Legal Briefs (Lawyers in Love)

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Legal Briefs (Lawyers in Love) Page 10

by Silber, N. M.

  “I like your idea better,” I answered, and before the final consonant was out of my mouth, we were off the dance floor and headed toward the coat check. “Adam, I just realized that I left my purse back in that other room.”

  “Do you want me to come with you?” he asked, but I knew that he was in as much of a hurry to get out of here as I was, so I figured we should split up.

  “No, I can get it. You just get our coats.”

  “I’ll meet you back just inside those double doors,” he replied, heading off.

  I found the Gothic reception room quickly. It was empty now, and the flames and shadows on the walls didn’t add ambiance as much as creepiness. It seemed darker and I had to let my eyes adjust for a second. My purse should be at the table where I’d been sitting. Unfortunately, it was at the other side of the room from the door.

  I steadied my nerves and told myself to get on with it already. Just because this place looked like a dungeon in hell, and was owned by a guy in the mob, it didn’t mean there was anything to be nervous about. I walked quickly over to my table, avoiding looking at the paintings on the walls. When I got there, I looked around and saw it lying on a chair. I breathed a sigh of relief and grabbed it, turning to leave, when I heard something off to my left, in the shadow cast by the dragon. It sounded like a wheeze. My heart skipped a beat as I looked for the source of the sound, adrenaline coursing through my body and lighting up my nerves like an electrical shock.

  “Hello?” I called out a bit breathlessly, to nobody in particular. I started speed walking toward the door, purposely circling to the right of Puff there, but before I had gone ten steps, a figure stepped out of the shadows in front of me. I gave a startled yelp and jumped back, placing a hand over my racing heart. “I just came for my purse,” I spluttered. “My date is waiting for me in the hall.” I looked more closely then, squinting in the dim light. I knew that face.

  “Dan McGuire, 404?” I asked, shocked to see one of my neighbors here. Well, this one anyway. Vixen or Nardo might actually like this place.

  “Lily Adler, 401,” he croaked out. Funny, I didn’t remember his voice being so rough. Maybe he was sick. I noticed then that he was holding his side like he was in pain.

  “Are you okay?” I asked hesitantly, taking a baby step in his direction.

  “Something important. Need to tell you.” He staggered closer to me, and I took a giant step back quickly. I didn’t really know Dan McGuire, 404, very well, and if he was hanging out here, you had to wonder a little. He didn’t look like a romance novel fan to me.

  “Is something wrong?” I asked, trying to keep my voice steady and not look too freaked out. After all, manners were manners.

  “Tell Moretti prosecutor,” Dan muttered. “The Fox is in our building.”

  “The fox? Um, Dan, you’ve been drinking, haven’t you?” Great. He was sick because he was drunk off his ass, just what I needed right now.

  “Drive,” he said with a cough. “Details on drive.” He looked like he was about to freaking fall over. Why did these bartenders continue to serve people? One thing I did not want to do right now was to listen to the story of why my neighbor was drunk, as Adam and I drove him home and carried him up four flights of stairs.

  “Uh huh. Well, actually, someone else drove me here, but we could call you a cab.”

  I couldn’t help feeling a twinge of guilt. He really didn’t look good. I wondered if he might have food poisoning, the way he was holding his stomach. His face was very pale and covered in sweat and he was starting to shake. Suddenly, his hand fell away from his side, and I looked down and saw what it had been had been covering, a dark stain that looked to be getting larger. Then I looked at his hand and saw … Jesus Christ! It was covered in blood! That was fucking blood!

  “You’re bleeding,” I gasped, like he hadn’t noticed the gaping wound in his side.

  Now, some people might have tried to rush to his aid. I wasn’t one of them. He was coming toward me like some kind of B movie zombie and I wasn’t a fucking medic! I tried to scream, but it got stuck in my throat, and all that came out of my open mouth was an asthmatic-sounding wheeze. My eyes were so wide open they probably looked like ping-pong balls. I started backing up, scared shitless.

  A series of events took place within seconds, but it felt like time was moving in slow motion. A shadow with horns and a tail appeared on the wall in front of me. My heart tried to leave my body through my throat. I spun around to the door where I saw a figure dressed in one of the costumes the waiters had been wearing. In the next moment, everything went black.

  Adam sat beside me, holding me in his arms, and rubbing my shoulder as I shook, on the verge of hyperventilating. I had woken up and found him leaning over me, saying my name and rubbing my wrists. I realized, then, that I must have passed out. He wanted to call EMTs but I insisted that I was fine.

  Angie, the author event coordinator was there, as were Tony and Roxanne. Everyone seemed very worried and they kept asking me what had happened. Instinct, however, told me that it wouldn’t be a great choice to tell a mobster I had seen a bleeding guy in his club, so I just told them that someone had jumped out, startling me so badly that I had fainted.

  Finally, I managed to convince them that I really was fine, and I was just over-tired. Tony, Roxanne and Angie escorted us out of the building, and I remained silent about what had really happened until we got to the car. As soon as we were strapped into our seats, I grabbed Adam’s arm and told him everything, in a huge word vomit of information. He stopped me several times to get more detail, or tell me to take a deep breath before going on.

  “We have to tell the U.S. Attorney’s office,” I concluded finally.

  “Tell them what? Your bleeding neighbor wanted them to know there’s a fox in your building but the devil showed up and he left?”

  “If it helps, I know the guy who’s the prosecutor on Moretti. We used to date back in law school.”

  “Sachs?! You dated Sachs? The guy’s so arrogant, and he’s a player.”

  “No! Really?! Arrogant and a player?”

  “Not even I am that arrogant, and past tense, Lily. I was a player. I’ve been going out less and less since this summer.”

  “Well, when we were dating, he was only sleeping with me.”

  “Oh fuck! Sachs has banged you and I haven’t. I think I really am going to cry.”

  “Adam, it was years ago.”

  “What could you possibly have seen in him?”

  “Adam.” I rolled my eyes.

  “I mean, other than the fact that chicks seem to think he’s good-looking?”

  “Adam! If you must know, he reminded me of you!” I admitted irritably.

  “That’s why you were attracted to him? Because he reminded you of me?”

  “Don’t let it go to your head. Your ego is big enough already.”

  “So, you did find me attractive before this summer.”

  “Adam! I promise that we can fully explore our tempestuous history together another night. Right now, though, my bleeding neighbor may have been kidnapped by the devil, and I want to go report it, so we can go home and fuck!”

  That seemed to work; within minutes, Adam had called his own office to discuss what had happened. We were going in to file an incident report with the Philadelphia police. They would turn it over to the U.S. Attorney’s office in the morning.

  Chapter Thirteen

  An hour later, we had filled out all the appropriate paperwork and we were back in the car as Adam turned the key and the engine came to life. He paused and looked over at me.

  “Well, this has been an interesting date.”

  “Is it over?” I asked quietly, and in an instant, the sexual tension was back. We stared at each other for one highly charged moment, during which my heart pounded like a jackhammer and all I could think of was one word - “please.” Then with one fluid motion, we met in the middle of the car and our mouths crashed together as we threw ourselves into a
fiery, all-consuming kiss.

  It was an act, not just of passion, but of desperation. He held me tightly against him, hands traveling up and down my back deliciously. I buried my hands in his hair, holding his head firmly, trying to reach every inch of his mouth with my tongue. This was more than a kiss; we were devouring each other ravenously like starving animals. All of our pent-up frustration and need came flowing out like a geyser. I could feel Adam’s heart beating against me. My spine was tingling, my nipples felt tight and I had the sensation of hot lava flowing from my belly down between my legs. Suddenly, he pulled back, leaving me panting.

  “We can’t stay here. First of all there’s not enough room for everything I want to do to you, and secondly, there are cameras everywhere and I don’t want us to become porn stars.” I nodded and he put it in gear and backed up, thus beginning one of the most harrowing car rides of my life.

  “Adam, aren’t you driving kind of fast?” I asked nervously as we weaved in and out of late-night weekend Philadelphia Center City traffic.

  “The speed limit here is flexible,” he answered tersely.

  “Flexible? I’ve never heard of a flexible speed limit.”

  “It’s something new they’re trying.” We turned a corner, tires squealing. Suddenly, up ahead I saw a woman with what looked like a buffalo on a leash.

  “Dog walker!” I exclaimed in a panic as he moved to the left. “Bicyclist!” I cried out as he moved to the right. Suddenly, we were on the other side of the road. “Adam, I don’t think you’re supposed to drive over those medians.”

  “That’s just a suggestion.”

  “A suggestion? Hey! This is a one way street!”

  “We’re only going one way,” he answered, gripping the wheel.

  “Adam, that was a red light!”

  “It was yellow.”

  “All those stopped cars you drove around didn’t think so. Bus!”

  Somehow, we made it back to his place alive. I had a feeling Mr. Assistant District Attorney might regret his liberal interpretation of Philadelphia traffic laws in the morning, but right now he had one thing on his mind and it wasn’t moving violations.

  “Adam! You need to go back and shut the car door or somebody’s going to rip off everything you own!” I informed him as he hauled me by the hand toward the elevator.

  “Okay, go and push the button so it will be here when I get back,” he ordered. I went to the elevator and pushed the button. By the time I turned around again he was beside me. What was he, a track star?

  “Where did you leave your jet pack?” I asked, astounded.

  The elevator doors opened and he practically dislocated my arm pulling me into the car. I wound up with my back against the wall and Adam pressed against my front as we threw ourselves into another torrid kiss. I grabbed his hair and he bit my lip and then sucked it. How hot is that?!

  The doors opened on his floor and we stumbled out, somehow managing not to separate for even a moment. We made it down the hallway to his apartment, bouncing off the walls like pinballs, our tongues never leaving each other’s mouths. We were inside in seconds. Houdini never opened a lock that fast. He finally broke away for a second.

  “I know I said I would undress you slowly…” he began, out of breath. I stepped back, unzipped my dress, yanked it off and threw it to the side. I stood there in my black panties, thigh-high stockings and heels. He froze for a second. “Holy fuck! Oh baby, nice rack.”

  We flew at each other so quickly and so hard that the impact looked like a NFL moment and we literally fell over the top of the couch together, and still holding each other tightly and kissing frantically we rolled off the side and hit the floor. Adam landed on top, of course.

  “Are you okay?” he asked, sounding concerned.

  “I’m conscious. Don’t stop.” He pulled himself up, though, helping me up with him.

  “Let’s go to the bedroom or one of us is going to have a bad case of rug burn tomorrow.” He pulled me by the hand behind him so quickly my feet barely touched the floor.

  “You’re wearing too many clothes,” I growled as soon we cleared the bedroom door. I started frantically trying to undress him.

  “Careful with my tie! You’re cutting off my air flow.”

  He kicked off his shoes and pulled off his socks and I went to work on the rest of his lower half as he removed his jacket and shirt. I had his belt open and his pants around his ankles in no time flat. I was right, incidentally, boxer briefs.

  “Adam,” I panted. “I promise you, we can be sensual and erotic tomorrow. Right now, though, I really just need you to fuck me.”

  “I think this relationship is going well so far,” he said, breathing heavily, as he ripped my pretty little black lace panties off. “I’ll replace those.” He urged me over to the edge of the bed and sat me down, gently pushing me back. I kicked off my heels and propped myself up on my elbows so I could look at him as he reached down and peeled off my stockings. He stepped back and let his eyes drag over my bare body inch by inch. “Fucking gorgeous,” was all he said. Then he hooked his fingers under the waistband of his briefs and the blood rushed out of my head. Apparently, other body parts needed it more.

  “Adam,” I muttered with awe, eyes fixed on the big, beautiful, surprise he had been saving for me. “There’s so much of you to like.”

  He gave me a cocky smile, (no pun intended), and let me take my time enjoying the view. Adam’s not really the shy retiring type. Then he stalked toward the bed with an almost predatory look, lay down on his side next to me, and leaned over to begin gently biting the sensitive skin of my neck while his hand skimmed along my hip, across my belly and up to my aching breast, which, to my delight, he began cupping and kneading.

  My breath started coming in harsh little spurts and I threw my head to the side and ran my hands over his hard pecs and abs, over his shoulders and biceps, his muscular back, his wonderfully tight ass. It seemed like neither one of us could get enough. It was like we both wanted to touch each other everywhere at once, like we only had a few minutes to explore everything we could reach.

  As his warm skin and the smooth, hard, hills, planes and valleys of muscle slid under my fingertips, I knew I was losing it fast. There couldn’t be a whole lot of blood left in my brain at that point. He started trailing open-mouthed kisses along my jaw, reached over and took my hand, guiding it to his cock, gently squeezing and letting go.

  “Lily,” he groaned against my ear and trailed kisses downward to my collarbone.

  I gently swirled my thumb around, spreading the moisture, and he began flexing his hips toward me, and kissing my neck, my throat, and moving downward, he trailed light kisses along my collarbone and then down along the sides of my breasts. My skin felt like it was on fire and I can’t remember my nipples ever having been that hard or that tight before. He began stroking one rigid tip with his tongue and white hot pleasure shot through my body. I moaned, arched my back and grabbed his hair with my free hand.

  “Yes, do that! Good touch! Good touch!” I gasped.

  “Best rack ever,” he mumbled, pulling my rock-hard nipple into his mouth and sucking energetically. I was stroking him slowly and his low groans created vibrations that were driving me insane.

  “Oh my God, Adam!” I whimpered and panted. “I never thought I would say this, but I love your mouth.” He paused and laughed, his breath on my sensitive wet skin making me shiver. He moved to the other breast and began biting and sucking even more vigorously, likely testing to see how I responded. Let’s just say it was an enthusiastic response. I moaned and let go of his cock, wrapping my legs around his waist and pushing my hips up, looking for friction.

  “Not yet, baby. Believe me, I can’t wait much longer, but I want to taste you first.” Oh fuck, he really just said that, didn’t he? Suddenly, he was sliding down onto his knees between my legs, which were bent over the side of the bed. Jesus, he was going to …

  “Oh my God!” I gasped. Suddenly, I was re
ligious. When I felt that hot tongue on my clit, I swear, I think I saw angels.

  “Mmm,” was his only response, but it had quite an effect, both because the vibration felt incredible, and the fact that he sounded like he was sampling something delicious was hot enough to make me combust. He starting pushing his tongue in and out of me and my religious zeal increased in volume.

  “Oh God! Oh God! Oh God!”

  “Oh, who?” he asked, pausing.

  “Oh Adam?”

  “That’s more like it.”

  He began stroking my clit with hard little licks, and talk about going cowgirl, I grabbed his hair and rode his face like a wild bronco. He slid two fingers up inside me and rubbed my inner wall, quickly finding just the right place to make me nearly pass out. You know those experts who claim the G-spot doesn’t really exist? Well, they obviously haven’t met Adam. Then he began sucking my clit and pumping his fingers in and out and I think I may possibly have shredded his sheets at that point. I felt the pressure building low in my abdomen and my muscles starting to tighten up. I knew I was going to come any second but I wanted to feel him inside me when I did and not just his fingers.

  “Adam! God damn it! Will you fuck me already?!”

  “Very nice Ms. Romance Novelist.” He laughed as he stood up.

  “Fine. Will you thrust your turgid manroot into my dewy petals?”

  That made him laugh even harder. When he looked down at me lying there desperately wanting him, though, he wasn’t laughing anymore. He looked mesmerized. “Jesus Lily, your skin is flushed. Your lips are swollen. Your eyes are dark. You better believe I’ll fuck you, baby.” He went over to his bedside table and grabbed a condom out of a drawer.

  “You can forget that if you want,” I said, making up my mind on the spot. He paused and looked at me questioningly. “I’ve only ever used it as back up, but I’m on the pill and I’m healthy. I’m assuming you are?”

  “Yeah, I get tested regularly, but I’ve never done that. I might not be able to last long.”


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