Swept Off Her Feet

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Swept Off Her Feet Page 8

by Camille Anthony

  Down, girl! She admonished her libido. Let’s not get sidetracked, here. Who cares if he looks like Adonis and Apollo all rolled up together? Who cares if he’s hung like a stallion with a dong a mile long? Who cares if he has thingies in his chest that dole out orgasms by the dozens?

  I do! Her libido screamed, jumping up and down and waving her arms madly. This is the first relief we’ve ever had from the pava pains. The man is a sex god and I, for one, am hooked, addicted and strung-out on the pleasure he gives.

  He may do and be all that, she argued back, but let’s face it, girl, the man has a barbaric tendency to ignore my right to make my own decisions. On top of that—and here’s the biggie—he’s from another planet. It’s one thing to consider moving to Mars—at least I could still make frequent visits to my Earth family. But this guy lives out of the neighborhood. Way out! I can so not do the galactic moving thing!

  Where in the hell are Rb’nTraq and Rb’qarm, anyway? What kind of distance are we talking? If it isn’t so far away that a semiannual visit home could be a possibility—

  Her eyes popped open. She had to stop stressing! Right now, she had enough to worry about without adding future events she had no control over. Better to live in the present.

  Speaking of the present, she had a sleeping god snuggled next to her, up close and personal, slurping down on her nipples. Instead of taking advantage of this situation, she was having a two-sided argument with herself. How lame was that? There just happened to be some prime real estate close by. No better time than now to take the opportunity to let her fingers explore uncharted territory.

  Not wanting to wake him, she gently caressed his back, ran her hands over the enticing bands of muscle lying beneath an immense expanse of smooth dark skin. Devtorvas stirred beneath her hands and she froze, fingers coming to rest lightly against his skin. She held her breath, waiting to see if he would awaken.

  Her pussy clenched and she drew in a shaky breath when he roused enough to suckle at her straining nipple before nestling his head back between her breasts.

  Once sure he would not awaken and catch her pawing his body, she let her hands and her imagination rove on to new territory. Her fingers crept down his back, edging under the waistband of his jeans until she was brushing his ass cheeks, ruffling the short hairs that lightly furred the crevice delineating his tight, hard globes.

  She licked her lips at the luscious feel she was copping. She so loved a well-turned male ass. Despite having been married, this was her first chance to fondle one. Ron had always pushed her hands away, telling her he was no rump ranger. She’d always wondered if it had been a case of the person protesting too much.

  She gave a mental shake of her head, dismissing all thought of Ron. That loser was in her dead past and she sure the hell didn’t want to dwell on him when there was Prime Intergalactic Rump Roast beneath her questing fingers. She patted it experimentally.

  Damn, but his ass was tight and round. Taut enough to beat a tattoo on.

  Oh, hell, I think I’m sunk! Nnora sighed, resigned to lusting after this man. Exhaustion dragged at her, and she yawned, but refused to let go the hands-full of male flesh she was clutching. This ass was hers! She’d gone on finger-safari to find it and she was sho nuff keeping it.

  911? Help! I’m trapped beneath an Adonis-Apollo look-alike god, possessed of a tight firm ass, who is intent upon suckling me to death.

  I’ve fallen and I don’t want to get up.

  * * * * *

  Glendevtorvas came awake, cock fully aroused and throbbing. Warm, feminine fingers possessively tucked into the crease of his ass made his eyes cross with lust. Mind whirling, heart thrumming with the urge to sink into the sweet confection beneath him, he propped himself on his elbows and, with barely restrained passion, gazed down on Nnora’s sleeping face in wonderment.

  He hadn’t known her long, but he knew she would be mortified to be caught holding on to him in such a revealing way. The princess’ slumbering actions were the very opposite of those she confessed to while awake. The way her fingers curled into his flesh, gripping him in a determined hold, told him she wanted him. Driven by the need to establish her ownership, she had laid claim to him in much the same way he’d placed his mark on her.

  His lips curved in an exultant smile. Shifting his weight to his left arm, with his right forefinger, he gently circled the red, swollen areolas of both her breasts. His private mark of ownership. He planned to keep her nipples buried in his terat often enough for them to maintain that rosy hue and sensitivity. Every time she breathed, every time an article of clothing encountered her well-used flesh, she would know his possession of her.

  He felt no qualms about his agenda for her. He fully intended to addict her to the pleasure he would willingly shower over and in her. He was going to enjoy taming her and training her to his needs, while making sure to meet hers. From the way she had howled and bucked under him, he was fairly certain his Nnora had never received the sexual pampering and care adequate for her well-being.

  He placed a caring kiss on her relaxed lips, his heart clenching at the thought of the escalating pain and sensual deprivation she must have endured during her current and last pava cycle. Well, she was under his care, now. He would see to it that she never suffered another uncomfortable pava. He was able, willing and ready to fuck his woman all day, every day, giving her all the orgasms she required. Above all, he would give her his child. Once she became pregnant, the pain of her present pava cycles would cease.

  He shifted to get more comfortable and Nnora’s arms tightened around him, curtailing his movement and drawing him back to her. He chuckled, flattered by her obvious, though unconscious, attachment to him. He applauded her actions by inserting a bold hand between them, dragging it down to her juicy folds. His finger slid through her slick cream, sinking past his knuckle into her hot, tight cunt. He withdrew his hand and ran his tongue over his finger, licking every drop of her tangy taste from his flesh.

  Deth, she tasted delicious. He wanted more.

  Easing down her body, using his shoulders to hold her legs open, he soothed her sleepy protests with gentling sweeps of his hands until she stilled beneath him once more.

  He covered her breasts with his palms, plumping and worshipping the soft flesh. He rotated his hands, massaging her stiff nipples until they grew incredibly harder, stabbing up into his curved hands. Taking the aroused tips between thumbs and forefingers, he squeezed down, pinching the sensitive flesh, rolling and tugging at them until they stood sharply erect in all their crimson glory.

  A low groan brought his head up and he met her unfocused gaze head on. Even as her eyes cleared and her muscles bunched, preparing to move, he flung an arm over her breasts, holding her down, holding her still. She trembled under him. Not wanting to frighten her, he reared back, reining in his need to take her, stake his own claim.

  “I only want to taste you,” he grated, his voice gruff with longing. “Please, don’t deny me.”

  His heart almost ceased when he felt her body relax, accepting his dominance. But she did more than relax. She made of her surrender a regal gesture. Lying quietly, eyes wide open, gaze entangled with his, she bent her knees and splayed her legs, offering him free access to her pava.

  His cock twitched and throbbed. In his chest, his terat contracted and softened, anticipating her insertion. He wet his lips, starving for the feel of her plump nipples embedded deep in his terat, filling the masculine cups evolved for her sole enjoyment. He wanted her breasts, badly, but he’d had a taste of her succulent—what had she called it? Oh, yes—pussy, a small sampling that didn’t begin to satisfy. He needed more, needed to gorge on her honey, to sate his hunger with her sultry, tangy cream.

  He breathed deeply, drawing in the heady aroma of her spilling juices. The lust-inspiring scent made him ravenous. He moved an inch nearer, urging her legs further apart so he could get as close to her as possible. He licked his lips in greedy anticipation as he moved into position,
eyes locked on the beautiful sight of her pretty crimson cunt.

  “You have no idea how beautiful you are.” He traced her folds with a reverent finger. He had traveled the galaxies, visited hundreds of worlds, but her tender, dainty fertile pussy was the most beautiful sight he had ever seen. Bending his head in reverence, he parted her nether lips with his thumbs, exposing her pink, glistening entrance. He dipped his tongue inside in a kiss of homage, vowing his thankful, eternal loyalty. His cherzda jerked, letting him know it wanted inside to kiss her, too.

  “I want to fuck you so badly,” he crooned, pulling back from her just enough to settle in to a comfortable position. “Since I have to wait for that, I’ll make a long meal out of your luscious pussy, instead.”

  Placing his thumbs on each side or her labia, he caressed her silky skin, carefully pulling back the fleshy folds to reveal her pussy. He drank in the sight of her. She was all ripe, succulent flesh in shades from pink to dark strawberry, highlighted by her glistening juices. Her inner petals pulsed with the fragile echo of her distant heartbeat, the rhythmic movement irresistibly drawing his gaze.

  He leaned in close to swipe her shallow channel from bottom to top, gathering the silky liquid spilling from her small opening. His tongue lapped at her, flicking against her clitoris at the top of his arch and her taste sizzled on his tongue, zesty with her natural spices. He tried to hold back, to be tender—to give her a gentle loving, but his hunger peaked, grabbed him hard. His hands came up and gripped her upper thighs. Spreading her wide, he ate at her cunt.

  “Mmmmmmmm! So good! Yes, oh, please…eat me!”

  Her sexy mewls and whimpers spurred him on. He exalted in the sharp tug of her fingers in his hair.

  “Oh, God, Devtorvas! Don’t stop…never stop!”

  He lapped at her, rooting in her folds for the heavy honeyed syrup oozing from her weeping pava, smearing her juices over his face, luxuriating in her sweet fragrance.

  It wasn’t enough.

  He returned his mouth to her entrance, taking her clit between his teeth. With teasing tugs, he jerked the little bundle of nerves. Only when her clitoris was stiff and red, fully distended from under its covering hood did he stop. Slurping her up into his mouth, he suckled hard on the engorged button, alternately drawing and nibbling on it.

  He slowed when she began to quake beneath him, her knees locking tight to trap his head between her shaking thighs. He clamped his hands down on her thighs, holding her still while he rammed his tongue up her narrow channel and rimmed it around her vaginal walls, only to retreat back to her clitoris to worry it with his teeth and tongue.

  Her taste burned its way into his mind, etched itself upon his heart and he drank, taking suckle. Still he thirsted. He knew his thirst for her would never be slaked—

  “I can’t…stand it…ohhhhhhh…yessss…eat me…mhhmmmm, like that…hard! Harder! Ohhhh…I…I think I’m coming!”

  Her pussy clamped down on his tongue, and he knew she was on the brink. He hummed into her, vibrating her stiff little clitoris with one last stimulus.

  Her screams echoed off the walls of the bedroom as her pussy pulsed around his pistoning tongue, gushing out her creamy fluid. Moaning himself, he locked his mouth on her pussy to catch very drop of her cum. He didn’t stop until she collapsed back against the mattress in a boneless heap.

  Lifting himself from between her legs, he flung himself down on his side, arm bent, his head resting on his palm. He gazed down at Nnora. Her eyes closed, legs and arms sprawled, she fought to catch her breath. He grinned, licking his lips, taking her inertia as a compliment to the massive orgasm he knew he’d given her. His Nippa appeared the very picture of a well-loved woman.

  While he watched her, his smile slowly faded as he became aware of his demanding cherzda. Swollen and throbbing, it pressed insistently against the constricting material of his jeans.

  Chapter Eight

  Slipping from within her loose embrace, Devtorvas reared up on his haunches, his hands yanking at his clothes, fingers fumbling over the working of his zipper. With a smothered imprecation, he manhandled the catch, and then worked his tight jeans down over his swollen rod. Carefully maneuvering around his jutting staff, he tugged until the jeans cleared his hair-dusted buttocks. He panted heavily when his weighty sex finally sprang free.

  Floating on the edge of total relaxation, her gaze followed the path of those descending jeans. She came alert quickly and jerked upright, awed, when his cherzda—a monster far too large to label a mere penis—was revealed. She swallowed sickly, watching the massive cock spring up. And up…and up!

  Was there no end to the thing? Was there a Human male born with even a quarter of the equipment the prince possessed? More to the point, was there a woman alive who could take that organ and survive? She’d been insane to fantasize about having that mammoth beast in her mouth—she’d have to unhinge her jaw in order to accommodate a cock that size without choking.

  Panic threatened. “What are you doing?” She scrabbled breathlessly toward the headboard of her bed. “You said we were going to wait! I-I thought…?”

  “And as hard as it is proving to do, I shall keep my word.” Devtorvas grinned wryly at his stiff cock. His hands, though large, barely contained the enormous erection. “I refuse to go around with my cherzda bent double inside these tight pants. I need relief, and since you are not of a mind to accommodate me—” He paused, slanting a questioning glance her way.

  She shook her head back and forth, frantic. “I have never been suicidal.”

  “—I’ll deal with the situation, myself. But I give you fair notice,” he warned, grimacing, “I intend to be inside you at every opportunity, once we have mated. I have had enough of my own hands to last two lifetimes.”

  “Once is all you’ll get with me.” She was only half-joking. “I’ll be dead, split in two by that megaton heat-seeking missile you’re thinking about stuffing me with.”

  “You will be surprised at how easily we fit, Nippa.” His teeth flashed in a quick grin. “You are a small thing, yes, but I believe your pava will stretch to accommodate me. How often must I reassure you we are mates, preordained for each other?”

  As he spoke, he cupped his pendulous balls, rolling them between the palms of his hands. His fingers lightly squeezed his testicles, and he licked his lips. “My pleasure increases when I envision your soft hands on my hungry flesh.” He groaned, gaze dropping to her crotch. With another, deeper moan, he gripped his cock in his other hand, working both at the same time.

  His shaft jerked and stiffened under his ministrations, spurting to a greater length and girth. Despite her very real fear, she wanted him still.

  It wasn’t his fault his cock was so big. Maybe they could ring it halfway down so he couldn’t bottom out and accidentally hurt her. For some unearthly reason, she firmly believed he would never intentionally harm her.

  “What do human males call their sex?”

  Gaze riveted to the motion of his hands, while he caressed and tugged on his imposing staff with firm jerks of his hands, she hardly noticed his question. She had never seen a man masturbate before. What an education.


  Wow. Up and down. Up and down.


  Dayam! I would love a chance to get my hands and my cunt around a mega-cock like that. Hell, it won’t half fit in any hole of mine, but I can certainly salivate at the thought. What I wouldn’t give for the opportunity of having to, just once, deal with the problem of a cock that is too large, rather than having to cope with one that is too small—


  The sharpness of his tone brought her mind screeching back to the moment. “Whaat?” She didn’t take kindly to having her fantasy interrupted.

  “Humans call their cherzda ‘men’?” He sounded confused.

  Blinking, she ran over the last sentences in her mind. A bark of laughter escaped her. “No, I… I must have been thinking of something else.”

  “Answer my question.” His hands became a blur on his rampant flesh; his breathing roughened.

  “Oh.” What to call it hardly seemed important at the moment. “Ummm, they have all sorts of names for it. Dick. Penis. Member. Rocket. Joystick. Shaft. Cock. Dong…” She faltered. He was torturing his straining flesh, moaning harshly. His poor cock took on a deep crimson hue under his forceful handling.

  Men obviously don’t appreciate cock like women do. If I had all that luscious meat in hand, I would never handle it so roughly.

  “Strange. We have only the one word. Cherzda.”

  “Which makes sense, since you only have one cock.” She held back a smile at his expression. He was so cute when he was confused.

  A short burst of laughter escaped him when he got her jest. “True, fem.” He stroked his thrusting length from its wide base to the tapered tip. “But, which of the Earth terms do you like best?” With firm hand-over-hand motions, he worked his cock. The swollen head of his cherzda engorged with blood and deepened in color, resembling a ripe plum.

  He gripped the blunt, ridged crest between thumb and fore-finger, squeezing ruthlessly. Flinging his head back, he let out a garbled, moaning plea.

  The almost agonized expression of stark sexual hunger on his lean face touched a deep, unexplored portion of her soul. Fascinated by his ability to control his urge to come, she sensed the raw display of masculine power calling to her femininity. Her own arousal spiked in response.

  She loved the way the corded muscles in his neck stood out in stark relief under his warm, dark skin. Loved the sight of his defined and buffed deltoids powering his pistoning fist. Her pussy gushed in response, releasing her fragrant musk.

  Watching a man resort to hand-fucking himself in order to honor his word proved an unbelievable turn on. Just how badly did he want to fuck her? It couldn’t possibly be as badly as she wanted him. She locked gazes with him and their eyes communicated what their mouths would not.


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