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Renegade Page 14

by Jeanne McDonald

  Sarah’s mouth tilted in a crooked smirk. “We’ll be in touch, doctor. And if the autopsy shows anything other than suicide, well…”

  She walked out of the room, leaving me and the doctor staring at her back. He looked to me for advice, but I had none to give other than, “I wouldn’t leave town if I were you,” and I darted off after her.

  I caught up to her as she turned the corner to the security desk. “He’s in on it, Lucy. Mark my words. That old man has blood on his hands. You heard him. He drugged her. It would’ve been easy enough for someone to slip into her room and strangle her, making it appear like a suicide.”

  “There’s scuff marks on the floor and what looks like fingernail imprints near the base of the window. I think she might’ve been dragged away from the window.”

  “I won’t let him get away with it.” Sarah entered the security booth.

  I wasn’t sure if Sarah meant Sutcliffe or the doctor, but either way, she was on a mission to avenge Jane. Sutcliffe already had an enemy in Sarah. Now, he’s created an avenging angel in her too. There’d be no stopping her until everyone associated with him was in jail.

  And if she was right, that included Jude.

  I pushed that thought aside. If Jude was involved with Sutcliffe, which I prayed he wasn’t, then he deserved what was coming for him. Especially when Jane was dead because she was brave enough to talk to me.

  After hours of talking to potential witnesses, Sarah and I stepped out of the hospital to a setting sun. I hadn’t even realized how much time had passed. It was amazing watching Sarah work the case. George had been right about her. She was a badass with a badge.

  “I’m heading back to the station to review the surveillance and logs. I’ll let you know what I find,” Sarah noted as we walked past the reporters waiting to pounce on us. She gave them a look that stopped each of them in their tracks. I needed to learn that one.

  “You don’t want me to come with you?” I asked, following her to her car.

  Sarah rolled her shoulders, shaking her head. “There’s no reason for us both to be bored out of our minds on a Saturday night. You go home and get ready for your date tonight.”

  My eyebrows shot up, alarmed. “This case comes first.”

  A small smile appeared on Sarah’s lips. “It does, but this is a one-person job. I have no plans for today. You do. I’m taking one for the team. Okay.”

  It wasn’t a question. It was a demand. More like an order. I had no choice in the matter.

  “Okay,” I stated, a little hesitant. “Please call me if you find something. I feel responsible for this woman.”

  Sarah closed her car door and rolled down the window, starting the engine. “Absolutely. Now go home and get dressed.”

  I grinned and nodded. “Yeah. And my foster dad is in town.”

  Sarah chuckled. “Just in time to meet the new man. I think I’d rather watch this one unfold than twenty-four hours of boring security footage.” She waved me away from the car. “Have a good time with your family. I’ll call you if I find something.”

  She rolled up the window and took off, leaving me to stare at her disappearing vehicle. All of my senses were screaming that something wasn’t right about any of this. Not with Jane’s death. Not with Sarah’s insistence to work alone. Not with the doctor’s grant approval. Not with Jude’s unwillingness to talk to me about anything of substance. None of it.

  I’d been so distrusting of my gut since George’s death that I’d ignored it until now. But no more. I’d figure this out. All of it. Even if it was the last thing I did.

  When I arrived back at my house, I found several black sedans parked outside.

  “What the hell?” I grumbled, falling out of my car.

  It appeared my whole damn family was now at my house. This could not be happening to me. Ian was scheduled to arrive in the next hour. I barely had time to get ready and now the entire Baxter clan had infiltrated my home. I’d been to enough Sunday dinners with the Baxters to know that my house was in a state of chaos at the moment.

  I geared myself for the onslaught of affection as I opened my front door. I was ready for this.

  Then again, maybe not.

  My mouth nearly hit the floor when I entered my home. Nothing was as I had left it. All of my old furniture had been replaced with classy, new pieces. Beautiful pieces of abstract art covered my walls, and a huge television was being installed by two men while Aaron stood over them, barking instructions.

  I repeated my earlier sentiment. “What the hell?”

  Michael came barreling around the corner, a huge grin exploded on his face at the sight of me. “Lucy! You’re back.”

  He pulled me into a big hug, rocking me back and forth. “What do you think?”

  I lifted my face to meet his eyes, my neck straining from his immense height. “I know you said you were going to have your driver pick up a few things, but Michael…” my voice trailed off. I had no words.

  Liam and Elizabeth walked into the living room; his arm wrapped around her shoulders. She really was perfect for him. I couldn’t imagine a better couple than the two of them. “Hey, Lucy. How are you?”


  Aaron joined our little band, leaving the electronics installation to the pros. “Isn’t this great!” Aaron beamed with excitement, as he flung his hand out, showcasing my new digs.

  “It’s fantastic, but why?”

  “Because you’re a Baxter, and we take care of our own.”

  Tears formed at the corners of my eyes, threatening to spill over. I couldn’t let that happen. Michael had already seen me cry once today. Not again.

  “Michael called us and told us how our Little Lucy wasn’t taking care of herself,” Liam stated. “Had we known we’d have been here sooner.”

  “And now that we do,” Aaron chimed in, “you’re stuck with us.”

  So much love filled the room. It was more than stuff to them. This was taking care of family. I was their family.

  A knot the size of Texas formed in my throat. I licked my lips, willing myself not to cry.

  Elizabeth stepped out of Liam’s grip and took my hand, seeming to recognize my need to escape. “And from what I hear, our dear Lucy has a date she needs to get ready for.” She directed me down the hall that was now covered in family photos. Me with all the boys during graduations, dinners, and even in play. There were a few of me with Michael, him helping me with my homework and other various activities, but in the center of them all, was the photograph of my mother. Michael had it reframed and centered in the middle of my family.

  “These Baxter men can’t do anything simple,” Elizabeth commented, as she directed me to my bedroom.

  It had been transformed with new furniture, lightings, draperies, and bedding. “Is that a new mattress, too?”

  “Apparently just like the one you used to love at Michael’s.”

  Oh. My. God! Sleeping on that mattress was like sleeping on a sliver of a cloud. I wanted to fall into it.

  “Michael also got you a dress for tonight.”

  I turned around to find Elizabeth holding a gorgeous black dress. It was a sleeveless empire that flowed to the knees. Exactly something I would have chosen for myself.

  “That man.”

  Elizabeth blew her bangs back from her eyes. “He adores you.”

  “He didn’t have to do all of this.”

  Elizabeth handed me the dress and settled down on the bed. “You’re right, but this is how Baxters take care of their own. Now, put that on and make him proud.”

  Elizabeth Baxter was not the type of woman you said no to. She was a campaign director with a reputation for always winning, even in impossible situations. And while all of that made her formidable, being a mom, trumped it all.

  “Where’s Tatum?” I asked, slipping out of my jeans.

  “She’s with Jordyn today.”

  Jordyn McNeal, Elizabeth’s daughter from a previous marriage who had just finished her u
ndergrad at Georgetown and was off to Harvard in the fall.

  “That’s sweet. Sisterly bonding time.”

  While I dressed, Elizabeth and I chatted about Ian and Liam’s upcoming announcement to run. As I had expected, she wasn’t too thrilled about the family choosing to hire someone else to run the campaign, but she’d accepted it seeing it’s what she would have suggested if it wasn’t her.

  Satisfied with my appearance, I checked my reflection in the mirror one last time. At Elizabeth’s suggestion, I left my hair loose, pinned up only on one side. Dressed in my new black dress and silver gladiator sandals, I was ready to impress the man who would be here to pick me up at any moment.

  I tried to think of nothing but what the evening held for me, but I couldn’t shake the weight of guilt sitting on my chest. After all that had happened and having Michael in town, I felt I should postpone the date. When I suggested as much to Elizabeth, she damn near came unglued, telling to not insult Michael in such a way.

  I exited my bedroom right as the doorbell rang. My heart raced inside my chest at the sound of Aaron calling out, “I’ll get it.”

  “No you won’t!” I yelled back, racing down the hall. I came to a stop in front of the door, taking a moment to check my lipstick. I traced the line of my lips with my fingertip, feeling four sets of eyes on me as I did.

  I caught sight of Michael’s reflection in the mirror. He was beaming, giving me an approving nod. “You look amazing, but you’re not leaving until I meet this man.”

  I rounded on him, finding the whole family grinning at me. My eyes nearly bulged out of my head. “I’m not sixteen anymore, y’all. You’re not going to do that whole ‘cleaning my gun’ bit.”

  Michael laughed, crossing his arms over his chest. “It worked wonders on your prom date.”

  Aaron slapped Liam on the shoulder, both men laughing. “That poor guy damn near pissed his pants.”

  “Ian’s a grown man and a good person.” I reached for my purse, grabbing the doorknob as the bell rang once again.

  “Impatient, isn’t he?” Liam teased

  “Stop it, guys,” I hissed, turning the knob. The door opened, and before me, dressed in a pair of dark jeans, faded at the knees, a slate gray collared shirt with the sleeves rolled to his elbows, and black loafers, stood Ian with a bouquet of sweet peas in his hand. The ache in my chest squeezed tighter, almost suffocating me. It was strange how much I’d missed him.

  “Wow. You look fantastic.” Ian’s smile was pure sunshine. He lifted the bouquet. “These are for you.”

  I took the proffered flowers, drawing them to my nose and breathing them in. “They’re lovely.”

  A clearing of a throat caught my attention. I fought back a groan and turned to my family, who was practically standing on top of me. Ian’s head popped up, and his smile changed from sweet want to manly respect. “Good evening.”

  “Ian, is it?” Michael’s deep voice boomed.

  Ian extended his hand to Michael first. “Yes, sir. Ian Clarke.”

  Michael analyzed Ian’s hand before taking it and offering a firm grip. “Strong handshake you’ve got there, son.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Ian, this is Michael Baxter, my foster dad.”

  “Lucy’s spoken very highly of you,” Michael acknowledge.

  “That’s not hard for her to do,” Liam teased. “Everyone stands higher than Lucy.”

  It was like I was sixteen all over again. Aaron and Liam were out to make my life miserable. Secretly, I wouldn’t have it any other way.

  Ian leaned in, shaking hands with each of my family members, all analyzing him.

  “Senator Baxter,” Ian acknowledged Liam as they shook hands. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, sir.”

  Liam tilted his head, scrutinizing my date. “You look familiar to me. Do I know you?”

  Ian shook his head, taking a step back. “No, sir.”

  Both men stood in silence, one sizing up the other. Finally, Aaron broke the silence, “Tell us about yourself, Ian.”

  “No!” I covered my face with my hand. “Another time. We need to go.”

  Aaron wore a look of pride, having set out to embarrass me in front of a date, once more, just for old times’ sake.

  “It was nice to meet you, Mr. Baxter,” Ian said, as I gently pushed him from the door.

  “Likewise,” Michael replied. “Take good care of our Little Lucy.”

  “I intend to.”

  “And bring her back in one piece, please,” Aaron jested, wincing and crying out when Elizabeth punched him in the arm.

  I walked arm-in-arm with Ian down the path toward a pristine 1971 Cuda 340. I almost groaned at the sight. The lime green and black accent paint job gleamed in the light of the street lamp. “What is it with men and sports cars?” I quipped as Ian opened the door for me.

  Damn him for reminding me of Jude.

  “This is American muscle. I thought you might appreciate it.” He beamed with pride. “Your family seems to.” He nodded toward the front door where Michael, Aaron, and Liam appeared to be drooling over my date’s ride.

  The smell of freshly polished leather filled my nostrils as I slipped into the bucket seats. A weird déjà vu occurred, thinking back to Jude’s Superbird. What were the odds that both men would have classic muscle cars?


  Again with Jude.

  And that almost kiss.

  Guilt filled me once again, but I pushed it away. Compartmentalizing it.

  “You seem displeased,” Ian noted, sliding into the driver’s seat, his bright smile shaded by disappointment.

  As he started the ignition, I touched his arm, guilt eating at my gut. I couldn’t understand why I felt so errant. It wasn’t as if I’d done anything wrong. I stopped things before they escalated. I did the right thing.

  “Not at all. It reminds me of a friend’s car. That’s all.”

  Not a lie. Though I did use the term friend loosely.

  Ian’s smiled returned, reaching all the way to his eyes.

  “Then your friend has great taste.”

  I nodded, trailing my index finger along Ian’s forearm, as he shifted gears and pulled out into the street.

  About a mile away from my house, Ian pulled into an empty parking lot.

  He reached across my lap, his fingers lightly trailing over my knees. I released a small gasp, thinking I knew what was coming next. I opened my knees slightly, expecting Ian to trail upward. Instead, he opened the glove box and pulled out a black blindfold. “Here,” he said, holding the cloth out to me. “Put this on.”

  I gave him an incredulous look, accepting the mask. “I beg your pardon. Shouldn’t we be at, I don’t know, your place or a hotel if we’re about to get kinky?”

  Ian threw his head back and laughed. “Lucy, there hasn’t been a single second of a single day since I’ve been gone that I haven’t thought about you. When I’m awake, I think about you. When I’m asleep, I dream about you. The way you feel. The way you smell. The way you taste.” I squirmed at the deep husky tone of his voice. I felt the urge in my belly for him to take me the way he had the last time we were together. “But tonight, I promised you a real date, and that’s exactly what I intend to deliver.”

  “With a blindfold?” I lifted my fingers, allowing the black cloth to dangle between them.

  Ian took the blindfold and held it up to my face. “Do you trust me?”

  I narrowed my gaze, staring at the cover. “Yes?” My response came out more as a question, though deep down I knew I did. Trust wasn’t easy for me, but I did trust him.

  Ian leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss to my lips. “Then wear the blindfold.”

  Oh, the feel of his lips against mine. My breath hitched in my chest. I opened my eyes and met his, my heart thrumming in my chest like a bird’s wings. “Okay.”

  Ian slipped the blindfold around my eyes, covering my mouth with his again, once the cloth was secure. The way his hands cupped th
e back of my neck, holding me steady, as our tongues danced and tasted one another, left me breathless and wanting for more. All of my guilt disappeared for a moment, for being there, with him the way we were the first night, was magic in its rarest form.

  All too soon he pulled away. I couldn’t see him, but I could hear his breathing, hard and ragged. “I have to stop,” he rasped, his voice gravelly and wanton. “If I don’t, I can’t say I’ll be able to control myself.”

  “Then don’t,” I pleaded, rubbing my legs together.

  I felt Ian’s lips brush along my jaw. “Behave,” he commanded.

  I wanted to argue, to push his buttons, but the manner in which he spoke stopped me from doing so. The intensity of his command and my need to follow it was intoxicating.

  The engine fired up again and soon I could feel the car lurch forward and pull back onto the road.

  The two of us remained silent during the drive. Sexual energy buzzing all around us. But that wasn’t the only thing buzzing. Every five minutes or so, my phone would chime and vibrate, alerting me of a new text message. It was Jude’s tone and I stiffened every single time it resounded.

  Finally, Ian broke the silence by asking, “Is that important?”

  I shook my head. “No.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “It’s just a reminder,” I lied.

  “Okay.” The tone of his voice was indicator enough for me to know that he didn’t believe me, but he wasn’t going to push the matter either.

  Not long after the car came to a stop, I could smell a distinct odor. One I was quite familiar with.


  “Very astute,” he murmured next to my ear. He loosened the blindfold, and it fell from my eyes. I blinked several times, adjusting to the light. Movement from the corner of my eye caught my attention, and I noticed Ian tucking the fabric into his pocket.

  “For later?” I whispered.


  The promise behind that single word brought back the intense desire I felt for this man. But that feeling was soon squashed when I glanced out past the dash. My heart sank into my stomach. We were parked at the pier of National Harbor. From my seat, I could see the spot where the big guy and Jude fought. I tried to swallow, but my throat was constricted. Breathing became difficult. For the life of me, I couldn’t imagine why Ian brought me back here.


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