Worth the Risk: (A Contemporary Bad Boy Romance)

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Worth the Risk: (A Contemporary Bad Boy Romance) Page 58

by Weston Parker

  "Lila," he said, moving closer. He could smell her faint floral sent, could see the way her breath grew heavy. The words snuck out before he could stop them. "I haven't been able to think of anything else since that night."

  She gasped and he took advantage, pulling her into his arms. Alex stared down into her face, her golden eyes wide, her plump mouth framed in a surprised "O." Thoughts of doing the right thing fled before he could remember them.

  His lips claimed hers, touching off an explosion inside him. His hands cupped her cheeks, angling her head so that his tongue could penetrate her soft mouth. He felt her relax into the kiss as his tongue chased hers. Felt her surrender.

  Alex was again amazed at the strange blend of innocence and hunger in her kiss. It was as if she had the motions of inexperience but the lust of a passionate woman. This intriguing mixture fired his blood, made him deepen the kiss, made his hands tighten, pulling her closer.

  "Drake," she moaned when he pulled his lips away and began kissing a trail down to her neck.

  "Alex," he growled, nipping lightly at her shoulder.


  He groaned at his name on her lips, bringing his mouth back to hers to once again devour her.

  "Cupcake, I can't help myself, I want you." He stared down into her eyes, eyes that were glazed over, unseeing in their desire. She clearly felt the same.

  "Let me taste you," he whispered.

  His hands were pulling off her shirt and unfastening her bra before she seemed to realize it. Then his face was buried in her beautiful breasts, licking, sucking, teasing. Lila moaned, her hands tightening on his head, as he nibbled at her nipples.

  "Alex!" she cried at his teasing bite, prompting him to lift his head.

  "Put your hands on my shoulders."

  She did, her dark eyebrow rising in question.

  Alex put his hands on her wide hips and lifted. He felt her gasp as he picked her up and settled her on the kitchen counter, then moved between her legs.

  "What are you...Oh!" Her question disappeared in a gasp as he quickly unzipped her jeans and tugged them down. They were caught at her shoes so he pulled them off, then the pants, until her legs were blessedly bare.

  When his fingers moved to pull down her baby blue panties, her hands stopped him. "Wait," she said. "We shouldn't be doing this."

  "Fuck that," he growled. "You tasted me and didn't give me a chance to return the favor. There's no way in hell we're stopping now."

  He gave the panties a tug and she relented. They joined her other clothing in the pile on the kitchen floor. Then he looked at her and his cock sprang to painful attention in his pants.

  She was naked, positioned on the cold marble of the countertop, her legs slightly splayed, her round belly quivering. At the apex of her thighs, a small patch of dark hair sat above her pussy, the rest bare. Alex marveled again at the mixture of innocence and experience. What inexperienced woman had a shaved pussy?

  He could see the coating of moisture on her pink nether lips and it sent a jolt of longing through him. She was beautiful, and he had to touch her.

  His hands slid between her thighs, spreading her wide, before they pulled her open to his gaze. "Goddamn," he whispered, spying into her wet pink interior. Then he blew over her clitoris and her entire body shook.

  "Let's see if you taste as good as you look."

  Her hands were back on his shoulders, gentle pressure pushing him away. Was she still against this? He risked a glance at her face. Her cheeks were flushed, her mouth open to allow her deep breaths, her eyes wide. He knew she wanted this, so why was she fighting it?

  He resisted the pressure, moving lower until his face was right before her opening and he could smell the musky sweetness of her. Restraining a groan, he probed her gently with his tongue. And those hands which had been pushing against him slid to the back of his head, pulling him closer.

  Alex needed no further invitation. He dove into her, his tongue sweeping up and down along her warm slit, gathering her delicious essence. His tongue probed her, sliding inside, fucking into her as if it were his dick.

  "Fuckin' fantastique." He gave her another swipe. "Oh cupcake, you taste divine."

  Her moans were driving him crazy, as were the little shakes her muscles were giving. But still he could sense that she was holding back. He licked upward, toward that tiny nub of pleasure, and drew it into his mouth.

  "Oh God!" she nearly screamed, coming apart under his mouth. He sucked her clit and was rewarded with a release of more musky essence. She was close, he could feel it, but still she wouldn't let go.

  "Come on, baby," he whispered, then placed his index finger into her. Her pussy was tight and hot, almost scalding him. "Give it to me."

  She was shaking all over, her fingers like vices in his hair, her head thrashing back and forth. He probed deeper as he scored her clit with his teeth. That action finally got the response he wanted.

  She exploded under him, her cry echoing in the empty kitchen, his finger soaked with another release of moisture. She was the wettest, most responsive woman he'd ever known, and it was driving him wild.

  His body was no longer under his mind's control. He undid his pants and pushed them to the floor, stepping out of them and his underwear, taking his erect cock into his hand. He was just positioning it at her entrance when Lila sat up.

  "Wait!" she cried, and he froze.

  What am I doing? his mind screamed at him.

  His body ignored it.

  "Right, I'll get a condom," he said, backing up.

  "No," she said, hopping off the counter and to her feet. Then she was on her knees in front of him, her hand replacing his on his cock.

  "Lila," he said, "I want to-- Ahhh!"

  Her lips were on his dick, her tongue swirling around the sensitive head, making him moan, making him forget all about his desire to be deep in her tight heat. Her mouth around his cock could make him forget his own name.

  Her motions were frenzied and he couldn't last under the onslaught. It seemed only a moment later that he was crying out his climax, blasting his release into her throat. She made a mewl of satisfaction as she swallowed his essence, a fact that kept his cock hard even as it should have been receding.

  Alex pulled Lila to her feet, bringing her back into his arms and pressing kisses all over her neck and face. "Bedroom. Now."

  "What?" she asked, pulling away to look at him, confusion evident in her expression.

  "I need to be inside you." Shit, he couldn't control his words when this woman was in front of him. Especially this naked woman with killer curves and breasts that made him want to--

  "I can't," she said, scrambling to pick up her clothing and dress.

  Alex stood there, chest heaving, his breath like a wild horse, uncatchable. "Why not?"

  She'd pulled on her jeans and was fastening her bra, then pulling on her top. "Mr. Drake, we shouldn't have even gone this far--"

  "So it's Mr. Drake again? I told you to call me Alex."

  She nodded but didn't correct herself. "This is supposed to be a business relationship. Instead we keep getting it mixed up with pleasure."

  He'd pulled on his pants while she was talking but left them unzipped when he reached for her again. "Damn right, pleasure. I'd like a chance to show you just how pleasurable it can be."

  "I have an idea," she said, pulling away from him. "And I appreciate the offer, but I can't accept."

  "Dammit, Lila," he grumbled. "Fuck the professionalism. It shouldn't get in the way of--"

  "It should," she countered. "Look, you're my first real client, and I'm trying to build a business here. All of that gets sidetracked if I let you persuade me into your bedroom when I belong in your kitchen."

  "We've been getting along fine in the kitchen so far, cupcake."

  Lila laughed, and the sound sent a shiver through him. Damn, why did this woman get to him so?

  "You're right. But that's going to change. I don't have time for...whatever t
his is. I've got a party for fifty to cater."

  Alex bit back a retort, instead zipping up his pants. The mood was shot. And he couldn't contradict her reasoning. He'd been ready to argue the same himself, before he'd seen her again. Before he'd smelled her delicious scent, like dark chocolate and strawberries.

  How had everything gone so wrong?

  It had felt too right in the moment.

  "Sure," he said. "I apologize."

  "No need," she said, gathering up her bag and making her way toward the hallway.

  Alex followed, wanting to say a million things but coming up empty. He stuck his hands in his pockets to keep them from touching her. One hand came across something and he pulled it out.

  "Wait," he said, catching up to her before she could open the front door. "I meant to give you this."

  Lila took the envelope and opened it, peeking at the cash inside. "What is this for?"

  He thought he saw a trace of anger across her face. What did she think it was for?

  "I thought you might need a little more capital. My assistant said you didn't ask for a check, and I know that wine can be expensive, so..."

  "Thanks," she said, her expression blank, her words clipped. "See you on Friday."

  "Yes," he said, then opened the door for her. He shut it behind her after watching her walk down the drive, then leaned against the heavy door.

  He'd intended to explain his mistake to her, to ask forgiveness and swear not to repeat his transgression. And yet, he'd done worse than that, had almost had himself inside of her.

  His hands scrubbed at his guilty face. What a fuck-up tonight had been.

  And yet, he couldn't bring himself to regret it. Tasting Lila had been the most erotic experience of his life. He licked his lips, her essence still present, and his cock still throbbing.

  Despite his good intentions, his desire for Lila was an obsession. He wished he could take her into his arms, show her pleasure like she'd never dreamed.

  Instead, he was going to show her what an ass he was come Friday.

  * * *

  Lila couldn't believe how fast time had flown. It was Friday afternoon, time to lug her things over to Drake's to begin the party preparations in earnest. Her Ford Escort was full to the brim with supplies, and as she headed into the affluent hills of Portland, her hands shook on the wheel.

  She'd see him again tonight. Sure, he'd be busy with his friends, hosting his party, but she'd still be in his orbit. And what a powerful orbit it was. She'd have to be careful, or she'd be pulled down and would burn up in his atmosphere.

  Lila was back at his home. Was about to return to the kitchen where he'd picked her up as if she were weightless, positioned her on his luxury countertop, and had proceeded to make her lose her ever-loving mind.

  Never had she experienced sensation like he'd given her. Alex had made love to her. With his mouth. And it had been sublime. For several nights running she'd woken up from dreams of the event, her pussy wet and aching, her hips thrusting of their own accord. And now she'd returned to the scene of the crime.

  Not to repeat it, her mind chided. Yeah, she knew.

  It was time to go into professional mode. Block out all extraneous details. Even ones that never failed to make her panties wet as she remembered them in the most awkward of places. The grocery store. The line for the cheese sandwich food cart. The wine tasting session. She'd considered carrying a spare pair in her purse for emergencies.

  Lila parked her car in the drive, noticing that other cars and a van were parked out front as well. "Custom Events," was scrawled across the van. Decorators? Lila pulled out the key Drake had sent over and approached the front door, but the key was unnecessary when the door swung open.

  An older woman with a clipboard and a wireless headset attached to one ear looked her up and down. She was impeccably dressed in a navy blue blazer and skirt, her blond hair pulled up into a knot behind her head. "Yes?"

  "Uh, Lila Johnstone. Caterer."

  The woman looked at her clipboard, then nodded. "Of course. Come in."

  "I've got some things to grab from my car--"

  "Oh yes, need any help?" The woman turned around, motioning to two men in coveralls who had just repositioned a sofa. "Gentlemen, please help the caterer bring in her supplies."

  After her things had been unloaded, Lila closeted herself in the kitchen to begin preparations. Too soon the wait staff would be here and the party starting. She'd gotten lucky, putting a flyer up on the bulletin boards of a couple local culinary schools and finding five servers for tonight's event.

  She pulled out the six black half-aprons she'd bought for the occasion, as well as her own full apron. Although she'd wear the full one over her black slacks and white button-up top, she had the half-apron ready in case she was needed to serve as well. She wasn't sure how many servers a shin-dig like this required, and it was better to be prepared.

  Everything was coming together and Lila beamed, excited at the thought of her success. If she could get through tonight, if everything worked out as planned, then she could be on her way to building her business. Word of mouth was supposed to be the best advertising, and if Alex Drake liked her performance, then his word should help her along her way.

  His mouth, ah, now his mouth was another matter entirely. Lila realized she was blushing and hurried to splash cold water on her face. Now was not the time to get distracted with thoughts of Alexander Drake's mouth. Or his handsome face. His killer body. His huge, hard cock.

  Lila splashed more water on her face, trying to banish thoughts of her sexy client. Her excitement over her first successful job in Portland was eclipsed by her anticipation at seeing the handsome Mr. Drake again. She'd tried to lie to herself all week, tried to tell herself that it was only her desire to have that first job out of the way, but really, the desire was much more physical.

  Even though she herself had stopped him when he'd wanted to go further. When she'd craved nothing more than to feel that hard cock inside her, to feel him thrusting into her with abandon. But her mind had whispered to her, reminded her that she was playing with something that could only lead to disappointment. And she'd remembered that her career had to come first, despite her momentary lapses into pleasure. Such exquisite pleasure that she melted just thinking about it.

  Alex had found a way to get past her defenses, to travel a road to passion that she'd thought was a dead end since high school. And although she'd sworn to herself that their journey wouldn't continue, in the back of her mind she hoped that it would.

  Her body had never felt so alive, her mind on fire with the memories of their encounters. No matter how hot her desire burned, she couldn't escape her thoughts. Most screamed that she had to behave herself, do the job she'd been hired to do and not the one her inner slut craved to do. But beneath all that, the darkest part of her doubts had whispered to her.

  Don't let him see all of you. He won't like it.

  Don't let him inside you. You might disappoint him.

  Or worse.

  She'd been afraid to go all the way, ashamed of herself, her body and her reaction. And of one other thing that--- No, don't think of it. Happy thoughts, dammit!

  Lila forced her mind back to her task, realizing that the clock wasn't frozen in the past even if her thoughts were. Taking a deep, mind-clearing breath, she put her focus back on her food.

  Chapter Seven

  Alex Drake nearly jogged up the steps to his front door. It was after 6:30 already, and he knew he didn't have much time, but if he could catch Lila alone for a minute he could explain some things. Opening the door and rushing through it, he almost made it to the kitchen before he was stopped.

  "Mr. Drake, a moment please." His assistant, Helen Douglas, motioned toward him with her clipboard. He eyed the kitchen door with regret, then stepped over to talk.

  "What is it, Mrs. Douglas? I'm in a bit of a rush here."

  "Of course. I just wanted to confirm that the string quartet should be arr
iving momentarily. Should they set up in the atrium or the ballroom? I know you didn't intend on dancing, but I thought--"

  "The atrium is fine." He started to step away, but the sound of her pen clicking against the clipboard made him turn back.

  "Also, the wine was delivered earlier and I had the caterer set it up in the kitchen for now. I figured she could arrange it after she'd decided how she was presenting the dishes."

  "Fine, fine," he said, waving his hand distractedly, wanting to get in to talk to the caterer personally.

  "The champagne hasn't been brought up from the cellar yet. I wanted to confirm which vintage you wanted for the evening?"

  "Whatever's the most expensive." Alana wouldn't appreciate any skimping on his part.

  "Fine. I believe that's--"

  "Alex!" The cry from the floor above them drowned out his assistant's words. Mrs. Douglas frowned, her eyes narrowing.

  "Oh yes, Miss Morgan is upstairs. She asked me to let her know when you arrived."

  Alex looked up, catching sight of Alana leaning over the banister and waving at him from upstairs.

  "Alex, darling, come here."

  He sighed as he made his way up the stairs, realizing that he wouldn't get his shot to talk to Lila anytime soon.

  "Darling," Alana breathed, coming into his arms when he reached her. "I'm so excited for tonight." As she spoke, her body, clad in a satin robe, rubbed against his suggestively.

  "Me too," he murmured, pressing a chaste kiss to her cheek and pulling back. Her supermodel face looked different. Plain. Then he realized she didn't have her makeup on yet.

  "I've got to finish getting dressed, but if you want..." She drew closer, putting her hands on his shoulders and pressing a kiss near his ear. Was she coming on to him? Now?

  "Alana, I've got to get dressed too. It wouldn't do to be late tonight, would it?"

  She gave a laugh and stepped back. Was that relief in her eyes? Alex pushed down a thread of anger.

  "Miss Morgan," a voice floated out of one of the guest bedrooms. "We've got to get started on your hair or it won't be finished in time."


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