Bound by an Angel

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Bound by an Angel Page 16

by Mackenzie McKade

  Narrowing his steely glare toward Clancy, he growled, “Get out, Tess.”

  Her eyes widened in surprise. Levi had never spoken to her like that and he wouldn’t start now. As she moved to open the door, Clancy’s fingers closed around her arm, hauling her back against the seat.

  “Let me talk to him.” He opened his door and stepped out of the vehicle.

  Levi nearly flew around the truck.

  A cry welled up in her throat, but it was too late. Levi smacked his palms against Clancy’s chest and shoved. As Clancy stumbled backward, Tess sucked in a terse breath. Desperately she clawed for the door handle and jerked it open, and nearly fell out in her haste. From somewhere behind she heard her sisters scream. The sound of running feet followed.

  “That’s my sister.” Levi’s lips curled into a snarl.

  Thank God, Clancy made no attempts to defend himself. He simply narrowed his eyes on her brother.

  Fist clenched, Levi stepped forward.

  “Levi, stop this.” But he was too focused on the man before him to listen to her.

  In a series of quick twists and turns, movements so quick they left Tess speechless, Clancy embraced Levi from behind, her brother’s arms pinned to his side.

  He kicked, twisted. Cursed. “Let. Me. Go.”

  “Stop it!” Tess shrieked. “Stop it. Now!”

  “Best listen.” Barely leashed anger in Clancy’s soft spoken words held enough of a threat to still Levi and make Tess’s skin crawl.

  Wide-eyed, Rose and Rachel screeched to a halt beside her.

  “Ohmygod,” Rose breathed. “What—”

  “He kissed her,” Levi snapped.

  Rose’s surprised expression mirrored Rachel’s. Silence stretched between the two girls. Then, as if it their next move was choreographed, they burst into a choir of laughter.

  Levi struggled. All attempts to gain his freedom were futile. “Let me go.”

  “You’ll behave?” Clancy asked.

  Levi’s jaws clenched together, but in the end he reluctantly nodded.

  Clancy released Tess’s brother, but took a defensive position and parted his feet and clenched his fists, just in case the foolish boy changed his mind. Rose and Rachel were still hee-hawing. Tess continued to frown, but her eyes shined with concern.

  “I’m glad you find this funny,” Levi grumbled, wiping his palms down his jeans.

  “It was a kiss.” Rose chuckled.

  “Yeah. And we know where that leads,” he countered, squaring his hat on his head.

  Tess raised her hands to her waist and lowered her chin so she stared up through feathered lashes at him. “Uhm…maybe you should tell me exactly where a kiss leads.”

  A blush rose up the boy’s neck, sweeping across his cheeks. He tugged on the brim of his hat nervously. “We don’t need his help.”

  “I’ll make that determination.”

  “But, Tess—”

  “You need to apologize.”

  “The hell you say. He kissed you.”

  “No. I kissed him. There’s a big difference.”

  “What?” her siblings said in unison.

  “I like him, and I’ll continue to kiss him as long as I want.”

  Her words and her protective stance sent goose bumps across Clancy’s skin. He could fall in love with this woman.

  Levi’s startled gaze darted from Clancy to his sister. “Tess, you can’t be serious.”

  She leveled a heated stare on him. “As a heart attack. Now I suggest the three of you find something else to do.”

  Rose and Rachel nodded and turned to leave.

  Levi held his ground, not ready to accept her dictate. “Tess, maybe we should take this home and discuss it.”

  “There’s nothing to discuss. This concerns Clancy and me. Do I make myself clear?”

  Clancy didn’t realize until she glanced at him that he was grinning like a damned idiot. It pleased him even further when she walked into his arms, and in front of her family, she planted another kiss on him.

  “Fuck,” Levi grumbled.

  “Watch your language,” Tess murmured against Clancy’s lips, before she eased back. “Either you can find something to do or you can get your ass back into that truck and go home. Your choice.”

  “Fine,” Levi barked and turned, stomping off.

  When they were finally alone, Clancy whispered, “I think that went well.”

  “You okay?”

  “I’m more than okay.” He cupped the back of her head and urged her lips closer to his. “You’re pretty scary when you’re mad.”

  “Don’t forget it.” Her brief kiss teased his mouth. “Now how about that fun you promised? I’m in the mood to dance.”

  “Then dancing it is.”

  Pride burst from his chest as he led her through the parking area and out upon the makeshift dance floor. Fortunately a slow dance played and he pulled her close. Breathing in her feminine essence, he took a step and she followed, and in seconds she danced away with his heart.

  How could a woman feel so perfect cuddled against him, but she did. He buried his face into her sweet-smelling hair. From the corner of his eye he saw Levi glaring at him.

  Who could blame the boy for being angry?

  His precious sister had just hooked up with the scoundrel of San Antonio. When the opportunity arose, he’d talk to Levi. Let him know his intentions toward Tess were honorable.


  He huffed out loud, drawing her attention. As he stared into the depths of her eyes, he wondered if he even knew the meaning of that word. His father certainly hadn’t.

  “Everything all right?” she asked.

  “It would be better if I had you alone.”

  Just then someone tapped on Clancy’s shoulder. He turned to find Clint Junior, Wade’s eldest brother, gazing down upon Tess.

  The tall, athletically built man tipped his Stetson. “May I?” Quiet sophistication surrounded Clint as he smiled, the gesture not quite making it to his eyes. Since he’d returned from the Marines, he had the demeanor of a man with something burdensome on his mind, not the carefree teen Clancy remembered.

  Dammit. He didn’t want another man touching her. Yet it wasn’t his decision. “Lady’s choice,” he said begrudgingly.

  Clint took her hand and Clancy felt irritation crawl across his skin. Mine, whispered emphatically through his head. But she wasn’t his—not by a long shot.

  When Clint waltzed away with his woman, Clancy backed off the dance floor.

  “Looks like the two of you have found some common ground.”

  He pivoted to find Jessie grinning like a Cheshire cat. “I like her, Jessie.”

  Her expression softened. “I know.”

  Uncomfortable with the emotions tugging at his chest, he ripped off his hat and threaded his fingers through his hair. “I’ve never felt like this.”

  She reached out and squeezed his arm. “I know.”

  “So what do I do?”

  “Nothing. Just let it happen.”

  When he saw Becky beating a path toward them, he grabbed Jessie’s hand. “Looks like we need to dance.”

  As they shuffled across the floor, he kept an eye on Tess, making sure that when the song ended he stood next to her.

  “Hey, Clint. How ’bout taking your sister-in-law for a spin.” Jessie moved into the man’s arms before he could answer. “Have fun, you two,” she threw over a shoulder as the music began and carried them away.

  “Clancy?” Becky’s voice crept across his skin like an army of ants. Judging by Tess’s hardened expression, she wasn’t happy either. “You promised me another dance.” She pushed out her bottom lip and waited for an answer.

  “You’ll have to settle for his wing-man.” Ty stepped from the crowd and came to Clancy’s rescue. With big, puppyish eyes, he pouted playfully. “Don’t break my heart.”

  Becky chuckled at his antics. Ty had a way with women, from three to ninety-three. The smooth-talker a
nd his teasing nature drew women like bees to honey.

  “I wouldn’t think of it.” She stepped into his embrace.

  Ty winked, mouthing, “You owe me.”

  When they were out of earshot, Clancy took a breath of relief. “He’ll have his hands full this evening.”

  Tess flashed Becky an expression of dislike. “Better him than you.”

  “My sentiments exactly.” He drew her close. “Now, where were we?”

  “You were about to ask me if I want to go for a walk.” Moonlight shining down upon her face made her appear ethereal.

  My angel, whispered through his mind.

  “Your wish is my command.” Throwing an arm around her shoulder, he walked her off the dance floor. Just before they slipped into the darkness of the night, Levi joined them.

  “So are we still on for tomorrow?” He pulled his brows together in a contemplating expression that didn’t fool Clancy as the boy continued. “I was thinking about purchasing a Charolais bull or maybe a cow to breed to our Angus or Tommy Keegan’s Hereford. I hear Charolais produce more red meat and less fat. There’s a “red factor” Charolais cow two counties over for sale. Or we could look for some young calves to experiment on.”

  Okay. So maybe this wasn’t a ploy to keep his sister from disappearing into the night with Clancy. Clearly Levi had done his homework if he realized the breed standards not only accepted the almost pure white cattle, but also the light red ones.

  “Wow. You’ve put a lot of thought into this, haven’t you?” The twinkle in Tess’s eye revealed she wasn’t buying it. “Perhaps we could discuss this tomorrow.”

  “Sure. Oh, hey, Clancy. What are your thoughts on Charbrays?”

  Tess glanced toward Clancy.

  “It’s an offspring of Charolais crossed with a Brahma,” he explained. “It is recognized as a breed in its own right.”

  “Good to know.” She smiled, threading her arm through Clancy’s and giving him a tug toward the shadows.

  Levi frowned, but must have caught himself, because he cleared his throat. “So would you say Angus, Hereford, or Brahma, are the smarter choice?”

  Before Clancy could answer, Tess did. “I think the smart thing to do is to accept this thing between Clancy and me. Good night, Levi.”

  “But, Tess—”

  “Good night, Levi,” she repeated.

  Discouraged, he shook his head and walked off.

  Clancy raised the back of her hand to his lips. “Can’t blame him for trying.”

  She sighed. “This isn’t going to be easy.”

  “Nothing worth having ever is.” He leaned down and closed his mouth over hers. “So what do you say we slip into the shadows and let me have my way with you?” he muttered against her lips.

  “Hmmm…sounds like it has potential.”

  He glanced around for Levi before he pulled her deeper into the darkness.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Waking in a daze, Tess yawned until her bottom jaw ached. She needed coffee, so much so that when she climbed out of bed and couldn’t find her slippers, she stepped barefoot out into the hall.

  Late nights had become a norm since she and Clancy had revealed their feelings about each other. Only when he left for Austin on business did they spend evenings apart.

  Most of the their time together was going to dinner, taking a walk or ride, and long talks or just peaceful silence shared between them on the porch swing. Occasionally they found precious moments to make love, but for all his previous talk of blindfolds and whips, he never introduced them to her. When she brought up the subject, he kissed her in a way that she lost track of time, as well as what they were talking about.

  Of course, those times together were limited since Milo and Julie had taken over Clancy’s house and Levi watched them like a hawk or insisted on tagging along when they went out. It was becoming more and more difficult to find time alone. She knew at some point she would have to have a heart-to-heart with her brother, but for now it seemed more important that they work to come together as a family.

  Half-asleep, she shuffled her way to the kitchen, the rich smell of coffee and bacon leading the way. As usual her siblings were up and preparing for the chores ahead of them. Only she had grabbed an extra hour of sleep on this lazy Saturday. Placing a palm against the door, she heard someone say her name and she stopped short, listening.

  “Give her a break, Levi,” Rachel grumbled. “Do you have any idea what she’s given up for us?”

  “Hell yes. But he isn’t good enough for her.”

  “And who assigned you the morality judge,” Rose snapped. “You know you’re not a perfect angel. I saw you with that Peterson girl.”

  Now that caught Tess’s attention. For a moment, she wondered what hot water Levi had gotten himself into. Then again, maybe ignorance was bliss. She eased closer to the door, her drooping eyelids now wide open.

  “She’s happier than I’ve ever seen her. Haven’t you seen the way she looks at him?” Rachel’s voice softened. “It’s like how Mom used to look at Dad.”

  Chills raced across Tess’s arms. Her pulse flickered alive.

  Her mother had once told Tess that her heart would know when she found true love, even if her mind fought the truth. The memory of her mother’s soft laughter and words stroked the recess of Tess’s mind. “Baby, you probably won’t even like him. Lord knows that’s how it started between me and your dad.”

  Tess collapsed against the cool, stucco wall. Had she fallen in love with Clancy?

  In all honesty, Wednesday and Thursday nights had been horrible without him, not seeing him, not kissing him goodnight. Only after he’d called each night and they spent an hour, almost two, talking, could she finally fall asleep.

  “She could be happy with someone else. Someone who would treat her right.” Tess heard her brother blow out a frustrated breath. “Someone who hasn’t been with every damn woman in the State of Texas.

  Although Levi’s comment hurt, the past was the past. She wouldn’t dwell on Clancy’s other women any more than she wanted him to brood over the men she’d had in her life. She would rather focus on the fact she planned to be his last.

  “You’d have to be blind not to see the way Clancy looks at Tess. Levi, the man’s in love with her.” Rose nearly growled the revelation.

  A smile slid across Tess’s face. Was he in love with her? A wave of warmth undulated through her body, almost as if she could feel Clancy’s arms close around her. She couldn’t wait until this afternoon.

  “Yeah, but—”

  Tess feigned coughing, silencing Levi before she pushed open the door. “Good morning.” She glanced to the half-full coffee pot. “Thank God, coffee.”

  “You know your butt wouldn’t be dragging if you got to bed a little earlier.”

  Ohmygod. Her eighteen-year-old brother did not just say that to her. He sounded like a mother hen, and it was finally getting irritating.

  “Yeah, but she wouldn’t be smiling ear to ear if she had.” Rose chuckled and Rachel joined in.

  Levi’s expression hardened. “You know there is a lot to do around here today.”

  As Tess slipped into a chair and grabbed a piece of crispy bacon off the plate in the center of the table, she leveled her sight on him. “Is there something you’re getting at?” She took a bite and chewed. The smoky taste made her stomach grumble with hunger.

  Fork in hand, he chased a piece of uneaten egg around his plate. “I’m just saying, hope you don’t have any plans for today.”

  “As a matter of fact I do.” She inhaled the steamy coffee before she took a careful sip. Awww…now that’s what she needed. “I’m going riding with Clancy.”


  “Back off, Levi.” Three sets of startled eyes nailed Rachel. Usually the quiet and least confrontational one of the bunch, she made her stance on the subject known, before she turned to Tess. “One or two eggs?” She pushed to her feet.

  “One,” Tess re
plied, still stunned by her sister’s outburst. A quick glance in Levi’s direction found him looking a little browbeaten. “Come with us this afternoon.”

  Levi’s eyes widened. “Me? Why?”

  She couldn’t help the grin tugging at her mouth. “Clancy has something he wants to show us.”

  His brows dipped suspiciously. “What?”

  “I don’t know, but we’ll join him at his place around noon.”

  Rachel set a plate before Tess. “What about us?”

  “Thank you.” Tess reached for the salt and pepper to season her egg. “You’re welcome to come too.”

  The legs of Rose’s chair scraped across the floor as she stood and began to clear the table. “I think the mall sounds more inviting. How ’bout it, sis?”

  Rachel shrugged. “Okay.”

  “But first we need to muck the stalls,” Levi reminded them.

  “Agrhhh…” the twins moaned.

  As her sisters cleaned up, Tess finished her breakfast. Neither of her siblings tarried, but left promptly to start their chores. It took Tess longer to get motivated, but finally she headed back to her bedroom and donned a pair of old jeans and a long-sleeved shirt, before heading out the door.

  The grinding of heavy equipment moaned in the distance, joined by Levi’s all-terrain-vehicle. The whine of his four-wheeler stopped when he shut off the engine and strolled toward her.

  She should have known Levi would be all over something that was happening adjacent to their property. “What’s going on?”

  “Looks like the Jensen’s must have sold the land that abuts the back of ours. They’re clearing the trees along the fence line and look to be digging a stream and pond to catch the runoff from the mountains.” He took off his hat and wiped the sweat from his forehead. “Wish we could have purchased that land.” The wistfulness in his voice bothered her, but she hadn’t had a choice.

  “That would have taken all our savings. We couldn’t take the chance. Not knowing exactly how this venture would work out.”

  “I know. I was just saying.” He raised a shoulder and let it fall. Then he sighed. “C’mon. There’s a pile of horse manure with your name on it.”


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