Alpha's Calling

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Alpha's Calling Page 8

by Alice Shaw

  “Sleep,” Gorbins says. “Yes, sleep.”

  I fall to the ground, in sleep.

  Chapter 13


  “They’re coming soon!” I scream.

  I cup my belly with my palms and start my breathing exercises. The pain is plunging in my core, and it’s coming in faster waves. I look above at the blue stalactites. Eric stoops over me and feels my bump with his hands.

  “I’m not going to get too in there if you know what I mean. I think you have a few hours, but I can’t be too sure. We’re almost at the end of the caves now. Do you think you can make it?” Eric asks.

  I nod, furiously. “Sure. Whatever. I’m not giving birth in this place. It looks completely unsanitary.”

  “Alright, then. We keep walking,” Loke says.

  The whole family lifts me from the rocky ground. I appreciate the effort. At this point, I don’t even care about being a burden to anyone. I’m in so much freakin’ pain. The pressure is increasing with every step we take. I just want my babies to come out in one piece.

  “There’s the exit!” Eric points.

  I keep my eyes fixed on the ceiling of the cave. Breathing deeply, I try to remain calm. As we move further toward the exit, however, the patterns above change.

  “Guys, wait,” I say. The family stops. “Look above us.”

  Henry jumps back. “Fucking hell, mate! Spiders? I hate spiders.”

  A high-pitched, enchanting voice startles us. “What are you doing in these caves?”

  I am utterly useless like this. Drake keeps his blade wielded in front of him. He shouts, “Be gone! You sicken us.”

  I start to feel anxious. “Drake, do you think that’s the best thing to say right now?”

  All of us share glances. At least six different spiders slide down from their webs. Their disgusting eyes stare back at us, blinking incredibly fast. One knocks Drake’s blade from his hands and spits venom onto his shoulders.

  “Fuck!” he screams while falling to the floor. He flares his legs into the air.

  Hissing with laughter, the most prominent arachnoid runs up the ceiling again. “One by one, we will watch you die!”

  It pounces down from the ceiling, landing directly onto my belly. “No!” I yell. “Not my babies!”

  It’s wicked fangs drip with purple venom. It’s horrifying. I shield myself and prepare for the worst death imaginable. Freddie. Why did we have to separate again? Why?

  There is a voice. It is a bright, familiar voice of a friend. “There is no sympathy had for your kind!”

  I open my eyes to see a bright, red fox clawing the eyes out of the spider. He digs his claw into one eye, ripping it into pieces. “Not my eyes!” The spider panics, swinging its fine legs ferociously at the fox. Freddie’s family helps with the rest.

  “Tristan!” I breathe a sigh of relief, as the rest of the spiders retreat into the webs.

  “But how?” Gregory asks. “You were killed. Those ghouls stole your soul.”

  “There’s no time,” he says. “These triplets have to be born! We’re very close!”

  Tristan seems completely sane now. In fact, he’s acting like a total freakin’ hero! I can’t believe my eyes. As the family carries me out of the exit, another contraction comes. I wince and keep up with my breathing.

  Tristan points ahead. Directly in front of us is the eerie cabin. Outside, a disgusting smelling stew is smoldering. “Hurry,” Tristan says.

  “What the fuck?” Gregory whispers under his breath. “Do you see what I’m seeing?”

  From the side of the mountain, a small frog-like being is running toward us. On Gorbins’ back is a tall and very sexy wolf. “My alpha! Freddie!”

  “The door is locked, yes!” the toad says.

  Henry asks, “Gorbins, I presume?”

  “No questions!” he yells.

  The toad lowers Freddie’s limp body onto the dirt. Anxiously, he runs over to the stew. He scoops the broth with the spoon, and runs back over to Freddie. Opening his mouth, he pours the contents inside. He stands back and waits for some magical result to happen.

  Freddie opens his eyes and silently gazes at us. After a few seconds, he coughs and holds his abdomen. Then, he shifts slowly back into human form. “What… where… Gorbins, you bastard!”

  Gorbins smiles and taps his head with a twig. “But you’re alive, yes!”

  Freddie blinks his eyes rapidly and stands up. Looking around, he wobbles a bit, before falling back to the ground. “Jonas,” he whispers. “Is my omega okay?”

  I’m laying in the dirt, breathing in and out quickly. I can feel the babies coming. “I’m… fine. We need to hurry now!”

  “They key!” Loke yells.

  Drake tosses the silver tool. Loke catches it with his hand and inserts it into the lock. Gorbins claps his hands. “Well done,” he celebrates.

  Jonas finally stands up again, regaining his balance. He runs over to me, throwing his arms around my baby bump. Our lips kiss with pure passionate bliss. “Oh, omega. Is it true? Are we alive?”

  “Of course we’re alive,” I moan.

  Loke slides the door open slowly. Inside, the light flickers. A single rocking chair sits in the corner. “What is it?” I ask.

  Gorbins still can’t keep himself from laughing. “Step inside!”

  One by one, we filter inside. However, as Drake and Henry get to the foot of they door, they stop. “We can’t go inside,” Drake says.

  “But why not?” I ask them. The slow and cumbersome feeling of nostalgia takes over my body. We couldn’t have made this journey without them, but I know that they were never meant to come all the way home with us.

  Drake and Henry both hug me. Henry says, “It’s just not our home. Maybe all of this is just an illusion to you, but it’s our illusion. I loved our time together, old boy. Have those triplets safely, alright?”

  I nod, trying not to get too emotional. Drake laughs. “It’s going to be alright. I’ve got a bar to run. Have a safe trip. Don’t come back and visit!”

  I laugh, but now that we’re at the end of our journey, I kind of wish there was a way to revisit them.

  “Henry, wait,” Freddie says, suddenly. He stops near the door. “I used to work at the Drunken Canary. Can you tell my old boss, Sean that he’s a son of a bitch, and that I am like Harry Potter?” A proud smile forms on my wolf’s face.

  Henry laughs. “Sure thing, old pal,” he says.

  I watch as they walk away into the distance. Freddie kisses my neck tenderly and whispers, “They were good friends to us. We’ll see them again someday. I know it.”

  “I love you, alpha wolf,” I say.

  “I’ll love you to the ends of the earth and back,” he says.

  I wipe my eyes and lean my head into his chest. “I know it. We’ve come so far, and our love has only grown stronger.”

  Gorbins pushes his small body past us, humming a song to himself. Inside the cabin, the lights turn out. Gorbins lights a small fire in the center. “Home again, home again…” Gorbins continues to hum.

  I try to concentrate on my breathing, but the pain is only increasing. I grab ahold of Freddie’s hands and squeeze. Gorbins sprinkles some golden dust onto the fire and jumps backward as the flames expand rapidly.

  From the center, the three Fate sisters appear, smiling delicately. Freddie meets them and kneels. “Sisters, my mate needs a doctor. Can we make the journey home in time?”

  The middle sister gently runs her fingers down the top of Freddie’s hair. “We have come to assist.”

  “Whoa,” Tristan whispers.

  Her voice is angelic and pure. She kneels down toward me, placing her palm on my belly. “Time is always of the essence. Yes. All of you have done your duty here. We have put you in enough trouble. It’s time to go home,” she says.

  Gorbins sits in the rocking chair and pulls out a small pipe. He lights the embers, looking extremely pleased with himself. The fate sisters join together. Their
bodies seem to float on top of one another. All three of them speak at the same time. “Take my hand. You’re going into labor.”

  I take her soft hand into mine and close my eyes. My pain seems to disappear at the moment. A soft breeze forms around me. The smell of oak and chocolate fills my nostrils. “Home,” I whisper.

  “That’s right, my love,” Freddie says. “We’re going back home.”

  Chapter 14


  “Breathe, baby. Just hold onto my hand and breathe,” I say. “We’re going to get through this. We’re home now. We’re back in Frisky Pines!”

  Jonas’s eyes open wide. Loke, Eric, and Gregory stand in the corner of the room. Jonas starts screaming from his contractions. I mean, really fucking loud.

  He looks around the white hospital room, panicking. “Oh, goddess! Who cares? They’re coming!” I run behind him and massage his shoulders, kneading every knot in his back. “Now is not the time for a massage!”

  I am clueless when it comes to this thing. At this point, I’m merely here to serve my omega. My brave Jonas squeezes my hands, crushing my fingers. “Keep breathing,” I say.

  “I am!” he cries.

  Dr. Phillip walks into the room and slaps a pair of gloves on his hands. “Alright. What do we have here? Triplets? Can anyone tell me why you two didn’t consult with me during the pregnancy?”

  Loke pats the doctor’s shoulders. “It’s a long story,” he whispers.

  “Well, whatever the case. The babies are coming. I’m going to need you to keep breathing,” doctor Phillip says. “I’m going to try and run a few tests as fast as I can. Nurse, can you apply the necessary anesthetic?”

  The nurse applies the epidermal. The whole procedure feels utterly alien to me. All I want to know is that my omega and our cubs are healthy and happy.

  The doctor carefully leans forward and examines Jonas. He applies pressure with his hands, but the curtain is blocking my view. Naturally, I want to control the situation, but I can’t this time. I have to let go and trust him.

  “Can you feel this?” he asks. Jonas shakes his head. “What about this?”

  “No. Not really,” Jonas groans. “All I can feel are my babies. They’re ruthless!”

  The doctor looks concerned. He shakes his head at the nurse, who then nods. I start to freak out a bit.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask. “Is everything okay?”

  The doctor looks at Jonas carefully. “You’re doing great, Jonas. Nothing is wrong. The babies are coming a little faster than expected. That’s all. We’re just going to have to skip the drugs and go through with the birth. Are you ready? Just keep breathing.”

  Jonas closes his eyes and grits his teeth. “Will everyone stop telling me to keep breathing? I am breathing, you twats!”

  “It’s okay, honey.” I awkwardly glance at my family, before kissing Jonas’s sweaty forehead.

  “I’m ready,” he whispers. “Just make sure my babies are safe, doc.”

  “Don’t worry. I haven’t lost a baby in all of thirteen years,” he says.

  I feel so sorry for my omega right now. The tired jaguar honestly just went through the most intense journey of his life. Somehow he came out unscathed. Now, he has to give birth to fucking triplets. It’s insane. Yet, he’s doing it. I’m so proud of my guy.

  The hospital room doors swing open quickly. First, I see Logan. Then, Jackson and the rest of the family come barreling in. “Guys!” I call out. “You made it just in time.”

  “Goddess, I can’t believe it! You heard the calls?” Logan can barely contain his excitement.

  Dr. Phillips holds his hands in the air with caution. “Everyone, settle down. This is a hospital room, not a cafeteria. The triplets are coming. I need silence, and I need about half of this party to leave. Logan, you can stay. The rest need to leave.”

  Our colossal-sized family walks out of the room, as Jonas lets out a loud shriek of pain. Dr. Phillips says, “Jonas, I can see the head! Keep pushing. You’re doing amazing.”

  I keep kissing the top of my omega’s head. Tears fall from my eyes. My sons are coming into this beautiful world. This is easily the best day of my life.

  “You got this baby. You’re so freakin’ strong,” I whisper.

  He pushes with all his might until I hear the sharp cries of my newborn cub. “Is that our baby boy?” I run over to the darling baby.

  The nurses clean him off and hand me the scissors. I can’t stop staring at him. He’s so fucking precious and sweet. I cut the chord. The doctor gives me our baby. I scoop the delicate lump into my arms and breathe a sigh of relief.

  “Well, that’s one out of three,” Doctor Phillips says.

  Jonas growls. “Oh, man. Why did I sign up for this?”

  My baby boy’s eyes are dark green, with hints of gold. He raises a paw toward my face. He presses his teeny-tiny fingers against my nose. I nearly die from the cuteness overload.

  “Congratulations, brother,” Logan says. I hand the brand new babe to him to hold.

  “It’s happening again!” Jonas screams.

  He takes my hand and squeezes with all his might. This time, it seems a little more natural for him to handle. Though, who am I kidding? I wouldn’t be able to go through this crap. The goddesses are messed up for making him do this.

  The boy comes out, clawing at the air. “Logan,” Jonas says while sweating bullets. “Can you handle holding two babies?”

  Logan laughs with tears of joy in his eyes. “I do it every single day. I’ve become a pro.”

  The cub is wild, ferocious, and downright playful. Logan kisses the top of his head and smiles big. “Man, I remember when my babies were this little.”

  Jonas smiles. “Yeah, I remember telling you that I would never do this. Well, here I am. I’m doing it.”

  “It’s almost over, brother,” he says.

  “That’s right,” I say. “Just one more.”

  The doctor concentrates on the procedure. “You’re doing great. Everything is looking healthy. Just a few more pushes and this will all be over. I’m sure you can already feel the next one coming.”

  Through all the pain, anxiety, and fear, Jonas somehow allows himself to laugh. “Doc. I can’t feel a thing down there, and I’m starting to worry I might lose sensation forever.”

  I laugh and blurt out, “You better not.”

  “You’ll be just fine,” the doctor says. “Now, push!”

  Out comes the last baby. This one cries louder than the rest, but when he looks at his daddy, he smiles. “Oh, my baby!” Jonas coos. “Bring him to me. Bring them all to me.”

  Carefully, the nurse wipes them all down. The doctor finishes up and removes the curtain. “That’s a wrap, folks! I wouldn’t advise having too many visitors yet. That was a hell of a procedure, and you’re going to need some beauty sleep. You should be okay by tomorrow though. Congratulations, you two.”

  Logan and I both shake the hands of the doctor. I run back over to my mate, excitedly. Jonas kisses me with more passion than I’ve felt in a long time. “I did it!” he says.

  “You’re glowing,” I say, in between all of the kisses.

  “You’re sweet,” he says.

  “No, like… you’re glowing!” I say.

  Logan grabs a mirror from a drawer and hands it to him. Around his body is a golden aura. All three of us look down at the cubs. They have all closed their eyes, in what seems like deep thought.

  “Do you think?” Jonas asks.

  “They’re blessed,” Logan says. “What are you feeling right now?”

  Jonas closes his eyes and holds my hand. “I feel rejuvenated,” he says. “All of my pain has completely gone away.”

  “They must have healing powers!” I exclaim. “My babies are healers!”

  Logan hugs us both. “Look, we all have a lot to talk about, but you need to get your rest. I just want to let you know that I’m proud of you. I know you’ve been through a lot. I have seen it in my vis
ions. You guys are true legends.”

  Jonas kisses my cheek. “I couldn’t have done it without my guy,” he says.

  “That’s a lie,” I say.

  Logan shakes his head. “It’s not. Man, I can’t wait for you all to see Frisky Pines now. Only two years have passed and the whole place has changed. You’re going to love it.”

  “I love you, brother,” Jonas says.

  Logan leaves the room quietly. I crawl into the hospital bed with my omega and close my eyes. “We’re back. We’re really back,” I say.

  “I know. I can’t believe it. I thought we might never find our way home,” he says.

  I hold Jonas tightly, but I can’t stop petting and kissing our babies. They are little angels with cute neck rolls. All five of us close our eyes and snuggle. I whisper, “I’ll always protect you.”

  I reach into my pocket and pull out a small box. I open the box, revealing a beautiful, diamond ring. Holding it in front of my omega, he opens his eyes again. He nearly falls out of bed, from being so surprised.

  “Freddie! What is this?” he asks.

  I smile and kiss his hand. “In less than two years, I have been through everything with you. Now, we have a family together. I want to keep building with you, Jonas. I want you to be my omega forever. Will you marry me?”

  His eyes widen with excitement. He grabs me as tight as he can, squeezing all of the air out of me. “Oh, yes! Of course, I’ll marry you! I love you so much, puppy.”

  “Puppy?” I burst out laughing. He blushes.

  “That’s going to be my new nickname for you, now that we’re getting married,” he says, unabashedly.

  “Fine by me, my sweet.” I slip that ring on his finger and kiss him one more time.

  Together, we all fall asleep, holding one another. Well, my omega does. I’m too excited about our new babies and our wedding to fall asleep now.

  Chapter 15



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