Theirs to Capture

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Theirs to Capture Page 2

by Shelli Stevens

Chapter Two

  Delilah’s eyes snapped open and she froze, daring not to breathe. Another branch snapped nearby and her heart thudded in terror. God! How long had she slept?

  Sunlight hinted, for the forest was no longer as dark. Her head rested against her arm, and though she dared not move, she let her gaze scan between the leaves of the bush she hid in. A flash of a tawny mane came from her right and her stomach sank.

  Jason. She’d recognize him anywhere, even in lion form. She drew her bottom lip between her teeth, biting down so she wouldn’t whimper. How had they found her so soon? And how could she have been so careless as to oversleep? She’d intended to fly long before the sun rose. By crawling into these bushes, she’d trapped herself. It would be impossible to shift and fly out with the thick growth and branches above her.

  Despite her effort not to make any noise, she choked on a soft sob of frustration.

  The lion stilled, his head swiveling toward the bush she hid in. Then, as she watched, he shifted. The face distorted into human form—familiar blue eyes appeared and the red mane of hair shrank to coat his scalp with a lighter shade of soft red hair. His body stretched and popped, before he stood tall and naked before the brush she hid in.

  “Come out, Delilah,” Jason said softly. “It is useless to try to run.”

  She clenched her jaw. As if she’d actually give in that easily. Springing to her feet, she charged from the brush and dodged past him, trying to shift before he could grab her.

  His fingers caught her elbow, swinging her around and into his arms before she could transition.

  “Let me go, Jason!” She pummeled his chest with clenched fists.

  Catching her other elbow, he pulled her hard against him so she couldn’t get much leverage with her hits.

  His eyes flashed with irritation. “Calm yourself.”

  “Calm myself?” she repeated, her nostrils flaring. “How dare you, Jason? We were friends.”

  “Yes, and now we shall be so much more, Lila.” His gaze softened. “Truly, is it really so awful? You always knew that someday you would be given in union. I had dared hope you might have even been pleased by the idea I would be one of your mates.” His mouth curved sardonically. “Pierce is fair and kind—a giving lover. And you and I already have trust and friendship.”

  Her eyes widened. Jason had firsthand knowledge of Pierce’s experience as a lover? It surprised her, but only a bit. She’d always suspected he enjoyed the attention of both sexes. Delilah lifted her chin, focusing instead on the lie he had just spouted.

  “Had trust, Jason. Until you pulled something like this. How could I possibly be pleased?” She glanced around. “And where is the other prince now?”

  “Searching the other side of this territory for you. I should probably call him,” he murmured, his gaze roving her face. “But I want this first moment alone with you, Lila. Tell me, have you never thought of us in such a light? Have you never imagined us as lovers?”

  “No!” she sputtered, heat flooding her face. “Never, Jason. You were my friend. Never did I suspect you wanted more. I can’t even imagine…”

  “No?” He cocked an eyebrow and pulled her hand inward, flattening her palm against his chest. “Perhaps I should help you do more than imagine.”

  Beneath her palm, his chest felt warm and rigid, and she could just barely feel the soft thump of his heart. Something stirred low in her belly, heat spread through her blood before gathering heavily between her thighs.

  What was happening? She lifted startled eyes to Jason’s face.

  “You feel it, Lila,” he whispered. “This connection between us. And it will be even stronger with Pierce.”

  “No.” Her head twisted from side to side.


  Before she could guess his intentions, he’d released one elbow to cup her breast in his large hand. Tingles raced through her body and her nipple immediately beaded against his palm.

  “Already your body responds to me.” His gaze dropped. “Look at how your flesh tightens…darkens. That dusky nipple, so dark and demanding. Do you ever wonder, Lila, what it would feel like to have a man suck on your breast?”

  Her sex clenched at his words, moisture gathering between the folds of her pussy.

  “Jason…” she pleaded, her voice nowhere near steady.

  “Yes, sweetness.” He released her breast and moved both hands to cup her ass, lifting her body high against his chest.

  Her breast brushed his face and her nipple tightened further, almost eager for the promise of his mouth. Her head spun and she gripped his shoulders, digging her nails in as she fought the vortex of emotions and sensations. This was not right. It couldn’t be.

  His tongue flicked against the tip of her breast, rough and wet.

  “Mmm, Delilah,” he groaned. “You taste like sunlight and sugar.”

  Then his mouth was on her, drawing her breast into his mouth as he sucked fiercely on her. Pleasure ricocheted through her body and the area between her legs grew damper. Her breath escaped in tiny little gasps.

  The hands that gripped her ass tightened, and he slid a few fingers inward, stroking over the slit of her pussy.

  He groaned and lifted his head. “Damn, you’re all warm and wet, Lila.”

  “Jason.” She whispered his name to stay afloat. “This isn’t right. We are friends.”

  He nuzzled her breasts, his fingers sliding along her slick folds. “When my mouth is on you, does it feel friendly, sweetness? When my fingers stroke the edge of your soaked cunt, can you tell me you only wish for my friendship?”

  No. Her eyes fluttered closed. The touch of his fingers brought up all kinds of primitive feelings within her that she never knew existed. Made her want to slide down lower against his body, and sink onto the cock that pressed erect against her bottom.

  Which would be insanity! This was Jason. As a child, he was the boy who’d pulled her hair and pushed her into puddles. Then later they’d become confidants, often walking and talking for hours on end.

  He’s betrayed you, the voice deep within her mind screamed. Your father has sold you off to both princes as part of a bargain. There is no love involved and never will be.

  Delilah squirmed against him, pressing hard against his shoulders. “Stop. Jason, stop!”

  Jason drew on her nipple again, sending another line of pleasure straight between her legs, before he lifted his head reluctantly.

  “You’re right, sweetness. I am outside my privileges. I should call for Pierce before we continue further.” He sank one finger into her pussy and groaned. “For although I would very much love to plunder your sweet pussy in every manner, we have decided that Pierce will be the one to pluck your flower.”

  Her body was on fire. Every part of her tingled with awareness. And what had he just said about a flower? “My what?”

  Jason laughed softly and urged her legs around his waist. Then he pressed his finger deeper into her body, stretching her, invading her. Almost to the point of discomfort. And yet, it offered up more pleasure than pain. And then he stopped, went no deeper.

  “This, sweetness. This little barrier that guards your virginity.” Regret flickered across his face before he pulled his finger from her body.

  Humiliation and arousal sent another flush to her cheeks. How easily both these men manipulated her emotions. Turn her into some wanton…oh, it was ridiculous!

  “Your destiny is not a bad thing, Lila. You may even find you like it.” Jason lowered her body again so that her face was near his and then pressed his mouth against hers.

  His lips were soft, his tongue gentle when it slipped into her mouth to coax an unwilling response from her. He tasted of wine, but with a musky undercurrent of something else. Something so potent and male. His tongue rubbed against hers softly, before he retreated to draw on her bottom lip.

  Jason lifted his head and his mouth abandoned hers, leaving her feeling strangely empty and cold.

  She blinked, trying to r
egain her senses. She had to escape this madness. Now! Before it was too late and she found herself bound and united with the two men.

  “Please, Jason. Release me,” she murmured. “You woke me and I…have not had a moment to relieve myself.”

  He gave a soft laugh and lowered her feet to the ground. Her knees almost buckled, so liquid he’d turned her limbs, that he kept an arm around her to keep her upright.

  “Do you swear on our friendship, Lila, that you will not run?”

  Delilah gave him her sweetest smile and nodded. “I swear on our friendship I will not run, Jason. I think perhaps we should all just talk and straighten things out.”

  He watched her closely and then gave a small nod. “Then you may take a moment to yourself. But keep in mind I will have an eye on you.”

  I never said anything about flying.

  Her smile thinned, but she murmured a demure, “Of course.”

  He tilted his head back and let out a piercing roar, channeling his inner lion. Her blood chilled and she knew she’d run out of time. Jason was summoning Pierce.

  She knelt down rapidly and grabbed a fistful of earth. When she stood up, Jason was just lowering his head and quieting his call. She hurled the dirt at his face and darted. Adrenaline mixed with guilt when he let out a pained scream.

  Knowing his sight was limited—if even just for a second—she rushed past him, already shifting. Her arms retreated into wings, her body shrank and converted into falcon form. And then, even as he made a desperate lunge after her, she rose into the air and to safety once more.

  Chapter Three

  Pierce bounded across the land in tiger form, over the hills and flat plains, moving steadily toward the forest.

  Finally, Jason had located their mate. And it was about time. He’d spent all night searching for her, thinking about how he was going to enjoy laying his hand over her rebellious little ass.

  God, that ass. His blood stirred and he increased his pace. That entire body, really. So soft and curved. He wanted to fuck every part of her. Her full mouth that was so fond of pouting, her pretty virgin pussy, and the saucy curve of her ass. He’d have them all. And share them with Jason, the prince of lions. They would join with her together and whether Delilah was ready to admit it or not, she would enjoy it.

  The furious roar that filled the air drew him to an abrupt stop. Shit. Something had gone wrong. That was Jason and he did not sound pleased. His gaze darted to the sky just in time to see a black falcon soar past him.

  His eyes narrowed and he let out a soft growl. Though, if he admitted it, within the frustration lay a small amount of amusement. So the little one had escaped them again, had she? Well, he would make sure this was her last getaway.

  Pierce turned and followed her, grateful that she was out of the woods and unobstructed in the sky. Had she seen him? Her flight seemed unhurried and lacking agitation, so perhaps she hadn’t glanced down and seen him. She likely felt safe up in the sky and out of their reach.

  He fell back a bit in his own pace, but stayed just behind her. That safety she felt would be her downfall. She would fly for a while, but she would need to perch eventually. Seek out food. And when she did…he would be waiting.

  Delilah’s hunger came far sooner than he expected. Pierce watched as, not even an hour later, she slowed in her flight, dropping lower in the sky as she hovered over the ground, seeking prey.

  They were nearing a group of trees, though it was not as dense as the previous forest where Jason had discovered her. As he watched, Delilah dove between two trees and disappeared.

  Pierce slowed his pace, stalking her unhurriedly. He would have to be stealthy, for the moment she became aware of his presence she would take flight again.

  He paused and listened. Twigs snapped, confirming his thought that she’d shifted to human form once again. A moment later he heard her muttering softly to herself.

  Did she truly feel such a false sense of safety? Perhaps she was on edge, frustrated. Jason had mentioned she had very little experience on her own outside the manor.

  He saw a flash of alabaster skin between the trees and desire stirred hot within him. He let himself shift, slowly in transition, keeping as quiet as possible so as not to alert her as she scavenged for food.

  “Surely there are berries,” he heard her mutter. “If I have to eat another damn squirrel…it’s positively uncivilized! No wonder I rarely make use of my falcon side.”

  Her voice grew closer and he knelt behind a bush. Excitement had his limbs coiled in readiness. His pulse raced and he licked his lips in anticipation.

  Dainty feet came into his line of vision, followed by smooth, pale legs. His gaze moved higher. Pierce’s cock hardened and the air locked in his chest. Blonde curls shielded the pink lips of her pretty, untouched pussy. How would it feel? Taste? Already he imagined her slick, musky cream on his—


  Delilah’s sharp scream knocked him to his senses. He lurched forward, grabbing her around the waist as she tried to spin away from him.

  She squirmed, slapping against his wrists. “Let me be, you beast!”

  “Yes, little one, I am. And you have no idea how much of a beast I can be, but you shall soon enough.”

  Her struggles caused her soft buttocks to rub against his thighs. Fire lanced through his blood and his cock twitched against her ass. He tightened his fingers across the silky skin of her stomach and nuzzled the nape of her neck, inhaling the fresh sweet scent of her.

  Delilah let out a sharp gasp, her body going rigid. “Please.”

  “Yes, little one.” He lowered his fingers, brushing the soft curls that hid her sex. “Beg me.”

  “Never,” she whispered.

  He felt her buttocks clench and her head turned to the side as she tried to avoid his mouth.

  “You cannot fight this union, Delilah.” He kissed the spot where her shoulder joined with her neck and triumph sizzled through him when she let out a soft moan.

  He slid his gaze over her shoulder to where each breath she dragged in made her plump breasts thrust high into the air. His own breathing grew ragged and, with a soft curse, he slid his hand back up her body to cuddle one breast. He jiggled the weight in his hand and molded his fingers around her to test her size. She fit perfectly in his palm.

  She let out a soft groan and her petite body trembled against him.

  “There is so much we will show you, little one.” He drew his thumb across her nipple and was rewarded when it puckered instantly. “How to receive pleasure…how to give it.”

  “But I don’t love you,” she protested raggedly.

  Pierce blinked, surprised at the sting of her words. Having her love wasn’t important for this union, so why should it bother him so much? Annoyed at his own moment of weakness, he ground his teeth together and spun her in his arms so that she now faced him.

  “A trivial matter,” he said quietly. “Love is not required for how you will serve us. And I can assure you that, as our mate, you will be treated to all luxuries and held in the highest of regards.”

  Her head shook from side to side, the panic in her eyes increasing. “I won’t do it. I won’t, Pierce.”

  “Yes, Delilah, you will.” He slid his hand up the back of her neck, holding her head still as his mouth descended onto hers.

  Her lips remained tightly pressed together, refusing to open to his tongue. With a soft laugh, he nipped lightly at her bottom lip. Her gasp of surprise gave him the opportunity to slip inside the forbidden cavern of her mouth.

  Her hands slammed against his chest, attempting to push him away, but they were no more effective than if she had been using her wings. Instead, the touch of her soft hands inflamed him further. His cock throbbed, lengthened and pressed into her belly.

  He sought her tongue, teasing it with soft gentle flicks, before curling his own around it and sucking gently. It only took a moment to realize she’d stopped pushing against him, and instead those delicate hands now ex
plored his chest openly.

  Lifting his head just a bit, he murmured a throaty, “Yes. Touch me, Delilah.” Then he claimed her mouth again.

  Her hands moved downward on him. Down his chest, to his abdomen. The breath locked in his chest. Lower, just a little lower.

  She hesitated only a moment before her fingers slipped those last few inches. His cock twitched against the edge of her hand and when she finally wrapped her fingers around his flesh, he about came in a heartbeat.

  Until she squeezed. Tightly.

  Pierce froze, his knees locking as pain signals rushed toward his brain.

  “Delilah,” he choked out. “That’s a bit hard.”

  “So I noticed.” She smirked. “I asked you to release me, Pierce. Now back off or I’ll break it in half.”

  “I’m not sure that’s possible, little one.” But he took a step backward, his only thought for the moment that she needed to release her death grip on his cock.

  Her fingers unwrapped from around him and, just as fast, she slammed her palms against his chest, pushing him backward.

  Pierce stumbled, trying to regain his footing and reach for her at the same time. She spun, ready to take flight.

  Relief poured through him as she was swiftly grabbed by Jason, who’d come up silently behind them.

  “Jason!” She retreated, obviously startled, and bumped right back into Pierce.

  Pierce drew in a deep breath, grabbing her hips to hold her immobile. He willed himself to control the anger that now burned in his gut. She’d threatened to break his cock in half like it was a damn sausage at a festival.

  “This time, Delilah, you’ve gone too far.” Jason shook his head, his eyes suspiciously bloodshot. “I do believe we will have to agree upon some form of punishment to bestow upon you.”

  Punishment. Pierce slid one hand down to the rounded curve of her ass and squeezed the soft flesh. Now that sounded like a lovely idea.

  Delilah whimpered, and though he couldn’t see her face, he could well envision her wide eyes and the realization that she’d gotten herself in too deep.

  Pulling his hand back, he swung it forward again to connect sharply with one round cheek.


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