Murder in the Mix Box Set

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Murder in the Mix Box Set Page 46

by Addison Moore

  His lips twist as he takes an enormous breath. Those stormy eyes look rife with disappointment, regardless of whether or not he’s buying my story. He had to stop by the courthouse this morning, so he’s wearing his signature suit. The stubble on his cheeks is deliciously grown out, and I want nothing more than to rub my face all over his and I plan to. That is, if he ever speaks to me again.

  Everett glances from Noah to me, his expression hardening by the second.

  “Please, Everett, join us. Noah stopped by, and I wanted to show him Nessa’s sketchbooks.”

  He takes a deep breath and lands in the seat next to mine. Never before have I seen Everett look so vulnerable. I could see him questioning his decision to entrust me with his dark past, and here I was proving myself untrustworthy—with the one man whom he doesn’t quite get along with. I feel smaller than a thimble.

  I slide every book, sans the one that Noah is inspecting, over to Everett, and he’s quick to make the coital connection.

  “Nessa was into documenting,” Everett muses. “Do you think she used this somehow as a part of her threat repertoire? They all knew she was an artist, albeit a fake one, when it came down to it.”

  “How would she use this?” I trace her flowing hair over the page with my finger.

  Noah nods as if he’s catching on. “Maybe it was a subtle cue. Something that let everyone know they were just a hair from being voted off her exclusive island of friends. Nessa loved power. From what it sounds like, she wanted abject control of everyone at any given moment.”

  “She wanted to be the puppet master,” I say as I try to make sense of the indelicate scribbles. A seemingly trivial detail catches my attention, and I flip several pages to confirm my theory. “She wasn’t very good at their faces, but look at this.” I touch my finger over what looks to be a tattoo or a birthmark of some kind over the man’s left forearm. “It’s consistent in each drawing. That’s an odd element to include if you’re drawing random people. It kind of looks like, like fire?”

  “Wait a minute.” Noah flips to the back of his book. “I didn’t want to sound like a jackass, but I thought her body was changing in the last few sketches. The last sketch she drew was just days before she was killed. Look at her midsection.”

  Everett and I lean in.

  Everett shakes his head. “It looks bloated, but it can also be excused as poor artistic execution. She’s supposed to be sitting in his lap.”

  Noah twitches his head. “Maybe.” He closes the book and looks from Everett to me. “So this thing between the two of you is happening, huh?”

  Everett reaches over and clamps his hand over mine. “We’re not going anywhere.”

  Noah pushes out a breath as if he were sucker punched. “I get it. Lottie is a catch, and because of the tangled details of my life, she slipped right past me.” He shoots a curt look to his former stepbrother. “You always did know a good thing when you saw it.”

  “Still do.” Everett lands his elbows onto the table. “The thing Lemon was alluding to a few minutes back, about my past? A woman I was with was carrying my baby. The car she was in plunged into a river when she hit black ice. I lost them both.” Everett presses those powerful blue eyes of his to mine. “I know what it feels like not to have anyone to talk to, and if it helps you process things by talking to Noah, I’m okay with that. Just know I’m always here for you, Lemon.”

  I press my lips tight as I shake my head. “I didn’t want to bring it up. I didn’t want to remind you. I didn’t want to hurt you.”

  “I know.” He lands a kiss to the back of my hand. “Now that it’s out in the open, you don’t have to feel bad about bringing it up to Noah or to me. I never want there to be a secret between us. I like what we have. I believe in honest dialogue. In healthy communication. You can’t break my heart, Lemon. You’re the one who healed it.”

  Noah purses his lips and I can tell that, if not for the horror of that story, he would be rolling his eyes right about now.

  “I’m sorry, man.” Noah reaches over and offers a partial embrace from across the table. “I can’t imagine how painful that must have been for you.” His eyes drag heavy to mine. “It sounds like the two of you have a very open relationship.”

  “Unlike us,” I practically whisper the words. “I still haven’t told you my secret.”

  A loud ping interrupts, and I pluck my phone from my apron.

  “It’s a text from Meg. Both Landon and Blythe are about to have lunch in the conservatory.” I shrug as I look to the two of them. “Either of you gentlemen care to join me for a quick bite?”

  “I’m in.” Everett helps straighten Nessa’s journals.

  Noah rises and checks his phone. “I think I’m going to run down to the coroner’s office real quick. He’s still in for a few hours, and I’d like to have a look at the lab work.”

  “Ooh,” I say. “Let me know what you glean.”

  “Likewise.” Noah comes around and lands a quick kiss over the top of my head. “I’ll call you.” And with that he’s off.

  I pull Everett in close and look into his ocean deep eyes. “I love you, Everett. I see that love has stung you. It’s left you wounded in far worse ways than it has me. You’ve put yourself out there for me, time and time again. You’ve opened up your heart to me, and I will not break it. I promise you that, Everett. I am not Cormack. And if God did take me off this planet and it broke you, I would want you to get back out there and find someone who makes you feel whole again. Not with ten thousand nameless, faceless women whom you could have a few sultry nights with, but with one whom you could have everything with.”

  A slow budding smile curls the tips of his lips. “Lemon.” He leans over and lands a searing kiss to my lips that has a couple of girls catcalling from the register. I pull back to find Keelie and Lily giggling at the counter.

  “We’d better hurry and get to my mother’s B&B.” I bite down seductively over my bottom lip. “So then we can hurry and get back to my place.”

  Everett helps me to my feet. “Let’s hit it.”

  Chapter 53

  The Honey Hollow Bed and Breakfast is my mother’s fourth child, and rightly so since it demands far more attention than any of her daughters do these days. Inside it’s light and bright with all of the curtains pulled back and the windows open, letting in the fresh pine scent from outdoors.

  “Lottie!” My mother is the first to greet us just past the foyer. “We just have to iron out the details for your sister’s bridal shower next month. I’ve already sent out invitations to every woman in town. I’ll be hosting it right here in the conservatory. After that unfortunate event a few weeks back, I think it’s best we christen the place with a far more blessed event. I just can’t believe in less than two months our Lainey will be Mrs. Forest Donovan. Of course, grandchildren will follow. We’ll have a baby shower, then a baby, and then another baby, of course.” She clasps her hands together as she glances to the ceiling as if we were about to incur every major milestone in just a few months. “Lainey has no idea what a grand journey she’s about to embark on.” She shakes it off and sails back down to reality, inspecting Everett by my side. “Judge Baxter, always a pleasure.”

  Everett bows slightly. “As it is with you.”

  Mom chortles as if he had the ability to charm the stockings right off her, and, believe you me, Everett has the ability to pluck away even the most stubborn pantyhose.

  “Miranda?” Rich Dallas barrels through the door, looking like someone just threatened to castrate him. Now there’s an idea. “Don’t waste time talking to these two. I’ve got the motor running. We need to make tracks.”

  Mom giggles into her fingers. “Rich has decided he’s going to win me back.” She gives a sly wink. “He’s taking me on a surprise date!” Her voice hikes an octave as he grabs her by the hand and sails her out the door like a kite.

  “Should we go after them?” My heart ratchets up to unsafe levels at the thought we might have just wit
nessed a kidnapping—that of my mother.

  Everett tips his head back. “I wouldn’t worry about it too much. About a month ago, I had Noah install a tracking device on the man’s car. I can tell you where he is to the city block, no matter how far he gets in this world.”

  “Really?” My heart warms at the thought of Everett and Noah teaming up to protect my whirlwind of a mother. “Thank you.”

  A wicked grin twitches on his lips. “You can thank me later.”

  “And I will.” I lead us straight out to the conservatory where I spot Cormack’s mini me, Landon, seated across from Blythe. They both look impeccably dressed, understated, of course. Landon in a denim dress and Blythe in a white polo and matching white jeans and a peach scarf tied around her waist like a belt. They’re both impossibly thin as if a baked good had never crossed their lips while on this planet. Just beyond them is the refreshment table brimming with the scones and cheese Danishes that my mother has her staff pick up fresh daily from my bakery.

  The conservatory itself is huge—a large glass room that my mother has dotted with dozens of white wrought iron bistro tables. And with the evergreens surrounding it from the outside, it makes it look as if we’ve just plopped ourselves into the English countryside.

  I nod to Everett to follow me, and we each load up a plate of treats and grab a cup of coffee.

  Landon and Blythe spot us and quickly wave us over.

  “Lonnie, Judge Baxter, please join us,” Landon whines. Come to think of it, that’s the only tone I’ve ever heard her use. “My sister just sent me another disturbing text. She received another threat this morning.” She shoves the phone into Everett’s face as if the threat were truly meant for him.

  Everett inches back so he can properly read Cormack’s chicken scratch. Okay, so I can’t be sure she’s the culprit, but I’m ninety-nine point nine nine percent certain.

  “Today you will die,” he reads it out loud, and there’s an air of disbelief in his tone.

  “Ha!” I can’t help but belt one out. “I guess we’ll know if the threats are real by midnight.” I can’t help but give Landon a sideways glance. “How do you think your sister will pull this one off? Word of warning, if she calls and asks you to play the part of her body double, I’d say no.”

  Landon makes a face. “My sister is a lot of things, but a deranged stalker she is not.”

  “Technically, it’s not stalking if she’s doing it to herself.” I don’t mind one bit stating it like it is.

  Everett’s chest widens with his next breath. “It’s submitting a false claim to the sheriff.”

  Landon’s mouth rounds out. “She is not submitting a false claim. Just wait until something horrific happens to my sister, then you’ll both see that I was right. We know the truth.” She looks to Blythe and nods, but Blythe is slow to join in on the fun.

  “So”—I scoot my seat in between the two of them—“do you think whoever killed Nessa is the same person sending these threats to Cormack?”

  Landon shakes her head furtively. “No way. I think it’s that blonde bimbo—Cormack’s new boyfriend’s wife.”

  “Britney?” Now it’s me shaking my head. “Why on earth would—” I think on it a moment. “Oh, I see—you think she’s trying to scare Cormack from seeing Noah. But the notes are only bringing Cormack and Noah closer.” In proximity alone. “It doesn’t make sense.”

  Landon rolls her celadon eyes. She really is Cormack’s twin in every way sans the chestnut-colored hair. Dear God, help us. There are two of them.

  She lets out an exasperated sigh. “You know that, and I know that, but that blonde bimbo hasn’t a clue that her little plan to terrorize is backfiring spectacularly.”

  Blythe wrinkles her forehead. “Britney’s the one that runs the Swift Cycle classes, right? I’ve met her. She’s opening one up just outside of the country club in Fallbrook, too. I don’t know, she’s a smart cookie. I’m pretty sure she’d be aware of the fact her threats would only drive Cormack to that hot detective she’s trying to land.”

  “Landed,” Cormack’s mini me is quick to correct. “Noah and she are practically engaged. In fact, Cormack wants a baby in her belly by autumn, and what my sister wants, my sister gets.” She bats those lash extensions of hers up at Everett. “In fact, what I want, I seem to get, too. You know, Everett, I have always dreamed of graduating and joining the Essex league. I’ve got an underused mattress upstairs that can make that happen.”

  A river of words dam up in my throat, and I gag on them for a moment. “And I’ve got an underused left hook.” My lips spread across my face like a rubber band, and even my smile looks like a threat. “Essex is off the market. He’s with me. It looks like you missed out on the heyday—and now that his oats are all sown up, you’re welcome to boot scoot your way to another pasture.”

  Landon’s mouth falls open. “Is she speaking English?”

  Blythe belts out a laugh. “She’s dating the man, Landon. My God, didn’t you learn anything from Nessa? You don’t proposition men just because you can. You have to learn to respect the boundaries of a relationship.”

  I look to Blythe. “I’m starting to like you already,” I tease. “And I know what you meant about Nessa. I know all about her wicked ways to keep her friends in line. Stealing away whatever man met her fancy, taken or not. And to think of the repercussions if you didn’t go along with her evil game.” I pretend to shudder as Landon and Blythe stare at me wide-eyed.

  Blythe takes a breath. “Who told you?”

  “Please”—I roll my eyes—“more people know than you think.”

  Landon gasps. “Oh my God. And to think Nessa thought our circle was water tight.”

  A deep rumble comes from Everett’s chest. “So tight, someone thought the only way out was to kill Nessa.” He shakes his head as he bears hard into Landon’s eyes. “Who do you think did it?”

  Landon bites down hard over her bottom lip until her flesh presses white. She takes a ragged breath as she looks to Blythe.

  “I don’t know.” Her voice isn’t convincing at all, and a red flag goes up. My God, I think Landon does know.

  Blythe shakes her head at Landon as if solidifying a pact. “I don’t know either, but I can tell you that almost all of us wanted Nessa gone—maybe not dead, but certainly we can all breathe a little easier without her.”

  “I can see that being true.” I lean in toward Landon. “Did Nessa have something on you? I happen to have overheard her the day she was killed, saying something to the effect of I know what you did.” Truth be told, it was Max who heard it, but his ears are just as good as mine at this point.

  Landon takes in a ragged breath, straightening in her seat as her body goes rigid. Her eyes close a moment. “Fine, I did do something, but it doesn’t leave this table.” She shoots a sharp look to Blythe. “I may or may not have coerced Vivian to seduce Clayton. I knew he was still sleeping with Nessa, and I didn’t want to use Nessa as an excuse for our divorce.” She snarls at Blythe. “I couldn’t turn a blind eye the way she wanted me to. None of us could. And if I couldn’t have that two-timing cad all to myself—she couldn’t either.”

  My mouth falls open. “Did Vivian know about Clayton and Nessa?”

  “Oh, who cares. We were all still on friendly terms. I was satisfied with that.”

  I shrug over at her. “Now that Nessa is gone, do you think that tight knit circle will still remain friends?”

  Blythe scoffs. “Are you kidding? Ryan and Clayton are inseparable. They will always be good friends. And that means Viv and I will see each other forever or as long as Clay and Viv stay together.” She shoots a glance to Landon. “As we’ve seen, he’s not the most loyal companion.”

  “I’m more than fine with it,” Landon is quick to admit as her hand gently glides over Everett’s arm. “I’m much more eager to meet new people than ever before.”

  Before I can remind her of the conversation we had less than two minutes ago, her phone buzzes
over the table.

  “It’s Cormack.” She quickly cradles her cell phone in her hand. “Again? She just received another one.” She gasps as she continues reading. “She just pulled up outside.” She yanks Everett to his feet. “You have to help us, Everett. You’re Cormack’s oldest friend.”

  Everett winces as he looks to me.

  “Go,” I say. “I’m more than fine with it.” I make crazy eyes at him as I subtly nod toward Blythe. “What a hurricane those Featherby sisters are,” I quip to her once they leave.

  “Please, don’t I know it. Attention seekers at your finest. Do you realize that for all the years I’ve known Landon she has always relied on a man to rescue her? And not once was a man truly needed. It’s as if she didn’t feel worthy enough to find a man to love her without baiting him into it somehow.”

  “And you seem the opposite.” She does. In fact, everything about Blythe oozes a genuine self-confidence. Her hair looks soft and natural, not over processed, not overly dyed, she’s nearly makeup-free sans a few strokes of mascara, and if she is exorbitantly wealthy, she’s understating it by a mile. Whereas Landon stacks the rings and bling, Blythe seems to have ditched it for the day. I’m getting the feeling Blythe is the real deal. I can see why she would be fuming regarding Nessa’s nest policy. Blythe seems completely sane.

  “I guess I don’t feel as if I need a man.” She leans in, and her cheeks pinch pink. “I mean, I have needs, so for that I need a man, but financially I’m going to be okay. I’m sure you’re rolling your eyes because I haven’t worked a day in my life, and that’s true. I’m a trust fund baby. I can’t help it. I was born into it. But I’ve never felt the pressure to fit into this plastic society that seems to be a part of the package. Landon does and so does her sister. That’s why I’m a little surprised that she’s hot for some detective who makes less in a year than her interest yields in a month. But to each his own. Who knows? Maybe she really does love him.”

  My stomach churns at the thought of Cormack genuinely loving Noah. That’s the last thing I wanted to hear.


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