Bound by Vengeance (The Alliance, Book 2)

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Bound by Vengeance (The Alliance, Book 2) Page 29

by Brenda K. Davies

  She settled down when he ran his finger across her furrowed brow. Taking his hand away from her, he stripped out of his clothes and climbed onto the bed beside her. Wrapping his arms around her, he drew her naked body to him. Her sweeping lashes fluttered against his cheek when she opened her eyes. Then, she tried to withdraw from his arms.

  “Don’t,” he commanded.

  Vicky hadn’t been able to stop herself from trying to pull away when she woke in Nathan’s arms. It had been weeks since she reacted to his touch in such a way. However, this time, it wasn’t because she felt she didn’t deserve kindness, but because she worried about snapping and turning him before he was ready.


  “Shh.” He lifted her fingers and brought them to his lips to kiss them. “I’m ready for the change, Victoria.”

  “But your people—”

  “It’s as settled with them as it’s going to get.”

  “Are you sure? You might be able to get them all back if you change your mind. If you marry Simone—”

  He hugged her so fiercely to him that he cut off the rest of her words.

  “I don’t want any of that!” he snarled. “I want you and only you.”

  The stubble lining his jaw pricked her palm when she rested it against his cheek, but she relished the feel of him. She studied his azure eyes as her heart swelled with love for him. “It will be excruciating for you and might take longer than normal. Kadence might have been a complete anomaly, but if she wasn’t—”

  “I’ve spoken with Kadence about what to expect.”

  Her heart hammered in anticipation, yet she held back.

  “What is it?” he asked.

  “I’ll be the one who will hurt you.”

  Clasping her cheeks, he drew her close to kiss her. “And look at the pain I’m inflicting on you.”

  “No, you’re not. I’m fine.”

  “I feel you pulling away, and I sense your fear you’ll hurt me every time we’re together.” He ran a thumb over the shadows circling her eyes. “You’re not sleeping, you’re not feeding well, and it’s because of me. When I’m with you, I know we’re missing something, and when we’re apart, my chest feels like someone is shredding it. I need this too, Victoria.”

  She snuggled closer, and her hand slid down to grip his rising shaft. Nathan drew her closer and kissed her before rolling her over and pinning her to the mattress. She spread her legs as he settled between her thighs and ran his hand down to stroke her sex.

  Vicky’s hips rose to meet his hand. “Do you ever wish you could go back and change this?”

  “I never thought this is the way my life would go,” he said honestly, “but I wouldn’t change one thing about it. I would give up everything for you.”

  “In many ways, you have given up everything.”

  “Things have changed, but I’ve gained far more than I lost.” He slid his hand away from her, and clasping his cock, guided it to her entrance.

  “Home,” he murmured when he slid inside her and buried himself to the hilt. Clasping her wrists, he pinned them above her head as he remained unmoving within her. “Mine.”

  “Yours,” she agreed, and her smile revealed her lengthening fangs. “And you are mine.”


  When she lifted her head and sank her fangs into his throat, he felt no alarm as she consumed more than she ever had before while their bodies moved in a smooth rhythm that built steadily toward release. When she cried out against his throat, he grew lightheaded as he thrust forward and came inside her.

  Nathan didn’t resist when she turned him onto his back and offered him her wrist. He cracked his eyes open, his vision blurring before he focused on her.

  Love swelled within Vicky as she held him protectively against her and felt the weakness seeping steadily through his body. She stroked his forehead while she fed him, and when her bite started to close, she pulled her wrist away, bit deep again, and fed him more.

  “I love you,” she whispered over and over as terror threatened to consume her. He would survive this, but she hated how vulnerable she’d made him.

  Weak now, so much stronger afterward. Still, Vicky choked on a sob as she lifted Nathan’s head to cradle it in her lap. She bent over him, kissing his face as she continued to feed him her blood.

  Nathan tried to lift his hand to wipe away the tears spilling from her eyes, but he couldn’t control his limbs. The weightlessness of them, the defenselessness of his condition should have frightened him, but in her arms, he had no fear. His vision blurred again before unconsciousness claimed him.


  Vicky dressed herself and Nathan before calling Abby for blood. She had to gorge herself to feed Nathan when he woke, but her stomach twisted at the idea of leaving him for even a second. No, she would stay by his side until this was done.

  He’d been as still as stone for the past few hours. Kadence said her change took longer and was more painful than normal, but Vicky hadn’t expected this stillness. It was like he was dead and not transitioning. The ashen hue of his bronzed skin and his colorless lips didn’t help with her image of him as a corpse. She kept herself attuned to the beat of his heart as his breathing shallowed to the point where she couldn’t see the rise and fall of his chest.

  When a knock sounded on the door, Vicky opened it to reveal Abby. Her sister’s eyes widened at her. It had been over a week since they’d seen each other, and Vicky knew she looked awful. Fighting to keep herself restrained from completing the bond with Nathan these past weeks had taken a toll on her; changing him had almost leveled her.

  When Abby’s gaze went beyond her to the bed, Vicky’s hand tightened on the doorframe. Abby would never harm Nathan, but he was vulnerable in this state, and Vicky would tear the throat out of anyone who tried to touch him.

  “You okay?” Abby asked as she handed five blood bags over to her.

  “Yeah,” Vicky muttered. “But he’s been still for so long.”

  “Have you spoken with Kadence?”

  “No other vampires or hunters are getting near him right now.”

  “Kadence would never hurt him; you know that. You’re unstable and not thinking clearly right now because the bond isn’t complete and your mate is vulnerable.”

  “She’ll bring Ronan here.”

  “And Ronan would kill himself before he ever did something to upset her, and if something happened to Nathan, she would be devastated. Let me call her; she knows what to expect and what he’s going through more than any of us do.”

  Vicky hesitated before glancing at Nathan. The small twitch of his fingers on the bed was the first sign of movement she’d seen from him in hours. Then, he went still again. She had to know if this had occurred with Kadence and if any other surprises might follow it.

  “Okay,” she relented.

  Vicky stepped aside to let Abby enter, but when Brian emerged from the shadows in the hall, her lips skimmed back and her fangs lengthened as she bared them at him. Red shrouded her vision as her protective instincts roared to the forefront.

  “Easy,” he said in a calming tone. “I won’t go anywhere near him.”

  Her tensed muscles gradually relaxed, and she edged backward to allow them entrance. Brian wouldn’t attack Nathan, but that didn’t stop her from positioning herself between them.

  • • •

  Agony fired across every synapse and seared through cells Nathan hadn’t known he possessed. An endless howl reverberated through his head. Out of his control, his body bowed upward as sweat soaked his clothes to him. He tried to see anything, but the world was nothing but pain.

  Where was Vicky? Where was he?

  His head and body spun until it felt as if his bones were breaking apart. Darkness rushed over him, hurtling him through space and time. Stars whipped by so fast they became nothing more than streaking blurs he couldn’t differentiate.

  Then, it all came to a screeching halt that lurched him forward as his body

  He gasped in a breath as everything slowed around him, until the blur of blackness and light became a deep purple tunnel around him. He gazed up and down the endless shaft while stars and galaxies materialized through the purple.

  Within the swirl, he glimpsed the Big Dipper mingled in with worlds, planets, and constellations he’d never seen before. Stretching his hand out to touch one of the stars, his fingers came up against nothing as the tunnel pulled back and spread around him.

  It was then he understood he was merely an observer here. But where was here? What time and space was he in, and where was Victoria?

  From beyond the galaxies, he detected the faint murmur of voices. Then, Vicky’s anxious tone pierced through, drawing him closer to the edge of the tunnel.

  The stars fell back until they became a panoramic view of space rotating before him. Awe filled him as the known and unknown galaxies coalesced. He had no idea what was going on or where he was, but he recognized that somehow this was a far larger manifestation of when time slowed for him outside of this place.

  Like a key twisting in the lock and springing it, a locked away piece of himself was opening within him. The rightness stealing through his limbs pushed away the pain as a healing warmth suffused him.

  • • •

  “Time,” Nathan murmured, and his head turned toward her.

  Kneeling at his side, Vicky brushed back a strand of his damp, black hair. Sweat coated his entire body and adhered his clothes to him. Minutes ago, he’d bellowed as his body arched off the bed and his face contorted. His suffering had nearly sent her over the edge.

  She’d caused this to happen to him; she should have been strong enough to withstand the mating instinct, but she was weak and selfish.

  Tears burned her eyes and slid down her face as she bowed her head to kiss him. “I’m sorry.”

  A hand fell on her shoulder, and she tilted her head up to gaze at her older brother, Aiden. His spring green eyes were understanding when they met hers. She’d asked Abby to call him too, as she needed his steady presence and the strength he exuded.

  “It’s difficult, I know,” he said. “Seeing Maggie go through the transition made me hate myself, but it’s necessary, Vicky. You couldn’t have held back from completing the bond for much longer.”

  Maggie stepped forward and took Aiden’s hand; her gray eyes were filled with concern when they met Vicky’s.

  “I came out of it fine, and I’ve never once regretted my choice,” Maggie said.

  “What if Nathan doesn’t make it?” Vicky whispered and blinked away the tears filling her eyes.

  If he died and she had to be locked away….

  Her chest constricted with panic. No, she’d never be locked away again. She’d follow him into death if something went wrong.

  “He’ll survive,” Ronan said from the door.

  Craning her neck to see around Maggie, Vicky discovered Ronan and Kadence had returned to the room. They now stood beside Abby and Brian. After learning Nathan decided last night was the time to transition, Ronan called in more of his men and trainees to guard the temporary stronghold. It still made her uneasy to have anyone near Nathan right now, but she breathed easier knowing there were so many here to protect him.

  “This is much the way it went with Kadence,” Ronan said.

  He rested his hand on the shoulder of his mate, and when his eyes met Vicky’s, she saw the memory of Kadence’s change still haunted him.

  “And I’ve never regretted my decision either,” Kadence said.

  “The change is more difficult for hunters,” Ronan continued. “I’m not sure why. Maybe because their DNA is more similar to ours than a human’s is, or maybe they have to go through more changes than a human does, but it takes them longer, and their pain is worse.”

  Vicky opened her mouth to reply, but Nathan’s next words drew her attention back to him. “Time… infinite time… everywhere… nowhere.”

  Vicky clasped his hand as she rose over him. “What do you mean?” He didn’t respond to her as his eyes moved rapidly behind his closed lids. “Nathan?”

  “Kadence spoke of pathways opening when she was going through the change,” Ronan said.

  “Something changed inside me while I was becoming a vampire,” Kadence said. “There is something intrinsically different about me. I’m not entirely sure what it is, but I can feel the difference. Before, I sometimes knew things, but now I also receive flashes of places and things I couldn’t possibly know about.

  “Unfortunately, most of those flashes are too fast for me to grasp. At other times, they’re nothing more than someone knocking something over, dropping something, or who will win a football game.”

  “Humans don’t experience anything like that,” Ronan said.

  “I certainly didn’t,” Maggie said.

  Brian shook his head when everyone looked at him. “I didn’t either.”

  Vicky knew they were trying to offer her comfort, but none of it would make her feel better until Nathan was awake and safe.

  Then, Nathan’s eyes flew open. Vicky gasped when his burning, white-blue eyes met hers. She’d never seen anything like them before. That can’t be normal!

  “Victoria,” he murmured before his eyes closed and he went still once more.

  “Nathan!” she cried and grasped his shoulders. She started to shake him before realizing it might only cause him more pain. “Nathan!”

  “He’s alive,” Ronan said. “It will get easier now.”

  “But his eyes! Did you see his eyes?” she cried as she spun toward him. “What’s wrong with him?”

  “Nothing,” Kadence said. “That’s the color my eyes become. They don’t turn red like other vampires. Apparently, it happens to all turned hunters as those were also the color of Sergei’s eyes in the photo outside of Moscow.”

  Vicky had heard about Sergei, but she never saw the photo, and no one had mentioned the strange eye color to her. She relaxed only a little as she turned her attention back to Nathan who remained motionless before her.


  Vicky’s eyes fluttered open when a hand caressed her hair. Her taut muscles protested when she jerked her head off the bed and looked frantically around the room. She’d never meant to fall asleep. She shouldn’t have! She had to keep watch over Nathan and make sure he stayed safe.

  The room was empty, the others having left while she slept. Apprehension clenched her chest, but it faded when a hand ran through her hair again.

  “They left when I woke up,” Nathan said.

  Her heart leapt at the gravelly sound of his voice, and she turned to find him smiling at her.

  “Nathan?” she whispered.

  “Were you expecting someone else?” he teased, hating the larger circles under her eyes and the terror she radiated.

  A choked cry escaped, and she threw her arms around his neck to hug him.

  “Easy,” he murmured.

  “Oh, I’m sorry!” She released him and sat back.

  “I didn’t say let go, just don’t squeeze me to death, vamp.”

  Vicky laughed as he gripped her chin and kissed her. “You’re a vamp now too,” she said against his mouth.

  “Hmm,” he murmured as he ran his tongue over her lips. “One who could use a shower.” He could barely stand the smell of himself.

  Vicky sat back. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes,” he said.

  Propping himself up on the bed, he winced when the movement jarred his body. He felt like someone had taken a baseball bat to every part of him, tenderizing his meat in preparation to feast on it.

  “I’m fine,” he assured her when unease flickered over her face.

  “You’re still in pain.”

  “I’m just sore. How long have I been in this bed?”

  “Two days.”

  “Two days,” he murmured. It was how long Kadence said it took her to wake again too. He rubbed his forehead, and his nose wrinkled at the sour sten
ch of him. “I’m disgusting.”

  That was the nice way of saying it, he decided as he pulled at the soaked shirt clinging to him. He swung his legs over the side of the bed and swept Vicky into his arms. She didn’t seem to mind his odor as she nestled closer. He buried his face in her neck and growled when he smelled the sweet blood pumping through her veins.

  “You have to feed.” This morning, she’d consumed the blood Abby brought her in preparation for when he woke.

  “I will,” he assured her as he rose with her in his arms.

  Twisting in his hold, Vicky slid her legs around his waist as he carried her into the bathroom. He paused to turn on the shower before carrying her over to the sink and setting her on the counter.

  “Are you sure you’re okay?” she inquired nervously.

  Clasping her cheeks tenderly in his hands, he kissed her nose. “I’m better than okay.”

  “Was it horrible?” she whispered.

  “Some parts were, but it was worth every ounce of pain to have an eternity with you.”

  She smiled at him and rested her hands on his. “You’ll be stronger now, and not only because you’re a vampire, but also because the mate bond strengthens the vampires who have it.”

  “Interesting,” he murmured and brushed the hair back from her face. As his eyes fell to her throat, a strange prickling started in his mouth, but he didn’t try to fight the lengthening of his fangs. He prodded one of them with his tongue, causing both to extend fully.

  “We can feed exclusively from blood bags and each other, or we can hunt. I’ve hunted some, it was easier when I was in college, but I haven’t done so since….”

  Since she’d killed, he realized when her voice trailed off. “I’d prefer not to feed directly from a human,” he said.

  “Then we won’t,” she said with a smile. “Is the world different for you? I know for humans, the newly heightened senses can be overwhelming at first, but Kadence said she didn’t experience that.”


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