Churchill and the King

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Churchill and the King Page 19

by Kenneth Weisbrode

Kennedy, Joseph P., 56, 118–19, 123

  Kent, Duke of, 149, 175

  King, Ernest, 148

  King’s Speech, The, ix–x

  Kipling, Rudyard, 135

  Kissinger, Henry, 61

  Kitchener, Lord, 31

  Labour Party, 3–5

  Lascelles, Alan, 63, 66, 146, 157, 160, 164, 166–68, 173, 176

  Lees-Milne, James, 125, 170, 171, 174–75

  Leopold III, King, 147

  Liberalism, 27–28, 37

  Lindemann, Frederick see Lord Cherwell

  Lippmann, Walter, 56, 123

  Lloyd George, David, 30, 83

  Logue, Lionel, 97

  Lothian, Lord, 120

  Lytton, Lady (Pamela Plowden), 90

  Macmillan, Harold, 153–54

  Margaret, Princess, 34, 80, 161–62, 175

  Marlborough, Duke of, 17, 48

  Marsh, Edward, 7, 62–63

  Marshall, George, 62, 70, 72, 78, 90, 124, 144, 147, 148, 163, 164

  Martin, John, 90

  Mary, Queen, 13–14, 21, 34, 35, 41, 44, 53, 85–86, 97, 118, 149

  Merriman, Roger, 120–21

  Montgomery, Bernard, 73–74, 165, 166, 170

  Moran, Lord, 66, 81, 91, 93–94, 141, 182, 183

  Mountbatten, Lord, 43, 63

  Mussolini, Benito, 54, 120, 157

  Napoleon I, Emperor, 71–72, 112

  Narvik, 111

  Newby, Eric, 159–60

  Nicolson, Harold, 48–51, 112, 131–32, 171

  Nixon, Richard, 61

  Norway, 1, 110–12

  Paul of Yugoslavia, Prince, 147

  Peck, John, 99–100

  Pétain, Philippe, 114

  Pim, Richard, 179

  Pitt, William, the Younger, 164

  Poland, 1, 52, 57, 172

  Portal, Charles, 79, 127

  Potsdam Conference, 178

  Pound, Dudley, 79

  Reynaud, Paul, 114

  Rhodes James, Robert, xiii, 67, 85, 97–98

  Roberts, Andrew, 62, 145, 148

  Roosevelt, Eleanor, 121, 132

  Roosevelt, Elliott, 138

  Roosevelt, Franklin D., 7, 33, 59, 61, 69, 70, 78, 120, 124, 159

  in Big Three, 109–10, 142–43

  Churchill and, 62, 72, 90, 91, 94, 121–23, 158, 163, 170

  Churchill’s wartime meetings with, 138–39, 141, 147

  death of, 173

  George VI and, 122–24, 138–39, 151

  at Yalta conference, 171–72

  Rose, Kenneth, 9, 99

  Russia, see Soviet Union

  Sawyers, Frank, 94, 104, 140

  Shaw, George Bernard, 116

  Simpson, Wallis, see Duchess of Windsor

  Smith, F. E. see Lord Birkenhead

  Smuts, Jan Christian, 163–64, 168, 170

  Soames, Christopher, 80

  Soames, Nicholas, 181

  Soviet Union, 135, 137–38, 140, 142–43, 148–49, 151–52, 157–58, 172

  German invasion of, 135, 141–42

  Spears, Edward, 111–14, 116, 153

  Stalin, Joseph, 1, 7, 61, 70, 78, 148–49, 157, 158, 164, 172

  in Big Three, 109–10, 142–43, 157

  Churchill and, 61, 148–49, 158, 171

  Churchill’s presentation of sword to, 157–58

  Stamfordham, Baron, 14, 167

  Stimson, Henry, 70

  Tedder, Arthur, 98

  Thompson, Charles Ralfe “Tommy,” 140

  Thompson, W. H., 6

  Times (London), 9

  Truman, Harry, 61

  Victoria, Queen, 9, 11, 38, 64, 155

  Voroshilov, Kliment, 158

  Watt, Donald Cameron, 51

  Wavell, Archibald, 72–73, 139, 149

  Weinberg, Gerhard, 55–56

  Weygand, Maxime, 113, 114

  Wheeler-Bennett, John, xii

  Wigram, Ralph, 48, 80

  Wilhelm I, Kaiser, 64

  Wilhelmina, Queen, 147

  Wilson, Woodrow, 61

  Winant, John “Gil,” 62, 124, 140–41

  Windsor, Duke of (Edward VIII; Prince of Wales; known as David within family), 9, 18, 25, 37–41, 49, 63, 118, 122, 145–46

  abdication of, x, 40–42, 44, 45, 47, 65, 66

  birth of, 13

  George VI compared with, 13, 15

  throne assumed by, 35, 37–38

  Windsor, Duchess of, 38–41, 45, 49, 65, 67, 118, 122, 145–46

  World War I, 1, 25, 30, 68, 107–8

  Churchill and, 27, 30–32

  Dardanelles campaign in, 30–31, 111

  George V and, 1, 15, 25

  George VI and, 27, 32–33

  World War II, 9, 107–8, 135–60

  Allied victory in, 161–76

  Anglo-American relations in, 162–63

  appeasement and, see appeasement

  Baedeker Raids in, 147

  Big Three in, 109–10, 142–43, 157

  Blitz in, 125, 127–33

  British military strategy in, 76–78, 126–27, 142–47, 163–64

  D-Day, 163–70, 179

  France in, 112–17, 119, 143, 145, 148, 154, 163–71

  Germany in, see Germany

  Italy in, 156–57

  Japan in, 140–41, 144

  North Africa in, 147–48, 150, 152, 154–56

  outbreak of, 57–58, 107–8, 112

  Pearl Harbor bombing in, 140–41

  phases of, 135–36

  Phony War and, 58, 112, 125, 135

  Soviet Union in, see Soviet Union

  supreme climax in, 163

  U.S. entry into, 138, 140–41

  U.S. support in, 118–24, 139

  V-E Day, 174

  V-J Day, 175

  Yalta conference, 171–72

  Ziegler, Philip, xiii, 69

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