Sworn Enemies, Secret Lovers

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Sworn Enemies, Secret Lovers Page 50

by Eve Rabi

  But as I eyed his two girls, the older one quietly holding onto her mother’s hand, the younger one sucking her thumb, her back burrowing into her mother’s legs, both of them peeping shyly from underneath long, dark lashes, I had a thought. These kids weren’t like the other brats. They were well behaved and most importantly, they looked good. Picture-perfect, actually. Both had liquid-blue eyes, blonde curls, and they looked angelic in their pink, lacy dresses, their white pumps, and sparkly headbands. Maybe they could stay? I thought. Maybe I could use them as props? I decided that I would keep the girls.

  As I continued studying them, I had to admit, grudgingly at that, Rival and Bradley Murdoch were the whole picture, and that was the picture I desired and dreamt of my whole life. How could I possibly pass on it? How could I let a simple thing like a wife come between me and my dream? I couldn’t. There was no question about it, Bradley Murdoch was mine, and Rival, well, she had long passed her amuse-by-date.

  By the way, isn’t Rival just an apt name? Her parents had to be thinking of me when they named her.


  Now, at the risk of sounding like I have a superiority complex, I have to say outright and in no uncertain terms…I am superior to Rival in just about every way. That is a fact, I’m not coy about it, and I see no reason to be. Let’s compare the two of us, shall we?

  Rival was older than me – twenty-nine. I was twenty-eight, so that made me the Younger Woman. (Hey, a year difference is a year difference.) People would say, Bradley Murdoch left his wife for a younger woman! I liked that, it made me feel powerful, young and seductive.

  I was thinner than her – a size six in Australia. That would make me a size four in the U.S., a five in Japan, a two in Canada, a four in the UK, and a mere thirty-two in Italy, making me an extra-small everywhere in the world. Get it? It’s important that you do, because a figure as fine as mine deserves appreciation and acknowledgment.

  I was soignee, and my moxi, my verve, caused the heads of both envious women and appreciative men to turn when I entered a room. Conversation often falters at the sight of me. Rival on the other hand went unnoticed at functions and her talent was to blend in with the furniture, until she was completely overlooked or forgotten.

  I was gainfully employed, while she was a mere housewife, probably a bored one at that. (But then again, aren’t all housewives bored?)

  My level of academic education was higher than hers. I had a degree in psychology and political science (Make a note of that, because it truly is impressive), while she barely finished high school.

  Now, if you’re pitying her, don’t. Because Rival deserved to lose Bradley on one point alone – her figure. She was a size twelve. Twelve! That’s a whopping size forty-two in Italy and an embarrassing eight in the U.S.! A body for a Dove commercial for sure.

  How dare she? How dare she have the audacity to value bread and pasta and rice and noodles and potatoes and chocolate mousse over someone like Bradley Murdoch? On that point alone, she unequivocally deserved to lose him. I mean, look at Posh Spice – she’s a size zero. Why? Because she appreciates David. She does not in any way jeopardize her position as Almost Royalty by allowing herself to become fatter than Sarah Ferguson.

  And Angelina? Clearly she forgoes carbs, because those hip bones, they could put out Brad’s eyes when he goes down on her, let me tell you. Yes, these women sacrifice to keep their men, and to keep predators away, and that’s how it ought to be. What? You don’t think so?

  Well, then…fuck you! Like I care what you think.

  Kidding, kidding! You should see your face. Of course I care what you think. Your opinion is really, really important to me. (Smiley face.)


  In search of a refill, I sauntered over to the bar. To my delight I was greeted by a slab of beefcake. Around nineteen, with hazel eyes, broad shoulders, and hands large enough to fit around my double Ds. Probably a university student with loads of stamina. (Stamina in a guy is of paramount importance to me. I am a forty-five-minute-and-over girl in the sack.)

  “What can I get you?” Beefcake asked. Awe and appreciation danced in his eyes as they slowly peeled away my white skinny jeans, my navy cropped blazer, my white net singlet that covered my cleavage (yet showcased it at the same time). He let me keep my tan stilettos on.

  “Can you give me an orgasm?” I purred, leaning on the counter and resting my double Ds on it, my arse mounted in the air.

  He began to speak in vowels. “Eh…I…aa…you…”

  Having achieved the desired effect, I giggled at his discomfort, then in a coy voice asked, “Pussy…cat got your tongue?”

  His face turned as red as the bottle of pomegranate mixer on the bar shelf. “Eh…um…eh…”

  “Let me tell you how to give me a Rosy Orgasm,” I said in a leering voice. “Two parts TyKu liqueur, pomegranate, Patron, and rose essence. Toss…it together and give it to me…long…and…hard.” I followed my cocktail lesson with a wink.

  He looked like he was going to come in his pants.

  “That means it’s served in a long, tall glass,” I explained, taking great delight in his sexual torture.

  “Y…yes, ma’am,” he finally managed to sputter.

  Had it not been for Bradley Murdoch, the young bartender would have discovered a Rosy Orgasm in more ways than one in the backseat of my Beamer that day.

  The question hovered – how exactly do I get rid of Rival Murdoch?

  Various scenarios presented themselves, some gruesome, some mundane and some obvious. Cordially, I entertained them all. Murder the wife. I could do that. Murder is always the easiest solution in a triangle. A blow to the head with a blunt object, steal her Marc Jacobson purse (she appears to have a penchant for Marc Jacobson handbags), and her filigree gold jewelry. (Filigree? Are you kidding me? That’s like paying full price for Swiss cheese even though it is riddled with holes!)

  A carjacking! Now that was an awesome idea. I could lure her into a rough neighborhood and hire someone to blow out her brains. Unfortunately, Sydney didn’t have that many “rough” neighborhoods, and being robbed at gunpoint was so rare, every cunt of a cop in Sydney would drop their MacDonald’s Happy Meal to pursue the perpetrator of such a heinous crime. (They would call it heinous, because without that word, cops, detectives and even journalists would be lost.)

  I could take her to South Africa, somehow lure her there just like that British guy with a girl’s name did to his Swedish bride, and orchestrate a hit with some of the impoverished locals. Yes, that could work, and it will cost me about thirty-nine dollars, plus they’d probably throw in a hot-stone massage!

  But I had to get real; the cops, Australian and South African, they’d get their man in the end, and I didn’t think I’d look fetching in prison stripes.

  So, murder was my least favorite way to rid myself of Rival Murdoch. Don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t totally off the agenda, it was just my least favorite way. I had to try to find a cunning and foolproof way. If my conquests were going to be documented in my upcoming book – which teaches women my tried and tested seduction secrets, among other things – I had to ensure I won at this game. This game where charming, smoldering Bradley Murdoch was the prize, and sexy, sassy, crafty Scarlett was the winner.

  Now, because you’ve been so attentive, I’m going to let you read a sample of my book on seduction for free. Here it is:

  Random Seduction Tip: Obsession

  Beauty and flirtatiousness can attract his attention, sure, but it’s not his attention you want, it’s his unbridled obsession that you seek. That is your goal – for him to become utterly obsessed with you. In order for that to happen, you must create mystery, complexity. Be an enigma, and hint at the promise of absolute pleasure…if he is fortunate enough to possess you.

  You want him to constantly think about you, become preoccupied with you, romanticize about you. Once he starts doing that, once he starts fantasizing about you, he will be on the edge of a precipice, and it’
s only a matter of time before he topples over and into your arms. That kind of power will be lasting and effective and he will become your slave for life.

  Like my book sample? Thought you would.

  End of Excerpt

  To continue reading The Other Woman, which is available in a boxed series set, or individual books, both on kindle Unlimited, click on any of the links below:

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  Eve Rabi

  Eve Rabi is the author of 33 romantic crime and suspense novels and more than half a dozen screenplays.

  Inspired by the likes of Sidney Sheldon and Gillian Flynn, her tales are bold, scandalous, controversial and often humorous.

  To quote an Amazon reviewer: “When you pick up an Eve Rabi book, forget sleep. She writes gripping page turners that will keep you reading till the very end.”

  If you’re bored of regular romance, if you like your romance with twists and turns, if you prefer your crime novels to have strong romantic themes, then you will enjoy Eve Rabi’s multi-genre books.

  In her spare time, Eve likes to dance like no one is watching.

  She also likes to eat like no one is watching. That's why she has to dance so often.

  To download four free books from Eve Rabi, click on any of these links:

  Amazon: U.K.: http://amzn.to/14vFE8r

  Amazon U.S.: https://www.amazon.com/Eve-Rabi/e/B005HXX1C4

  Website: http://everabi.wordpress.com/

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  Blog: http://everabi.wordpress.com

  Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/24490383-the-other-woman

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  Romantic Crime and Suspense Thrillers by Eve Rabi

  (Please note: we are restructuring. Book titles and series names have been changed. For updates, please check out Eve Rabi’s website: www.everabi.wordpress.com)

  PAYBACK – Sometimes Karma takes so friggin’ long, you have to lend a hand (book 1 in the Payback Series FREE book)


  ONE WAY OR ANOTHER (book 2 in the Payback Series)


  THE OTHER MAN – It was more than an affair; it was a conspiracy of lies and deceit. (Standalone)


  THE OTHER WOMAN – An epic and jaw-dropping collision between a betrayed wife and a cunning seductress (Book 1 – The Other Woman Series) http://amzn.to/1BeLcB5

  THE SCORNED WIFE – To win back her husband, the rejected wife must emulate the other woman. Become her if possible. (Book 2 in the Other Woman Series. Previously titled Derailed)


  THE GOLD DIGGERS’s GUIDE TO SEDUCTION - Unfair, Underhanded and Downright Deceitful Seduction Tips ((Volume 1 in the Seduction series, penned by Scarlett Smyth-Murdoch-Callan from The Other Woman series)


  LEAD ME INTO TEMPTATION – He may be a man of God, but he’s still just a man. (Book 1 in the Temptation Series) http://amzn.eu/18jJhFs

  TEMPTATION’S GRIP – A romantic crime & suspense novel about lust, infidelity and murder (Book 2 in the Temptation Series) http://amzn.eu/18jJhFs

  THE WHISPER OF TEMPTATION – The power of Love (Book 3 in the Temptation Series) http://a.co/5evCgEb

  WRATH OF TEMPTATION – Hell Hath no Fury (Book 4 in the Temptation Series)


  EMBERS OF TEMPTATION – You forget; lust burns bright, intensely, but extinguishes just as quickly – (Book 5 in the Temptation Series)


  FRAGMENTS OF TEMPTATION - Careful where you step, ’cause there all hearts all over the floor. (Book 6 in the Temptation Series)


  RUINS OF TEMPTATION – A forbidden touch, a treacherous heart, desires that cannot be denied. (Book 7 in the Temptation Series)


  ASHES OF TEMPTATION – What goes around (Book 8 in the Temptation Series)


  THE BEAST (book 1 in Gringa Series free for a limited time)


  THE TAMING OF THE BEAST (Book 2 in the Gringa Series – free for a limited time)


  BEAST OF MINE (Books 3 and 4 combined, the final part of the Gringa series.)


  BELOVED BEAST (The original ending to the GRINGA series. No longer for sale. However, once you’ve read Beloved Beast, you will know how to obtain this version free of charge)

  DECEPTION - A Palace Full of Liars - Book 1


  MORE THAN DECEPTION - A Palace Full of Liars - Book 2


  BURN’S WORLD – Part One – Free book (comprises books one and two)


  BURNS’S WORLD – Part Two (comprises books three and four)


  CAPTURED – My Sworn Enemy, My Secret Lover (book 1)


  CAPTURED: My Sworn Enemy, My Secret Lover (original book two, no longer in publication)

  CAPTURED FOREVER – My Sworn Enemy, My Secret Lover (book 2)


  THE CHEAT - A Tale of Lies and Infidelity - Book 1 in a Tale of Lies and Infidelity Series


  THE AFTERMATH OF CHEATING - A Tale of Lies and Infidelity - Book 2 in the Tale of Lies and Infidelity Series




  STILL OBSESSED WITH ME –Book 2 in the Obsessed series


  BETRAYED – He’d get his Girl at Any Cost


  MY BROTHER, MY RIVAL – All out of love


  MY BROTHER, MY RIVAL- How can I not love you?





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