Lethal Justice (An Alliance Agency Novel Book 3)

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Lethal Justice (An Alliance Agency Novel Book 3) Page 18

by India Kells

  They stayed a little longer before he saw his Frida flagging and knew it was time to go home.

  As he turned off the alarm and checked their home was safe, he felt a peace surround him, a sense of contentment he’d never felt before.

  “You want pizza?” Frida called from the kitchen as he heard her close the fridge and knew she had poured them both a glass of wine. He grinned when he saw he was right. He stepped up to her and took the glass from her as he hooked her around the waist with his free arm.


  “We don’t have time for that.”

  He saw Frida tilt her head in question. “Why?”

  “Well, do you remember we talked about how we wanted to go to Africa on a safari because it was what Jay and Camilla wanted to do and never got the chance?”

  “Yes,” she said slowly, clearly still emotional, especially at the mention of his brother and her sister.

  “Well, when it looked like the case would close this week, I spoke with Cleo and your new assistant, and they can handle things here, so I booked it. We leave first thing tomorrow.” He began to chuckle as he watched Frida, her mouth opening and closing without saying anything. He wondered if perhaps he’d overstepped, but then she gave a loud shriek and jumped up, her legs going around his waist, her arms around his neck as he caught her and just about held his balance.

  “I love you, Malco Aguilar.” She kissed him hard, and he lost himself to her again, just like he did every time she kissed him. This woman had his heart in her hand, and he knew there was nobody else in this world he trusted to keep it safe other than Frida.

  “Does that mean I’m not in trouble for going over your head?” At his question, she broke the kiss.

  “It means you’re not in trouble for doing something so incredibly sweet and kind and for loving me as you do.” With his hands on her curvy ass, he gave it a squeeze as he turned and walked to the bedroom.

  “While you’re in a good mood, there’s another thing I need to ask you. But this time, I have no clue what your reaction will be.”

  Frida angled her head. “Your hesitation makes me nervous.”

  He didn’t nod, but he was tempted to say he was probably even more nervous than she was. His mind scrambled, now unable to make any coherent reaction. All his carefully laid plans blew up when his next words blurted out in the most unexpected way.

  “What do you think of a safari wedding?”

  The woman had the best poker face, and Malco cringed. She was the kind of woman who deserved flowers, a ring, a whole romantic scenario, and he was letting her down.

  A long minute trickled by until her mouth curved in the most amused and loving smile. “Are you asking me touristic information, or are you asking me to marry you?”

  Malco dropped his head before taking a deep breath, pushing back his shoulder before dropping to one knee. “I’m doing everything wrong, but yes. Frida Montalvo, love of my life, would you make me the happiest man on the face of the earth?”

  Her dark eyes shimmered with love and tears. “You’re doing something very right. I don’t mind the setting or how you ask, my answer will always be yes. As long as you love me, my answer will only ever be yes, here, or in Africa.”

  His heart stuttered before it settled in warmth. “You never cease to amaze me, Frida.”

  Frida tilted her head. “Is that good or bad?”

  “Good, always good, and yes, let’s tie the knot in Kenya among all the beauty and wildlife.”

  He kissed her softly but with passion in every swipe of his tongue until they fell to the bed in a frenzy of lust.

  “Do we have time?” Her words were breathy and desperate.

  Malco winked, a grin on his face that would not abate, he was so happy. “There’s always time for this.”

  Then he made love to the woman who had stolen his heart with her fire and her strength and knew his brother was finally smiling again.


  Sneak Peek: Deadly Alliance

  Want to read how the Alliance Agency began?

  Check out the prequel ‘Deadly Alliance’ now.


  “This means offering him fresh meat, AKA me.”

  The way the girl smiled as if it would be a walk in the park made Shane almost grind his teeth to dust. “This is no joking matter, Miss Wallace. Women are dying. And not taking this seriously could endanger you or members of your team and put civilians at risk.”

  He felt the Fortis team closing in even if nobody moved. Shane had to admit he may have gone a little far. But part of him couldn’t take the risk of letting that bastard go. The autopsy report came to mind, as well as the picture of Misty—pale, her beautiful hair in a mess and very dead on the slab.

  Ignoring everybody in the room, Emme came to stand in front of him, and Shane stood in response. Barely reaching his shoulder, Shane had to admit that she had a significant dose of courage behind the fire in her eyes.

  “Do you think I’m an incapable fool who would put my friends—my family—in danger? Do you think I’m incompetent or unskilled?”

  “How many missions have you done? How often have you put your life on the line to save your teammates or an innocent’s life?”

  “Oh, so you’re keeping count. Courage is defined by body count and the amount of blood you shed?”

  “This is not a game!” His voice boomed way stronger than he’d intended, but the girl didn’t flinch and even shouted back at him.

  “No, it’s not a game. People are dying!”

  Lance shuffled in his seat. “Well, they’ve got the lover part down perfectly. It’s like they’ve been together for the last fifty years. Your plan is doomed, Rhodes.”

  Zack raked his blond hair in annoyance. His gaze went to Beatrice, who shook her head. “Listen, Shane. You don’t know us. I get that. But I wouldn’t have suggested Emme if I didn’t believe in her skills and talent. You know my team’s reputation, and Beatrice is a friend. Like you, I’m one of the people who want this madman stopped quickly. I also know that it’s personal for you, so I’ll let that insult go. That is if you’re ready to give Emme a chance, and she’s kind enough to forgive you your insult.”

  The Fortis leader might have a point, but Shane still had serious doubts. However, he knew when he had been outnumbered and chastised. Sighing deeply, he uncrossed his arms and looked at the petite ball of anger simmering before him. “I’m sorry if I was out of line. I’m ready to give you a chance as Zack speaks so highly of you.”

  Shane heard Lucy snort but didn’t look away from the fury in front of him. She looked like she debated whether to stomp her foot or punch him in the face.

  “That doesn’t even qualify as an apology.”

  “That’s the only one I can give you right now.”

  Sneak Peek: Knight Watch

  Alliance Agency: Book 1

  Read about Kingsley Knight and Sydney Rutherford


  Kingsley Knight crossed his arms over his chest, as pride and contentment settled inside him. He never could have imagined this feeling of achievement twelve months ago. The last year had been one of the most difficult of his life, but in some ways, he didn’t regret what had happened or the choices he’d made because they’d led him here.

  He looked out across the training field at the fantastic team he was part of, as Cain Davies showed Emme Harris, his boss lady, how to adjust her aim for a larger caliber weapon. Cain was an ex-undercover ATF agent and had been a recommendation by Lance, the head of the Purgatory organization where Shane, his other boss, had started his career outside the military. At thirty-two, Cain was considered young to have burned out, but Kingsley knew the strain that undercover work could have on people. Cain had jumped at the chance to sign with the Agency, and they were lucky to have found him.

  Knight felt Shane’s best friend, Nicholas Hale, move to stand beside him. Shane and his fiancée Emme co-owned Alliance Agency. They had fou
nded the company after getting together a few months earlier, following a joint op between Purgatory and Fortis Security. The op had gone wrong in so many ways, but it had also brought the couple together, and nobody could doubt the team they made—both personally and professionally. Nick had served with Shane in the Navy as a SEAL, and it was his baby sister’s murder that had been the focus of the joint op.

  “Still can’t believe you’ve made the jump to join us Yankees.”

  Kingsley turned, lifting his eyebrow at Nick in greeting, before turning his attention back to the field. Rubbing his hand over his full beard, he wondered again if he should shave it and the mop of wavy midnight hair on his head that desperately needed a cut. The heat was already sticky in the early spring of Miami compared to the much lower temperatures of the UK. He finally answered Nick. “Indeed, I’m still coming to grips with it. This heat is relentless. The food is good, though, although I may need to slow down on the burgers and tacos,” he replied with a smirk as he patted the flat muscles of his abdomen. The fact was Kingsley Knight was in perfect shape. Years in the Navy as an underwater explosive expert had honed his body until it was all muscle and sinew with not an ounce of extra fat.

  Nick rolled his eyes, but Kingsley could still feel a shadow on the man. Shane had told him that his friend had gone through a lot and still needed time and work to recover fully.

  His eyes caught on Caitlin Carter as she took Killian, her German Shepard, through his paces. When he had met her, she had been training Killian to replace her last dog, Mayhem, who had recently retired. As a K-9 handler with the LAPD, Caitlin had years of experience to go with her well-earned reputation as one of the best handlers and trainers on the force. Growing up with two prestigious veterinarians as parents had set her in good stead for her job. He watched as she gave Killian—who for shits and giggles she called Kill for short—a series of commands that he obeyed with a blinding loyalty. Knight thought that a few more K-9s on the team would be a good call. That was something to discuss with Shane and Emme for sure.

  Over on the assault course, the rest of the team were going through their paces. Malco Aguilar, another member of the group, was stretching his muscles off to the side before he attached the running prosthetic that gave him more absorption and energy return than a regular one. As the hostage rescue expert, he was one of the best and had an unparalleled reputation. Losing his right leg below the knee from a land mine trying to save an eight-year-old girl from her crazy, drugged up father, while working for the Green Berets, had not stopped him in the least.

  However, Kingsley knew better than most that people only allowed you to see what they wanted you to see. The new team was a mix of different backgrounds that perfectly fit the diversity of work the Alliance Agency wished to attract.

  Emme and Shane wanted to expand hard and fast, and they had a flight out of Miami that night to meet a contact of Shane’s about a contract with the FBI. It was lucrative and would involve them signing an NDA, which wouldn’t be a problem as most of them still had top security clearance from their previous lives.

  Kingsley cast an eye at Nick as he watched Alex Webb race Wolf Murdock over the course.

  It had been designed by Zack, Emme’s former boss at Fortis, who was also an ex-SAS commander. They were some of the toughest bastards around, and this course showed why. With it built over the hilly terrain at the back of their new base of operations, it meant the operators had to use agility and strength, not just brute force and muscle. It was why Caitlin, Emme, and Mercy—the three women on the team—had some of the best times on the leaderboard.

  Wolf raced over the ropes with speed, but Webb had the edge as they crawled through the wet tunnels with barbed wire overhead. It was neck and neck by the time they sprinted for the finish with Webb coming in a split second faster.

  Shane, who had been standing on the sidelines away from him and Nick, watching his recruits train, started to walk toward the competitors, a grin on his face as the two men bent at the waist and sucked in oxygen. They had been training together for a month now, and Kingsley could see they were starting to think cohesively as a unit. Kingsley knew Shane wanted everyone to be able to read each other. It could be the thing that saved their lives one day.

  Sneak Peek: Hidden Obsession

  Alliance Agency: Book 2

  Read about Cleo Darwin and Mason Bentley


  The crick in her neck was getting worse, and it didn’t improve her temper as Cleo Darwin tried to make sense of the papers on her desk. Since she had become Alliance Agency’s official caretaker, secretary, paymaster, and overall miracle worker, she had her work cut out for her trying to keep track of everyone and everything.

  The trouble with secret agents, former soldiers, ex-cops, and the like was they were big babies. They didn’t think about paying their rent, forgot to take care of their taxes, and all the other simple tasks required for everyday life when they were entrenched in a mission. Maybe it was better not to be concerned with mundane things when your life was on the line, but that meant someone had to do it and that someone was her.

  Their unsigned forms and half-completed requests were hers to deal with. As well as anything or everything related to the Agency or its team members. Along with the occasional unusual—or impossible—request thrown in for good measure.

  Shane Rhodes and his fiancée Emme Wallace had founded the Agency and assembled the team less than a year prior. Much had happened during that time.

  The team was made up of a mish-mash of different characters, all skilled and dedicated, even quirky and most definitely likable, but they all had one thing in common—they were loyal, and their commitment to the Alliance Agency was absolute.

  Mason Bentley’s face formed in her tired mind. One of the quietest members of the Agency, the former secret service agent and bodyguard was the opposite of the others. Calm, organized, straight as an arrow. She never had to chase after him to sign paperwork or file a report. His paperwork was always perfectly presented and on her desk when she needed it. While Mason kept to himself, he was still a fierce team member and leader of men when needed.

  She was attracted to him, God help her, and that was the worst possible idea ever. The fact he had been stabbed not long ago and had almost died during surgery was messing with her mind, causing her to confuse compassion for attraction. At least that’s what she constantly told herself.

  He always wore a suit that fit his body like it was made for him—which it probably was. With shiny shoes and his hair perfectly in place, Mason epitomized the James Bond look. Conforming, polite, and always by the book, he was her opposite in every way compared with her edgy look, purple hair, and outgoing attitude. He didn’t flirt with her like some of the others did, but he occupied her thoughts more than he should.

  Shaking her head, Cleo chased the intruding thoughts away. The fact she was thinking about Mason like that meant she needed either a one-night stand or a fresh set of batteries. One of those solutions should take her mind off her sexy co-worker.

  As she had now lost all focus for her work, there was no point in staying any longer. She glanced at the clock and was shocked to see it was almost nine. The Agency had been deserted for hours now. Time to call it a night and head home.

  Emme wouldn’t be happy that she was alone, but since they were in a quiet neighborhood, there was nothing to worry about. And she had a couple of tricks up her sleeve if some dumbass wanted to test her patience.

  After making sure all the lights were off, Cleo turned the alarm on and locked the door.

  The night air was fresh, but the menacing clouds above signaled an impending downpour.

  The empty parking lot was lit enough to verify she was alone as she walked toward her bicycle chained to a bike rack around the corner from the entrance. Shane had insisted the entire building have no dark spots, the safety of his staff a top priority. The building looked out onto a quiet road with palm trees on the pavements that still
gave Cleo a kick when she saw them. The back of the large urban building was more rural, though, facing flat land where the training grounds had been established.

  Cleo couldn’t stop the curse that formed when she noticed one of her tires was flat. She could take the bike inside and repair it, but at this time of night, it would take too long, and she didn’t have the patience. All she wanted now was food and a warm bath.

  Walking toward the street, she took out her cell phone and opened the Uber app to call a car. After seeing the wait time for the nearest driver, she realized it would be quicker to walk to her apartment. Less than five minutes into her walk, the first raindrop plopped on her face.

  She could call one of the Agency’s members that lived nearby, but she felt terrible bothering them at this time of night. What to do?

  Her inner debate was cut off as her cell rang. She wasn’t surprised to see Emme’s ID on the screen. “Hey, Emme. What’s up?”

  “Are you for real? It’s past nine and you just left the office. What have I told you about working late? You really need to get a life.”

  Cleo rolled her eyes. “So says the woman who checks the alarm system’s log. Shouldn’t you be doing dirty things with Shane at this hour instead of checking on your employees?”

  The laughter on the other end of the line was a clear indication she had hit the mark with her reply. “I’m letting him recover before having another go at him in a minute. And you haven’t answered my question. Why are you leaving the office so late?”

  “Because your employees are lazy and make my life difficult. I’m about to turn mean and not bring coffee in the mornings if they don’t start behaving.”


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