Ember's Fire: A Hearts of Harkness Romance (The Standish Clan Book 2)

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Ember's Fire: A Hearts of Harkness Romance (The Standish Clan Book 2) Page 15

by Norah Wilson


  “Good thing I am.”

  With that, she threw the blankets back, and straddled him in one swift, smooth movement.

  Chapter 18

  JACE HALF suspected he was dreaming. In what world would Ember voluntarily come to him like this? But her weight on top of him was real. So was her warmth. Even through the night clothes they wore, the insides of her thighs practically branded him.

  “Kiss me,” he grated. As things progressed, he was going to have to rely on her more than his ego was comfortable with, but right now, he could kiss the hell out of her.

  Smiling as though she knew what he was thinking, she drew her fiery hair to one side. Bracing herself on his chest, she bent to oblige, her lips teasing his with their feather-light brush.

  He cupped her face in his hands and kissed her back the way she used to like, teasing the corners of her mouth, the bow of her upper lip. Sliding his tongue over her lush lower lip before seeking entrance. Then sweeping inside to taste her, to tangle with her tongue. Pulling back to shape and trace her lips again with his in another leisurely buildup to the mating of tongues.

  Sweet Jesus, they hadn’t lost a beat.

  Except the way her lower body moved against his erection bore little resemblance to the innocent way she used to writhe against him. Not that he’d expected it to be the same. She’d had lovers and so had he. And just at this moment, he was supremely grateful for her experience. For the confident way she’d moved astride him and the lead she would have to take.

  She reared back and peeled her New Bunswick T-shirt off, baring her breasts. And merciful God, they were beautiful. Fuller than before, but just as milky white as he remembered, their nipples small and the palest, most delicate pink imaginable. She leaned forward, bracing her arms on either side of his head and letting her breasts sway temptingly close to his face. He didn’t need a more explicit invitation.

  Palming both breasts, he had the satisfaction of hearing her suck in her breath. He guided one exquisite nipple to his mouth and suckled it. She made small sounds of pleasure as he shaped and tasted and nipped.

  Tasting her like this, hearing her gasps and sighs—he was beyond ready, his cock hard and aching. He must have communicated that to her somehow, because she drew back.

  “I have to get the condom.” She rolled away and got off the bed, going in search of her inspired purchase.

  He took the opportunity to curl up so he could pull his T-shirt off. He started to shuck his sweats too, but realized it was going to be a problem getting them off over his bandaged ankle.

  “Let me help with that.” She was there, easing the track pants gently off. Once they cleared his injured ankle, she tossed them. Smiling, she shimmied out of the plaid man-shorts he’d bought her and stood naked beside the bed.

  “God, you are so beautiful, Ember.” His chest tightened. “Still the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”

  “You’re not so bad yourself.” She handed him the condom. “Would I be hurrying things unduly if I asked you to put this on? Because I want nothing more than to climb on top of that gorgeous erection.” The erection in question jerked and she laughed. “Was that a yes?”

  “That was a hell, yes!” He had the condom in place in record time.

  She climbed onto the bed beside him. Despite her words of mere seconds ago, she didn’t move to straddle him immediately. Instead, she looked at him, her gaze traveling down then back up the length of his body. When her eyes met his, they held as much hunger as his probably did. But there was something else there too.

  “I’m kind of nervous,” she confessed. “Is that crazy?”

  “If it is, then I’m crazy too.”

  “You’re nervous?”

  “Of course. I mean, not like I would have been back then. The blind leading the blind, worrying about hurting you.”

  She grinned. “Or finishing before you got started?”

  “God, yes. That.”

  Her smile faded. “Then why are you nervous? Why am I nervous?”

  Because maybe you’re feeling as vulnerable as I am? Maybe what we’re about to do is going to matter more than you think?More than you want it to?

  But he didn’t say any of that. He knew Ember. That kind of talk would have her reaching for that oversized T-shirt again. So instead, he shrugged. “I suppose anything a person waits this long for is going to be charged with some...expectations.”

  That seemed to satisfy her. Either that or she didn’t want to dwell on the real reasons in case it got in the way of the sex her body craved.

  “I do have expectations.” The smile curving her lips was purely carnal. “No, I have plans. Ones that involve an orgasm in the very near future.”

  Taking his cue from her, he gave her his wickedest smile. “I am one hundred percent on board with that plan. Now come here so I can kiss you again.”

  She moved astride him, trapping his sheathed erection between them, and bent to kiss him hotly. When they were both breathing hard, she pulled back, lifted off him to position his cock at her entrance, then sank down on him.

  The hot, tight clasp of her sex enveloping him was exquisite. He closed his eyes a moment to absorb the shock and delight of it. But then she was moving on him, rocking. He opened his eyes, feasting on the sight of her. Slim, strong, beautiful. Her breasts swaying as she rocked on top of him at a pace designed to throw them over the edge. He lifted his gaze to her face.

  Her eyes were closed, her face a mask of concentration as she sought her release.

  As she fucked him.

  Suddenly that wasn’t good enough.

  “Ember, open your eyes,” he commanded hoarsely. “Look at me.”

  Her eyes opened, her gaze locking with his.

  “Slower,” he said, cupping one of her breasts.

  “Your ankle.” She stilled. “Am I hurting you?”

  “God, no.” His hands went to her hips, urging her to movement again. “I just don’t want it to be over too fast. I want to look into your eyes while I’m inside you. I want to feel every touch.”

  “Jace,” she said warningly, even as her body had started up a slower, sweeter rhythm.

  Yes, Jace. Not some memory to be exorcised. Not a convenient bed partner with whom she had good chemistry, here tonight and forgotten tomorrow.

  He saw the moment she dropped her mask, felt it in the brush of her hands on his chest, the languid way she lifted off him and sank slowly, slowly back down, taking him more deeply inside.

  Her phone chose that moment to wink out. Though they no longer had eye contact, the sudden darkness seemed to intensify their connection, heighten the sounds of their breathing. It was impossibly, intoxicatingly sweet, but ultimately unsustainable. Her motions gradually gathered speed again, and this time, Jace was right with her, hands clamped to her hips, rising beneath her to meet every thrust. He could feel his own release drawing nearer, tighter.

  He moved a hand to the juncture of her thighs, parting the lips of her sex to find her clitoris. She quickly came apart, her inner muscles gripping him as she came. He held her hips as she bucked against him, and his own climax took him.

  She collapsed on him, and he held her there. Neither of them spoke as their heart rates slowed. He wished he could stay like that forever, but he needed to take care of business.

  “I guess you’d better deal with that condom, huh?”


  She moved off him and rolled to her side. By the time he’d cleaned up and hobbled back to bed, she was curled up on her side of the bed, facing the wall. His heart ached as he looked down at her.

  Had he been wrong to make her open her eyes and acknowledge it was him, Jace, the man she used to love, who was inside her? Did she regret initiating sex now?

  Well, if she doesn’t regret it now, she sure as hell will when she hears about the land.

  Yeah, the land he’d bought out from under her family. He’d finally remembered. Though even if he’d thought about it earlier
, he wasn’t sure he’d have been strong enough to refuse her.

  He eased into bed, wishing he had the right to put his arms around her and pull her close.

  One thing he knew. He loved her. Loved her still, but loved her anew too. The girl and the woman. He loved the single-mindedness with which she’d pursued her dream. Loved the physician she’d become, who’d driven through torrential rain to attend to strangers on the roadside. Loved the woman who’d nursed his sprain so carefully despite her justifiable hostility. The woman who’d agreed to come on this quest with him. Who’d made love with him moments ago.

  And he would earn her love back somehow. The kernel of it was still there. She couldn’t have made love to him like that if it weren’t.

  He’d win her back, and this time, he wouldn’t lose her.

  Chapter 19

  EMBER SLID out of the bed. The room was still in darkness, but from the pale light leaking around the curtains, she knew it was morning. With a minimum of fumbling, she located her phone on the night table and turned it on. Almost seven.

  And yes, a missed call and a couple of texts from Scott. She really had to call him before he blew a gasket or something. The man worried enough for all of them.

  She glanced at Jace. Eyes adjusted to the low light level now, she could see he was lying on his back. The pillow had been shoved out of the way, and he held one arm crooked over his head as he slept. It was all she could do not to crawl back under the covers and snuggle up to him. That raised arm would come down around her and—

  And that was enough of that. Firming her lips, she headed for the bathroom. After taking care of nature’s call, she ran the tap a moment to see if there was any warm water left in the tank. Tepid was the best she could get. Wetting a facecloth, she did a quick clean up in the dark and brushed her teeth. Then she picked up her phone and called Scott.

  He answered on the first ring. “I’m up.”

  “Well I should hope you are,” she said. “It’s almost seven o’clock.”

  “I’ve been up for hours,” he said. “In fact, I’ve been sitting here working on my second pumpkin pie latte waiting for your call. And yes, I did get whipped cream.”

  She rolled her eyes. As if a Standish man would be caught dead sipping something so frivolous as a latte. “I’m just checking in, per Titus’s protocol.”

  “Still with your patient?”

  “Yes, I am. Okay then, I’ll—”

  “Have you seen the river?”

  The river? Not since she and Jace had parked at Cupid’s Point at supper time last night. “Why?”

  “It’s pretty rough. With all that rain, the runoff could make it breach its banks. Your lame patient might want to stay put until it blows over rather than trudging back along that shoreline.”

  Yikes. She didn’t like to lie to Scott, but if he knew they were already out of the woods, he wouldn’t leave it alone until he knew where she was, and more importantly, who she was with. She wasn’t ready for that just yet. “Yeah, um, good idea. I’ll suggest that.”

  “Great. Just give me a call when you set out and I’ll meet you halfway.”



  “I’m not coming out yet. The patient still needs attention. But I’ll check in. Thanks, Scott.”

  “Wait,” he said before she could hang up. “Is everything okay out there, kid?”

  “What? Yeah. Everything’s fine. And don’t call me kid.”

  “At least tell me the name of the guy with the ankle.”

  “Sorry. Doctor-patient confidentiality.”

  There was a pause, then he sighed. “All right. Call back within six hours.”

  “Sure. But I’ll probably text you instead of calling.” Before he could protest that, she changed the subject. “What’s up with Titus’s situation?”

  “He’s called a couple times. Last night he sent up a white flare from the cabin.”

  “Really? His phone must be dead or something.”

  “Nah, phone’s fine. I’d just talked to him within a half hour of the flare.”

  She snorted. “Does that sound like a Standish man or what? Send up a flare rather than pick up the phone twice in an hour. You are men of few words.”

  “Hey, he’s been more talkative than you, Miss Texter. And who knows? Maybe he was showing off for Ocean.”

  “One could only hope.” She gave an exasperated huff. “If that brother of ours had half a brain, he’d see what a sweetheart Ocean is.”

  “Maybe she isn’t anymore. People change.”

  Not Ocean. But to keep the conversation short, she said, “Maybe. But you know as well as I do that she had a ginormous crush on Titus when we were in high school.”

  “I plead the fifth.”

  “We’re Canadian, Scott. We don’t plead the fifth, we—oh, never mind.”

  The line went silent again. For a moment, she was tempted to tell Scott everything, to spill it all out. She hated keeping secrets from her brothers. But if Scott knew—

  “Ember? You still there?”

  She pulled a deep breath. “So, when you do see Titus, will you tell him something for me?”

  “Sure, what’s that?”

  “Tell him not to freak out.”


  Outside the bathroom door, she heard Jace stir, then call her name.

  She lowered her voice. “Scott, I’ve got to go.”

  “Why are you whispering? Ember!”

  “Just trust me. I’m fine.”

  “A penny for your thoughts.”

  Ah, there it was. The test to make sure things really were all right in case she needed help but couldn’t say so outright. They’d been using that code since she was in junior high.

  “Make it ten bucks and we have a deal,” she said, giving the correct answer. Then, for good measure, she added, “I’m okay. Don’t worry. But, Scott…”


  “Don’t you freak out either.”

  She hung up, then turned her ringer off.

  * * *

  Jace wakened to a persistent tink-tink sound. He opened his eyes to a blast of light from the bedside lamp and glanced over at Ember’s side of the bed to find it empty. The digital clock radio on the night stand blinked incessantly. The lamp in the corner was on too, but Ember was nowhere to be seen. No sliver of light showed from under the bathroom door.


  Where would she have gone?

  He threw off the blankets and sat up. He’d pulled on his T-shirt and was reaching for his track pants when she stepped out of the bathroom.

  “Oh, power’s back,” she said, glancing around at the lights.

  Ah, it must have still been off when she’d slipped into the bathroom. “Yup. And the heater kicked in too,” he said, finally recognizing that tink-tink sound as the ancient radiator.

  “Good thing. It’s freezing in here.”

  She wore the shorts and T-shirt he’d bought her, which were nowhere warm enough.

  He patted the bed. “Come get under the quilts.”

  “Just a sec.” She crossed to the door and snapped the light switch off. All but his bedside lamp went out. Then she darted to the bed and dove under the covers.

  He dropped the track pants and crawled back under the still-warm blankets.

  “Brr.” She gave an exaggerated shiver. “I think I saw my breath in the bathroom. Or would have if I’d turned the light on.”

  He grinned, relieved to hear how normal she sounded. “Yeah, it’s cold, all right. Which is why I’m staying put under these blankets until the place warms up a little.”

  “Oh, yeah? You think a bigger bladder is going to save you from freezing?” She put her bare feet—her cold-as-freakin’-ice bare feet—on his right leg.

  “Hey!” He scooched away. “No fair. Isn’t there some medical oath prohibiting that kind of conduct?”

  “On the contrary. It’s actually highly therapeutic.”

He snorted. “Yeah, for you.”

  She grinned. “Exactly.”

  She was still smiling when he leaned over and kissed her. Her mouth was warm and welcoming. And minty fresh. He pulled back. “Guess I’ll get up after all. I refuse to be the only one in this bed with morning breath.”

  The water was barely lukewarm, so his ablutions were quick. He brushed his teeth, splashed his face, and slicked back his hair. He glanced at the result in the mirror. That would have to do. He needed to get back to Ember before she decided last night was a huge mistake.

  Last night.

  He rubbed the back of his neck. Much as he wanted to talk to her about it, he knew she wasn’t ready. From her demeanor this morning, it was obvious she needed to keep it light, and that’s what he’d do. For now. And who knew? Maybe that was the right approach. Maybe they needed to create a new space between them where they could be easy with each other before tackling the past. The hard stuff.

  And maybe you’re looking for another reason to delay telling her about the farm.

  Not that he needed another reason. He already had an excellent one. If he confessed now, she would peel out of this motel and leave him stranded. No way would she hang around to hear what Bridget had to say. And he needed her to hear it. Needed them to hear it together.

  She was fully dressed in her own clothes when he emerged. “Are those dry?” He went over to squeeze his own pants, which were hanging on the back of a chair. They were still a little damp.

  “Dry as they’re going to get in here, unless we’re planning on lolling around half the day. Which I’m guessing is not on the agenda if we’re going to drive all the way to Edmundston.”

  He went to the night table and retrieved his watch. Dammit. Almost seven-thirty already, much later than he’d thought. Edmundston was better than two hours’ drive. “You’re right. I told Bridget we’d be at her place before noon, so I guess we should get moving. If we get on the road now, we can stop for a nice, leisurely breakfast along the way.”

  “Just give me a minute to do something with my hair,” she said. “It really needs shampooing, but I’m not getting in a frigid shower.”


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