Stealing Jia (Coletti Warlord Series Book 13)

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Stealing Jia (Coletti Warlord Series Book 13) Page 7

by Gail Koger

  “I want to have a talk with whoever came up with that bright idea. The evil twins decided they wanted to sample blood worms while I was introducing the concept of a shower to Cason. Who, by the way, hates water. A lot.”


  “LeeLee and LooLoo agreed blood worms taste nasty. I caught them doing a wonderful impression of Tarzan on crack as they webbed twelve dozen blood worms to every surface they could find.”

  “Who is this Tarzan?”

  “A story for another time. The point is Adoz and Pepe joined in the fun too. I gestured around the room. “And wa-lah! Mass destruction.”

  “The blood in the shower came from you bathing them?”

  I plucked a piece of blood worm off LeeLee’s head and fed it to Cason. “More like my attempt to bathe them. Adoz’s not fond of water either. As I was chasing him down his wings flung bloody gunk in every direction. At the same time, Pepe was having the time of his life rolling around in the crud.” I dropped my head back on the bed. “Not fun and I never, ever want to do that again.” A worm smacked my pillow.

  Cason pounced on it.

  I patted his back. “Good baby.”

  He looked at me hopefully. “More?”

  Ugh. “Later.”

  Trayon typed away on his gauntlet. “I have summoned Bey. He needs to take charge of LeeLee and LooLoo.”

  “You no fun,” LeeLee groused.

  Trayon picked up the evil twins and held them at eye level. “You, Adoz, Pepe, and Chiara are cleaning this mess up.”

  My God, he sounded like a dad.

  “I did not participate,” Chiara protested from her spot on the pillow.

  “Nor did you try to stop them.”

  Chiara curled into a little ball. “I did not. I have never been around alien lifeforms before and had no idea what the proper etiquette was.”

  “Webbing blood worms to the walls is wrong in any culture,” Trayon replied and pointed to the baby Draconic that was perched on my head. “You will instruct Adoz on what needs to be done.”

  “Yes, Father Trayon.”

  His paws over his head, Pepe whimpered, “Me sorry.”

  I rolled my eyes. Now he was sorry? The little scamp had led me on a merry chase.

  Placing the Tabors on the walls, Trayon turned his attention to me. “Have you eaten?”

  “Too tired to eat.”

  “You will go to the mess hall and eat. I will deal with this.” Trayon removed Adoz from my head.

  Sitting up, I gestured at my wet and bloody clothes. “I look like a refugee from a zombie attack.”

  Trayon touched his gauntlet. Click. A wall slid back to reveal an assortment of tunic tops, leggings, underwear, and boots. The colors ranged from black to blue to purple and a lovely green. “I have provided you with the proper clothing.”

  “You know my size?” And when had he bought them?

  “I know everything about you.”

  God, I hoped not. “How?”

  “Our minds our linked.”

  Okay, now I was freaked out. I scrambled off the bed. “Then why don’t I know everything about you?”

  “We must do a mind meld for that to occur.”

  Alarm knotted my stomach. “And when is that going to happen?”

  “Soon.” Swish. Swish. Swish. Trayon flicked his claws, shredding my tee-shirt, jeans, and underwear. The pieces fell to the floor.

  Merda! I glanced down at my body. There wasn’t a scratch on me. I glared at him. “You could have killed me.”

  “I am not a youngling with poor control.” Trayon’s gaze roved over my body. “Your form is very pleasing.”

  Fighting down the urge to cover myself, I blurted out sarcastically, “I can’t tell you how happy that makes me.” I toed off my boots and hurriedly dressed. Everything fit perfectly right down to my bra. I ran my hand over the velvety fabric. “Very nice. Thank you.”

  “My mate wears only the best.” Trayon planted directions to the mess hall in my head. “Go eat. Have a glass of Merlot.”

  “You have Merlot?”

  “Yes, and Zinfandel.”

  My favorites. No one had ever spoiled me before. I could get used to it. Adoz latched onto my shoulder and chirped mournfully.

  “He thinks you are abandoning us,” Chiara said.

  I stroked Adoz’s soft fur. “I would never do that.”

  “Promise?” The fear in Chiara voice brought tears to my eyes.

  “I promise.” I scooped her up and kissed her scaly little head. “We might be different species, but we’re family.”

  Chiara rubbed against my face. “Thank you, Mother Jia.”

  Trayon plucked Adoz and Chiara off my shoulders. “Go.”

  Cason wrapped himself around my right leg and wailed, “Momma.”

  “Sssh. It’s okay.” I pried Cason off my leg and put him on my hip. “Want some yummy blood worms?”

  Cason gurgled in delight.

  “The mess hall has been cleaned and I instructed my warriors not to enter for the next hour. Enjoy your dinner in peace,” Trayon said.

  His warriors? Before I could ask about his rank, the doors slid open and a huge tarantula with grey streaked fur skittered in. “Holy Mary Mother of God!” I jumped on top of the bed.

  “Grampa Bey,” LeeLee and LooLoo cried in union.

  “That creature is Bey?”

  “He is fierce Tabor warrior, not a creature,” Trayon corrected.

  That I could believe. While LeeLee and LooLoo were cute and cuddly, Bey was scary as hell.

  Eight emerald eyes surveyed me. “Another easily frightened petka.”

  “Petka?” I just had to ask.

  Trayon flashed me the image of a fluffy alien rabbit with its feet stuck up in the air. “When frightened petkas faint.”

  “They make very tasty meals too,” Bey added.

  “Thanks for the zoology lesson.” I stepped off the bed with as much dignity as I could muster. “Good luck with the cleanup.” I hurried out the door. Trayon probably thought I was a scattered brain idiot. My eyes widened in horror. When had his opinion of me become so important?

  “Bloos. Bloos,” Cason babbled.

  I smiled down at him. “Yes, you can eat as many as you want.” The flesh peddlers had starved the little guy. His mother deserved her horrible death.

  My internal alarm roared to life. I winced as the stabbing pain got worse. Three hostiles were approaching. I automatically went for my laser pistol and groaned. I was unarmed. The mess hall was just ahead. If I could make it in time, I could fry the door controls.

  There was a flash of black and three heavily armed Askole warriors stood in front of me. My eyebrows rose. The leader of the pack was missing most of his teeth. His buddy’s tentacles looked like they had been chawed on by a ravenous Tai-Kok. My gaze settled on the runt of the litter who was missing a chunk of his skull and an eye. “Bad day on the battlefield?”

  The leader displayed his broken fangs in a snarl. “The rumors are true. Trayon has claimed a human female.”

  “I do not understand the fascination with puny, soft skins,” the runt sneered.

  Cason flashed his sharp baby teeth and growled.

  The warrior with the mangled tentacles pointed to Cason. “How dare you bring that abomination on our ship.”

  “Your ship?”

  Toothless boasted, “Once I defeat Trayon in a challenge match, it will be.”

  And the sad thing was, the moron really believed he could beat Trayon.

  “Give me the abomination and I will let you live.” Toothless held out an imperious hand.

  I expelled a long breath. There was really no reason to hide my abilities anymore. Since the kids and me had already disrupted the ship so much, I’d try the peaceful approach first. “Look, I’ve had a really bad day. All I want is a glass of Merlot, some spaghetti, and a big piece of chocolate cake. Get out of the way or this puny, soft skin is going to put you down.” Zzzzzt! A glowing green energy ball
formed on my right palm. “Move. Or die. Your choice.”

  Roaring rather pathetic battle cries, Toothless and his buddies pulled their swords.

  “The hard way it is.” I hurled my energy ball and quickly summoned another.

  Zap! The first ball walloped Toothless in the chest. He stumbled off balance, tripped over his own feet, and as he fell, he impaled himself on his sword.

  Crack! The next energy ball fried Mangled’s remaining tentacles. He dropped to his knees, screaming.

  I dodged the Runt’s sword thrust and zapped him. Crack! His eye rolled back in his head and down he went. Tendrils of smoke rose from his blackened armor.

  “Clean up on aisle three.”

  Cason giggled.

  Trayon zoomed up with his sword drawn. He studied the pitiful warriors for a moment, then sheathed his sword. “These fools thought they could defeat you?”

  I snorted. “Yeah and Toothless there was going to challenge you.”

  Trayon laughed like it was the funniest thing he had ever heard.

  To my amazement, I loved his boisterous laughter. Maybe being his mate wouldn’t be such a bad thing after all.

  The hallway was suddenly filled with Askole warriors.

  “Silence!” Trayon commanded the still screaming Mangled.

  “My tentacles are no more. Gone forever. Gone. The female attacked us without cause,” Mangled blubbered.

  I rolled my eyes.

  Poof! Zarek appeared and gave Mangled a nasty smile. “The ship’s surveillance vids say otherwise.”

  Mangled scrabbled backwards. “We have refugee status.”

  “I have revoked it. You will be returned to Threll.” Trayon gestured.

  The Askole warriors dragged the loudly protesting Mangled and his buddies off.

  Zarek inquired, “You have programmed Merlot into your replicator?”

  “It is Jia’s favorite,” Trayon answered.

  “Mine also.”

  I shot Zarek a startled look. Was he angling for a dinner invitation?

  “You are always welcome to share a meal with us.” Trayon escorted me into the mess hall. “Sit. I will get your Merlot and spaghetti.”

  “Don’t forget the chocolate cake.”

  “Bloos. Bloos,” Cason jabbered.

  I quickly added, “And bloodworms.”

  Trayon nodded and walked over to a food replicator.

  A glass of Merlot in one hand, Zarek took the seat across from me. “How have you remained hidden for so long?”

  “I’m a thief. I work in the shadows.”

  “Central Command’s records show you stole over sixty million credits in jewelry and fine art for Salvatore Genovese.”

  I replied matter-of-factly, “There’s no evidence to support that claim.”

  Cason tugged on my tunic. “Bloos? Bloos?”

  “Soon sweetie.”

  “According to Aldo Dragos you single-handedly brought down the Genovese crime syndicate?” Zarek said.

  “I have no idea who Aldo Dragos is but the Polizia made the arrests.” I shifted uneasily. Where was the food?

  “Quit interrogating my mate,” Trayon growled and handed me a glass of Merlot.

  I drained it. Trayon placed a plate with spaghetti, a small loaf of bread and what looked like salad in front of me. “Thanks.”

  Cason cried, “Bloos. Bloos.”

  “Here they are.” Trayon set a bowl of blood worms in front of him and took my empty glass.

  Cason stuffed a handful of worms into his mouth.

  Zarek studied Cason intently.

  If he made a move on Cason, Overlord or not, he was going down.

  “Eat. I will not harm the child,” Zarek said with obvious amusement.

  My stomach rumbled hungrily, and I dug in. “My compliments to the chef, Trayon. This is really good.”

  “Warriors fight better when fed properly,” Trayon replied. He put a full glass of Merlot in front of me and took the seat next to me.

  “Are there any more refugees like toothless and his friends onboard?”

  “A few, but they have been restricted to their quarters.”

  “Good to know. I’d hate to damage your pretty ship with my power balls.”

  Trayon’s tentacles rose. “Pretty ship?”

  “Owh. Owh.” Cason jabbered and thwacked his bowl of blood worms, flinging the bloody contents all over Zarek.

  I started in horrified fascination as a blood worm slid slowly down Zarek’s cheek.

  “Bloos. Bloos.”

  Merda! I grabbed my napkin and jumped to my feet. “I am so sorry. Let me clean it off.”

  “Sit!” Zarek commanded.

  I sat.

  Trayon chortled.

  I shot him a sidelong glance. “You think this is funny?”

  “You have been on my ship less than a day and no matter where you go pandemonium follows.”

  I gave him the evil eye. “Why don’t you void our mating contract then?”

  “Askole warriors thrive on chaos, and I never know what you will do next.”

  Cason grabbed a worm off the table and offered it to Zarek. “Bloos. Bloos.”

  Zarek took it. “Rodan children are feral creatures who would never share their food. The fact Cason just did is very unusual.”

  LooLoo said Cason was different from the other Rodan,” I said.

  “His brain patterns are also quite unique. I plan on having his DNA tested,” Trayon advised.

  “A wise decision.” Zarek stood and dozens of worms rolled down his bloody armor. With a grimace Zarek teleported away.

  Cason held out his arms to Trayon. “Geepa.”

  Trayon picked him up. “Not Geepa. Father.”

  “Geepa.” Cason patted his chest.

  I laughed at the resigned expression on Trayon’s face. “He’s just a baby. He’ll get it in time.”

  “While you finish your meal, I will take him to sick bay for the DNA test and start his conversion.”

  “How long before we rendezvous at Proxima Centauri?”

  “Twelve hours.” A knot of apprehension formed in my gut. The thought of meeting my father gave me the heebie-jeebies. A part of me wanted to run. Another part of me was excited and hopeful.

  Trayon kissed me with a passion that left me breathless. “Do not worry. Your father will fall in love with you as I have.”

  I gaped at him. “You love me?”

  “I do.”

  “But you’ve known me for less than a day.”

  “You are my chosen,” Trayon answered, like that was all I needed to know.

  Was I his soulmate? Probably not. “I’ve done things I’m not proud of.”

  Trayon caressed my face. “You did what was necessary to survive. There is no shame in that. You are not alone anymore. You are now part of my family. Eat.”

  I nodded and watched him walk out. How big was Trayon’s family?

  Chapter Eight

  I got my answer sooner than expected when the doors slid open and in strolled two enormous Askole warriors. To my alarm, they walked over and sat down on either side of me.

  “You must be Jia,” the one on my right said, exposing his fangs in a rather terrifying smile.

  “I am.” Using my napkin, I tried to clean up the spilled blood worms.

  “I did not know humans ate blood worms,” the warrior on my left commented.

  “We don’t.” I drained my glass of Merlot. “Cason, my son eats them.”

  Both warriors sniffed me, and their tentacles danced over my hair.

  The warrior on my right said, “You have not given birth to any children.”

  “Or had sex with Trayon,” the other warrior exclaimed in disbelief.

  Zzzzzt! An energy ball formed above my hand. “That’s rude, none of your business and who are you?”

  The warrior on the left grinned. “I am Juri.” He pointed to his friend. “He is Dway. We are Trayon’s kindred.”

  Dway gazed at the energy
ball in delight. “Are there more soft skins like you?”

  “Ask Zarek.”

  “We must travel to Earth and claim one.” Juri tried to stick a talon in the energy ball.

  I smacked his hand. “Don’t touch it!”

  He looked at me in surprise. “Something so small cannot harm us.”

  “Yes, it can.”

  “Silly female.” Dway prodded the ball. Zap! He flew backwards and crashed into the wall. His tentacles stood on end.

  “What part of don’t touch didn’t you understand?” I yelled at him.

  Dway groaned.

  Juri broke into hooting crackle. “Trayon chose well.”

  Idiots. I linked with Trayon. Do you know some Askole warriors by the name of Juri and Dway?”

  “They are family. What humans would consider cousins. They are harmless.”

  Uh huh. Harmless wasn’t a description I would use. “Okay, they dropped by to say hello and Dway kinda got zapped.”

  “Zapped? Does he need a medic?”

  I eyed the wisps of smoke rising from his tentacles. “That’s probably a good idea.”

  Whoosh! Trayon zoomed in with Cason cradled against his chest. A few seconds later, a pygmy Askole entered the mess hall carrying a med kit. He hurried over to Dway.

  “I told him not to touch my energy ball.”

  Juri nodded. “She did.”

  “What did you do to provoke Jia?”

  “Nothing,” Juri said innocently.

  I gave him the stink eye. “I didn’t know who they were, and they sniffed me. After Toothless and his buddies, I wasn’t taking any chances.”

  “I see.” Trayon’s lips twitched.

  “Are you laughing at me?”

  “Not at all. My clan is very curious about you.”

  “I see. I’m like a freakshow, huh?” Call me cranky, but I was at my breaking point.

  Trayon hugged me. “Not at all.”

  “Momma.” Cason held his arm out.

  I took him from Trayon. I had to keep it together for the kids and Adam. “Have you been a good baby?”

  “He bit Soval,” Trayon said almost proudly.

  “Who’s Soval?”

  Trayon pointed to the pygmy Askole. “Soval is our medic.”

  I winced at the rather large bandage on his arm. “How many times did Cason bite him?”

  “Three times.”

  “Soval must have done something to scare him.”


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