Lethal Justice (An Alliance Agency Novel Book 3)

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Lethal Justice (An Alliance Agency Novel Book 3) Page 15

by India Kells

  “What happened?” Malco asked, taking a seat, and indicating Ward do the same, his interest genuine as he waited for Ward to reply. Shane excused himself, and Malco knew he was going to try and figure out the Alex situation.

  “I found a woman worth getting out for. She changed everything, saved my life in every way.” Ward looked to his clasped hands on the table as he spoke, and Malco could hear the love, but he also heard the sadness.

  Malco leaned back slightly to make himself more comfortable. “What happened?”

  Ward looked up at him, and the pain in his eyes was almost tangible; it was so raw and so fresh.

  “She died.”

  Malco closed his eyes on a long blink, hating that the man had been through that. “I’m sorry.”

  “Was a long time ago now, but I miss her every single day.” Ward gave a humorless laugh. “The grief almost pulled me back again. Back into the darkness of the gangs where only killing and fucking mattered, but I knew she’d be so ashamed I let her down, and I’d done that enough when she lived. I wouldn’t do it after she was gone.”

  Malco nodded. “Saving you even then.”

  Ward looked up sharply, and his eyes locked on Malco as understanding passed between them.

  “Exactly. But you ain’t got me up in here to discuss my past. What’s on your mind?” Malco took the laptop that had screenshots on it of Ward’s account and turned it around.

  “Do you know what these are?” Ward leaned in, and Malco watched as anger made his friend’s jaw lock before he looked at Malco.

  “You know damn well I don’t.”

  “Do you know a woman by the name of Rina Flores?” Malco changed tack wanting to see if Ward knew something he didn’t realize.

  “No, never heard of her. She do this to me?”

  “We don’t know. We need to do some more digging, but we’re short on hackers right now.”

  Ward’s eyes went wide, and then he grinned. “Have you spoken to Danie? The girl is a fucking whizz on computers. Nothing that kid can’t get into.”


  Malco wondered at that, his mind working overtime. He finished up with Ward, thanked the man for his time, and asked him to continue to play dumb regarding his account. Knowing would put him in danger, so it was agreed he wouldn’t open the center for a few days or at least until Kasten and Pool, and now Rina, were in custody.

  Malco walked from the conference room, moving with caution to the tech room. Finding it empty, he went to Shane’s office.

  He opened the door and looked at his boss, expecting to see Frida with them but found only Emme.

  “Shane or Frida around?” Emme’s face was guarded as she stood, and he had a feeling he wasn’t going to like the next words out of her mouth.

  “Shane is fitting her with a vest and body cam. She insists on going to see Rina and finding out if Alex is safe.”

  “Over my dead body.” Malco slammed out of the room and headed to the war room where they kept the tactical gear. He heard Emme behind him but kept going, the anger in his blood boiling to a fever pitch.

  Shoving the door with more force than necessary, he saw King tightening a vest on the woman he loved and almost lost his mind. Her eyes moved to his, and the guilt and defiance in then told him exactly how much she knew he would hate this.

  “Everyone out.” The words almost shook the room, so loud and angry was their delivery.

  King looked at Frida, who nodded before he walked to Malco and laid a firm hand on his shoulder. “Keep your cool, man.”

  Malco remained rigid, not trusting himself to speak, in case he said something he’d later regret. He heard the door close and waited another moment to gather his calm before he spoke. His words were low, angry, and measured. “What. The. Fuck?”

  “Malco, this is the only way, and you know it.” Frida didn’t back down or cower; neither did she discount his feelings as she proved with her next words. “I know this is hard, and believe me, if this was the other way around, I’d be the same, but how else do we find out if Alex is okay?” She moved in, laying her hands on his chest, the feel of them—her touch—settling him in a way nobody else could.

  “And what if he’s there and in trouble? Do you think they’ll just let you walk away?” He saw his answer on her face.

  “No, but I won’t let Alex get hurt because I trusted someone I shouldn’t have.” Malco lifted his hand to her neck then cupping the back gently.

  “I get guilt, sweetheart. Believe me, I get it. I live with it every day. Every time I grieve my brother and the life he never got to enjoy. Every time I fasten my leg on in the morning and take it off at night, I see the face of the man I killed, the same man who gave me this injury as he held his own daughter hostage. But none of that would compare to the guilt and torture of something happening to you when I could’ve stopped it.”

  “And how are you going to stop me, Malco?” Her eyes were brimming with tears from his admissions.

  “Let me go instead. I can say I’m picking something up for you.” He saw her waver. Frida knew he was the one trained for this.

  “We can take the team and have them on overwatch around the property just in case.” Frida was shaking her head.

  “Rina will know something is up. I’d never send someone else for a file. She knows my trust issues and knows I’d go myself.”

  “Damn.” Malco dropped his head.

  “What if we went together? Then you’re there with me, and the team has our backs?” Malco didn’t like it, but he also hated the idea of Alex in trouble, and with the man still not answering his phone, it was looking more and more like he was.

  “Fine. But you follow orders.”

  He saw her eyes go bright. “Yes, sir.”

  “Smartass.” Malco groaned before he dropped his head and kissed her soundly.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  It had been a long time since Frida had felt the mix of apprehension and determination swirling in her gut. If she were honest with herself, the only other time she’d been in the same state was when she’d entered the courtroom where her father had been, moments before she'd had to bring him and his organization down. Despite the threat to her life and the deep sorrow she felt, nothing could’ve made her deviate from her need for justice, especially with her sister’s memory in mind.

  Now, as Malco drove toward Rina’s apartment, her mind was filled with that same desire for justice, tinged with a deep need for retaliation and vengeance. Trust wasn’t easily given, especially to her colleagues, and Rina Flores had blindsided her in the worst way, attacking both the police and innocent kids.

  That was why she’d decided to confront her despite the fear and her confrontation with the man she loved.

  Malco had bent to her desire, but not without a number of growls and a promise from her to stay close and to be as careful as possible. When he agreed and understood why she had to be part of this, Frida didn’t know if her heart would survive or if she could love him more.

  The team had followed Malco’s instructions for her safety and quickly turned around as they left. She and Malco were in one car with Shane and Emme in a second car, following at a distance.

  Nicholas had taken his sports bike and zoomed around Rina’s apartment to get any kind of insight or visual, but apart from seeing Alex’s car at the curb, the curtains were drawn, and there was no movement as far as he could see.

  Frida prayed with every single cell in her body that Alex was all right. She didn’t know him well, but from working with him in the conference room, he seemed like a sweet and dedicated guy. Another wave of guilt seized her at the thought she’d brought a wolf in and that a good man was at risk because of her.

  As they approached their destination, her hand grabbed Malco’s, who squeezed it back.

  “I know you won’t hear it, but it’s not too late to back out. We’ll find another way to get to Alex without risking you.”

  He still wanted to protect her, but inste
ad of ordering her around, he suggested, which made her melt and warm her cold bones. With a smile, she turned her head to him.

  “I know. But it’s the quickest way. I’m just impatient for it to be done, so I know Alex is safe, and we can focus on bringing them down. Before we left, I asked Ward to start gathering information with JaKheel. Caitlin will help. Having been a cop, she knows the drill.”

  Malco turned into the boulevard, and from her estimate, they were ten minutes away, not much more.

  Rina lived south of Little Havana. Frida had only been there once but remembered it as a nice area, upscale by her standards. It was probably another aspect to check as even though she paid Rina well, it wasn’t enough to be able to afford such an apartment. She should’ve known and questioned it.

  At night, the neighborhood was lively, as was often the case in Miami. People lived at night, enjoying the balmy weather and laid-back atmosphere.

  Just as they were about to turn onto Rina’s street, a siren sounded behind them, and the night was filled with red and blue lights.

  Malco moved to the curb as Frida turned to see a patrol car parking behind them.

  “Were you speeding?”

  Malco shook his head. “I was under the limit. No clue why we’ve been stopped but be ready for anything.”

  In the side mirror, she could see two cops coming, one on each side of the car. Malco lowered his window and waited, tense as a bow and ready for anything. She saw him wiggle a little bit, followed by a thump, and he kicked his gun under the seat with his heel just as the cop came to his side.

  “Step out of the vehicle, sir.”

  “What’s the problem, officer?”

  “Just step out of the vehicle.”

  As Malco unlocked and opened his door, Frida unbuckled her seatbelt and opened her door to unleash on the cop with full force when she bumped into someone. She froze as her eyes went to his face.

  The man in blue with the cap low on his face was Charles Kasten. Fear and fury exploded inside her and she took in a breath.

  Anticipating her reaction, he tsked at her. “I wouldn’t say a thing if I were you, Ms. Montalvo.” When she followed his gaze, she saw Malco plastered against the hood of his car, being handcuffed. “As you can see, our dear boy is not resisting because he knows what I could do to you, and also because we have that other one, Alex, sitting in the back of our patrol car.”

  Her eyes went to the car. It was difficult to see, but there was someone in the backseat, and the patch of reddish-brown hair was a tell-tale sign of what she feared.

  People were gathering in increasing numbers and when Malco was taken to the car, they exchanged a quick look. Frida hoped she conveyed all the love she had inside her, and she understood how he couldn’t do anything other than submit for the time being, but he was fighting against everything in him not to strike out.

  “You have no right to arrest those men. On what grounds are you doing this?”

  Kasten grabbed her arm to make her turn and face her. “Drop the lawyer act, because that won’t get you anywhere, and your boy toy knows it. That’s why he’s cooperating, and you should too, especially if you want him to stay alive.”

  When he smiled at her, she knew he could see her fear. “I never thought I’d use my old blues again, but the look on your face makes my day. My friend and I aren’t here as cops. This little masquerade is to give you a message. Do whatever you have to do, but if you want those men to live, you’ll drop the investigation into DA Pool and me. You’ll deliver the kids you took back to me. Whatever evidence you have against us, you’ll destroy. This has to stop now. I still have resources in the force. I’ll know if you try anything. Don’t try and be a hero if you want them to stay alive. And if you’re quick enough, maybe we’ll return them still standing and almost unharmed.”

  Frida wanted to spit in his condescending face, but there was nothing she could do. Not now, not while they were dressed as legit policemen and onlookers were watching their every move.

  “How did you know we were coming?” If she couldn’t do anything now, Frida had the sense to gather as much information as she could.

  “I may hate your guts, but Pool was right to trust that Latina slut. She did one hell of a job keeping an eye on things for us. Bring the paperwork you have and the boys to the Latina’s apartment as soon as possible. We’ll be watching the place. And the clock is ticking… don’t forget. Tick. Tock.”

  And with an awful smile, he turned back to the patrol car. As he drove away, he had the nerve to wave at her, but all she could do was watch Malco looking back at her before disappearing at the next light.

  Nicholas was the first to reach her, quickly followed by Emme and Shane. Nicholas quickly disappeared with Malco’s car while Emme put a hand on her shoulder and made her sit in Shane’s car as he drove them back toward the compound.

  Once the car started moving, she told them what happened, including her suspicions that Rina may have placed bugs inside the compound. Shane had been quick to make a few calls, and when they arrived, the team were all hard at work going over the place with a fine-tooth comb.

  Like a zombie, Frida went to the conference room and let herself fall in a chair, unseeing the vision of Malco being driven away filling her mind.

  Only Cleo offering her a hot mug of coffee pulled her out of her gloom. “Are you all right, honey?”

  Part of her wanted to crumble and cry; another wanted to take Malco’s gun and put a bullet into Kasten’s brain first chance she got, but she wasn’t Garroyo’s daughter any longer. She was a lawyer and a problem solver, and she’d do exactly that to save Malco and Alex.

  With that thought firmly in her mind, she smiled at the woman and took the coffee.

  “Thank you, Cleo.”

  “No trouble, honey. Do you need anything? I swear you’re as pale as a ghost.”

  Yes, she needed Malco by her side.

  Shane came in with Emme and sat next to her. “The team is finishing the cleanup, and I have people scanning our computer systems too. That’ll be done in a few hours. In the meantime, we have to find Malco and Alex. That’s our top priority. What I want to know, Frida, is what you intend to do.”

  Blinking, she wasn’t certain what he meant at first until it dawned on her. “Are you suggesting I shut this whole thing down to save Malco and Alex?”

  Shane and Emme looked at each other. “It is your decision, Frida. We understand how important it is for Miami, which is our home now too, and that we need to protect the innocent young men and women being threatened by the gangs. That’s what Malco wants too. However, that isn’t possible if you’re not on board.”

  Frida stood. If she had to discuss this, she had to be standing, although her heart was squeezing so hard in her chest, she could barely breathe. “I want to save Malco and Alex, but I need to bring those fuckers down. They’re monsters who’ll use and abuse innocents. If I back down…” An escaping sob surprised her. All the love she had for Malco, all the despair and fear she had for him as he was taken away, maybe killed by now, hit her full force.

  Emme came to take her in her arms as she fought against the tears to make her voice heard. “I can’t lose him either, Shane. Not when I’ve just found him.”

  Shane came close and put a hand on her shoulder. “We’ll get Malco and Alex out of this mess. We’ve had complicated and dangerous missions before, and we take care of our own. Don’t forget that Malco and Alex aren’t innocent schoolboys, either. Malco had to submit earlier because he knew you were in danger, but now he knows you’re safe I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re already taking matters into their own hands. In the meantime, I have James, Mercy, Caitlin, and Nicholas working on locating them using new computers on a separate network.”

  Shane’s words steadied her. “Is there anything I can do to help?”

  The man nodded. “Build the case, Frida. As soon as Malco and Alex are safe, the only way for this to stop is to take Kasten and Pool down. Once they�
�re in the spotlight, Kasten, Pool, and the gang will lay low. As you said, it’s our only way out. Those monsters belong in jail.”

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Malco felt the pain in his side and swallowed down a grunt before it left his mouth. Kasten rolled him with a booted foot, and Malco bit back the hatred he had for the man. Now was not the time for anger; it was the time to remain calm so he and Alex could find a way out of this. Alex wasn’t looking too hot though, his face was a mess, and Malco could see him favoring his left side.

  Kasten leaned down and got in Malco’s face as Alex groaned in the corner as he started to come around. “You fucking people think you’re so clever, but this is my city. I own it, and I own you, and now you’ll pay for breaking the rules, and so will that little slut lawyer you’re fucking like the whore she is.” Spittle landed on Malco as Kasten finished his angry monologue.

  “You’re nothing but a greedy little man with a God complex.” Malco kept his gaze on the man, watching the lines of fury bracket his mouth. He said no more, not wanting to push his luck and gain himself a kicking he wouldn’t handle well with his current injuries.

  Kasten laughed, throwing back his head as he spun toward the door. He placed his hand on the brass knob before he angled his head toward Malco.

  “You wouldn’t understand men like me. We are leaders, and you...” Kasten curled his lip in obvious disgust. “You are nothing.” On that final note, Kasten stepped through the metal door and closed it. Malco heard the bolt slide home and the click of a padlock, and sagged back on to the cold dirt floor.

  He lifted his head and looked around the dimly lit room. It seemed to be some kind of storage unit on the east of the city. He didn’t know this area well, but he knew the gangs never came here, which probably made it the perfect place to hide them. His team would be looking for them in gang territory, and they’d never find them. He and Alex had to find a way to get themselves out of this mess.


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