Women of Steel 1: Marti Gets Her M.A.N.

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Women of Steel 1: Marti Gets Her M.A.N. Page 7

by Camille Anthony

  It came free with a sodden plop and with a giddy sense of triumph, he quickly disposed of it into the discreet trash receptacle by the bedside.

  “Now that we’ve trashed that killer, I can love you like I want to…”

  Chapter Twelve

  Marti shuddered as she gazed up at Den, her entire body quaking from the fires he lit within her. If only he meant it. If only he were capable of loving her…

  Levering himself up and over her, he met her gaze, eyes gleaming with a masculine conquest that stole her breath before he bent his head and took her nipple into his mouth, one hand coming up to enclose the tip of her free breast.

  She gasped, melting under his relentless touch, helpless to stop her body’s response to his practiced seduction.

  He nibbled and suckled the nub he’d captured, his fingers and thumb playing with her other crest, twisting and pinching it with enough force to have her lifting her torso from the mattress, heart thrumming with escalating arousal.

  Tugging sharply on the reddening crest before he let her nipple pop out of his mouth, he asked, “Can you feel my lips pulling at your stiff little nipples?”

  Her frantic nod was all the response she could offer. Her body writhed, racked with building fever, burning with heated need.

  “I want you to feel me all the way down in your pussy.” With a dark groan, he pushed his tongue into her mouth, letting her taste herself on his lips, feeding her a large helping of his desire. She opened to him, accepting everything he dished out, hungry for more.

  Floating on a cloud of sensation, Marti languidly opened her eyes, feasting her senses on the beautiful dark face hanging over her. Her M.A.N., Denzel, was the embodiment of all her dreams wrapped up in one attractive package. His close-cropped hair lay in patterned waves against the well-turned curve of his skull. Dark brown eyes, half-shuttered now by the dense fan of his eyelashes, gleamed with the intensity of his lust.

  His massive arms, biceps bulging thrice as wide around as hers, easily supported his broad shoulders and large frame… and just as easily lowered his body down to rest upon hers.

  She thought she might faint from the heady experience of having him surround her with all his masculine power and muscle. She loved the way his heavy weight pressed her into the covers. With an impatience grown intolerable, her arms came up and circled his wide shoulders. Her fingers digging into the hard flesh of his neck, she lifted herself against his broad chest. She proceeded to pepper kisses over his face -- cheeks, neck and chin -- whatever she could reach.

  “I want you,” she panted. “I need you deep inside me.”

  “Then you shall have me…” The promise came as his turgid length slid into her wet core, burning a heated path to her womb.

  She shuddered, body shaken as if in a high wind. Winding her legs about his lean hips, she gripped him with a desperate hunger she made no effort to deny, her senses careening at the contrast of warm male flesh beneath her left leg and the cool slick feel of leather encasing the right. Small explosions erupted along the path of his cock, setting her intimate tissues aflame.

  She panicked when she felt him pulling all the way out of her, leaving her bereft and starving. Clutching at him with both hands, she tried to draw him back. “Don’t go! And please, don’t be gentle… I need you hard and forceful. Please --”

  “Oh, baby, I’m going to fuck you so hard I’ll bruise this little clit, swell it to twice its normal size.” He tweaked the bundle of nerves between his thumb and forefinger. “I’m going to fuck you until you come, screaming my name, and then I’m going to fuck you some more, until you’re raw and begging for release. When I finally let go and we orgasm together, I’m going to pump you full of enough sperm for two babies…”

  A powerful arm hooked under her right leg, lifting the booted foot high and settling it to rest on the rounded pad of muscle at the apex of his shoulder. Two fingers tested her readiness, sliding easily in and out on the natural lubrication of her lust. Then his fingers withdrew from her clinging flesh, and he replaced them with his cock.

  With a nasty, illicit thrill, she felt the blunt, heavy head nestled at the dripping door of her sex, pressing insistently against the ring of tight muscle guarding her entrance. She reached down and encircled his shaft, her fingers barely able to meet about the thick barrel of his shaft.

  She’d never felt anything so big, so full of possibilities… and so hard. Steel encased in living velvet, his penis reared between her legs, a battering ram resting at the gate of her castle, but in this case, a beloved marauder she had no intention of resisting. She wanted a taste…

  Wriggling, trying to get free, she struggled but he pinned her, held her with effortless control, and denied her what she wanted.

  “Be still. This is my party, my rules… my way. This first fuck is for you.” Casting an oblique glance down to where she held his cock in a death grip, he cocked that sexy eyebrow and slanted a flirty smile her way. “We can get to the gravy later. For now, lie back and enjoy…”

  Slowly, slowly and oh, so gently, he lifted her legs over his forearms and eased into her, biting the corner of his bottom lip in a careful effort not to rush things. Resisting the urge to overfill her tight pussy before her intimate muscles had time to relax and accept him all, he pushed into her snug heat inch by inch. His cock swelled big and hard with need, and he ached to thrust his hungry sex up in her, wanted to pound his way to oblivion, but he held back, held firm, determined never to cause her the minutest unnecessary discomfort.

  “How does that feel, baby? Can you feel me inside you… filling you?”

  “Uhm-hmm,” she moaned, shifting beneath him, her slick folds gripping his shaft, squeezing the helmeted head of his cock. “So deep, so hard…”

  “Yes, hard for you, darlin’.” He rocked his hips into her pelvis, scraped against her clit with each slow undulation of his body. “Daddy has some more for you. Can you handle it?”

  Her small hands gripped his biceps, fluttered over the wide expanse of his shoulders before locking about his neck. She linked her ankles about his flanks, bringing her body flush up against his. Her lips brushed the lobes of his ear. Her breath tickled his skin. “Oh, yes, Denzel! Fuck me, give me all you’ve got. Don’t hold back! Fuck me hard!”

  He kneeled back on his heels, bringing her upright as he spread his knees and sank his fingers into the soft flesh of her buttocks. Her breasts bounced wildly as he lifted and lowered her on his stiff, up-thrust shaft. Withdrawing until only the bulbous head snagged at the tight ring of muscle rimming her vagina, he slammed his hips up while pulling her down on his cock, repeatedly fucking her with long hard strokes.

  “Is this what you want, Lover? This black cock in your pretty pink pussy?” he asked while he pounded into her, loving the way her breasts jounced, beaded nipples stiffly erect and pointed, begging for his lips and teeth.

  “Yes! More! Harder!”

  “You want it harder, huh?”

  She moaned, tightened her grip on him. Her pussy clutched at his shuttling cock, locked about him in a grip so tight he had a difficult time moving in and out of her.

  “Answer me, damn it. Do you want it hard, Martini… hard and deep?”

  “Please, yes!” she gasped, head falling forward as she shuddered around his thick length.

  “Look down, watch me fucking you,” he ordered, leaning back so she could more easily see his long, black penis shafting in and out of her distended opening. He loved seeing her labia stretched by his width. The contrast between her pale skin, glistening with a mixture of her arousal and sweat, and his dark cock gleaming wetly, dewed with her creamy slick juices, was startlingly erotic.

  “Look at us… ebony and ivory, baby. Two halves making a whole. All the colors of the rainbow blending right here, right between us. Your pussy taking my cock, your light swallowing my darkness to make a new dawn… can you see us?”

  Instead of answering, she bowed her head and took his nipple between her teeth, nip
ping his flat male button until it stood out as stiff as his penis. A groan rumbled through him and with a surge of strength, he threw her backwards to the mattress and followed her down, never losing the connection, his cock buried deep in her cunt.

  Hands catching behind her knees, he pressed her legs to her chest and pounded into her, lost to everything but the imperative to fuck this woman until she screamed her satisfaction.

  Hips blurring, he speared through her tight folds, forcing his broad head deep into her narrow channel, searching for her womb. He butted against her cervix and felt her convulse beneath him, a wordless cry of surrender parting her lips.

  A powerful wave of emotion flowed over him, causing him to waver for a scant second. His heart pounding and lungs laboring, he labored to please her. Glancing down at her contorted face, feeling her arms and legs clasping him with almost desperate strength, it came to him how easily he could love this woman, this warrior writhing under his conquering body.

  By the Matrix, when did I begin to love her?

  “Fuck me… fuck me, I’m coming…”

  “Did I give you permission to come, Lover?”

  Her eyes snapped open, shock and sudden wariness evident in their blue depths.

  “That’s right, Lover. You belong to me and I didn’t give you permission to come. You’d better hold on until I say so. You come only at my command.”

  “Oh, Matrix unwinding! I don’t… I can’t… I godda come… now!”

  “You do and I’ll spank your butt,” he warned her, knowing the threat would be enough to tip her over.

  Her neck fell back as a despairing cry left her trembling lips. Before her body tightened in unwilling ecstasy, he bent to her breast and sucked in a straining nipple. Teeth locked about the tidbit, tongue thrumming the tight crest, he mumbled, “Come for me,” giving her permission to let go.

  She screamed as her body tightened, tightened, bowed and flexed. Her pussy clamped down, milking his cock with strong contractions, eyes gone hazy with her orgasm.

  Hips pistoning back and forth in a relentless cadence, he thrust into her, pounding against her cervix, bumping against her womb as his balls drew up and seed churned in his sacs. Reluctantly letting go of her tasty nipple, he gripped her butt and held her steady while he slammed into her again, and again, exulting in her passionate response to his lovemaking.

  “I’m coming, Lover,” he grated out, plunging into her, his fingers sliding between them to work her clit, driving her up and over into another climax.

  “Are you ready for me, ready to take my seed?”

  “Oh, Matrix, yes,” she moaned hoarsely, tossing her head wildly on the silken covers of her bed. “Come in me… fill me up…”

  He stilled above her, dark eyes locking with hers, cock buried as deep as he could reach within her. “From this moment on, I take you as my own. I offer in exchange my body, my heart and my soul. Take me, Martini, take me and be mine…”

  On his words, he let go his long held control and let his seed spew. Teeth grit against a grinding, soul ripping ecstasy, he flung his head back as his lower body tensed under the lash of excruciating pleasure. Heat flashed up from his toes, tightened his buttocks and washed up his spine as his seed gushed out the head of his cock. Pumping strongly, groaning at the dark pleasure rolling over him, he came hard and long, shooting out hot jets of semen that splashed against her womb.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Martini half sat up on her knees across from Denzel, watching him devour a huge selection of fresh fruits and vegetables. She shifted gingerly on her cushions, careful how she placed her weight, pampering her still-aching bottom.

  Sighing, she admitted she had only herself to blame for her current discomfort. She shouldn’t have won that second trivia game, but she hadn’t been able to resist displaying the true extent of her arcane knowledge. She had won so handily, her win roused Den’s suspicions anew and he’d tenaciously sniped at her until he’d finally worn her down, forced her to admit her culpability in the outcome of their first game.

  As soon as her twenty-four hours of ownership had ended, he’d demanded reparation and she had agreed -- she might have gotten her way, but resorting to cheating hadn’t set well with her.

  The pain of the spanking he’d administered still lingered in her pinkened flesh, but there had been other effects -- erotically charged pleasures that set fuse to the firecrackers in her blood, sending it fizzling and sparkling throughout her system.

  A hot wash of color stained her cheeks as she squirmed, her aching muscles a sharp reminder of the carnal, decadent things he’d done to her body while administering what he called her punishment for cheating. Though he’d pounded his lesson into her flesh, he hadn’t left a single bruise or mark on her.

  She’d never associated corporal punishment with sexual arousal, and what he’d done to her had opened her eyes to new vistas of sensual delights. She smothered her smile, not wanting Denzel to notice how his stratagem had backfired. Keeping a bland expression plastered on her face, she picked over her food, all the while devising other infractions to commit that would warrant another bout of correction at the hands of her dark-skinned lover.

  “Those cheeks still burning?”

  “Yes, sir,” she answered demurely, head bowed as she’d been instructed, “both sets.”

  “Stand up, turn around and let me see.”

  The third game had ended with him being the victor and once again, she owed him her obedience for these twenty-four hours… this time without subterfuge.

  She stood without demur, turning her back to him and lifting her Grecian gauze shift about her waist.

  “Bend over a little and spread your legs for me. You can hold on to the chair if you like.”

  Heart giving a startled kick, she did as he said, belly and everything lower clenching in wet anticipation. She didn’t think he would spank her again as she’d done nothing yet to earn a punishment, yet technically, he needed no such excuse. He could do whatever he wanted to her until she uttered her safe word.

  Both hands wrapping around the spokes of the dining chair, she leaned over the raised back, letting her weight rest there while she opened her legs enough to let him see the moist openings of her body.

  “There’s no redness left, but I bet the sting is still there.”

  He ran his hands lightly over the soft contours of her dimpled cheeks, smoothing circles of comfort into her sensitive flesh. She jumped a little at the feel of full, firm lips sliding along the crease of her bottom, drew a shocked breath as a moist tongue flicked between the shadowed divide, delving into secrets never brought to light.

  Pulse pounding out of control, she froze, every muscle locking down in anticipatory terror. Her stomach muscles jumped. Alarm iced her blood, constricting her veins, and her fingers grew numb from their stranglehold on the chair. Did he plan to take her there? Was she going to let him? Could she bear to stop him?

  She made some slight noise of distress.

  His hands and mouth withdrew. “Do you remember your safe word?”

  She whispered it. “Virgin.”

  “Are you using it?”

  She thought about it for a long time… and found she’d thought about it too long. Her breathing sped up, pulse pounded at temple and wrists, echoing wildly in the corridors of her pussy and in that dark, forbidden place where his pressing finger sought entry, stirring curiosity as well as trepidation. Emotions wavering between a sensual terror and titillation she had never felt before, she sought an answer, found only a chaotic mishmash of half-realized fears and darkly carnal desires. Even in the face of such overwhelming self-doubt, she remained silent.

  “Have you ever been fucked here, Martini?” A blunt fingertip intruded past the tight ring of muscle.

  She jumped, shook her head ‘no,’ the frantic motion setting her hair swinging about her face and shoulders.

  In the face of her obvious distress, he seemed to come to some decision, for he withdrew his to
uch and warmth, leaving her bent over the chair, bottom exposed, bare to the intermittent wafting of the afternoon’s balmy breeze fluttering through the sheer curtains of an opened window. Naked as she was, she felt more exposed emotionally, her vulnerability to him evident and flagrant.

  “Let me tell you what my plans are.” His gruff words, spoken in a voice almost as gravelly as Sean Connery’s, scraped over her nerves, acting as would a coarse rag rasped along her turgid nipples -- bringing them to stinging attention.

  “Unless you choose to say your safe word, I’m going to push every limit you have. Before I’m finished, I’ll have fucked your mouth, your pussy and this tight, virgin ass.” His fingers stroked her puckered rosette, causing the nerves under her tremoring skin to jump and quiver.

  “I’ll never stop until I’ve laid claim to every secret, sacred spot, until you’ve acknowledged me as your body’s owner, even as I acknowledge you own mine -- until there is no longer the need for a safety word between us.”

  She shuddered, taking his carnal promises to heart. She was glad she faced away from him, dared not look in his face as she reminded them both of the reality they would soon have to face. “You speak as if we have a future, as if all this is real…” She loosed her grip on the chair to gesture with one hand. Her head dropped forward. “I have to remember this isn’t real. I gave my word I would return you in ten days and my word is my bond.”

  Denzel rose from behind her and moved close, embracing her from the back, his strong arms crossing under her breasts. Through the gauzy material of her dress, he pinched her nipples, pressing and rotating his palms against the rising crests. “If we truly believe and have faith, we can create our own future.”



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