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Renegade Page 22

by Jeanne McDonald

  For so long, I’d allowed my own personal darkness to cloud my heart, but seeing Jude standing there, putting it all on the line, yet again, and thinking of Ian, the darkness burned away, leaving only peace.



  I blinked, seeing the doctor, but looking past him. Instead, my mind reverted back to the memory of my wedding day. I’d never felt more like a princess than I had that day. We married in Austin, at the Baxter family ranch, surrounded by our family and friends. Ian’s family had accepted my invitation to attend the wedding. Mae, who had become a dear friend to me, and Sarah stood at my side. I loved spending time with both women and was honored to have them beside me on my special day. But the best part was having Michael escort me down the aisle.

  The look on Michael’s face when he saw me in my wedding dress was an expression I’d never forget. His words were forever engrained in my memory. He told me that I might not be his biological daughter, and while he always respected my wishes to not adopt me, he still considered me his child. It was in that moment I called him Dad for the first time and had done so ever since. I was a Baxter, and proud of it. I had a family.

  “Where’d you go?” Dr. Blackbird edged.

  I rubbed my eyes, coming back to reality. “I was thinking of my wedding day.”

  Dr. Blackbird cocked his head to the side. “Why?”

  “You asked me if Jude was okay with me going with Mae to the graveside. It made me think of how supportive he’s been through all of this. And to answer your question, he’s perfectly okay. He’s even joining us.” I glanced down at my watch. “As a matter of fact, he’s waiting outside for me now.”

  Dr. Blackbird closed his binder and slipped his pen into his pocket. “Then how about we end our session a little early today.” He reached over and placed a hand on my knee. “I’m so proud of you. You’ve made great progress since the first time we met.”

  “Thanks, Doc.”

  Soon after, I exited the office. The early evening sun beat down on my face as I pushed open the door and walked outside. Sitting in front of the building was a gorgeous Cuda. Mae demanded that I take it, citing that Ian would’ve had it no other way.

  Leaning against the vehicle, his legs crossed in front of him, was Jude. In his arms was my son.

  I rushed over to my two favorite boys and wrapped my arms around my husband, kissing him tenderly. “You’re early,” Jude mumbled against my lips, smiling.

  Taking a step back, I glanced down into my husband’s arms. Tufts of blond hair sprouted over my son’s crown, bright as sunlight. I gently touched his cheek, my heart filled with more love than I’d ever imagined was possible. “Dr. Blackbird says I’m making great progress and let me go early today.”

  “That’s wonderful news, Luce.”

  The baby began to squirm and whimper. I reached out for him, taking him from Jude’s arms. “Mama’s got ya, Lane.”

  When I discovered I was pregnant, I was worried Jude would bolt, especially considering that it was quite possible Ian was the father.

  From the start I was open and honest with Jude about it, and much to my surprise, Jude told me that he wasn’t going anywhere. He claimed no matter what, the baby was his, and even if there was a chance that it was Ian’s, he’d still claim the child as his. He owed Ian that much.

  It was Jude’s idea to name the baby after my mother and Ian once we discovered I was carrying a boy. Now, our son held the names of the three most important people in my life ─ Lane Ian Wallace.

  Jude placed a tender kiss to the baby’s crown followed by a kiss to my temple. He winked and pulled a set of keys from his pocket, twirling them around his finger. “You ready to go?”

  “You bet.” I opened my hand, waiting for the keys.

  A scowl wrinkled Jude’s forehead. “You have Lane. Let me drive.”

  I pursed my lips, a single brow raised. “Think again, buster.”

  Jude crossed his arms over his chest. “You know he’d want me to drive it. It’s only fair since I did drive it a year ago today.”

  A solid argument, but it wasn’t good enough for me. I fought back a smirk, maintaining a stoic expression. “Nice try. I’m driving.”

  Jude groaned, his shoulders sagging. “Fine. But one of these days you’re going to let me drive. You forget what I’m good at.”

  “Maybe. But not today,” I jested. Snatching the keys from his finger, I handed Lane over to Jude. “And just because I’m not a cop anymore, doesn’t mean I won’t arrest your ass if you ever threaten me like that again.”

  “Language, honey,” Jude teased.

  I rolled my eyes and jumped behind the wheel while Jude secured Lane in his carrier.

  Once Jude was in the passenger’s seat, I fired up the engine. It rumbled deep, vibrating around me. Lane’s eyes were wide with excitement. He had motor oil and adrenaline running through his veins, just like his father.

  I took off my jacket and tossed it in the backseat. In my peripheral vision, I could see the fresh ink on my collarbone – Become who you are!

  I touched the tattoo and breathed, a smile spreading across my lips. I was who I was supposed to be and exactly where I belonged. Had it not been for Jude and Ian, I might never have found my way back from the brink of destruction. Ian was the eye of my storm and Jude was the peace that followed. Because of them, I was complete.

  I rolled down the windows and cranked up the radio. I almost purred with the amount of power at my fingertips.

  Jude grinned, resting his arm on the door. I leaned over and gave him a kiss.



  I shifted the gear stick, pressed down on the clutch, and hit the gas. “Let’s ride!”

  The End.

  Wow! I honestly can’t believe I’m finally releasing this book. So much has happened in the last two years, much of which I never expected to occur in my life. In some ways, I’m better off, and in others, not so much. But at the end of it all, I’m still here, stronger than ever, and I’m finally sharing my first book in nearly two years with you. It’s an amazing feeling, and one I couldn’t have done alone.

  I want to start off by thanking my editor extraordinaire, Amy Gamache of Rose David Editing. This woman has not only made sure my words were perfect, but she’s been a friend to me through my worst of nightmares. The same goes for Sarah Canady and Vicki Pyers. I’m sure you recognize Sarah’s name; you did just read her as a bad ass cop. Trust me, the real Sarah is just as awesome. She and Vicki both beta read this book for me but were also there for me when I needed an ear or a shoulder to cry on. The same goes for my best friend Katy Patrick and my daughter (I call her that, but really, she’s just a dear friend) Destynee Nelson. These two ladies have listened to me cry and watched as I picked up the pieces of my life, and even helped me put them back together again. I honestly don’t think I could have made it through the last two years without the help of my friends.

  I’m a true believer that people come into your life for a reason. Call it fate, call it magic, call it the universe, but whatever it is, they arrive at just the precise moment you need them. That’s how I feel about Michael Roberts. When my world inverted, I truly believed that writing would never be a factor of my existence again. Michael didn’t agree. He encouraged me, sometimes pushed me, and cheered me on in a way I never believed was humanly possible. Because of him, I found my words and inspiration again. I owe this man a debt of gratitude I can never repay.

  It goes without saying, that there are three amazing individuals in my life that keep me on my toes and also inspire me. Alex (my son), Bacon (my dog), and Espresso aka Essie (my cat), are always there. They are the world’s cutest distractions and I couldn’t do this without them.

  Behind every good writer there is a village. My village consists of the amazing Jada D’Lee, who created the stunning cover for this book, Lindsey Gray, who ensured this book is stunning on your Kindle, and Natasha Carrere, who helped
me publicize this novel. These three ladies are the best in the industry, and I’m truly blessed to have them in my corner.

  My prereader team and my reader group (Jeanne’s Break Room), are some the world’s most amazing people. I’m honored that they endure my daily coffee memes and random questions, but most of all, I’m humbled by their friendship and acts of kindness toward one another. I hope you will join us as I continue this journey. We’re a bunch of goobers, and that makes us all awesome!

  Finally, thank you, my dear reader, for taking the time to read this book. Whether you loved it or hated it, I would love to know what you think. So, please, leave a review. Your voice matters!

  Jeanne McDonald enjoys writing contemporary romance filled with spice, drama, and humor. As JM Dodd, Jeanne's creativity explores the supernatural, relishes in the world of fantasy, and dabbles in contemporary fiction.

  She prides herself in being a mother, a friend, a student of knowledge and of life, a coffee addict, a philosophy novice, a pop culture connoisseur, inspired by music, encouraged by words, and a believer in humanity.

  Jeanne is the founder of the author co-op, Enchanted Publications, and is an avid supporter of autism awareness, combating senior hunger, and higher education access.

  When she's not spending time with her amazing son, her dog, and her cat, she can be found reading, writing, enjoying a great film, or cooking for friends. In her house, there’s always music or a podcast playing.

  A proud Texan, Jeanne currently resides in the Dallas/Fort Worth area with her son, Bacon, and Espresso.

  You can learn more about Jeanne and her books at

  Where to find her:

  Website | Newsletter | Reader Group

  A Ray of Hope

  The Truth in Lies (The Truth in Lies Saga I)

  The Certainty of Deception (The Truth in Lies Saga II)

  The Truth Be Told (The Truth in Lies Saga III)

  Indulgence (Taking Chances #1)

  Satisfaction (Taking Chances #2)


  Politically Incorrect

  My Geeky Valentine

  Dark garnet liquid reverberated in the wineglass as I circled my finger around the rim. With every swirl, the motion of the wine increased. The effect was almost hypnotic.


  The flicker of fingers snapping in my face drew me from my entranced state.

  “Elizabeth, are you even listening to me?”

  Truthfully, I’d tuned out the conversation a while back, but I wasn’t about to tell him that. There was only so much a girl could listen to when it came to what it took to make ugly people beautiful.

  For the most part, this date had been a complete and total failure. At least he had good taste in restaurants, however, with the location being inside one of the most elegant hotels in Dallas, I was sure he had more than dinner on his mind. He could think again.

  “Of course I am,” I schmoozed, gracing him with my most polished smile.

  Dr. Jack Gamble had met all my criteria on his dating profile. First and foremost, I needed a professional man. Having been out of the dating game for far too many years, gainful employment was pretty much my main criteria. I didn’t have time to babysit a man who didn’t have a job and I certainly wasn’t going to become someone’s sugar mama. Work took up a lot of my time and I would never apologize for loving my job. If a man couldn’t understand that then he wasn’t the one for me.

  My second criteria – he had to be good looking, and Jack fit the bill there. He was handsome with his ocean green eyes, wavy black hair, and perfect smile. While the black suit and red button-down shirt hid his body, it was easy to see he spent many hours at the gym ensuring he stayed fit.

  And my third criteria, which was probably the most important of all, was he had to be a Democrat. There was no way in hell I’d be caught out on a date with a Republican. I’d never hear the end of it. I worked too long and too hard to make a name for myself as the political strategist of the Democratic Party. I might’ve enjoyed the occasional tryst with a Republican, but dating one, nope. Not gonna do it.

  “Oh, really?” He leaned forward and rested his elbows on the table. The luxurious white linen table cloth bunched beneath the Italian silk of his well-tailored jacket. His dark brow lifted and his lip curled into a half grin.

  “Yeah, really.” I batted my eyelashes and widened my grin. Another tactic I’d learned while working with politicians. Lie all you want, but do it with a smile on your face.

  Taking my wineglass by the bowl, I swirled the alcohol twice and took a sip, savoring the rustic flavor on my tongue. Up to this point there had been food sitting in front of me, which allowed me to keep busy. Now, the only place to direct my focus was on Jack and my wine.

  This wasn’t the first date I’d been on since my daughter, Jordyn, persuaded me to get out there again, but this might very well be my last for a while. Men my age were full of themselves. They wanted a little thing, more like my daughter's age, that they could dangle on their arm as a trophy, not a successful woman who spent her life raising a child and making a career for herself.

  Yep. It’s certain. Perpetual bachelorette life for me.

  And why couldn’t I remain alone? What was wrong with it? I was happy. I had a full life. Just because I didn’t have a man didn’t mean I was incomplete. No. Dr. Jack Gamble had officially made me realize that finding Mr. Right wasn’t in the cards for me. Mr. Good for Right Now was all I needed. At least with him, I could toss him back when I was done. No harm, no foul.

  Jack stroked the stem of his wineglass between his thumb and index finger. It took all the self-control I had not to roll my eyes at his unconscious sexual suggestion. He leaned back in his seat, continuing to tease the stem of the glass. As if to challenge me, he lifted an eyebrow and rolled his tongue along his bottom lip. “Okay. What did I just say then?”

  Dammit! He had to ask that.

  I had no clue what he’d said. For most of the date I’d been off in La-La land. He talked so much that I really didn’t need to worry about doing anything more than nod and ask the occasional appropriate question. This man was dull and entirely full of himself. He even had the audacity to mention his last girlfriend was only thirty. Who gives a fuck? I sure didn’t. It was right about then when I completely tuned him out.

  I positioned myself so that my cleavage would draw in his attention. Just because the guy wasn’t getting any, didn’t mean I couldn’t use the gifts the good Lord gave me. I might be forty-five, but I still had a great rack. Pursing my lips, I peered over the rim of my wineglass as I took a sip. “You were talking about a patient,” I guessed.

  He didn’t waver. His eyes flickered down to my breasts, but only for a moment. Those blue-green eyes remained locked on mine as a smirk curled the corners of his mouth. “Which one?”

  I gulped down the last of my wine without so much as enjoying it. My gaze dropped to the black screen of my cell phone. If only it could give me the correct answer. “The one who had a facelift.” It was a viable answer, and I had a fifty/fifty chance of being right.

  “Wrong,” he snapped. “I was talking about the penial extension I performed last week. You haven’t heard a word I’ve said all night, have you?”

  Every inch of my skin crawled at him admitting to discussing such a terrible topic. In my line of work, it was customary for me to go to places no one else wanted to go. Dark, dirty, sweaty, smelly, seedy, or forbidden. I’d seen it all and did it all in the name of a win, but for him to discuss this, well, that was too much for even me.

  My fingers drummed against the screen of my cell phone. The one night I wished it would ring, it was silent.

  “Okay. You caught me.” I released a sigh. “I’m sorry. I just have a lot on my mind.”

  Jack leaned forward and took my hand in his. “I can tell by the way you stare at that phone; you’re anticipating it to ring. Trust me. I know the feeling. My life is a constant on call fiasco.”
br />   On call? Who was this guy kidding? He’s a plastic surgeon not a heart surgeon. Good grief!

  His thumb rubbed along the outer shell of my index finger. “I turned mine off to be with you. So, how about you put it away for the night?” His thumb continued to rub along my fingers. “We can get a room and I can help you relax a little.”

  I slipped my hand from his, resting it in my lap, creating distance. “It’s a sweet offer, Jack, but we’ve only just met.”

  “But I feel as if I’ve known you all my life.”

  Face meet palm. Of all the pick-up lines he could choose from, he went with that one?

  I scratched the back of my neck looking for the waiter. It was time for me to make my exit and fast. “That’s sweet, but I think we need to get to know one another a little better first. Besides, I told you when I agreed to this date that I’m leaving town in the morning. I have to get back to DC for work.”

  Jack ran his fingers through his perfectly coiffed hair. “I know what you said, which is why I want to spend the night with you,” he stated in a slight huff. “And quite honestly, you’re making me feel like a sleaze here. I only want to help you relax. You seem so tense.”

  Nope. Just bored.

  “Thanks, but really, I’m fine.”

  “Okay. Fine. I understand and I’d never take advantage of a lady.”

  I nodded, my eyes searching the room for the waiter.

  Jack reached into the pocket of his jacket, retrieving his wallet. He pulled out a little black card and handed it to me. “How about you stop by my office tomorrow before you leave for some Botox.”

  My smile dropped and my brow furrowed. “I beg your pardon?”

  “Many of my patients tell me it’s very relaxing, and it’ll take about ten years off your face. It’s only an hour of your time and you’ll feel like a million bucks afterward.”


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