A.O.E.M.: Dinner For Three

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A.O.E.M.: Dinner For Three Page 10

by Camille Anthony

  “Wake up, Chelle, honey. You’re having a nightmare.”

  “I told you we shouldn’t have pushed her so soon. The wolf thing and the biting was too much too soon.”

  Chelle smiled. That’s my Jason, always wary, always voting to take things slow and test each step. Damn! He’s just like me!

  “Shut the hell up, Jas, she’s not that weak-minded.”

  And that voice belongs to my Jon. The take-charge, impulsive knight in shining armor. Chelle opened her eyes. “Hi guys.”

  A second later, memory of the dream hit her. “Oh my God! Jonathan, Jason, you both have a choice to make!”

  “Honey, what’s wrong?” Both men gathered her close.

  Chelle snuggled into both, wrapping her arms around each. This was what she loved about them, the sense of being surrounded with love and ready protection -- even when she didn’t need it. “You got it wrong!”


  “The sorcerer… guys, he freed you of what you call a curse. Your own magic twisted the curse into what you perceived it to be.” She was so eager to get the words out she could hardly talk straight. “Listen: The darkness within shall hold no sway; you’ll walk, henceforth, in the light of day. Jonathan, don’t you understand? You never died, so you can’t be a classic Vampire. The only darkness inside you is the lack of knowledge. The couplet didn’t say you would be a day-walker, it said -- basically -- that you were free!”

  She twisted around to Jason. “And babe, your couplet said: You need no longer heed Moon’s call; for during her reign you’ll walk man-tall.” Chelle grabbed onto Jason and shook him. “Do you remember what I asked you if you had ever tried changing form while the moon was up?”

  Jason nodded, his brows drawn together in puzzlement. “Yes, but…”

  “No buts!” Chelle cried, shushing him so she could finish. “You need no longer heed Moon’s call! Day or night, Jas, the moon controls a Werewolf. I bet you’ve never tried to shift to man form during the day.”

  Jonathan sat up. He stared at Jason with hope dawning in his beautiful golden eyes. “You mean I can eat regular foods?”

  “I don’t see why not.”

  “But,” he looked at her neck; at the marks his fangs had left on her, “what about having to bite you?”

  She laughed, fingered the bite marks with affection. “Yeah, makes my tummy quiver thinking about it. You’ll have to do that kinky thing again, sometime, lover.” Then she sobered. “You gave yourself fangs. You can bite if you want to. Frankly, I think you as a Vampire are sexy as hell.”

  “If there is no curse, then what is the decision we have to make?”

  Chelle patted the bed. “Both of you come sit beside me.” She waited as Jason sat up and Jonathan returned to the bed from where he’d been pacing the floor. “I met your mom. Well, I imagine I didn’t really meet her. She contacted me.”



  Chelle grimaced. “She was the nightmare I was having.” She took a deep breath. “I have to tell you, I don’t like her. She left you when you were only a little boy, facing the most horrendous challenge of your life. You look a little like her, but you two are handsomer.”

  “Michelle, if you don’t get to the point, I’m going to turn you over my lap.”

  “Jason, have I told you lately I love your threats -- and that’s all they better be?” She threw her hands up in the air when he scowled and made a joking move for her. “Okay, okay… I’ll tell you.” She looked at her two loves.

  “You’re a real boy, Pinocchio. That is, the sorcerer told you the two of you shared one soul. But you know what I think? I think God gave you another one when they split your bodies. Or He split the one soul in half and gave you both part. Unlike Humpty-Dumpty, you can go back together again. If you want to.”

  Chelle patted their knees. “I know I’ve thrown a bomb at you, but this is something you need to work out on your own.” She stood up and walked toward the bathroom. “I’m going to use the bathroom and then take a shower. I promise not to listen in while you two figure out what you want to do.”

  She found them still seated on the bed, staring at each other when she returned from her shower. “Oh guys, please don’t tell me you haven’t moved since I left.”

  They turned identical troubled eyes on her. Jason cleared his throat. “We’ve reached our decision, but we have to know… what do you want, Chelle? Do you want one husband who can be everything to you, or --” he swallowed, looking like a frightened little boy -- “Jonathan and me, just as we are?”


  “You look marvelous, my darling Mrs. Corelli. The air of Chimera agrees with you.”

  Standing outside the new restaurant, Chelle looked up at her handsome husband, knowing her eyes and face glowed with the love she felt for him. “Thank you, Jason Jonathan Corelli. It’s not Chimera’s air, though, that has me glowing. It’s solely your love. You always have a compliment for me, even when I know I’m not looking my best.”

  He placed a careful hand on her tight round tummy. “That’s not true, sweetheart, because you always look beautiful in my eyes. More so now, while you carry our child.”

  “Oh babe, you’re gonna make me cry…”

  “Ah, please don’t do that, heart of my heart. You know how it rips me apart to see you in tears.”

  “Even if they’re happy ones?”

  “Are they?”

  “With you, they’re never anything else. I haven’t had a sad moment since our wedding day. Speaking of which,” she slanted a teasing glance up at her tall golden-eyed, black-haired husband, “remind me to let you read Bobbie’s letter. You have no idea how much you impressed her when we visited. Trust me. It’s not easy to sway Bobbie and she literally gushed all over the pages about your killer bod and sweet nature. She wants to know if there are any more of you lying around!”

  They laughed together at the irony. “You cornered the market, sweetheart.” He lingered over the soft kiss he gave her, hand resting on her distended belly.

  Her tummy took that time to sound off with a hungry rumble. A tiny foot thumped against his father’s hand. “Seems like we have an impatient fellow demanding nourishment.” Jason kept his hand on her pregnant bulge. She could feel the waves of love wafting from him to her and their little one.

  “Impatient is the word! Did you feel that kick?” Chelle thumped her belly lightly. “Junior, stop beating up on your mommy!” She covered her husband’s hand with hers, pressed it down the curve of her belly, letting her gaze roam suggestively over his trim form. “You’re about to be fed and I’m about to indulge in a heated fantasy.” Her voice turned sultry. “I miss my Werewolf.”

  “Come on then, little Red.” Jason hurriedly ushered her toward the restaurant. “If we hurry, we can get both Junior’s and your hungers fed before the restaurant’s premiere opening this evening.”

  Chelle linked her arm with his and let him pull her down the street. “Good idea. I know I’ve told you before, but I’m so glad you decided to open this fourth eatery on the island. I think you’ll have loads of business. Intimate Entrees is sure to catch on. Having private themed rooms where a couple can be totally en dishabille while having a sensual meal is a great idea.”

  Jason smirked. “Yeah, I thought so, too. Knowing how much the idea intrigued you, I was sure you wouldn’t mind helping me out by participating in the trial run before going public. We need to make sure we’ve worked out any kinks, made sure every detail is covered.”

  Chelle grinned, ignoring the usual island staff and the visitors milling about, her smile and eyes all for her husband. “I love a man devoted to details.”

  “How do you feel about a man whose details are devoted to you?” Jon grabbed her from behind and swung her into his embrace.

  “Jonathan Jason Corelli, what have I told you about sneaking up on me?” Chelle lightly boxed her husband on the ear. Then she spoiled the reprimand by waggling her eyebrows up and down and
saying, “In answer to your question… I adore men with devoted details.”

  Jon rewarded her with a hard, impassioned kiss. He held her aloft, his hands gentle on her as he devoured her mouth.

  Chelle’s feet dangled above the floor. Her toes curled from the passion in her husband’s kiss, zinging through her like a pinball zigzagging inside, hitting and lighting up all the point towers. She mewled helplessly when fire ignited in her, burning at the connected points of nipples and clit.

  She shook apart in Jon’s arms for what seemed like eons. When he released her, she staggered like a drunken lush, inebriated with passion. Jason caught her, tucked her against his side and shared a high-five with his brother.

  Chelle gasped for air, shocked at the unexpectedness of the orgasm that had blasted through her. The power of Jonathan’s kiss, alone, had brought her -- right out on the public street!

  Struggling out of Jason’s grasp, she fought to gather the tattered remains of her dignity. She eyed the brothers with a jaundiced glare then turned to peruse the landscaping surrounding the restaurant. Chelle used her supposed absorption as an excuse not to look at either husband for the moment, knowing they both wore self-satisfied smirks she’d be tempted to slap off their faces.

  So she concentrated on the exterior of the restaurant. The grounds sported formal flowerbeds filled with exotic, tropical plants and flowers. Walkways meandered throughout, offering cul-de-sacs furnished with quaint loveseats for those diners who had the misfortune to wait for seating.

  The building, itself, was worth a long involved look. This was no grass hut, but an imposing, impressive building that wouldn’t have been out of place in the heart of New York or London or any other place that catered to the lifestyles of the rich and famous.

  Through the wide windows, she could see the interior’s plush décor. Excited over her first view of her husbands’ newest work of art, Chelle spun about and ran to embrace them. “Congratulations! This place is truly lovely. You guys have done a marvelous job on it. When did you get finished?”

  Jon leaned over and gave her a lingering thank-you kiss. “Just about five minutes ago, babe.” He cocked a brow at his brother. “Enjoying your day off, bro?”

  “Immensely,” Jason answered, adjusting his stance to ease the erection tenting his slacks. “I think I enjoyed watching that incendiary kiss more.”

  Jon opened his mouth to say something, glanced over at Chelle and paused. She was glad to see he’d learned some discretion where she was concerned. He cleared his throat, a wash of dull red coloring his cheeks. “I was happy to see her.”

  That cracked Jason up. “Yeah, I could tell.” After a good long laugh, he finally calmed enough to share some news. “Our wife has been shopping. At the same boutique where she shopped the evening we became engaged. Wait till you see what’s on the menu for dessert, tonight. And it’s not food.”

  Jon’s eyes lit up with anticipation and curiosity. “Hmm, I can’t wait.” He fell into place beside Chelle. “Well, my dears? Shall we give our newest project an undress rehearsal?”

  Jason smiled. “That’s what we’re here for.”

  Bracketed by both husbands, Chelle stepped through the restaurant doors. The restaurant’s maitre d’ greeted them with a stiff bow and wide smile. “Chefs and Madam Corelli, what a pleasure -- an honor it is, to have you as our first official dining guests.” The man bowed again from the waist, his old world, formal tux without wrinkle or spot.

  “Antoine. Both you and the place look fantastic.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Jason, sir. All the staff members think so, too. They’ll be gratified to know you approve of the work they’ve done.” The man looked pleased as punch. “What is your pleasure for this afternoon?”

  “Dinner for three, my good man,” Jonathan replied, a wide smile on his face. He made no attempt at hiding his fangs.

  “Very good, sir. Which themed room would you like to choose?”

  “We’ll try the Woodland room with the alfresco picnic, today.” Jason reached up and loosened his tie. “Our wife has a hankering for a Werewolf fantasy…”

  Camille Anthony

  A California native, Camille Anthony now lives in the beautifully wild Low Country of South Carolina. A fertile imagination and a love of Romance fuels her writing, which she has been doing since grade school. Her favorite stories are those of strong, honorable people -- whatever the race, or planet of origin -- who are driven by love and lust to find and hold that one special someone.

  Camille likes her heroines feisty, her heroes dominant and her passion red hot!

  She loves to hear from her readers. You can Email her at [email protected]. Your comments and suggestions are appreciated.




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