Theirs to Capture

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Theirs to Capture Page 4

by Shelli Stevens

  There was silence for a moment, and then a harder rap on the door.

  “You have two minutes, little one,” Pierce began, his voice hard. “Or I break down the door and feed you your supper like a baby bird.”

  And he would likely do it too. Delilah ground her teeth together and reached for the dress she’d brought into the bathroom with her. At least they’d stocked the cabin with clothing and food, so she wouldn’t have to run around hungry and naked.

  She opened the door and took a step, faltering when she saw Pierce still stood just inches away. Her heart tripped and she swallowed hard. She was unable to look at him and not think about what had happened between the three of them.

  Fortunately he was at least clothed now.

  Pierce’s dark gaze, warm and amused, roved over her before settling on her face.

  Maybe he wasn’t conventionally handsome, but he had an edge, a ruggedness that made him so compelling. So raw. And that transferred over into his personality as well.

  She wanted to hate him for what had transpired earlier. Yet she couldn’t. As she’d known would happen, the intimate moment had only brought her closer to them. Opened her mind to this union a bit more.

  “How are you?” he asked softly.

  Lifting one shoulder, she tossed her head and let her hair flow down her back.

  “I am well, I suppose. All things considered.”

  He reached out and cupped her cheek with one hand. Her stomach flipped and she sucked in a quick breath. He’d showered earlier and she could smell the soap on his skin, see the hint of moisture in his dark hair.

  “All things considered. Yes, Delilah. You pleased us quite a bit this afternoon,” he murmured intimately. “I could never have imagined finding you so responsive. So…vocal.”

  Her face burned with an immediate blush and her eyes narrowed with resentment.

  “You are no gentleman to say such things.”

  He gave a husky laugh and lowered his head, brushing a feather-light kiss across her mouth. “Somehow I doubt it is a gentleman you would prefer in your bed, little one.”

  “Supper is ready.”

  Delilah drew back sharply at Jason’s announcement, lowering her gaze so Pierce wouldn’t see how accurate his statement was. Until this afternoon, she’d had no idea what kind of man would be best suited for her in the bedroom. Now…she could only imagine these two.

  Her lips quirked. Two. There was another thing she couldn’t have predicted.

  She moved to the table and sat down, gazing at the plate of meat and vegetables. Pierce settled next to her and began to eat.

  “You cooked?” Arching an eyebrow, Delilah glanced at Jason.

  He grinned. “I certainly did.”

  “I hope it is better than the mud pies you used to serve me. Made from the soil after a rainstorm.”

  Jason laughed and sat down across from her at the table. “I’ve come far in twelve years, Lila.”

  She smiled and then bit her lip, dismayed to find herself close to high spirits.

  “I have missed that.”

  She met Jason’s gaze. “Missed what?”

  “Your smile.”

  “Indeed,” Pierce agreed from beside her. “It’s quite beautiful.”

  Unwanted pleasure spread through her at their compliments and she flushed. “Thank you.”

  Turning her attention to her supper, she tried not to let herself become too comfortable with them. She was still opposed to this union…wasn’t she?

  Her brows drew together at her own uncertainty. The rest of the meal passed in a blur, with the conversation pleasant and the food good.

  When there was a sudden knock at the door, everything went still inside her. The relaxed atmosphere diminished in an instant.

  She glanced at the two men and found them staring at her.

  “It is time,” Jason murmured unnecessarily.

  Pierce pushed back his chair and stood. “I’ll bring him in.”

  The food she’d just eaten swirled heavily in her stomach and she pressed a hand to her forehead, suddenly lightheaded.

  Jason was beside her in an instant, crouching next to her chair. “Are you all right, Lila?”

  She exhaled on a soft huff and shrugged. “Do you really expect me to say yes, Jason?”

  He pushed a curl behind her ear and gave a slight smile. “Perhaps not. But I do expect your cooperation with this ceremony. No more funny business, okay? We have already been more than patient with you.”

  She looked up at the sound of an unfamiliar voice. The man who’d entered the small cabin was unfamiliar. Tall and stoic in appearance, he spoke quietly with Pierce. Instinctively, she knew she’d get no help from him, even if she wanted it.

  If? She scoffed at her own doubts again.

  Regardless, there were three men determined to see this union fulfilled tonight. Fighting it any longer was futile. She swallowed hard and gave a slight nod in response to Jason.

  He smiled and kissed her cheek. “There’s the girl I love. Come, let us start the ceremony.”

  When he helped her from the chair to take her to the other room, she didn’t resist him. Her mind had latched onto the last thing Jason said. Did he really love her?

  Pierce rubbed a hand across his naked chest, watching as Jason lit the half dozen candles in the bedroom. He was nude as well, as he prepared the room for their mating tonight.

  Pierce drew in a slow breath and bit back a groan. Already his cock stirred at the thought of fully taking Delilah tonight. They would have to go slow, though. No triad mating. Taking her maidenhead would be enough stimulation for one night.

  He glanced toward the bathroom, where she’d gone to bathe a short while ago. Unease flickered briefly inside him. She had been calm during the ceremony. Too calm, almost. Going through the motions with a flat energy and responding when needed in a monotone.

  It mattered not how she acted at the ceremony, he scoffed silently to himself. It only mattered that the union was now complete.

  Right. Tell yourself that all you wish. He bit back a sigh and crossed the room to lie down on the bed. The truth settled heavily in his gut. He didn’t want her to resent this union. He’d even let himself dare to hope that she might have cared for him. Though love was likely a long shot.

  He glanced at Jason. The other prince had a better chance at winning Delilah’s love than he did, being that they were already friends.

  “You worry too much,” Jason commented softly.

  Pierce scowled and reclined against a pillow. “How would you know my thoughts?”

  Jason gave him a reproachful smile. “I know you better than you realize.”

  “Yes, I suppose you do.” He hesitated. “Do you think she’ll ever come to love us?”

  Jason paused. “I am…optimistic.”

  The door down the hall clicked and the soft padding of feet could be heard.

  A moment later, Delilah appeared in the doorway.

  The breath caught in Pierce’s chest at the sight of her, and he heard Jason’s choked gasp as well.

  Pierce had wondered what she’d choose to wear to arrive in their bedroom. Nothing but her nude body, or the thin cream gown they’d bought for her.

  Pleasure hummed through his veins that she’d chosen the more traditional approach and had put on the gown. Her breasts pressed against the fabric, the rosy outline of her nipples clearly visible.

  He lowered his gaze to her small waist and the flare of her hips and then lower. His mouth went dry and he narrowed his eyes, just barely able to make out the dark shadow of curls at the apex of her thighs.

  Jerking his attention back to her face, he saw the shimmer of fear in her eyes. But there was something else. Was it arousal?

  Jason appeared at her side suddenly, lifting her hand and brushing a kiss across her knuckles.

  “You look exquisite, Lila.”

  Her chest rose with the deep breath she drew in and she turned to look at Jason. “Must we really
do this?”

  The warmth that had expanded in Pierce’s blood chilled. And still she wanted to deny them this night. Fight the inevitable.

  “Yes, Delilah. We must.” Pierce realized his words had come out more harshly than he’d intended when she flinched and clenched her fists at her side.

  Jason touched her shoulder and made a soft cluck of sympathy. “Yes, Delilah. You are our mate now. And now that we are all united, you must give yourself to us.”

  “Give myself.” Her lips twisted and she glanced away, her smile humorless. “Interesting choice of words. Give implies I’m willing.”

  Pierce sat up in the bed, his temper rising further. She mocked them and damn it, he could not handle much more of it. They’d been more than patient with her.

  Keeping his voice calm, he commanded, “Come to bed, little one. I will show you just how willing you will be.”

  He watched her eyes widen and those pink lips part. Jason cupped her elbow, murmuring something in her ear as he urged her toward the bed.

  She sank down on the edge of the mattress, still a good distance from him, and irritation swept through him. He moved across the bed and knelt beside her.

  “And I will presume your churlish behavior is due to nerves,” he said softly, brushing a curl over her shoulder.

  She didn’t answer, but he saw the flash of resentment in her eyes. Her chin rose and she arched an eyebrow. “Enough foreplay, Your Highness. Since you’re so determined to do this, why don’t you just mount me and get it over with?”

  He watched in amused disbelief as she reclined on the bed, folded her arms across her stomach and closed her eyes.

  Pierce raised his gaze to Jason, who shook his head, his jaw hardening.

  For a moment, Pierce pondered the idea of simply lifting her gown and rutting between her thighs like the beast she believed him to be.

  But that would be giving in to her spoiled little demand. And it was safe to say it would not be a pleasant experience for her. And oh, how he wanted this to be pleasant. More than pleasant.

  He wanted her to lose control again. To cry out both his and Jason’s names. To have her eyes glaze with abandonment as she begged for release.

  “A very sensual position, little one,” he drawled with a soft laugh. “But you’ll forgive me if I have no wish to rush this moment with you. Nor do I think you really want me to.”

  Chapter Six

  Delilah’s heart slammed into her ribcage. She squeezed her eyes closed tighter and tried not to moan when Pierce touched her hip.

  He’d successfully called her bluff. She’d been rebelling, hoping that if she goaded him enough to just take her quickly, she wouldn’t have to suffer through the ministrations of his touch.

  But suffer was a false word, for the moment either Pierce or Jason so much as breathed on her, she became a puddle at their feet. And now that Pierce declared their intent to take their time, she knew she was in trouble.

  Pierce’s hand moved over her belly and heat bloomed there. She bit back a panicked laugh and chewed her lower lip. Not that it mattered how long she fought them anymore. They were all united. Pierce, Jason and her father had gotten exactly what they’d intended all along.

  “How do you feel when I touch you here?” Pierce asked, trailing fingertips from hip to hip, lingering on her lower abdomen.

  Heat trailed his touch and moisture gathered heavily between her thighs.

  “No answer, little one? There are areas on your body that will answer for you.”

  Her breath locked as he trailed a hand up her stomach, over her ribcage to cup her breast.

  “So full and soft,” he murmured. “Jason, do you see how her nipple responds to my hand? Tightening in its greedy need. Apparently it is unpleasant?”

  Both men gave a soft laugh and a moan gurgled low in her throat. Unpleasant? Hardly!

  “I wonder, will the other respond similarly to you, Jason?”

  “Hmm. Shall we see, Lila?” Jason murmured.

  A second later his hand covered her other breast and her nipple immediately beaded.

  Both men now held a breast, and with her eyes squeezed so tightly shut, her senses were on overload.

  Pierce’s touch was harder, not quite as gentle as he cupped her. His fingers knew exactly how to manipulate her nipple, though, rolling it and teasing it into a nearly painful peak.

  But Jason simply covered her breast with his large palm, moving the silky fabric of her gown back and forth over the tightened tip.

  Pierce suddenly replaced his hand with his mouth, suckling the tip through the silk. Each pull sent stabs of pleasure straight to her pussy.

  Delilah drew in a ragged breath and twisted her head on the comforter. Oh God. To have both of them touching her like this. Truly it undid her. Made her think the craziest thoughts.

  “Still, it’s possible her body only responds from friction?” Jason teased lightly. “There is another place on her body that will tell us if she enjoys our touch or not.”

  “There is. Shall we check?” Pierce murmured.

  “I believe we shall.”

  Another hand, she couldn’t be sure whose, traveled over her thigh, but did not raise her gown. Instead, his touch feathered over the juncture between her legs. Her bottom clenched in response and this time she was unable to hold back a moan.

  A finger moved suddenly, pressing against the slit of her pussy. Moving the fabric inside her as he penetrated her through the gown.

  “She is soaked,” Jason confirmed.

  If she weren’t so aroused by their touch, Jason’s words might have humiliated her.

  “Enough.” Pierce’s voice was thick with desire. “Open your eyes, little one.”

  Her lids fluttered open on their own volition and Pierce’s brown gaze, hot and possessive, met hers.

  “No more lies. We are your mates, and you will not pretend that we mean nothing to you anymore.”

  Her heart thudded in her chest and she ran her tongue over suddenly dry lips. Why fight it anymore? She couldn’t. If she admitted the truth to herself, she wasn’t sure she even wanted to. No. What she wanted was for them to keep touching her.

  “Do you understand?” he asked, cupping her jaw with his thumb and forefinger.

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  Triumph flickered in his gaze. “Let us remove your gown.”

  When he helped her into a sitting position, she didn’t resist. She perched on the edge of the bed, her feet dangling over. Both Pierce and Jason grasped the hem of her gown, urging her to lift her bottom so they could pull it up and off her body.

  Naked now, her body tingled in the cool air of the cabin. Her breasts swelled, aching for their hands and mouths again.

  “Jason will prepare your body for when my cock ultimately takes you.”

  Prepare her? The question died on her tongue as Jason climbed off the bed and knelt between her legs. Her pulse quickened and she watched as he pushed her thighs wide. Her breath caught when his head dipped low.

  Jason’s tongue drew over her moist folds and she cried out, stunned at the abruptness of it all. The exquisite pleasure.

  “So lovely,” he murmured, and then immediately sought out her clit, teasing it with soft flicks.

  Heat spread to every nerve in her body, tingles raced through her as each lick of Jason’s tongue brought her higher on that wave of pleasure.

  “How much do you want us?” Pierce asked, and moved behind her on the bed. He slid his hands around her ribcage to cup her breasts.

  Her breasts swelled and ached, the nipples tightening against his rough hands.

  “So much,” she confessed, arching into his touch, while burying her hands in Jason’s hair. “I cannot bear it any longer.”

  Pierce gave a soft laugh, before his tongue flicked over the lobe of her ear. More cream gathered in her pussy and she drew in a ragged breath.

  Jason’s tongue slid down to her channel, plunging inside her cunt again before he groaned. H
is mouth traveled all over her. Eating and tasting every part of her sex.

  “Please,” she begged and was rewarded when Pierce turned her head so he could kiss her, his tongue plunging deep. It flicked over her teeth before coming to mate with hers.

  He gave a soft growl and kneaded her breasts harder, pinching the nipples. When he lifted his head, her mouth was swollen.

  “Soon, little one. Soon. I want to make sure you are well prepared.”

  “I’m prepared.” She gasped, squeezing her thighs around Jason’s head. How could they even doubt as much?

  “Are you certain?” he kissed her neck and then glanced down at the other man. “Test her, Jason.”

  Jason’s head lifted from her pussy and he gave a quick nod. She watched as he pressed two fingers to her entrance, sliding them deep inside.

  “Oh!” Her head fell back against Pierce’s shoulder at the pressure that built inside her. The pleasure rose higher and she struggled to keep her eyes from crossing.

  “Yes. She is more than ready,” Jason agreed huskily. “So wet and yielding.”

  “Thank God.” Pierce disappeared from behind her, and she felt a moment disappointment. “Because I fear my own control is slipping.”

  Jason stood and climbed onto the bed, moving up toward the headboard. He sat with his legs spread wide and gestured to her.

  “Come, Delilah.”

  Her heart tripped and her mouth grew dry. Did he want her to sit beside him? She turned onto her hands and crawled toward him. He caught her around the waist and flipped her, so she faced away from him, and reclined with her head resting low on his chest.

  Moving forward slightly, he lifted her ass just enough to slide a pillow beneath it. With the elevation and her thighs parted, it left her pussy exposed in an almost blatant offering.

  “Comfortable, Lila?” he asked softly.

  She gave a slow nod, not trusting herself to speak without it coming out in some form of gibberish. Her mind was jumbled, her body strung high and ready for release.

  “Lovely.” Jason touched her clit once more, rolling the swollen bud with his finger until she let out a guttural moan.


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