  Logic who had heard enough held his hand out for the phone. I threw up my hands in surrender and gave it to him, but not before putting it on speaker phone.

  “Hey what's up man?”

  “Who the fuck is this?” Jamar asked surprised.

  “Apparently, Toy's new Toy.”

  “Is this Logic Hart?”


  “Bullshit nigga! Logic’s my favorite Running Back. You may can fool Zatoya, but you can’t fool me. I know every fuckin thing there is to know about Logic Hart. You done fucked up now playa!”

  “So what do you want to know?”


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