Worth the Risk: (A Contemporary Bad Boy Romance)

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Worth the Risk: (A Contemporary Bad Boy Romance) Page 26

by Weston Parker

  "Oh holy fuck," Brice ground out, sounding almost as if he were in pain.

  Janna decided to pull out all the stops. This was her one night of adventure, and she was going to get everything out of it that she could, enough memories to live on while she finished her damned dissertation. Taking his cock as deep into her throat as she could, she swallowed, all the while moving her hands around to gently fondle his balls. Brice groaned, and his hands came down to grip the bed on either side of her head.

  "Janna," he said, his voice hoarse, "I'm gonna come soon, so if you don't want that, you should stop." Instead, she gave him a wide smile and started moving faster. He almost shouted his pleasure as he climaxed, his hot essence sliding down her throat. She swallowed, then proceeded to softly lick his cock to ensure that she got every trace of him.

  Brice collapsed onto the bed beside her, his breathing erratic. "Goddamn, that was the most erotic thing that's ever happened to me."

  Janna laughed, her pride swelling at his words even though she doubted their veracity. He was still a millionaire playboy, after all. She sat up, scooting away, but Brice grabbed her and turned her around, pressing her back into a reclined position. "Where are you going?"

  He moved himself between her legs, settling her thighs on either side of his face. "Don't I get to return the favor?" Without another word, he buried his head between her thighs.

  Her underwear did little to hinder his oral assault, and he quickly pulled them off, pressing his face into her center, running his nose along her soft lips. She sighed when he lapped at her with his tongue, wide strokes licking her from bottom to top. He blew his hot breath on her, then used his fingers to spread her open. "So beautiful," he murmured before sliding his tongue inside her.

  He worked his skilled tongue into her hole and fucked her with it, and it was so intense that she shook around him. This caused him to burrow deeper and to spread her thighs further open. Janna was moaning nonstop as his tongue made its way up to her sensitive nub. Quickly he replaced his tongue with two fingers that he slid deep inside her, while he concentrated on sucking her clit into his mouth and scoring it gently with his teeth.

  The feeling was overwhelming, and Janna couldn't believe the heights his tongue was driving her pleasure toward. She screamed, and he picked up his pace, causing her to cry out again as her climax crashed over her. Her whole body shook as she arched off the bed in her orgasm. He did not stop his torture, however, as he made sure to taste all of her sweet honey before pulling himself away.

  Brice went to his knees on the bed before her, then placed the two fingers that had been deep inside her into his mouth. He sucked them both, cleaning them of her juices, all the while his eyes never leaving her own. Janna thought it was the hottest thing she'd ever seen. Despite having just had the most powerful orgasm of her life, she was re-energized and ready for more. So much more. Janna climbed his body, pulling herself up by his shoulders and forcing her mouth on his. He growled and grabbed her by the back of her head, deepening the kiss. She could taste herself in his mouth, and it brought her arousal to a feverish pitch.

  "Fuck me, Brice," she said, looking deep into his molten green eyes. "Please."

  "With pleasure," he said, his voice coming out in a deep rumble that seemed to turn into a growl as he pulled her onto him. He relaxed on his knees and slid her legs around his back, then proceeded to kiss her, his tongue like an animal in the cage of her mouth. She moaned, and he moved to her neck, licking and sucking his way to her shoulder. "Let's get this old thing out of the way," he said upon encountering her bra, unsnapping it faster than Janna could have herself. He lifted her up to his mouth then, running his tongue over her breasts, nuzzling her nipples and finally taking most of her breast into his hot mouth. It was almost painful, especially when he nipped at her nipples, but the pain was the good kind that melted quickly into astonishing pleasure.

  "Hold still," Brice commanded with a groan when she began wiggling on him, her hips unable to restrain themselves. He moved them closer to the edge of the bed and held her with one hand while he leaned over and with the other hand pulled open the drawer of his bedside table. Reaching in, he pulled out a condom and brought his other hand back to join its brother on her bottom.

  "You have a delectable ass," he said, squeezing it not-so-gently.

  "I could say the same about you," she replied, squeezing his hips with her legs and pressing them tight against his rear.

  "Clever girl," he said before claiming her lips again. She began working her hips, grinding herself against his growing bulge. Finally, he could take her movements no longer, and he raised her up with one hand while the other brought the condom package to his mouth where he ripped the foil open with his teeth. Another moment and the protection was in place. He used both hands to grip her ass as he gently lowered her into position.

  Janna felt his cock nudging against her, and she slid her hips back to facilitate its entrance. He pushed upward slowly, the head of his shaft stretching her tight walls. She moaned, and another flood of juices rained down to aid his entry. Ever so slowly he slid upward while bringing her down onto his cock. At last, he was fully embedded, and they both sighed at the feeling.

  "You feel so good," he whispered, bending down to lick her nipple. He kept one hand on her hip, guiding her slow movements against him, while the other hand moved up to cup her breast. He cupped it gently, bringing his thumb up to brush against it, back and forth, back and forth, in time with the slow grind of his hips. The sensation was driving her crazy.

  "Brice," she moaned, almost begging.

  "Yes?" His voice sounded surprisingly controlled if muffled by her breast.


  "Please what, sweetheart?"

  Janna moaned again. "I need you. Harder. Deeper."

  "Happy to accommodate," he growled, pushing his cock deeper into her. His next thrust picked up force, and Janna almost screamed in pleasure.

  "Ah, you like that, don't you?" he asked playfully as her head fell back and he was forced to wrap an arm around her back to support her. "Want more?"

  "Yes!" she cried out and was in heaven when he picked up the pace. His cock now slammed into her, faster, deeper, every stroke pushing her farther and farther up the peak of pleasure. It felt so good, it was making her weak, and she leaned in and wrapped her arms around Brice's back for support. This angle also allowed him to penetrate her even deeper, and she moved her mouth to his shoulder and bit him before she realized it.

  "Ah!" he yelled, the bite seeming to excite him even more. His movements increased in speed and intensity. Janna was mindless with pleasure. Unable to hold back any longer she climaxed, her hot sheath gripping him tightly. "Yes!" he shouted, and as her walls fluttered around him, he drove all the way in and found his release deep inside her. They stayed locked together, breathing heavily, their hearts beating faster than rabbits'. He lowered her down to the bed, then moved up beside her.

  She turned to face him, suddenly filled with the wonder of the night. "Well, that did it."

  He wiped the sweat from his brow and eyed her in confusion. "Did what?"

  "Cured me," she said with a giggle. "No more hysteria!"

  Brice let out a loud laugh. "As the expert, I'll be the judge of that." With those words, he pulled her in closer to capture her lips yet again.

  Chapter Two

  Janna woke to the sound of ringing, and it took a few moments for her to realize that the sound wasn't coming from inside her head but from her cell phone. She found it in her handbag which was under the heap of her clothing on the floor near the bed. "Hello?" she asked, her voice like a rusty hinge.

  "Janna!" She could barely make out the voice of her friend Dani through her tears. Her sobs were so loud Janna had to hold the phone away from her ear for a moment. "Oh, Puchie, I screwed up."

  "You and me both, sister," she replied after a beat. Janna proceeded to hear about her friend's night after she'd left with the hunky ranger. Apparently, they
'd made passionate love, but in the morning he was gone before Dani woke up.

  "What a bastard!" Janna couldn't tolerate guys of the hit-it-and-quit-it mentality. Then she remembered her own intentions last night and this morning's consequences. "You know, I wouldn't have expected it of him. I saw the way he was watching you at the party. It was like he couldn't see anyone else but you. I wouldn't have pegged him for the random hookup type."

  "He's not," she heard her friend say in a slightly amazed tone of voice. Danielle told her how her ranger, Caleb, was afraid to love because he might get hurt, or hurt someone else. She could tell that Dani thought she could help him over his fear. So Janna asked the most important question. "Do you love him?"

  Her friend didn't hesitate in her answer. "Yes."

  Janna was a romantic deep down, and she believed that love could conquer all, even if that motto didn't exactly fit into her own life experience. She told her friend to go after her ranger, to fight for him. And it seemed like her words were finally getting through.

  "Right," Dani said at last. "I'm gonna take a shower, get dressed, and head back into those damn woods."

  "The ranger's not in the woods," Janna said, remembering Brice mentioning that Caleb was borrowing his beach house last night.

  "Oh," her friend said, surprised. "Well, then I'll call Masterson and get the address, and then drive out there."

  "Hang on," Janna said. She covered the phone, turning her head to see that Brice was awake, leaning back against the headboard and smiling at her. "What's the address of your beach house?" she asked but failed to return his smile. He told her, and she got ready to relay the information to her friend. "You got a pen?"

  "What?" Dani said, dumbfounded. "How'd you get the address?"

  "From Brice," Janna said too quickly.

  "Is he there with you?"

  "Yes," she admitted with a sigh. "I told you, we both made mistakes last night. Now grab a pen and something to write on."

  "Thank you, Janna," her friend said, scrawling down the address. "And don't think for one minute I'll let you out of giving me all the details of last night's escapade."

  "Ditto, Dr. French. Looks like we've got quite an interesting conversation to have over lunch next week. I hope yours has a happy ending." She hung up without waiting for Dani's response. Janna fell back against the bed, her legs dangling off the edge.

  "Puchie?" She heard the teasing tone in Brice's voice, and it sent her stomach on its own roller coaster ride. Janna groaned and covered her face with her arm, trying to block out the reality of her situation. Sin in haste, repent in leisure, wasn't that what they said? Her sin last night couldn't have been hastier, and now she had to face the consequences.

  Unfortunately, those consequences were staring at her in a most uncomfortable fashion. She could feel his hot gaze on her body even though her arm blocked her vision. "So I'm a mistake, am I?" he said, his voice betraying a hint of forced levity.

  His words touched off another groan. She really didn't want to deal with this, not with the hangover that was beating down her door. Stumbling to her feet, she wandered into the center of the room. "Where's your bathroom?" she asked and forced herself to look at him while he pointed to the door opposite the wall of windows. She made her way slowly, dizziness and nausea fighting to see which one would take her down. Luckily she made it into the bathroom without succumbing, and she turned on the shower, which was big enough for a dozen people, and dove under the almost too-hot spray.

  It had only been a few moments before she heard a knock at the door. Janna ignored it, praying that Brice would leave her in privacy. The gods chose not to honor her wishes, however, and she saw the dark outline of a large man outside the steamy glass doors. Too soon the door opened, and her host stepped into the shower and pulled her into his arms.

  "You may not know this about me," he said as he pressed himself against her, "but I'm a fervent environmentalist, and I firmly believe in water conservation." He kissed her neck, then ran his tongue up to circle her earlobe. "It's always better to shower with a friend."

  A moment ago Janna had only wanted to melt away her hangover under the punishing spray of the shower, but that was forgotten as her body sprang to life at Brice's touch. He gently tugged her hair, forcing her head backward, and assaulted her lips. His tongue wasted no time in finding the hidden depths of her mouth, and she moaned, unable to control her response.

  "Let me wash you," he said, already pulling away and applying body wash to a soft loofah sponge. Janna wanted to stop him, she really did, at least the tiny part of her that could still remain rational after coming in contact with Brice Masterson did. But she didn't. Couldn't, Wouldn't. It felt too good. He ran the sponge over her body, focusing on her sensitive breasts. The roughness of the sponge against her skin felt heavenly and supremely erotic.

  The sponge moved lower, over her belly, down to her most private of places. There he threw away the sponge in favor of his own hands. Soon she had to support herself on his wide shoulders as his strokes brought her to the peak of pleasure.

  She rested in his arms, the water beating down on his back and shoulders, trickling down to her as he held her. Janna looked up into his eyes, their color like the sea during a storm, and she flushed and straightened. Quickly rinsing off, she jumped out of the shower and hurried to wrap herself in a towel.

  Brice followed, grabbing a towel, but instead of wrapping it around his waist, he used it first to dry his hair. Janna's eyes dropped, and she caught sight of his raging erection. Her eyes flicked away as if scalded and her cheeks burned bright red. Even her ears were hot.

  "You certainly are shy all of a sudden," he said, dropping to press a quick kiss on her shoulder. "What happened to the sex goddess of last night?"

  "She sobered up," Janna said without meeting his eyes.

  "Now that's a shame," he replied, his voice going husky and sounding slightly sad. "I liked her."

  "Yeah, well, she liked you too," she grumbled as she headed back into the bedroom. She dug a comb out of her handbag and dragged it through her wet hair before twisting it up into a knot and sticking a pen through it to keep it stable. As she was picking up her clothing, she heard Brice come up behind her.

  "Here," he said, handing her an old t-shirt of his and a pair of sweatpants. He then turned and made his way over to a set of double doors which opened to reveal a walk-in closet. Janna was grateful for the privacy as she slid on her undergarments and pulled on Brice's borrowed clothing. It was way too big, but it smelled like him faintly, and she couldn't help but smile.

  Soon Brice was strolling back out of his closet, clad in slacks and a light blue shirt, the cuff of which he was just buttoning. He caught her smile and gave her one of his own. A weird pang of hunger hit her heart, and for a moment she was afraid it showed on her face. If it did, Brice interpreted it as a hunger of a different kind, because he asked then, "Want some breakfast?"

  "No," she mumbled, gathering up her belongings and not meeting his gaze.

  "Fine. But you're not leaving before you have a cup of coffee." His face had become stern.

  "Agreed." Janna let herself be led out of the bedroom and back down the hallway to the stairs. She had to keep a firm grip on the waistband of his sweats on the stairs because they kept wanting to fall down. Brice seemed to catch on to her problem, and he tried somewhat unsuccessfully to hide his laughter.

  Janna looked around her, amazed at the difference twelve hours had made. The house was sparkling clean, any evidence of last night's stellar shindig having vanished. Even most of the festive holiday decorations were gone without a trace. It was mind boggling -- Brice just had to name his desire then snap his fingers and presto! It's a party. Then another snap and chango! Everything's clean. Men like Brice never had to sweat the small stuff. Must be nice, she thought with a wry grin, once again tugging the too-wide pants back up to her waist.

  They made it to the kitchen and the pot of promised coffee. Brice slid onto a stoo
l at his breakfast bar after pouring them each a cup and shot her a look that was more a command than an invitation, so she took the stool one away from him. This earned her a cocked eyebrow and a strangely endearing half-smile.

  * * *

  Talk about a complete reversal, Brice thought to himself, staring at the shy woman who was slurping down her coffee so fast, he knew she couldn't wait to get out of there. Last night she'd been a walking wet dream, and now she wouldn't even meet his eyes. She blamed her behavior on the booze, but Brice knew that excuse wasn't completely justified. Janna seemed to have enjoyed herself. I sure as hell did.

  He rubbed a hand across his face, realizing that this morning was a role reversal for him as well. The usual morning after involved a hasty retreat, followed the next day by a bouquet of in-season flowers and a note. If he would have written the truth on the tiny card, it would have said, "Thank you for a night of forgettable enjoyment. It's unlikely I'll ever see you again." Instead, it said, "I had a nice time. Brice."

  The hope of once again burying himself in her addictive heat made him forge ahead. He surprised himself by asking, "So, when can I see you again?"

  Janna almost choked on her coffee, and her heavy coughing had him slapping her on the back. "Stop!" she squealed, then managed to get out "I'm fine," before coughing several more times.

  "Well?" He wasn't one to be put off by a momentary challenge.

  "I don't think we should." She put her cup down and turned to face him. "It's not a good idea."


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