Stealing Her Heart

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Stealing Her Heart Page 16

by Evangeline Anderson

  “Of course, my Lady—I will do exactly as you wish,” he murmured.

  He leaned down again and Vicky was certain he was about to kiss her, just as she had specified. To her surprise, though, that wasn’t what he did. Instead of placing his mouth on her, he rubbed the top of her mound with his cheek—almost like he was bathing in her scent, she thought.

  “Chain?” she whispered, forgetting she was supposed to be the teacher in charge here. “What…what are you doing?”

  “Scent marking you.” His voice was a low, possessive growl. “Claiming you as mine before I kiss you. I don’t want any other male to get within a hundred yards of you without knowing you’re mine, Victoria.”

  “Oh…” For some reason, his words made her heart flutter. “Oh, Chain,” she whispered, caressing his rough cheek with one hand.

  She wanted desperately to tell him that she wanted to be his—his with no question. But what if he was just putting on an act to impress Torella and Lornah? He couldn’t possibly mean what he was saying, she told herself. He was too young for her and both of them knew it.

  “Kiss me now,” she murmured, tugging lightly at his thick hair. “Kiss me and prove how well you’ve learned your lessons.”

  “Yes, my Lady,” he murmured. He bracketed her pussy with his big, warm hands, spreading her open with his thumbs. “Gods,” he muttered hoarsely. “So fucking wet.”

  And then he leaned forward and kissed her.

  His mouth was open and hot against her pussy and Vicky moaned softly at how gentle he was being. He really was kissing her as though he was kissing her mouth—a careful, tender kiss to let her know how he felt about her—that he cared enough to take things slowly.

  “Oh, Chain,” she whispered again, caressing his hair. The kiss seemed to go on and on and now that she was getting used to having his mouth between her legs, it was making her hotter and hotter. Chain never specifically targeted her clit, but she could feel his tongue moving against the swollen little bud as he kissed her, and every time he touched her, the need inside seemed to expand.

  At last he pulled back, his mouth shiny with her juices and his eyes dark with desire.

  “My Lady,” he growled hoarsely. “Was that gentle and slow enough for you?”

  “Yes, Chain,” she whispered. “Yes, that was…perfect.”

  “You are perfect, my beautiful Victoria,” he murmured. “Tell me what else you want me to do to bring your soft little pussy pleasure?”

  Vicky’s breath seemed to catch in her throat at his hot words and the intense way he was looking at her. Clearly the ball was now in her court. Something in her rose to the occasion and suddenly she wanted more.

  “You’re going to kiss me again,” she told him. “And I’m going to show you where and tell you how.”

  She gripped his hair harder and she saw him wince…and then his eyes grew even darker with desire.

  “Gods, yes,” he growled, the hunger pulsing in his deep voice as though the tiny bit of pain she’d given him had increased his desire exponentially. “Show me where you need me, my Lady. Guide me and help me give you pleasure—help me make you come.”

  “This way.”

  Vicky pushed his head between her legs and he went willingly, pressing his mouth to her pussy in a fierce, wild kiss. There was no softness this time—only hunger and need. Chain pressed against her, lapping hard as though he was desperate to taste more of her.

  “Slow down,” Vicky ordered imperiously. “Lick me, Chain—long and slow.”

  Using her hands, she guided him, showing him exactly where she wanted to be licked.

  “That’s right,” she told him. “Start at the bottom of my slit and lick all the way up to the top. And take your time.”

  He groaned deep in his throat, as though the way she was directing him was turning him on almost more than he could bear. Then, after a moment, he fell into a rhythm—long, slow lapping over her aching clit that drove Vicky crazy, though she tried not to show it.

  Part of her couldn’t believe she was doing this—couldn’t believe she was directing him and telling him exactly what to do and how to do it—which was something she’d never gotten to do before, since Kevin took directions about as well as a bull in a china shop. But Chain seemed eager to do her bidding—was this a turn-on for him? Being told exactly what she wanted? It certainly seemed to be so, at least, if his behavior was any indication.

  He licked her slowly, looking up into her eyes as he did so, as though he wanted to see her pleasure. Vicky obliged him by moaning and stroking his hair as she pumped her hips up and down to ride his tongue.

  She was aware that she was acting like a porn star but she didn’t even care. The feeling of having the big, muscular Kindred between her thighs lapping her pussy was intoxicating. Her pleasure was building once more and she only knew she wanted more of it—more of him.

  “That’s very good, Chain,” she told him breathlessly as she rubbed against him. “You’re making my pussy feel extremely nice.”

  He growled softly and lapped harder, making Vicky moan. God, if he kept this up she was going to come again—even though she’d been certain after the last intense orgasm he’d given her with his fingers that she couldn’t possibly reach that peak a second time.

  But Chain seemed intent on proving her wrong. He licked harder, swallowing her juices as he pushed her further and further towards the summit.

  Enjoying his hot tongue on her, Vicky shifted just a little…and suddenly found bliss.

  “There!” she gasped, holding his head steady with both hands. “Oh God, Chain—right there. Don’t stop—lick me! Lick my clit—make me…make me come!”

  A low rumbling hungry growl rose in his throat and suddenly his muscular arms wrapped around her thighs like iron bars. As Vicky continued to hold him in place, he licked even harder, bathing her hot little bud with such intense sensation that Vicky couldn’t hold back anymore.

  “Oh!” she gasped, throwing back her head as he continued to lick her. Her toes curled and she felt herself spasming again, her inner muscles clenching as a second, Earth-shaking orgasm wracked her—this one even more intense than the first. “Oh, Chain…Oh Chain!”

  She was coming—coming so hard she saw stars before her eyes as the big Kindred continued lapping her hungrily, as though desperate to get every drop of her juices.

  Pleasure and power raced through Vicky. For the first time ever during sex, she had been in charge. And for the first time in her life, the man she was making love with actually cared about her pleasure—actually put her first and wanted her orgasm more than his own.

  For the first time, her partner actually cared.

  And then, to her horror, she began to cry.


  Chain was up off his knees at once, wrapping her in his arms, looking anxiously into her face.

  “Victoria, talk to me,” he begged. “Did I hurt you somehow? Are you all right?”

  Vicky wanted to talk—wanted to tell him she was fine, that everything was all right—but somehow the tears kept welling up and she couldn’t stop sobbing long enough to talk.

  A torrent of emotion had swamped her, coming from out of nowhere like a surprise tidal wave, deadly in its force. She shook her head over and over trying to make sense of it.

  Why was she crying? She was happy—Chain made her happy as no man ever had before! Because he cared enough to take his time with her, because he wanted her and made her feel beautiful like no other man ever had—especially her ex, that cheating bastard!

  Vicky was certain that at least part of Chain’s sweetness had to be an act—a perfect play of selfless devotion to fool Professor Torella and Professor Lornah so the former would sell them the other half of the T’lix-Kruthe. But at this point, she didn’t even care. It was so nice—even for a moment—to not be lonely. So nice to feel that someone cared, even if it was just an act.

  So she clung to the big Kindred’s broad shoulders, buried her face in his c
hest and cried, unable to help herself or stop until the strong emotions carrying her away like a treacherous underwater current ran their course.

  For his part, Chain gave up trying to find out what was wrong and just comforted her instead. He took her off the table, gathered her into his arms, and held her close, letting her weep against his chest while he cradled her patiently.

  He’s so patient with me—so kind! Vicky couldn’t help thinking. And that, in turn, reminded her how Kevin had grown cold and distant at the least sign of tears from her. How often had he accused her of trying to manipulate him with her “emotional outbursts”, even when she did her best and only shed a few silent tears which she wiped hastily away? She had learned early in their marriage that crying made him turn angry and cold and so she often repressed her own emotions because she was wary of his.

  Maybe it was all the repressed emotions of the past coming out now or maybe she was weeping for the years she’d spent in a loveless marriage—Vicky didn’t know. She only knew she was overwhelmed and she couldn’t stop until the tears finally dried up.

  “Poor dear,” she heard Professor Torella murmur. “What a time she’s having!”

  “But what’s wrong with her?” Lornah demanded. “Her student just pleasured her within an inch of her life—she ought to be as happy as could be after such a performance.”

  “Oh, don’t you see? He pleasured her too well.” Torella sounded exasperated. “The feelings were too intense. Haven’t you ever cried after an especially good orgasm?”

  “Not once,” Lornah said sourly. “This is ridiculous! How can she finish the test this way?”

  At this, Vicky was finally able to get hold of herself She sniffed and swiped at her eyes with one arm before looking at the two Professors, who had left the couch and had come to stand a little way away from herself and Chain.

  “What do you mean, ‘finish the test?’” she asked, sniffing. “That was the most intense orgasm I’ve ever had in my life! It shook me right down to my bones and you know there was no way I could have been faking it. If that isn’t evidence that my teaching methods work, I don’t know what is!”

  “Well, yes, my dear. We’ve seen your student’s manual and oral techniques and I must admit they were most impressive,” Professor Torella said. “But in order to be considered a truly good teacher of males, we also have to witness his penetrative technique.”

  “His…his penetrative technique?” Vicky asked hazily. She still felt a little light-headed in the aftermath of the intense orgasm and the emotional storm which had followed.

  “We have to see him fuck you,” Lornah said bluntly. “Only then can we be sure you’ve really trained him well.”

  “A well-trained male will wait until a female is ready and penetrate slowly and carefully at first.” Torella’s voice had assumed a lecturing air. “He’ll allow his female partner to choose what position she wants to be penetrated in and he’ll be certain to give her adequate stimulation so that she orgasms.”

  “And he never, ever comes first!” Lornah said, joining in the lecture. “He makes sure his lady is well taken care of before he allows himself to reach the peak.”

  “Well, I’m sure Chain can…can do all that,” Vicky said hesitantly, though honestly she didn’t know if she could take any more intense pleasure or emotions that night.

  “I’m sure he can, my dear.” Torella patted her arm comfortingly. “But not tonight—you’re all worn out. Have a good night’s sleep and we’ll resume this in the morning.”

  “All…all right.” Vicky felt too dazed to disagree. “I guess so. Um, where can we sleep?”

  “I saw a sleeping pod that seemed built for two as we entered this domicile, here on the first floor,” Chain said. He looked at Torella. “Unless that one is reserved for Your Ladyship?”

  “Oh, no.” She giggled. “My bed is built for three. Though I don’t think we’ll be getting much sleep tonight—not after the performance you two put on. It was most stirring!”

  She cast a naughty look at her two students, who were waiting for her with their hands clasped behind their backs. Both were naked and both were hard, Vicky noted. Apparently they were as eager to serve Torella as Chain had been to serve her.

  “Well…” Vicky began and then yawned widely before she could stop herself. “Oh forgive me—I’m so tired all of the sudden.”

  Though of course, why wouldn’t she be, she thought? She been going since Valentine’s night. She’d met Chain at the bar, gotten attacked at her house, subsequently rescued, and then taken to the Mother Ship. From there she had accepted the mission to Priima Belle, where she and Chain had gone at once. Then she had been forced to give an impromptu lecture on Tex-Mex food and had been taken to Professor Torella’s house where she gave an even more impromptu sex show. During which Chain had given her the most intense orgasm of her entire life and then she’d cried herself out, giving in to emotion in a way she hadn’t done since she was a little girl.

  All in all, it had been an extremely full night.

  She yawned again.

  “Come, my Lady—let’s get you to bed,” Chain remarked, kissing her tenderly on the forehead. “Things will be better in the morning.”

  “Thank you, Chain.” With a sigh of contentment, she nestled against his broad chest and let his spicy scent fill her senses. She was barely aware of Torella and Lorn discussing their own sleeping arrangements—apparently the “sleeping stations” as the moveable beds were called, had to be found since the furniture was rearranged every night and nobody knew where anything was. Lornah complained bitterly about this but Torella just laughed her off, making a honking sound through her beaky nose.

  But before Vicky could hear the end of this argument, her eyelids closed and she felt herself drifting off to sleep, still held in Chain’s muscular arms.


  Chain carried her tenderly through the large, disarranged domicile until he found the soft, pillowy silver mattress he’d seen on their way in. Torella and Lornah and their students had already retired to different parts of the huge house—arguing as they went—and the lights everywhere were beginning to dim.

  Must be on a timer, Chain thought. They probably go off and on the same time every day and night.

  Though he couldn’t imagine this house needed much artificial light during the daytime—not with the vast banks of windows that covered every wall.

  He started to put Victoria down on the silver mattress and go do some more scouting, but she made a murmured protest in her sleep and clung to him. Chain felt his heart squeeze like a fist at her unconscious gesture.

  “Beautiful Victoria,” he murmured, a tender smile curving the corners of his mouth.

  Instead of putting her down and leaving her, he crawled into bed with her and pillowed her head on his chest. It was better that way than leaving her in the bed alone, he reasoned. She would feel safe and warm, even sleeping on an alien world, if he stayed beside her.

  Victoria murmured again and turned towards him, cuddling against his side with a contented sigh like a sleepy kitten. Feeling like his heart might burst, Chain stroked a strand of dark and silver hair out of her eyes and looked at her sleeping face.

  She was lovely in repose, so soft and trusting—so completely relaxed against him. They fit together as neatly as two pieces of a puzzle, he couldn’t help thinking. Like they had been made for each other.

  Well, you’ll be fitting together a lot more closely if you go through with the “final exam” they have planned for you and Victoria tomorrow,” whispered a little voice in his head.

  Chain reflected that it was true. Though he had never imagined that he, as a reviled M-Switch Kindred, could ever have a mate, by tomorrow he might be bonding his bride to him.

  Of course, different branches of the Kindred bonded females to them in different ways. But for the M-Switch, all that was necessary was for the male to truly love and desire the woman he was making love with—to feel in his bones t
hat she was his fated mate as he came deep inside her. That was enough to form the life-long soul bond which developed between a Kindred warrior and his female when they came together as one.

  Which meant that if he made love with Victoria tomorrow to display the “technique” she had supposedly taught him, he would wind up bonding her to him for life.

  But how will she feel about that? he wondered, looking down at her sleeping face. Will she want me for a mate? Will she want to spend her life as the bride of an M-Switch Kindred?

  Would any woman want that? All his life, experience had taught him the answer to that question was a resounding no. And he had learned that lesson early—the lesson that he was different, wrong—not to be trusted, at least, not in the long run.

  He had gone to a school on Twin Moons for a time when he was a boy—a school that specialized in diversity and took in all kinds of students, even those from off-planet.

  It was after his father had been put in jail for using his Snatching ability to rob an interstellar bank and his mother—who was a female from Tranq Prime—had decided to move off-planet for a fresh start. She had found the school for Chain after much searching and had been assured that they accepted all kinds of Kindred children—even M-Switch ones.

  At first Chain had been happy. There were many different kinds of Kindred children there—Beast Kindred, Blood Kindred, Wulven Kindred—even one Touch Kindred, though it was rare for them to live away from their home world. It seemed like everyone fit in and got along, despite their differences.

  Chain had been only about seven or eight cycles old—unsure of himself, but eager to make friends. But this was before he could quite control his ability to switch bodies with other males. And—quite by accident—he had unfortunately slipped into the body of a Beast Kindred several years older than him and much larger.

  He hadn’t meant to—it had been a complete accident. The other boy had been doing a presentation on planetary orbits—using a special light model he had built himself with a holographic projector. The presentation was so interesting and the model was so engrossing that Chain had found himself wishing he could operate the projector himself.


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