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Renegade Page 8

by Jeanne McDonald

  My eyes fluttered closed, the gentleness of his kiss chasing the sadness inside me away. This man was a light, a beacon of hope, and I felt it in the mere gentleness of his kiss.

  Ian’s hands drifted from my cheek to the side of my neck, brushing my hair behind my shoulder. I shivered with feverish need.

  Sweet and tender turned into intense and wanton. His mouth grew harder against mine, his hands gliding down my arms and moving to the small of my back. Before I realized what I was doing, I’d straddled Ian’s lap.

  His hands held my hips, preventing me from moving, as his tongue swept across the crease of my mouth. I moaned in relief when his tongue found mine. He tasted better than I’d imagined, and my mind immediately began to picture what he would feel like naked and inside of me. I wanted him and from the bulge pressed against me, I knew he felt the same.

  Though our kiss was deep and intense, it didn’t last long. Ian pulled back, his lips pink and kissably swollen. He brushed his knuckles down my cheek and smiled. “You’re mesmerizing, Lucy Diamond, and I want nothing more than to take you back to my flat right now, but I can’t.”

  Lust fused with uncertainty, and I scooted away, increasing the distance between us. I grabbed his left hand and examined a very important finger. “Don’t tell me. Wife? Girlfriend? Both?”

  “No. Not at all. I would never do such a thing.”

  There was no ring indention. No tan lines. Indicators that he was lying about the no marriage part. But after Jude broke my heart, I struggled to trust men. They lie.

  “Then why?”

  “I leave out for New York City tomorrow evening. I have a meeting there I must attend. I’ll be gone for a few days, and I’m not the love ’em and leave ’em type.”

  So many conflicting emotions rattled around inside my head. I wanted to believe him. Hell, I wanted to trust him, but why didn’t he mention this to me before the date? Then again, it was only a first date. Should I really be so upset about a guy being gentlemanly enough to want to wait?

  In the end, reason won out over logic.

  I grinned. This man was too much. “Okay. We’ll wait.”

  I slipped off Ian’s lap, hopped up from the sand, and dusted myself off. Ian followed suit, his arm wrapping around my waist. I glanced up at him and smiled. This felt good. It felt right.

  I tilted my head, taking in Ian’s side profile. His jaw was a little crooked from this angle. I wondered if maybe it’d been broken before. Possibly during one of his rugby tournaments. Whatever the case, it added character to his handsome features. I liked it. It gave him a rough edge to his otherwise smooth exterior.

  “On second thought, I don’t want to wait.”

  Ian dropped his forehead to mine. “Are you sure?”

  My lips twitched into a faint smile and nervous tingles fluttered inside of me. “Positive. Just promise me that you’ll text me while in New York.”

  His jaw tightened and he squinted in deep thought. “I hate texting.”

  “I’ve gathered that, but you’re an honest guy, one I really like and want to get to know better. A text or two won’t kill you.”

  Ian nodded, accepting my decision. “Let’s put out this fire, shall we?”

  He dropped a kiss to the top of my head and released me from his hold.

  As Ian worked to put out the bonfire, I checked my cellphone.

  Three new texts from Jude.

  Suddenly, his face was clear in my mind. That wicked grin of his. The danger in his eyes. The way my blood simmered in my veins at his touch. I shook my head to wash away the thoughts of Jude Wallace. He wasn’t going to ruin a good thing for me. Not this time.

  “Our Uber driver should be here in five minutes or so,” I told Ian, slipping my phone back into my pocket.


  Ian dangled my shoes from his long, slender fingers. “You’ll be needing these.”

  “That I will.” I took the shoes from him and slipped them on my feet.

  With our belongings in hand, I slipped my hand into his, locking our fingers together.

  Even this felt right.

  Everything about Ian did. And I was excited about what the rest of the night had in store for us.

  I twirled my thumbs, staring out the window of the Uber. The humidity at the beach mixed with the fire had caused my clothes to feel as though they were permanently glued to my skin. I should have felt uncomfortable, considering I felt dirty from sweat, but I wasn’t. With Ian sitting beside me, I felt relaxed…content.

  That didn’t mean I wasn’t a little wound up.

  Okay, maybe more than just a little.

  What had I agreed to?

  I was about to have sex with a man I’d only known for a few days. This wasn’t like me at all. Usually I’d date a guy for weeks before doing the deed. After Jude, I never trusted men and sex. I had to make sure they weren’t going to run away afterward.

  But with Ian, I didn’t feel that way.

  Ian placed his hand over my knee, stopping the incessant movement. I hadn’t even noticed I’d been bouncing my legs. “Nervous?”

  A valid question, and really, I wasn’t. At least not about sex with Ian. That was the easy part. It was what came afterward that had me rattled. “Not at all,” I lied.

  Ian lightly squeezed my hand. “We don’t have to…you know.”

  Once again, I was filled with warmth and comfort by this man. If I turned him down, I had no doubt he’d respect my wishes without questioning my reasoning. He was a true gentleman. Rare, but true.

  I brushed my knuckles against his cheek and grinned. In his eyes, I was reminded of all the reasons why I said yes back at the beach. I did want him, and I liked the idea of getting to know him better.

  “I know we don’t. But I want to.”

  “Gettin’ your shag on, ’ey mate?” the weird Uber driver with questionable hygiene butted in with a terrible fake British accent. His awkward smile broadened, as he waggled his bushy eyebrows.

  Ian’s and my eyes met, and we both broke into laughter. Any uneasiness between us disappeared.

  The oblivious driver, taking this as a sign to continue, began chatting about all the babes he’d picked up over the night and how this was such a great gig to meet women. All the while, Ian and I moved in closer to each other.

  The closer we became, the more sexual tension burned between us. There was no kissing, no intimate touching, just a mood, a moment, a feeling that crackled between us. I felt my body ignite with fire as if Ian had been all over me; a fact I wanted nothing more than to be true. My breathing began to elevate, and my heart pounded in my ears. The sound of the driver’s voice disintegrated into the background, leaving only the echo of our pants as our soundtrack.

  I licked my lips, staring at Ian’s mouth. His bottom lip was full, perfect for sucking, and the top had a lopsided bow that twitched with a smile longing to appear. My eyes lifted to meet his. Ian tilted his head slightly, his hand ghosting over my cheek. This was it. I could feel his kiss before it even touched my lips. I allowed my eyes to drift close, waiting for our mouths to meet.

  “Right, oh!” the driver called out. “149 Maplehurst Lane.”

  Just like that, the spell was broken. Ian and I pulled apart and exited the car. There was an awkward chuckle that bubbled in my chest, but that disappeared at the sight of Ian’s apartment complex. I knew he lived in Alexandria, but I didn’t expect anything like this.

  “You live here?”

  “It’s not much, but it’s home.” I caught a hint of pride to his tone. Had the tables been turned, I probably would’ve bragged, though I could never afford this kind of place on a cop’s salary. “Now, come on.”

  It was only a short distance from where the driver stopped to the front door of Ian’s ‘apartment’, which in my mind looked more like a townhome than an apartment. So, I questioned him.

  “I believe I called it my flat, but you Yanks typically call them apartments.”

  I bit back a
chuckle. “You might not want to call us Yanks. At least not here in Virginia.”

  Ian extracted a set of keys from his pocket, slipping one of them into the deadbolt. “Why?”

  The sound of the lock clicking almost made me jump. It resonated into the night and acted as a reminder of what we’d come here to do.

  “It’s that whole North versus South thing. You know. The Yankees versus the Confederates.” Ian pushed the door open, stepped inside, and flipped on the light. “You’re in southern territory, boy,” I continued, mocking a thick southern twang. “And don’t ya forget it.”

  I followed him in and swallowed down my nerves as the door closed behind me.

  “Noted.” Ian’s smile dropped as he took notice of my appearance. “You’re stunning.”

  I dropped my gaze, a little embarrassed. “I’m a mess.”

  “No, you’re not. You’re beautiful.”

  “Thank you,” I whispered.

  “Right. Please, make yourself comfortable. I’m going to pop into the kitchen, put this stuff down,” he motioned toward the bag dangling over his arm, “and grab us some refreshments.”

  Alone in his living room, I began to take in the sights that were Ian Clarke. A blue upholstered sofa sat against the wall directly across from a huge television, which was diagonal to a brick fireplace. The room was bright and open, cheerfully and tastefully decorated with ornate pieces and abstract artwork on the walls. The only thing that suggested this was not a showroom, but rather someone’s living space, was the parade of photographs along the mantle.

  I found myself standing in front of the pictures, taking in the snapshots of Ian’s life. The only people I recognized were Ian and Logan, but everyone, as with most photographs on display, was smiling and happy.

  My heart broke at the loving family portrayed. He came from love, where as I was alone and forgotten.

  Before I could wallow in my despair, I was pounced on by a cute, brown-haired puppy with floppy ears. At least I assumed it was a puppy for all of its energy.

  “Roger, get down!” Ian called out.

  I looked up from the adorable animal to find Ian coming toward me with glasses of wine. “Sorry about that. Roger’s still a baby. He doesn’t know any better. But I’ll have him trained up in no time.” I took one of the glasses from Ian. He placed his glass on the mantle and knelt down to pet the tiny dog.

  “He’s adorable. How long have you had him?” I took a sip of wine, stunned by the body and flavor. This man really did have good taste.

  “About three months now. Ever since I moved in.”

  I was taken aback by this piece of information. From the looks of the place, I would’ve expected he’d lived here for years. The elegant decorating alone suggested stability. “You’ve only lived here three months?” I rested the glass on the mantle next to Ian’s.

  “Thereabouts. After university, I worked in New York for a while. It was amazing. I love the city, but when Logan phoned me about a job opportunity with his firm that not only moved me closer to him but to my sister, well, I couldn’t pass on the chance.”

  Roger flipped over on his back, allowing Ian to scratch his belly. As Ian’s nails raked over Roger’s fur, his leg jerked with happiness.

  “Well, that kills my theory.”

  Ian lifted to his full height. Roger bounced around at our ankles, begging for attention. “What theory?”

  I circled my hand around the living room. “I figured maybe a girlfriend decorated your apartment for you. But if you’ve only been here a short while…”

  Ian crossed his arms over his broad chest, his eyebrow lifted. “There you go implying I’m attached again.”

  “I’m sorry. I sense a woman’s touch.” I pursed my lips, nodding toward a bowl full of wine corks centered on the cherry wood coffee table. “Besides, it’s hard to believe a guy like you doesn’t have a girlfriend.”

  “I haven’t been in a relationship for some time, and the woman’s touch you sense is my sister’s. She’s an interior designer when she’s not chasing down my niece and nephew.”

  A little embarrassed by my assumption, I returned my attention to the photographs on the mantel. I ran my finger along the glass of a frame, where a smiling Ian was crunched between a woman who had his amazing eyes and a teenage boy who also bore a strong resemblance to Ian. They were all dressed in winter clothes, cheeks red from the cold. “That’s me with my sister, Mae, and our little brother, Robert, last Christmas.”

  Not wanting to think about family, I ran my finger over the wooden frame and rubbed it together with my thumb. “Spotless. I should’ve known,” I teased.

  “Were you expecting to find something?”

  I could feel Ian towering over me, his breath warming the back of my neck. I turned to face him, my smile growing. “Possibly a speck of dust.”

  “I like things tidy. Is that a crime, officer?”

  The tip of my tongue darted out over my full, pink lips. “Maybe it should be. Sometimes life is more fun when it’s a little chaotic.”

  Enough was enough. I came here to relieve some stress, and frankly, I wanted this man. I enjoyed the way he watched me, almost as if he were memorizing my every move. His blue eyes darkened to hard sapphire, and I knew I had him.

  Ian closed the distance between us. “And sometimes,” he murmured, his voice low and gruff, “one needs a little structure to enjoy the finer things in life.” His eyes trained on me; he dragged a finger down the buttons of my top. A shiver tore through me, and I fought the urge to close my eyes at his touch. If I did, I’d miss all the depth of his. I could almost swim in his gaze, and for a fleeting moment, I was able to let go of the darkness that itched in the corner of my mind. Ian managed to make me feel safe. Something I hadn’t felt in quite some time.

  As if an invisible force drew us together, Ian leaned in and pressed his lips to mine. In my chest, my heart thundered with relief. As his tongue plunged amorously between my lips, I let out a whimper and permitted myself to become consumed by his kiss. I could feel him all around me, though he barely touched me beyond our lips.

  Ian pulled me closer to him, our bodies molding together in heated passion. Had it not been for Roger bouncing at our legs, this moment would’ve been perfect.

  “Go lay down, Roger,” Ian hissed to the dog, refusing to remove his mouth from mine.

  Roger whimpered but obeyed the command, jumping up on the sofa before curling up in a tiny brown ball.

  As if the puppy hadn’t bothered us, Ian resumed his frantic kisses. I pushed up on the tips of my toes, my fingers tangling in his silky straw-colored locks. He smelled so damn good; his cologne mixed with the scent of the sea was enticing. Breathless and wanton, I pulled back to meet his smoldering gaze.

  His brows pinched. “Are we okay?” Ian questioned, almost as if he thought he’d overstepped his bounds.

  I grabbed him by the collar, pulling him flush to me. “Better than okay. Take me. Right here. Right now.”

  Ian cocked his head to the side, his eyes weighing my command. He smirked and shook his head. “No.”

  I released his collar and took a step back. “Excuse me?”

  Ian stepped into me, closing the distance between us, forcing me to crane my neck to meet his eyes. “I said no. Not here.”

  “Then where?”

  As Ian lifted me from the floor, I squeaked. “In my room. On my bed.” I locked my arms around his neck and circled my legs around his waist. My mouth crashed against his, aroused by this assertive side of Ian.

  He walked down the hall, carrying me with no effort. Each step he took made me more frenzied with desire. The air around us vibrated with lust.

  Ian rammed his knee into the partially open bedroom door and thrust us both inside. I broke our kiss only for a moment, to take in the sights of his bedroom. Artfully decorated, just like the living room, I couldn’t help but notice there wasn’t even a dirty shirt on the back of a chair. I combed my fingers up along the back of his
neck, savoring the slight shiver that coursed up his spine. “So tidy,” I teased.

  “You expected a mess after seeing the rest of my flat?”

  “Your bedroom is your sanctuary. A little chaos is allowed.”

  Ian gently placed me on my feet, a wicked grin enhancing his masculine features. “Let’s make it chaotic, then.”

  I bit my bottom lip, staring into the eyes of a man who was on fire with passion. He wrapped his long fingers along my jaw and pulled me in for a kiss that made my toes curl. His hands slid from my face, fingers fanning over my arms, and down my sides. My skin pebbled at his tender but commanding touch.

  Unable to control myself, I pressed my pelvis against his erection. As I hoped, his kiss became more urgent, passionate, and desperate. Gently but with some pressure, Ian twisted his fingers in my hair, tugging my head back, allowing the fire to overtake us.

  Without question, I parted my lips, granting Ian access. His hands, his mouth, his tongue coaxed me in ways that no man ever had before. He broke our kiss only for a second when he grabbed his shirt by the back, pulled it over his head, and tossed it aside.

  All this time I’d felt those hard abs against me, but that was nothing in comparison to seeing them up close and personal. Real life was so much better than what my imagination had conjured. “Wow,” fell from my lips, and had Ian’s eyes not grown even darker with lust, I might’ve felt embarrassed, but he wouldn’t allow it.

  Ian pulled me to his bare chest, planting his lips back to mine. A feral growl rumbled in his throat, as he slipped his hands beneath the thin fabric of my shirt. Sensing it was time to disrobe, I reached down, ready to pull my top off, but was stopped by two hands wrapping around my wrists. I met Ian’s eyes, and his swollen lips quivered into a tempting grin. “Oh, no, love. This is my present to open.”

  I wanted to rebuff him since he hadn’t allowed me to remove his shirt but thought better of it when he pulled the top over my head and gasped at the sight of me. Until now, I hadn’t given much thought to having not worn a bra. This wasn’t exactly the type of shirt that required one, and with the heat, it was more comfortable going braless. But standing before Ian, bare-chested, the decision became quite the highlight in my mind.


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