Sensual Games (Novak Springs #3)

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Sensual Games (Novak Springs #3) Page 18

by Dawn Brower

  Since they lost the last playoff game she only went to work for a couple hours each morning—mostly to keep Paxton on track with his physical therapy. They were on a lightened schedule until preseason training—though Emma would work full days in April after the draft. She didn’t have time to check the news. There were other priorities in her life—like making a final decision about her husband. She inwardly cringed at the word. Emma still couldn’t believe she’d married Colt.

  When she entered the den she found all of her siblings waiting for her. Wes took a seat next to Tori on the couch. Ginnifer’s head rested on Dallas’s shoulder. Dallas held her close, but his eyes followed Emma’s movements. Something was bothering her oldest brother. Whatever it was—it didn’t look like it was a good thing. He seemed very angry.

  “Glad you could join us. Have a seat. We need to have a discussion,” Dallas ordered.

  Emma folded her arms across her chest and glared at him. “I’ll stand, thanks. I don’t have time to stay for whatever you have planned.”

  “Too bad.” Dallas’s voice was tinted with the anger shooting daggers from his eyes. “Because you’re going to make time whether you like it or not. You have some explaining to do.”

  “I’m not a little girl you get to order around. I’ve been an adult for some time now. So don’t take that tone with me. If you have something to ask me then do it. If I feel like it, I might even answer you.”

  Dallas was seriously starting to piss her off. Heat pooled into her cheeks, and it took every ounce of her control not to give into the need to clench her hands into tight fists. How dare he try to order her around? She’d been making her own decisions for a while, and he wasn’t about to start throwing demands at her. He was in for a rude awakening if he thought he could control any aspect of her life.

  “Fine.” He stood and grabbed a newspaper off the end table and tossed it at her. “Why don’t you explain this?”

  The paper landed a couple feet in front of her. She took a few steps and reached down to retrieve it off the floor. A large picture was in the center of the page with an equally glaring headline. COLT LEWIS WEDS COLLEGE SWEETHEART IN IMPROMPTU VEGAS CEREMONY. Whatever heat that had pooled into her cheeks fled as she let it sink in. Emma scanned the article and realized they had all of the dirty details about her wedding. They even knew about their little poker game—wagers and all. The reporter called their little escapade “gambling on a heart.” A sick rolling entered her stomach as she read the last sentence. What this reporter wants to know is will this marriage survive or did Colt Lewis make a bad bet?

  Oh hell—no wonder Dallas was on a rampage.

  “What’s your question?” The best defense was a good offense. “Or do you even have one? Are you going to assume you know everything about what happened?”

  “We want to talk…” Tori started to speak. “You didn’t mention this and neither did Colt. As his PR rep he should have filled me in. I could have sidelined this or spun it in a different light. I tried to call him, but he isn’t answering my calls.”

  “Oh?” Emma pinned her with a glare. “So I’m the lucky one who gets the joy of interrogation?”

  “Calm down…”

  Emma turned toward Wes and stomped over to where he lounged next to Tori. “Don’t tell me to calm down. None of you know anything about what’s going on in my life.” Emma’s hands were waving wildly in the air. “I don’t owe you any explanations, and yet you feel it’s your right to dig around in my shit hole and find the biggest and juiciest piece to throw back in my face.” She stopped and stared at them all. “I hope you all choke on it. Did I marry Colt? Why, yes I did.”

  She yanked the chain hanging around her neck from beneath her shirt and unclasped it. The rings slid off into the palm of her hand. Emma slid them on her finger. “I’m not ashamed of it either. He’s a good man who was in a bad situation. I was giving myself time to come to terms with everything, but you know what? I’m done with it. It was foolish of me to keep him wondering if I was going to stay with him. I think it’s time I moved out and in with my husband, so if you’ll excuse me I’m going to go pack. I’ll be out of here in an hour.” Emma spun on her heels and stormed out of the room.

  “Emma wait…” Ginnifer’s voice trailed after her.

  Emma entered her bedroom and flung the closet doors open. She grabbed all her clothes in one full sweep and threw them on the bed. At least she hadn’t fully moved into Tori’s condo. She only had a small amount of clothes and they should all fit in her suitcase. She grabbed it from the floor of the closet and filled it with her clothes—not bothering to carefully fold any of it.

  “Emma, can you please listen.”

  “I don’t want to talk about any of it, Ginnifer.”

  Ginnifer rested her hand on Emma’s shoulder. “Please hear me out.”

  “Talk.” Emma made a waving gesture with her hand. “I can listen while I pack.”

  “Don’t you think you’re acting a bit reckless?”

  Emma stopped and turned toward Ginnifer. “Me? I was the one that got ambushed by my so called family. You can’t tell me they weren’t going to do something even rasher. Dallas was itching to go after Colt and beat him silly. I know my brothers rather well.”

  “You’re not wrong, but you’re not right either.” Ginnifer paced around the room. “Dallas’s first reaction was to track Colt down and demand answers. I talked him out of it. That’s how we ended up here. He cares about you and only wants what’s best for you. Can you at least take the time to listen to his side?”

  Emma shook her head. “He’s not going to give me the same concession. Dallas is too used to getting his own way. All he sees is the man who broke my heart a year ago. I don’t think he’ll ever see past that. In a way I don’t blame him, but he needs to let that anger go. I have, and if I’m going to build a life with Colt then he needs to as well. I’d rather not avoid my brother for the rest of my life.”

  Emma wasn’t sure when she made a decision, but listening to her brother it all had become clear. She loved Colt. He’d asked her to move in with him several times—had even given her a key to his place. When he presented it to her she’d tried to decline it, but he insisted. Colt wanted to share everything with her, and when she was ready to be with him, he didn’t want her to have any excuse to wait. It made sense to her. Why hadn’t she seen it all sooner?

  “I doubt it will come to that. Dallas will swallow his pride—it might take a while for him to do it. It would go a long way if you at least acknowledge him and his anger now,” Ginnifer coaxed.

  “I can’t do that. I would be giving in, and I’m not about to do that.”

  “You Novaks are so damned stubborn.” Ginnifer sighed. “I get it though. If you give him an inch he’ll demand a mile. He’s so bossy.”

  “I’m glad you understand.” Emma continued to throw her clothes in her suitcase. She walked over to the dresser and grabbed the few items she stored there and tossed them inside. “Tell him to call me once he’s ready to talk civilly. I’m not going to sit and be lectured to like a two-year-old. There are more important things I can do with my time.”

  Ginnifer nodded. “What are you going to do now?”

  Emma zipped her suitcase closed and set it on the floor. “I’m going to drive to Colt’s and tell him how I feel about him. It’s time I was honest with him and let him know I never stopped loving him. The rest doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things.”

  Once Emma made a decision she was itching to act on it. Energy built up deep inside her and spread throughout her entire body. It filled her to the brink of bursting. She couldn’t wait to see Colt and see the look on his face when she opened her heart to him once again.

  “Believe it or not, but I’m happy for you.” Ginnifer smiled. “I know how hard it was for you to open yourself up to him again. It’s a brave and wonderful thing you’re doing. Love is one of the hardest things you can do. Hate is easy—but love—it opens us up to all ki
nds of hurt.”

  “When it’s good though…” Emma smiled as she recalled all the wonderful times she’d had with Colt. “It’s so beautiful.”

  “So what are you waiting for?” Ginnifer asked. “Go get your man.”

  Emma didn’t answer her. She grabbed her suitcase and rushed out of the room. The sooner she got to Colt, the quicker they could start living their lives together. Nothing would stop her from telling him how much she loved him.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Emma unlocked Colt’s front door and walked inside. The hallway was dark. It didn’t look like Colt was home. She continued down the hall and turned a light on in his living room.

  “Colt,” she called out.

  No answer. He wasn’t home. Disappointment flooded her. She sat in his black leather recliner and pouted. So much for rushing over to tell him she loved him.

  “Well what am I going to do with myself while I wait?” Emma sighed and stood. She grabbed her suitcase and rolled it into Colt’s bedroom. He wouldn’t mind if she put her stuff away in his closet. Hell, he would probably be ecstatic she’d taken the initiative. Colt wanted her in every part of his life—he’d made his desires perfectly clear.

  Where could he be? Maybe she should call him.

  Her phone buzzed in her back pocket. She pulled it out and frowned. Alison was trying to call her—no doubt on some errand for Tori. Emma didn’t want to deal with it. She’d rather find out where Colt was and urge him to come home. An idea niggled into the forefront of her mind. What if she welcomed him home with an extra special surprise?

  Emma made quick work of putting all of her clothes away—except for a piece of risqué lingerie Tori talked her into buying on one of their shopping expeditions. She’d take a long luxurious bubble bath in candlelight. If he came home before she was done he could join her—if not she’d be waiting for him wrapped in silk.

  Her phone buzzed again in her pocket. Emma looked at it again and bit her lip. Why was Alison being so insistent? Maybe she should answer it and find out what was going on. No, she didn’t want to talk to any of them. She had better things to do with her time.

  She flipped the light switch on in the bathroom and strolled over to the bathtub. Emma sat on the edge and turned on the water. Soon it was filled to the top with frothy fresh scented bubbles. They called out to her—she reached out and skimmed her fingers across the tops feeling the light soft bubbles pop across the tips. Time to get undressed and soak in the tub…

  Colt would be so surprised when he came home.

  A loud banging ricocheted through the room. Who the hell was pounding on the front door so hard? Emma looked at the bubble-bath with longing. It would have to wait. She hurried to the front door and opened it. Her mouth fell open in shock. “Alison, what are you doing here?”

  “Oh, thank God I found you.” She pushed her way inside. “Why aren’t you answering your phone?”

  “I don’t know what Tori told you—”

  Alison held up her hand interrupting her. “I don’t know what’s going on with Tori. I haven’t talked to her since she left the office. This has nothing to do with her. The only reason I knew to look for you here was because I went to her condo first.”

  “Yeah, I moved out.” Emma paused. “I had a bit of a disagreement with my family and needed the space. I’m still waiting for Colt to come home.” Emma frowned. “Is this important? I was getting ready to take a bath before you pounded on the door.”

  “Yes, I need you to come with me.”

  Emma stopped and stared at her. Had Alison lost her mind? She didn’t want to leave. Colt would be back any time. She had plans.

  “No, I’d rather not. I want to be here when Colt gets home.”

  “He’s not coming home.” Alison sighed. “That’s why I’ve been calling you. He saw the article in the paper and rushed to go see you.”

  Emma bit her lip. “I don’t understand. What are you talking about? Colt never came to see me.”

  Emma’s heart raced deep inside her chest. Something wasn’t right. She stopped to study Alison. Her movements were jerky and her hands shook in front of her.

  “That’s what I’m trying to tell you. When he exited the parking lot…”

  “No, don’t say it,” Emma shouted and started to back away from her. Her hands flew to her ears and she hummed to block out all noise. “If you don’t put it into words it’s not true.”

  Alison shook her. “Snap out of it!”

  Emma sunk to the ground and shook. Something happened to Colt. She couldn’t face it. Tears streamed down her face as she hugged her knees to her chest. She didn’t tell him she loved him. How could she have waited so long to tell him? Who cares what Melody or Missy did? None of it mattered. All she wanted was to pull Colt into her arms and let him know how much he meant to her. Now—she might not get the chance.

  Alison kneeled on the floor beside her. She rested her hand on her arm. “Emma, you need to come with me. You’re his wife and the only one who can make decisions. If he needs any made—you need to be there.”

  “Tell me what happened. I’m ready to hear it now.”

  “Come with me. I’ll tell you everything on the way to the hospital. Tori and Wes left after me to head there. Your family will be there waiting for you. They love you and will be the support you need.”

  Emma wiped away the wetness pooling on her cheeks. “Okay, give me a minute to grab my stuff and we will head out.”

  They left Colt’s home and rushed to Alison’s car. Emma got into the passenger side and slid on her seatbelt. Once Alison was settled in she turned to her and demanded, “Now tell me what’s going on.”

  “When Colt left the parking lot a big truck hit his car on the driver’s side. There—” Alison choked up and wiped a tear from the corner of her eye. “The car’s scrunched up so much it’s a miracle he survived. They got him out and rushed him to the hospital.”

  Emma swallowed the lump forming in her throat and asked the question forefront in her mind. “Is he going to be all right?”

  “He’s stable, but they were taking him into surgery. Something’s wrong with his heart…” Alison’s voice wobbled a little as she fought tears. “I don’t know the details, they asked for his next of kin—that’s you. So I’ve been trying to find you for an hour now. I don’t know if he’s going to make it, but he’d want you there. He loves you so much.”

  Tears streamed down her face. Emma couldn’t wipe them away fast enough. She wanted to urge Alison to drive faster but knew it wasn’t a good idea. “I love him, too.”

  “I know,” Alison said quietly. “I also realize you had a lot to get past to find your way back to him. He’s seemed so hopeful the past couple of weeks—he believed you were going to make it. I’ve never seen him so happy.”

  “It’s been really good between us—so amazing. I don’t know what’s been holding me back—those last little niggling doubts. I was ready to let them go. My brothers pushed me over the edge, but if I’m honest, if I wasn’t ready to be with him I never would have been. All they did was send me where my heart knew it belonged. I only pray that I get the chance to tell him how much he means to me. It’s time he knew he’s the only man for me.”

  Emma folded her hands in her lap and stared down at her feet. She kept letting the last couple of weeks roll through her mind. They had laughed and loved each other. It all seemed so incredibly perfect. It was more than she thought it would be—it had been everything. So what if she didn’t have her dream wedding. She had something inherently better—Colt. The one man who loved her even when she was too stupid to see it. His love shone brighter than the sun.

  “You will get it. I refuse to believe that we’re going to lose him. Colt’s a fighter and he has every reason to keep on fighting. He has you.”

  Alison pulled the car into a parking spot. Emma pushed the door open and rushed into the hospital. It wasn’t that long ago she’d been in that very spot asking after her brother, Wes. H
e’d been shot and they’d been so worried about him. Now she was standing in front of the information desk once again—only this time she was asking after her husband.

  “My husband, Colt Lewis, was brought in. Can you tell me where I can go to see how he’s doing?”

  “Um yes, let me check on that, Mrs. Lewis.” She tapped her fingers on the keyboard. “Hmm. He’s in surgery. Dr. Ellwood is operating. If you go to the elevator and up to the third floor waiting room he will come in and talk to you once he’s out of surgery.”

  “Ian’s his surgeon?”

  “You know Dr. Ellwood?” the woman asked.

  “Yes, I work with his father. Can you tell him Emma is waiting for him? He will know who I am.” She gestured toward Alison. “We’re going to go up to the waiting room now. Can you tell me if my family has come in yet?”

  “There was one couple that came in earlier. Said they were his family. That might be yours I’d gather. I sent them to the waiting room as well.”

  “Thank you.” Emma pulled Alison’s arm and marched to the elevator.

  “He’s going to be fine.”

  “Of course he is.” Emma refused to believe anything else. She wasn’t going to lose him just when she got him back. Alison was right. Colt was a fighter—otherwise he’d have given up on her a long time ago.

  They exited the elevator and went to the waiting room. Wes was sitting down on the far side of the room. Tori was pacing back and forth.

  “Please sit down, princess. You’re driving me crazy.”

  “Shut up, Wes.” Tori stopped when she saw Emma and Alison. “Oh good, you found her.”

  “Have you heard anything?” Emma asked.

  Tori shook her head. “No, I’m so scared.” She pulled Emma into her arms and hugged her tight. “He’s going to be fine though.”

  “I know. He’s a fighter. How long has he been in surgery?”

  Tori turned to Alison. “You would know more than us. When did they bring him in?”

  “It’s been a few hours now. It took me a while to come down from the shock and start to look for Emma. It happened so fast…”


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