Love the Sea (Saved by Pirates Book 2)

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Love the Sea (Saved by Pirates Book 2) Page 6

by G. Bailey

  “The king wants to see you,” one of the guards says and opens the door to my cage.

  “Alone?” Everly asks, walking to the door of her cage and watching.

  “Yes, alone. She will be returned safe,” he replies, and Everly nods at the guard, seeming to trust what he says. He holds a pair of handcuffs out for me, and I nod, letting him put them on me despite wanting to put them around his neck to strangle him with. The other guard goes to my other side as he leads us out. Everly and my father stand to watch as I leave, their determined eyes watching me. Just seeing them both standing strong gives me some kind of deep strength. We walk out of the dungeons, down the corridor, and to the other end before going up some stairs. I don’t question them as we stroll down the silent corridors, but I do wonder where we are when we arrive at a locked door. The door has three locks on it, and the guard on my right moves away from me to unlock it. While he is distracted, I eye the knife strapped to the guard’s thigh who is holding my arm. I take a step closer before pretending to fall over, and the moment the guard lets go of my arm, I slam my leg into his and he falls in shock. I reach for the knife and pull it out. I step back as the other guard turns to look at me, and I hold the knife in the air.

  “Don’t,” I warn just as the door is opened and Jacob walks out. Both the guards look at him and then back to me.

  “Cass…,” Jacob says. The guards step to the side, but don’t stop him as he walks over to me. I see the guards step into the room and shut the door from the corner of my eye, but I can’t focus on anything other than Jacob. My hand doesn’t drop the knife, but I don’t move as he slides his warm hand over mine on the knife and slowly lowers it. Jacob looks different in some ways, but in others, I know he is my same Jacob. He has cut his messy brown hair short, and it looks brushed as well. Jacob has a guard’s uniform on, so different and more formal than the pirate clothes I’m used to seeing. When I look up into his eyes, I just remember the pirate who jumped into the Green Sea to save me. The pirate who told me sweet stories about stars that his mother had told him. The same pirate who fought to save me on the day I was taken from them all. I drop the knife and throw myself at him, my arms going around his large shoulders and my forehead pressing into the middle of his chest. Jacob leans down and presses a kiss to the top of my head, and keeps his lips there for a long time as I rest against him.

  “I’ve prayed to the stars that I would get to hold you one more time, Cass,” he says gently, and I look up at him as his lips move away.

  “Why?” I can’t help but ask, already knowing the answer, because I feel the same. And yet, I still want to hear the words.

  “Because I know I’m yours. I knew when something woke me up from my sleep and I walked to the edge of the deck to see your boat crash into our ship,” he says. I never realised he was sleeping and woke up to save me.

  “Jacob,” I whisper.

  “I know, because I believe that we are all destined for each other. That you were always planned to be here. That we were always planned to save you, to love you, and for you to love us,” he says and presses his forehead into mine. There’s a warm feeling that spreads throughout my body from my mark. It’s soothing and calm, like Jacob, which is slightly different from how it felt when I bonded with Ryland and Hunter. It doesn’t hurt, and when he pulls away with a slightly dazed look, my upside-down triangle is in the middle of his forehead.

  “I’m your chosen,” he tells me gently, but the pride in his voice can’t be missed.

  “Like Ryland and Hunter?” I ask, wondering how much he knows. I don’t want to lie to him, or to not tell him about the others and how I feel.

  “Yes. We have a lot to tell you,” he says with a sigh and steps away, as I watch him in shock. He lifts my handcuffed hands and gently presses a kiss on top of them before walking us over to the locked doors. Jacob knocks and one of the guards opens it, and we go in as both the guards go outside. I hear the doors being locked behind us, but I just lock eyes with Ryland.

  “If my hands weren’t tied up, I would punch you,” I say calmly, but I mean every word.

  “I don’t doubt it,” Ryland replies and smiles a little, which makes me want to smile back, but I don’t. He has lied to me, ignored me, and most importantly, I have no idea if I can trust him. He is the crown prince.

  “Should I trust you?”

  “Do you? I always said I would keep you safe. Nothing has changed,” he says.

  “Everything has changed. Everything,” I say and walk over to him. He doesn’t move as I reach up and wipe away the paste that covers up his mark on his forehead. “That changed when you kissed me,” I whisper. He looks down at me and undoes my handcuffs, sliding them off my wrists and putting them on the chest of drawers near us.

  “If you are going to punch me, get on with it,” he says, moving closer to me and never taking his eyes off mine. “You kissed me back, Cassandra.” Then, he leans down and kisses me again. This time it’s slower and I can’t help the little noise of pleasure that escapes me as I kiss him back and he places his hands on my back.

  “I would spend all of our time together kissing you, but I can’t. We only have a short amount of time and a lot to tell you. Plus, we want to clean you up and make sure you are okay,” he tells me.

  “Where are we?” I ask him, looking at what seems like a simple room, but the locks on the door make no sense to me. I watch as Jacob walks over to the small bathtub and pours three buckets of warm water into it. Ryland walks over to a dresser and hands me a glass and a small plate of food before answering me. I quickly drink the sweet water that tastes like fruit and start eating the cut-up banana and apples.

  “My mother’s room, the queen. She is out on her weekly trip to the beach with my father. It’s the only safe time and place to get you out,” Ryland says and walks over to a desk. He opens the drawer and pulls out a small pot.

  “We need to cover the marks up, just in case, and while we do, you need to listen to me,” Ryland says, and I nod. The time for romance is over. It will all mean nothing if we don’t get out of here. Jacob gets a finger full of paste before mixing it over his mark and Ryland does the same.

  “The next game is in two days, and it’s water. He will take you to the basement of the castle and its maze down there,” he says as I finish eating the food and put the plate down. I keep sipping my drink until it’s gone as I think about what he just said.

  “What does that have to do with water?” I ask.

  “The middle of the maze is risen above the rest, and it’s the only place where you can survive the flood,” he tells me, and I put the glass down.

  “Flood?” I ask, fear spreading through me. I can’t swim.

  “Yes, they will flood the maze with you in it. You have to run and then swim to get to the middle.” He pauses when he sees my panicked look. “If you are fast enough, you won’t need to swim.”

  “I can’t swim,” I say, shaking my head and stepping back in shock while my body goes numb. I can’t die down there or in this castle.

  “Trust me, I will never let you die in the games. We have a plan and we are messing with the flood controls. It won’t be as bad as it usually is,” Ryland says, wiping his finger on a cloth now that his mark is covered up.

  “Why don’t you have a bath? We won’t look, but we have to stay in the room,” Jacob suggests. I look down at my blood-stained clothes, seeing the dirt all over my hands and no doubt in my hair.

  “Do I smell that bad?” I ask, and they both laugh, avoiding answering me. I chuckle, walking over to the bath.

  “You don’t have to leave,” I whisper, but their eyes widen, so I know they heard me. I stand still for a second, letting their eyes look me over before I reach down and get the bottom of my shirt, pulling it up and over my head. I don’t cover myself up, and I hear their breaths hitch. I reach down and pull my boots off, and then my tight trousers and underwear. I stand completely naked before them, and it doesn’t feel wrong in any way. It f
eels right. I turn around, and step into the water, lowering myself down into the bath and taking a deep sigh.

  “This feels amazing,” I whisper.

  Jacob is the first one to say anything. “Can I come closer? I would like to wash your hair,” he says, and I turn on my side to look at him. I nod, watching as he walks over and kneels at the head of the bathtub.

  “Put your head under,” he asks me, and I do, lowering my head underneath the water and coming back up. Jacob’s large hands slide into my hair, and I watch Ryland as he stands close, just watching me and Jacob as he starts undoing all the little braids and knots in my hair. Ryland finally moves, going to a cabinet and opening it up. He closes it after getting a small glass bottle out and walks over to us. He hands the bottle to Jacob and then tries to walk away, but I reach out and grab his hand.

  “Don’t go,” I whisper.

  “You sure you can handle me not walking away? What you are asking?” he asks me, and I give him a single nod. I know I chose them, and that I’m old enough to make this decision on my own. Ryland smiles, before leaning over and kissing me, my wet hands sliding into his hair. Jacob’s hands slide down my chest slowly, and each graze of his fingers makes it feel like they are burning a path into my skin. Jacob’s hands slide over my breasts, his fingers rubbing my hard nipples and making my back arch in pleasure.

  “Let’s get you out,” Ryland suggests, and Jacob’s warm hands move away. I stand up, water dripping down my body, and my pirates seem to trace every drop with their eyes. Jacob hands me a towel after a long pause between us all. I rub the towel down my body before dropping it on the floor, and Ryland offers me a hand to get out.

  “Are you sure? We will be gentle,” Jacob asks as Ryland lets go of my hand. I walk over to Jacob, reaching for the bottom of his shirt and pulling it up over his head.

  “I’m sure that I love you both, and I want to be with you. Give me something to dream about, something worth fighting for,” I say. I hear Ryland walking over as Jacob leans down and kisses me. His kisses are gentle, but teasing as they build up my need for them both with every stroke.

  “On the bed,” I hear Ryland say, as his hands slide around my waist and Jacob lets me go. I turn just as Ryland picks me up, carrying me back to the bed and laying me down. I slide my hands up Ryland’s naked chest, seeing little burn marks and wondering what caused them. Ryland undoes his trousers as Jacob gets onto the bed. He is completely naked and my eyes widen at the thick length between his thighs. I reach out, taking him in my hand and he leans back, a moan escaping his lips as I rub him up and down.

  “Cassandra,” Jacob groans, just as I feel Ryland kissing his way down my stomach. I moan out in pleasure as he kisses my core, his tongue circling around, and the pleasure is uncontrollable as it takes me over. I rub Jacob harder as my climax builds up, and suddenly, a burst of pleasure rushes through me. My back arches and I scream out in ecstasy. Ryland’s lips move away, kissing his way back up my body as I come back from the haze.

  “This will hurt at the start, but it gets better,” he says, and I feel his hot, thick length between my legs, pressing at my core. I widen my legs, just as Ryland slides inside me with one long stroke. Pleasure and an intense pain shoot through me, bringing tears to my eyes. I keep stroking Jacob, as Ryland stays still inside me and kisses my tears away.

  “Only the first time is like this. Never again,” he tells me, and I nod, not wanting to move for fear of the pain. Jacob slowly moves closer and leans his head down, sucking my right nipple into his mouth. I moan out in pleasure as Ryland does the same to my other nipple and then slowly starts to move.

  “You feel god damn incredible,” Ryland groans, his speed picking up as he is forced to move his mouth off my nipple and Jacob replaces his mouth with his hand. I grab his length again and start stroking him harder.

  “Harder,” I moan, as my pleasure builds up again and I know I need more. Both Jacob and Ryland groan at my words, and Ryland leans down, kissing me hard as he picks up speed. I moan out as pleasure makes me tighten around Ryland and I feel him finishing inside me. Seconds later, Jacob moans out and I feel him finish in my hand. All of us collapse to the bed, our breathing hard and none of us speaking a word.

  “That was perfect,” Jacob says.

  “I agree, more perfect than I ever imagined,” Ryland mutters, kissing my cheek gently and rolling off me onto the other side of the bed. “Are you sore?” he asks.

  “A little,” I admit, seeing the small amount of blood on the sheets and knowing I’m likely to be sore for a few days.

  “Where are Zack, Chaz, and Dante?” I ask them after we all get our breath back. He smiles as he looks at me.

  “Coming to you.”

  “That makes no sense,” I say, and he walks over to me.

  “Trust us, okay? You will see them soon, and I know they are as desperate to see you as we were,” Ryland tells me.

  “Fine. Just tell me they are well?” I ask, and he nods. We all get up off the bed, using the bath water to clean up, and then I put my ruined clothes back on.

  “I wish I could dress you in better clothes, but the king can’t know we saw you,” Jacob says gently.

  “I get it, don’t worry,” I say. Jacob walks over and gives me a small basket filled with food.

  “Eat up. You will need your strength,” he says. I eat one of the pieces of bread before shoving the other two into the pockets of my trousers, then I eat the apple, too. I feel sick by the time I’ve eaten everything; my stomach being empty for so long doesn’t help.

  “For Everly and my father,” I say.

  “Everly is the girl you grew up with, and her mother was the one who died in the first game?” Ryland asks, remembering what I told him about my past.

  “Yes, Everly isn’t coping well and my father doesn’t speak to me,” I whisper, not wanting to admit how much I hate that he won’t look my way.

  “It must be difficult for him, as it is for all of us, having you here and not being able to keep you safe,” Ryland admits to me.

  “Ryland,” I whisper and go to sit on the bed. I don’t move as he kneels between my legs and I feel Jacob sit next to me, his arm going around my waist. Ryland slowly slides his hands up my legs and makes me look to him. We are both at the same level, so all I can see are his blue eyes as they watch my own.

  “You know I’m your chosen, and that Jacob is?” he asks me.

  “I don’t understand what a ‘chosen’ is,” I comment.

  “Every changed one has a certain amount of chosen. My mother is a changed one, and my father is one of her chosen,” Ryland tells me.

  “He has powers,” I say, looking at my arms, but they can’t see the marks that line them. Ryland follows my gaze and I try to stop him as he pulls the sleeves up to look at the marks. I hoped he hadn’t seen them.

  “They look so much worse up close,” I whisper, but they still hear me.

  “I saw these marks when you were in the bath, and when I was inside of you. Don’t hide from me, Cassandra. I’m going to kill my father for this,” he says. Jacob takes my other arm, pulling the sleeve up to see the marks. The burns are a light green thanks to the powder, and look like different shades marking my arms.

  “I can find a cure for this, a better fix,” Jacob tells me.

  “Don’t, I don’t want that. He did this and this is just a reminder of why we have to stop him,” I say, knowing he is Ryland’s father, but he has done too much already. I can’t think of anything except revenge.

  “I have wanted his death for a long time, long before he ever touched you. Now, everything has changed,” Ryland answers, as he and Jacob share a look.

  “How does he have powers? Can you get powers somehow?” I ask, wondering if they could have my water gift.

  “Let me tell you a story, the story that is told by no one. I only know because my grandmother told me,” he says, reminding me of Laura. I haven’t had a chance to think about it, but she is their grandmothe
r, which made her a royal of some kind. It explains her better-than-everyone-else attitude.

  “Laura was the old queen…,” I say, remembering the story I read about the queen and king, and the changed child they had. They also said that everyone born into the family was a changed one, and male. So, Laura must have been a chosen at some point, and then lost her changed one. Or maybe she was never chosen and just loved the king?

  “Yes,” he says and reaches up, pushing a stray hair out of my eyes.

  “Forty years ago, the first female changed one was born into the family. My mother, Riah Dragon. My grandfather was a changed one, but he never found a chosen. For some, they never do. He married Laura, because he loved her, not because of any bond.” He pauses, and I look over to Jacob as he continues the story.

  “Riah grew into a very beautiful young woman, and she bonded with four men, her chosen. They were called the four princes of Calais,” he tells me. “All of them were said to be happy and strong together, and that they would take the throne when King Alexander Dragon and Queen Lauraina Dragon stepped down or passed away…” Jacob’s voice drifts off.

  “That never happened,” I finish his sentence.

  “No, it didn’t,” Ryland agrees. “You have to know, King Alexander was the one who decreed all changed ones to be killed, but towards the end of his reign, Laura told us he was going to change the law. He wanted all changed ones to be brought to a special school and trained to control their powers. Their families could live near, and peace would be made as the world was suffering. They would stop the hunt of the changed ones and give them a chance to live, but my father disagreed. He did not want that to happen,” Ryland tells me lightly.

  “You have to understand that my father was, and is, a jealous man,” Ryland tells me. I nod, encouraging him with my eyes to carry on.


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