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Remy Page 8

by Becca Fanning

  They leaned in towards each other and kissed, gently this time. He reached around her and pulled her closer until the length of her naked body was pressed against his. He sighed, his cheek resting against her forehead. He looked down at her as she looked up at him and he kissed her. Slowly the passion of that kiss built between them increased. Their hands slip up and down each others’ arms, then their sides and backs, their legs intertwined.

  Her hand slipped between them and she took hold of his penis, squeezing it. He moaned against her mouth. She worked her hand up and down, slow strokes becoming quicker as his body stiffened and his breathing became ragged with need, his reaction urging her on.

  He rolled her on her back, kissing her deeply, his tongue tracing her lips. He kissed her jaw and down her neck, stopping to bite her shoulder. He took her breast in his mouth, playing with her nipple as her body arched beneath his and she moaned in pleasure.

  She wrapped an arm around his head and nibbled on his ear for a moment before dropping her head back to the mattress, panting.

  He kissed her lips again. “I want you,” he said. Another kiss. “I need you, Tara.”



  “Remy. Yes. Oh gods, yes.”

  He sat back a little and took himself in hand. He rubbed the tip against her slit and then pressed gently against her. They stared into each others’ eyes as he guided himself into her, slowly, gently, until there was no space between them.

  They moved together, a constant dance of hips and hands and kisses punctuated by gasps and moans and whispered words of encouragement and pleasure.

  They rolled over and she sat up, riding him while he caressed her thighs and breasts. She ran her hands through her hair, lost in the pleasure. He laid back and watched her while she enjoyed herself. Her body was taught and she moved with abandon

  He sat up and she wrapped her legs around him. Their movements were limited like this, but he could feel her skin against his and could taste her breasts again so he didn’t care for the moment that he couldn’t easily pump in and out of her.

  They were sweaty and gasping for breath, their kisses hurried and passionate. Both had lost track of the time, forgotten the place, and had stopped caring about the fact that they’d met only days earlier. All that mattered at this moment was the connection between them, the building of pleasure that each touch and kiss added to.

  He flipped her on her back again and started thrusting into her. She dug her fingers into the back of his shoulders, gasping with each thrust. Her eyes were shut and her chin was tipped up, her legs still wrapped around him.

  He climaxed quickly and rolled off her, panting, suddenly aware of how hot and sweaty he was. She was lying beside him, smiling and running her hands up and down her body as the last tremors of pleasure shivered through her.

  He shivered too as the air, moved by the fan, quickly cooled his skin. “Want to grab a shower?”

  She nodded. “Are you going to come with me?”

  “I’d like that. Sure.”

  He paused to kiss her and then he helped her out of bed. They didn’t bother with clothes but he handed her the complimentary bath robe to keep her warm while they waited for the water to warm up.

  The shower felt tiny with both of them in there together. They took turns under the spray, letting the hot water rinse away the sweat and the chill. They took turns scrubbing each other with the cloth, and washing turned to touching and soon they were kissing again, the water pounding down on his shoulder blades, the spray getting in their faces and neither of them caring one bit. He backed her up against the shower wall, loving the feel of her skin, slippery and smooth under his hands.

  It was too soon for him to go again but she was obviously enjoying herself so he kept on touching her and kissing her. His hand dipped between her legs and she opened herself to him.

  He rubbed her clit and slid his fingers in and out of her, all the while kissing her, sucking at her breasts, and caressing her with his free hand.

  She had one hand pressed hard against the wall and the other arm tight around him. Her knees felt weak and in the steamy air it was hard to breathe, but his touch was electric and she couldn’t get enough of it. There was a heat and a tension building inside of her, she could feel it radiating out from where his fingers continued to fuck her, down to her toes. She was afraid she was going to slip and fall, make a fool of herself, but somehow she stayed upright.

  Her moans were getting louder and little ‘oh’s and ‘ah’s of pleasure escaped between her lips. She encouraged him, begged him with her words, and with the squirming of her hips against his hand.

  “Oh God,” she gasped.

  It was all the warning he got.

  Her body tightened as she said, “Oh God,” again, and her arm tightened around him. Her back arched, her head tipping all the way back, and her body shook. And then her knees seemed to buckle and he caught her against his chest.

  She was breathing heavy, but there were little chuckles slipping out. She tried to stand and then leaned against him again.

  “My knees don’t work.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  She slapped his shoulder, still breathing hard.

  “Are you done?”

  “Oh fuck yes.”

  “I meant the shower,” he said, kissing her forehead.

  “Yes to that, too.”

  “Okay then, out you go before you slip and fall.”

  “So I’m not the only one worrying about that?” He helped her out and she leaned against the counter. The mirror was completely fogged over. She reached over and restarted the fan while he turned the water off. He was dripping wet and gorgeous as he stepped out of the shower. She couldn’t take her eyes off him.

  He handed her a towel and then wrapped one around himself, breaking the spell. She dried off, toweling her hair as best she could.

  “Do you want to crawl into bed? Finish drying off there?”

  “You looking for more sex?”

  “Just touch. I can’t get enough of you.” He closed the gap between them and kissed her.

  “Okay. For a little while. I should get back to my own room at some point.”

  “There’s nothing planned tomorrow morning.”

  “I know. I’ll come back in the morning and we can talk about all this. Okay?”

  He really didn’t want to let her go but he had no right to keep her here, so he nodded. “Okay. Sounds like a plan.” He held her close for a moment and then let her lead the way back to the bed. They pulled the covers back and crawled in, snuggling in close to each other for warmth and comfort.

  * * *

  She hurried through the halls. The lights, warm and just bright enough that she didn’t feel like she was stumbling around in a horror film, cast circles of yellow on the walls and tossed her shadow along the carpet, a silent companion to her passing.

  As she approached her room, she went as quickly as she dared. She had her key card at the ready. She placed it over the reader and the lock clicked.

  The door beside hers opened. “Tara?”

  “Hi, Dad.”

  “I was worried.”

  “Sorry. Shifted back late, you were already gone and I stopped for a drink. Everything’s fine.”

  “Hmm. I thought you shifted before me. I didn’t see your clothes.”

  “Maybe. I didn’t see yours either.”

  “You didn’t answer your phone.”

  “Dead battery. I’m exhausted, okay? I’ll look at the messages in the morning.”

  “All right. Good night.”

  As soon as she was safely on the other side of her door, she breathed a sigh of relief and then smiled. She was safe. He didn’t suspect a thing.


  Tara slept better than she had in a long time and woke up early even though there was nothing official planned until after lunch. There were a few text messages on her phone from her dad.

  “Missed you after the c
eremony. Guess you went to bed early. Do you want to do breakfast or lunch tomorrow?”

  She’d already explained her absence when she’d bumped into him at the door last night so she replied to the second half instead. “Lunch. Going to take a relaxing morning to myself.” She got dressed and made her way through the silent halls back to Remy’s room.

  He answered the knock at his door in the bathrobe provided by the resort and a pair of sweat pants. Tara greeted him with a quick kiss and slipped inside with a glance over her shoulder. “Good morning,” he said, shutting the door.

  “Yes, it is. My dad wants to have lunch today but otherwise I don’t think he’ll bother me.” She kicked off her shoes and dropped her sweater on the chair.

  He smiled. “You’re obviously not a neat freak.”

  She looked back at the shoes and sweater. “Not really. Are you?”

  “Only when I travel. I don’t want to be embarrassed when housekeeping comes in.”

  “Good. I dated a neat freak for a while and I drove him up the wall. I really try, but…” She shrugged.

  “No explanation needed.”

  “Did I wake you?”

  “No, I just finished shaving. Did you want breakfast?”

  “Yes, please.”

  They went over the room service menu and he phoned down their order. They tucked into bed together to wait. He’d opened the curtains and they could see the grey sky and the tips of the trees from where they sat.

  “Were you really afraid I’d reject you?” Tara said as she snuggled against his side. His arm felt nice draped over her shoulder.

  “I’m not rich and your father hates me. I had no idea what he’d tell you about me, I had no idea of you’d believe his stories, and I had know idea if you would care about the wealth difference.”

  “Well, it was a bit of a whirlwind romance so I can understand your concern, but no, I don’t really care about the money.”

  “You say that, but you might. I live in a little apartment, I rarely eat out, I only buy new clothes when the old ones wear out. Honestly, this trip is going to put a huge dent in my savings account – huge. I’ll be living lean for months after this.”

  She laughed. “I know, I get to eat out wherever I want, whenever I want, and buy anything I want without thinking about it, but the money isn’t really mine. For the most part I don’t touch it, even though Dad says I don’t have to worry about how much I spend.”

  “Living on my kind of budget will be a big adjustment, and it’ll be even worse if I’m supporting the both of us.”

  “Why would you need to support me?”

  He blushed. “Ah, I don’t actually know what you do for a living.”

  She kissed his cheek. “It never came up, did it? We were too busy talking jazz and politics. I’m trained in coding, app design, web design, that sort of thing. I take freelance jobs to stay busy because Dad doesn’t really want me working and it’s a ‘my house my rules’ sort of situation right now.”

  “I can get you a good job with a great company if you move to New Orleans,” he said. “Tandell Corporations would love you.”

  “See. You won’t have to support me. And if I’m helping you with the rent, you’ll have more money for other things.”

  “Here we are talking about moving in together and we’ve hardly even discussed being in love!”

  There was a knock at the door and Tara said, “Please tell me that’s breakfast.”

  “I hope so. Be right back.”

  They moved to the couch with their plates. As they ate, Remy said, “So, what did your dad say about me?”

  “He blames you from some business deal with the Tandells going south.”

  “That? Believe me, I had very little to do with that. Your father thought Brock was more like him and less like you – an arrogant, old-money, business man who looked down his nose at the common man. As I understand it, your father made some comments to Brock along the lines that his money alone gave him the right to challenge his new Chief – me. He didn’t realize that Brock and I grew up together and that Brock had seconded my claim.”

  “Wow. So, Brock was insulted and shut down the business deal?”

  “Brock is not one to let the personal get in the way of business. The deal was losing him money. The insult was just bad timing, or the nail in the coffin, however you want to view it.”

  “You don’t meddle in Brock’s affairs?”

  “If Brock isn’t putting my clan at risk there is no reason for me to meddle – and a business deal with an aging Chief in another corner of the country isn’t a risk to me or my clan.”

  “You sound like an honorable leader. My father likes to meddle.”

  “I’m thinking there are a lot of good reasons for your father to not know about us sleeping together. Or being involved together.”

  “You’re right. I don’t like it, but you’re right. I don’t need to deal with the conference and him at the same time.”

  “Does it bother you how quickly this all happened?”

  She shook her head. “For one thing, our bears seem to be quite all right with this whole situation.”

  “Yes, they certainly are.”

  “And if I had a problem, I wouldn’t have slept with you last night.”

  “So that wasn’t a one-night-stand?”

  “Not at all. Are you done breakfast?”

  “I think so.”

  “Then why don’t we crawl into bed? I have a few hours before I’m needed anywhere.”

  Tara really disliked the hotel beds. The mattresses were too hard. The blankets were thick and lumpy and while they were certainly warm enough, they were not comfortable and familiar like hers back home. The sheets were the worst of it though. They were good quality, sure, but they were stiff and made crinkly paper noises when she folded them back or tried to snuggle in them. But this time, crawling into bed with Remy, she didn’t even notice the crinkling.

  They crawled in dressed, well, half-dressed in Remy’s case, and pulled the covers, as uncomfortable as they might be, up to their shoulders. They snuggled in close, their legs tangling together, their noses almost touching.

  He brushed her hair back from her face with his finger, she traced the line of his cheek bone with hers. They were both smiling. The passion and need of the night before had lessened with their first coupling and now there was time to explore, to be slowly intimate.

  They ran their fingers through each others’ hair and traced lines on each others’ faces, pausing to indulge in little kisses. Gradually their touch spread to neck and shoulders, then arms and sides. He smiled wider when she squirmed.

  “Are you ticklish?”

  “Only a little.”

  He kissed her and brushed his fingers over the ticklish spot on her ribs again.

  “Okay, enough.” She squirmed back away from him.

  He pulled her in close, kissing her hard.

  Their touches became more intimate and more sexual as they lay there exploring. She crawled on top of him and ran her hands over his chest, then took her shirt off so he could do the same with her. The more skin-on-skin contact they had the more desperate their touch became.

  Tara could feel her breath catching low in her throat every time Remy brushed his fingers or lips over a delightfully sensitive spot and she was starting to crave his kisses.

  He flipped her over, pinning her beneath his body, and began lavishing kissing on her, starting with long passionate kisses on the lips, kisses that involved a little tongue and a lot of heat. Then they moved down her jaw and neck and over her shoulder. Then down further until he stopped to take her breast in his mouth. He stayed there a long time, switching his attentions from one to the other, while she ran her fingers through his hair.

  Then he went lower still, trailing kisses down the flat of her stomach. He paused at her hips, kissing and gently biting them, making her squirm and moan. He kissed her thighs and then nudged her legs apart.

  She laid back a
nd let the pleasure sweep through her as he used both fingers and tongue to explore between her legs. He took his time, testing and teasing, trying to gauge how good it felt from her moaning and the twist of her hips. It took time but he didn’t mind and he soon had at least an idea of what she liked. He settled into those sweet spots, pushing all the right buttons that would drive her towards her climax.

  The intensity of her pleasure continued to build inside of her. Her body began to tense and she had to fight to breathe. Her moans became ‘oh’s and ‘ah’s and words of encouragement and she fisted her hands in his hair.

  When she climaxed, she had to stifle a shout as her hips bucked and her body twisted. Still, he didn’t stop, his tongue doing what felt like magic tricks along the sensitive folds of skin. When her body relaxed and her breathing settled to a panting, he finally stopped.

  “Wow,” she whispered.

  He was grinning at her.

  She giggled. “You don’t have to look so damn smug,” she said.

  “I liked doing that to you. I wish you didn’t have to keep your voice down. I think I like making you scream.”

  She pulled him close and kissed him. It took a little shuffling but soon he was kneeling between her legs, the tip of his erection pressing against her still-trembling opening. She nodded and he pressed into her.

  Their movements were slow and lazy, and they let their hands roam over each others’ bodies as they made love. They changed position, first him on top, then her, then on their sides, and always they were kissing and touching each other. Sometimes their hips fell still as they indulged in deep kisses or stared into each others’ eyes.

  She rolled on top and smiled down at him. She was about to say something flirty when she caught sight of the clock. “Wow, is that the time?”

  “Yeah, why?”

  “I don’t have all day.”

  “Oh, well then.” He flipped her back over, pressed his lips against hers, and began thrusting into her with more force. He moved his lips to her neck and nibbled, lightly so as not to leave incriminating marks. One day, soon, I am going to leave a mark where everyone can see it so they know she’s mine.


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