Alpha's Calling

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by Alice Shaw

  Table of Contents

  Alpha’s Calling: An MM Mpreg Romance (Frisky Pines Book 2)

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Alpha’s Calling: An MM Mpreg Romance (Frisky Pines Book 2)

  Alice Shaw

  Alice Shaw

  Copyright © 2018 by Alice Shaw

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.



  Also by Alice Shaw

  1. Jonas

  2. Freddie

  3. Jonas

  4. Freddie

  5. Jonas

  6. Freddie

  7. Jonas

  8. Freddie

  9. Jonas

  10. Freddie

  11. Jonas

  12. Freddie

  13. Jonas

  14. Freddie

  15. Jonas


  Also by Alice Shaw


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  Also by Alice Shaw

  Thank you to all my readers! I love interacting with all of you. I hope life takes you to the outer realms and back!

  To my ARC readers — thank you, endlessly.

  Other books in the Frisky Pines Series:

  Alpha’s Awakening

  For Erica, my best friend. Thanks for pushing me to follow my dreams.

  And thanks to my dedicated readers — the ones who email and talk to me on facebook after every new book. You are all beautiful, unique, and so accepting. The world needs more of you. Thank you for inspiring me. This book is for you.

  Listen to your soul.

  Follow your heart.

  And don’t be afraid to fight against the darkness.

  Chapter 1


  “So that was it? That’s how the brotherhood ended? You just left the continent and went off to London?” Henry’s dark eyes are too revealing. I know he doesn’t believe me. Regardless, I keep rambling on about my not-too-distant past.

  He adjusts the barstool and burps loudly. “That’s a tad bit harsh, old boy. I’ve never left family hanging like that.”

  “No, that’s not what I’m saying at all. Are you even listening to me? I lost everything,” I say.

  It shouldn’t have ever happened. Frisky Pines was on its way up. Everything was great. We had fixed the rift in the outer realms. At least, that’s what we thought. Henry is the only one in this foreign city that humors me. Sometimes, I think it’s because of the alcohol.

  Henry frowns and pats my shoulder. He has tried his best to be a friend to me out here, but he doesn’t like to read between the lines. I’m just trying to get back home. I’m not looking for any sympathy.

  “We all get depressed sometimes, old boy. You’ll figure everything out. In the meantime, do try to cheer up,” he says.

  The pain is still deep, despite trying to drown it out with booze and the crazy nightlife around here. I lost my family. I lost my mate. More importantly, I lost myself. The worst part is that they’re still out there somewhere. They’re waiting for me to come home. I just… can’t.

  He doesn’t know what happened after my twin brother saved the small town of Frisky Pines. When the shaman’s body turned to dust, everything was supposed to feel normal again. Freddie and I ran to my room. I closed the door as fast as I could. I found my fated mate and the absolute love of my life.

  We were both so giddy. It felt like I couldn’t stop smiling. All of those feelings circled us. Plus, there was the fact that my brother just had twins with his own fated mate. Love was in the air.

  We knew we loved each other the first time our eyes met. As soon as we kissed, I felt weak in the knees. It was a feeling I had never felt before in my life. Love. Real love.

  But when I opened my eyes, everything was gone. I was here. I was trapped somewhere in London. I figured it was some horrible joke. I knew Freddie was unique like me. That’s why I loved him. He had particular abilities that aided the Brotherhood. But the “joke” never ended.

  We were stuck in an alternate version of the world we once knew. I knew the fate sisters were involved. They were always meddling. There was no use arguing. They controlled the strings, and it seemed like all my friends, and my family was their marionettes.

  For the record, I have taken six different flights back to Frisky Pines. There is nothing there anymore, except a bunch of trees and a few campers. I still can’t get over it, but I know that they’re waiting for me. Sometimes I can feel them. I just have to find them.

  I’ve told him the story at least a hundred times. I’ve mentioned the fate sisters, the goddess Astra, and the Brotherhood. He thinks I’m making it up. At least he humors me, I guess.

  “It’s not depression, Henry. I’m displaced. Remember what I told you about Frisky Pines?” I ask.

  Henry shakes his head and idly walks out of the bar. I quickly follow him outside. The pub door slams behind me. It’s the dead of night, and everyone has gone to sleep. We’re the only ones on this street. Our footsteps echo off of the dark, stone walls.

  “Where are you going?” I ask.

  “Home. I can’t deal with this crap anymore, Jonas. You sound like a broken record,” he says.

  I grab his shoulder, forcing him to stop. “But it’s true! All of it happened. I swear it!”

  He sighs and pushes my hand off his shoulder. “Look, lad. I think you’re a cool person, but you might benefit from some professional help. I know something bad probably happened to you back in California, but you can’t run away from your problems forever.”

  I think of my brother and his twins. I choke up, kneeling down against the cobblestone bricks. “You don’t believe me?”

  Henry laughs. He starts to walk away from me. “And you will weep when you face the end alone. You are lost. You can never go home,” he says. I don’t understand the quote, but he continues laughing.

  “Thanks for nothing,” I whisper to myself.

  “I’m drunk. Humor me. I don’t know what to believe anymore,” the skinny and fashionable Henry says. “Anyway, it doesn’t matter what I believe. Are you coming or what?”

  I pick myself up from the ground and dust my pea coat off. “Yeah, I’m coming. Wait up,” I say, running ahead.

  Drunkenly, Henry does a big spin. He raises his arms high up in the air. His dark brown hair flops against the wind. “I don’t know, mate. The world is full of mystery. I mean, it could be possible. Maybe you’re actually telling the truth, and you entered into some wormhole or something.”

  “No, it’s not like that. It’s my ability. I know it. Time is connected to me, so as soon as we kissed, I fucked everything up. Somehow, I did this. I don’t know why or how. But I know it was my fault,” I say.

  In fron
t of us is a beautiful bridge. As we walk over it, I glance down at the water and see my reflection glowing back. Who am I now? Henry keeps walking.

  “You can’t blame yourself. You know, you still haven’t shown me your ability yet. It would be a hell of a lot easier for me to believe your little story if you did.”

  I close my eyes, but I already know that nothing will happen. I never cultivated my gift in the first place. Ever since I woke up here, I haven’t been able to trigger my ability. I’m just a useless jaguar, stuck in a city that’s way too fucking cold for my liking.

  “Just forget it,” I say.

  Ahead of us is the entrance to the metro. Henry stops before walking up the steps to the cars. “You know what? I’m feeling generous. You have purchased enough beer throughout the year to keep me listening. I figure I need to help you out,” he says.

  I laugh, awkwardly, twisting my feet against the pavement. “And how are you going to do that if you don’t even believe my story?”

  Henry checks his surroundings as if he has to make sure no one is close enough to us to hear what he tells me. “This story you’ve been telling me, about the goddess, the fates, and the Brotherhood. I don’t know how real it is, okay? I’m just being honest with you. It seems pretty fucking loony to me,” he says.

  “Right. Got it. I’m a loon,” I say, beginning to walk up the stairs.

  Henry grabs my coat to stop me. “Wait, you didn’t let me finish,” he says.

  “I’m waiting,” I growl. Overhead, the subway car comes to a screeching halt.

  “I know some people, but I don’t know if they’re trustworthy,” he says, looking around again. “Seriously, keep this to yourself because I don’t want to get too involved. I have a reputation to think about.”

  I feel the anxiety take hold of me. Freddie. I was there, with him. We were going to try and have babies together. I was so paralyzed with love.

  “People? What are you talking about? Henry, please don’t start laughing again. I can’t take another one of your jokes. I’m ready to give up here,” I say.

  He grabs my coat, forcing me closer to him. “I’m not joking. Give me a day and I’ll help you find them. Last I heard, they were camped out near the airpark,” he says. “I’m warning you, though. They’re weird people. I highly doubt any of what they’re saying is true, but you seem pretty fucking desperate right now, and you’ve been a good friend to me. If somehow all of this is true, you’ll get back home to your mate. Now, I have to run and catch this train. My boy-toy needs me tonight. I left the keys to the flat underneath the flowerpot. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  A wave of euphoria washes over me, but it quickly slips away. I’ve been let down before. I don’t want to get my hopes up just yet. It’s just a small lead.

  “Alright,” I say. “I’m going to catch a cab back. Oh, and Henry?”

  Henry stops at the top of the stairs. “Yeah?”

  “Thanks,” I say.

  He smiles, nods, and jumps over the turnstiles. Quickly, I run past the bridge again. I run toward the roundabout, where all the cabs are parked. I raise my hand and get into the only one that pulls up to the curb.

  “New Cross Gate,” I tell him. “Just drop me off at the bus station.”

  A loud whistle comes from outside my window. Usually, I’d ignore it, but I manage to catch a glimpse of someone striking, right before we zoom off into the distance. It’s…

  “Freddie!” I scream. I watch as he gets into a car, moving in the opposite direction.

  No fucking way. It can’t be him. Can it? Did he get lost here too? Oh, heavens! Please, let it be him!

  “Please. Are you daft? No yelling in the car,” the driver says.

  I laugh to myself, but tears fall from my eyes. “I’m sorry, sir. I just think I saw an old friend. I’m far from home right now and feeling a little homesick, I guess,” I say.

  “Where are you from, lad?” the cab driver asks.

  “It’s a long story,” I say.

  Chapter 2


  “I can feel him. I swear! He’s here. He has to be,” I say.

  My boss, Sean, rolls his eyes and tosses me a dirty glass. “Just clean this out for me, mate. I don’t want to hear about any quests. I understand. You’re royalty, like the bloody queen!” he exclaims.

  A few of the patron drunks laugh at me, but I don’t give a damn. “Laugh all you want, you redcoats. I’m going to find my omega. Together, we’re going to reclaim the our home. I’ll get my abilities back. Just try me, pal.”

  Sean chokes on his laughter. I’ve never seen him laugh so hard. It definitely pisses me off, but I can’t do anything about it. Somehow, my abilities have been turned off. I feel more beta than alpha.

  “He thinks he’s Harry Potter!” Sean is crying tears of joy. “You know what? Keep speaking, actually. This is too funny!”

  I clean the glass and keep my mouth shut. This type of stuff happens every single day. My Goddess, it has been wearing me down too. These people don’t understand. They’ve read the ancient texts, but think it’s a bunch of hogwash. To top it all off, I can’t even find Frisky Pines on a map.

  When we kissed that night, something terrible happened to our world. I’m here, left to figure out what we stumbled into.

  After I get out of the bar, I walk toward the roundabout with the cabs. I whistle loudly and step into a car. Quietly, we drive through the fog, toward my flat.

  I hate my boss. I hate this stupid city. The old bricks do nothing for me. Jonas doesn’t even know my whole story. We never got to share all of those intimate details that a couple normally shares after a couple of dates.

  My family left me at a young age, forcing me to search to the ends of the earth for my pack. I grew up in a small town, with zero clue what to do. It’s not my parent’s fault for leaving. We were attacked in the middle of the night. Betas. There was no reason for their brutality. They’re just hateful people.

  I should have followed them, but I was young and I didn’t know how to act quick enough. I was deathly afraid of what might happen if they found us again. Instead, I found a small nook, underneath a rock. I hid under there for three full days. After that, I learned to make my own home in Frisky Pines. I never saw my family again.

  Jonas. Is it you that I’m feeling? I know my powers are gone here, but I think I feel you’re essence nearby. I hope I’m not wrong.

  At home, I look through every newspaper article I can find. There has to be something about Frisky Pines somewhere. The history of our people stems from that city alone. How has no one even heard the name?

  This is the routine I have made for myself here. I was once a warrior, with a fated mate to boot. Now, I am nothing. I’m just a speck of dust, sprinkled on the map.

  When no mention of Frisky Pines is found in the paper, I look on the internet. Of course, there’s nothing, except a few naughty videos. I click through them, it’s mainly people dressed up in furry costumes.

  I turn on the television and sleepily gnaw against the bone of a sizzling piece of meat. An old program is playing: the Secret Societies of England.

  “Give me a break,” I find myself saying.

  I reach into my pocket and pull out a small note. It’s from Freddie. I guess he wrote it in the northern caves before we put down the evil roaming inside. “How is it that you can know someone so well without ever speaking to them? The best things in life are forged in stone. It was our destiny to meet, my alpha. And I’ll love you to the ends of the earth and back if that’s what it takes.”

  I read it all the time, so that I can feel that special feeling again. I smell the edges of the paper. A tear rolls down my cheek. I wipe it away and place the note back into my pocket.

  The television blares, cutting out in harsh fragments. I walk up to the screen and tap its head. “Stupid cable,” I mutter. The screen flashes in and out of static. “Cmon!”

  I smack it a few more times to try and get it to go back to normal
. Then, something peculiar happens. The television freezes on what looks like Logan’s face. “…door is locked. Can you hear me? The door is locked. Can you hear me? The door is…”

  The television cuts back to the original program. Holy moly… “Wait!” I scream. I hit the top of the screen again, but it’s no use.

  I fall against the monitor. My arms wrapp around the dusty glass. “Why? Goddesses, why are you tormenting me? Is it you, the fate sisters? What have I done?”

  But there’s no answer. There is only silence. The program talks about how there once were many secret organizations of Great Britain, but in more recent times, they were forced out of the country.

  “Just like us,” I remark.

  The screen flashes a group of men, holding a set of inscriptions. They walk slowly to the chapel ahead of them. The narrator says, “This was the last day that scholars heard their hymns. On the next morning, they had vanished.”

  “You have got to be kidding me,” I whisper.

  On their chest are the letters: F.P. “Frisky Pines.”

  Chapter 3


  I walk around the parked cabs and stroke my hair back. Frantically, I look at everyone’s face around us. “I’m telling you. It was Freddie. I saw him. He was right here,” I say.

  Unsurprisingly, Henry pretends to believe me. At least he’s trying. I know that this is probably difficult for him to believe. It’s hard for me too. Sometimes, I feel as if I’m just stuck in some dream, waiting to get pinched in the butt.


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