Eyes of Darkness: Pittsburgh Vampires Vol.7

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Eyes of Darkness: Pittsburgh Vampires Vol.7 Page 1

by B. A. Stretke




  Pittsburgh Vampires

  Vol. 7

  B.A. Stretke

  Copyright © 2018 by B.A. Stretke

  Published by Superiorland Publishing

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any person (living or dead), place, or event is purely coincidence.

  “A certain darkness is needed to see the stars.” - Osho


  “A group of cat shifters moved into town two months ago and set up business on Canal Street. As you know, they’re close to the Ruby Light, but their business is simply a bar and not in competition with nightclub like the Ruby Light. They’ve opened an Irish style pub called ‘The Black Rose’ and it operates as a neighborhood drinking establishment.” Andrew read through his report as given to him by Ian. “They’re business is supporting them and looks to be thriving. The group consists of eight male cats, the dominant family name is Stewart, but Ian found that two have the surname of Casey.” Andrew finished and waited for questions.

  Master Nikolas Hadden kept tabs on every new paranormal that hit town. This was his town and the best interests of his Coven and the Imperial Club were always foremost in his mind. When a group of cat shifters moved into Pittsburgh and set up shop he sent one of his investigators to find out their background and their intent.

  “Where did they last live?” Nik asked.

  "They lived in Cleveland for the last thirty-three years and before that, they lived in Minneapolis for fourteen years," Andrew said after referring to his notes.

  “Did they run the same type of business in those cities?”

  “Yes, they operated an Irish style pub in both cities.”

  “Any issues arise in their previous locations?” Nik continued to dig.

  “They left Minneapolis following a string of fires that plagued their business. No record as to the cause. There were no issues in Cleveland according to the records.” Andrew finished.

  Nik turned to Josef who was seated to his left. “Keep an ear to the ground in regard to the Cats.” Nik thought for a moment before continuing. “This group could be a front, have Ian continue his investigation. Something about the power emanating from this group has me questioning who they really are.”

  "Yes, sir," Josef replied.


  Lando Ricci sat at the bar with his friend Ian Turner, who had just turned in his report involving the newcomers in town. The cats were a small group that rolled into town a couple of months ago. Ian spent the last week finding out everything he could on the group. Lando was glad that Ian had been chosen for the duty instead of him.

  It wasn't that he didn't like cats, it was just that he found them tedious and unnecessary. In the shifter world, strength and size were everything. These were house-cats for fuck sake and ridiculous in Lando's opinion. The only thing they had going for them were sharp claws and agility. They were no match for other shifters or most humans for that matter.

  He just hoped that the Coven didn't end up being the babysitter for these vulnerable shifters. Becoming nursemaids for a bunch of cat shifters was not on his bucket list.

  “They’re a tight group. It wasn’t easy getting information. Even the data search didn’t produce what it usually does.” Ian began as they sat and relaxed. The evening crowd was not expected for another couple of hours, so they had time to sit before taking up their posts as guards.

  Security of the Club had tightened and increased since the attack several months ago. The attackers hadn’t gotten far before being killed, but the weaknesses in the Coven’s defenses were brought out and new security measures were put into place.

  “Master Hadden wants continued surveillance of the group, so Josef has me assigned to the cats until further notice.” Ian did not appear overjoyed with the prolonged assignment, but he was a soldier and he followed orders.

  “Better you than me, man.” Lando grinned and took a long swig of his beer. “Sounds like the Master doesn’t trust them.”

  "Too little information out there and all of it basic. That's enough to get you wondering what they have to hide." Ian responded thoughtfully. "Tonight is my last night on guard duty until we figure out what's up with the cats. I'll miss the Club atmosphere."

  “Well then, you’ll have to hope for a speedy resolution to the theory of the pussycats. I’d say if you need help just call, but I really don’t want to have to deal with a clowder of house cats.” Lando teased.

  “You will be the first one I call.” Ian punched Lando in the upper arm for emphasis. “You could use a little broadening of your horizons. Get out and meet new people.”

  “My horizons are broad enough. I meet plenty of people. I work front door security, remember.” Lando shot back.

  “We probably should get to it. The doors will be opening soon.” Ian stood up and downed the last of his beer.

  Lando patted him on the shoulder. “Enjoy the cats and good luck with figuring out their master plan for world domination.” Ian gave him the finger as he headed to the garage entrance where he was working security for the evening. Lando returned the gesture and headed towards the front.


  Thomas Casey and his father Edward joined with the Stewarts decades ago in Minneapolis. Their previous group refused to accept Thomas, so Edward left. Thomas was adopted and not all cats were open to members not connected by blood. It was a strange rule based on loyalty and the belief that only blood allows for true loyalty. Thankfully the Stewarts who were a mash-up of cousins, brothers, and friends had no such rule and welcomed them.

  Their time together in Minneapolis proved to be a testing ground for what the Stewarts would tolerate. They allowed Thomas and Edward to stay even as Thomas matured and his true nature was revealed. They weren’t afraid of him and saw his budding strength as an asset. But he was also vulnerable and tended to attract a bad element and foster superstition. They contacted the mystical Gallic witch who possessed power great enough to cast a spell that would hide Thomas’s true nature although it came at a hefty price. It gave Thomas the freedom to live as one of the Stewarts.

  He was grateful and indebted to the Stewarts for giving him and his father a home. There were no guarantees because cats were notoriously self-serving. But for now, they had a life that served them both. Thomas and Edward had a home and the cats had protection.

  Now they were starting fresh again in another new city, but this time it had nothing to do with Thomas’s growing pains and a need to get out of town. It was a natural process due to the fact that shifters do not age and at some point, the locals begin to notice.

  Pittsburgh held a lot of promise for a small and well-run pub like theirs. The location was good and after only two months they were settled and prospering. There were many diverse shifter populations in Pittsburgh but so far no one had caused them any trouble, apart from a few pub brawls, which come with the territory shifter or not.

  The one thing that intrigued Thomas the most was the Imperial Club. It was owned and operated by the Hadden Coven. Thomas was warned, as were all newcomers, to never cross the Hadden Coven. They were powerful and for all intents and purposes, they owned this town. He had no intention of crossing anyone who didn't cross him first.

  Considering the status distinction between their small Irish pub and the Imperial Club, he doubted he'd ever meet anyone from the Hadden Coven. He accepted that the Imperial Club was a place he would never see except from a distance.

  “Thomas, help with the new dishwasher, they’re unloading it off the alley.” Thomas’s father called from the kitchen. Thomas was out front cleaning the tables but quickly moved to assist in the installation of the new dishwasher. The one that came with the place had given up the ghost yesterday and had left Thomas with the duty of hand washing and sterilizing the glassware. It wasn’t a duty he wanted to maintain for long.

  “You guys aware that the dance studio next door is going up for sale? Could give you room to expand and maybe add a dance floor and music.” One of the men delivering the washer commented.

  "No but thank you for the tip." Gerald, the eldest and de-facto leader of the Stewarts responded with interest. He turned to his brother and requested that he look into it and get them some information. They'd discussed buying a larger venue when they were first moving to Pittsburgh but then settled for a smaller bar with a proven track record.

  "You might want to act quickly because I also heard that Nik Hadden's people were also looking at it." The man added, and everyone's heart sank. There was no way they could outbid someone like Master Hadden. Gerald told his brother to check it out but if the Hadden Coven was interested in it then to just let it go.

  Thomas finished and headed up to his room for a rest before the evening rush. He worked in the kitchen and also bused tables. He wasn’t good with people like the Stewart boys and he preferred anonymity. Hiding was in his blood.

  He could hide in the kitchen and go unnoticed just the way he liked it. He was close by if needed but Ira and Earl, a mated pair and the primary bartenders, were masters at handling difficult people and therefore things rarely got out of hand.

  Following the installation of the dishwasher, he headed upstairs to his room for a quick nap before the evening rush began. He worked late into the night so grabbed a nap whenever he could throughout the day.

  He was awoken by a knock on his door and his father popping his head inside. “Time for work.” He announced. “The place is beginning to hop.” Thomas rolled out of bed and quickly changed his t-shirt to one sporting the logo of the establishment and followed his father downstairs.


  Lando finished his shift and stopped in the kitchen to pick up a quick snack to take to his room. The evening had been pleasant and uneventful. But these days, no matter how quiet it got the guards never relaxed. Their duty had become laser focused. He was just entering the elevator when he received an urgent call from Ian.

  It had been three days since they sat at the bar and discussed Ian’s assignment regarding research and surveillance of the cats. Lando’s first thought was that Ian had completed the job and was looking to hang out. Unfortunately, Ian followed through on a previous promise and was calling Lando for help.

  “A couple of jackals have been casing The Black Rose. I believe they plan to make a move sometime this evening. They’ll most likely wait until after closing which is in about ninety minutes. I could handle them myself, but I would appreciate your back up. I don’t know how this group of cats are going to react.” When Ian finished, Lando could not help but chuckle.

  “Sure.” He said sarcastically. “But you do know that you will owe me for this.” He added. Babysitting house cats, what a fucking blast that’s going to be. Once he backed Ian with this current situation concerning the cats, he would most certainly be delegated to assist him until the job was finished. Fuck was all he had to say.

  “Meet me under the awning of the drug store across and up the street from the pub.” Ian failed to hide his pleasure at pulling Lando in.

  “Payback will be a bitch.” Lando comment as he closed the call.


  Thomas remained in the kitchen during peak business. He just didn’t like crowds or people getting too close to him. The other cats accepted that he worked better alone in the kitchen. Every evening once the bulk of the customers had left he would go out to the main room and help with the cleanup and closing.

  He finished with the glassware at hand and checked his watch. It was near to closing so he dried his hands and turned away from the sinks and headed for the main room. A shadow passed by the side window of the kitchen that looked out onto the alley that ran between the pub and the dance studio next door. He stopped and stared at the window.


  Lando met up with Ian by the drug store and noticed the pub was closing up. “Where are the jackals?” He asked and started to visually sweep the area.

  “They were inside for about thirty minutes and then left twenty minutes ago. They acted like they were leaving the area and heading north, but I know they’re coming back.” Ian informed.

  “How do you know that?”

  “They were discussing it as they walked right past me. Stupid fucks.” Ian spat the words.

  “Jackals aren’t known for their intellect, just for their unbridled brutality. If they’re targeting the cats, we need to act before they have a chance to hurt them. The cat shifters have no defense against monsters like them.” Lando stated and suggested they move closer to the pub.

  “I thought you didn’t like cat shifters?” Ian teased as he fell into step next to Lando.

  “It isn’t a matter of like or dislike, this is a matter of common decency.” Lando was not a fan of the cats but that didn’t mean he wanted them left to the jackals.

  They heard glass breaking and screams from the right side of the building near the back and immediately focused their speed in that direction. When they arrived, the scene was not what they’d expected. The large window was smashed and had allowed the jackals entrance but from the looks of it, entering the broken window was the final act in their attack.

  Lando and Ian stepped through the window and into the kitchen of the pub. There lying on the floor in a large pool of blood were the remains of the two jackals. Standing in a semi-circle beyond the carnage were the cats. There wasn't a mark on them not even blood spray and yet the room was covered in it.

  Lando did a quick count and realized one of the cats was missing. “Was anyone injured?” He zeroed in on the taller man in the center as he was giving off the only air of authority. The others looked a mixture of terrified and guilty.

  “No, we are all fine.” The man said very carefully.

  "Who killed these men?" Ian asked truly perplexed by the idea that the cats standing before him had accomplished it. Lando took the opportunity to study the men standing there as Ian questioned them. Duplicity was coming off them in waves. He pulled out his cell phone and called the Coven.

  “We need a clean-up at the Black Rose.” He paused and eyed each of the cats. “Two jackals attempted an attack and were killed by the owners. We’ll stay until you arrive.” He closed the call and took up the questioning where Ian had left off.

  "You say that you surprised them and as a group . . . killed them . . . two jackals that are trained from birth to be ruthless killers. You overpowered them both without getting even a drop of blood on any of you?" Lando interjected repeating their claim very clearly and posing it as a question. He watched as every head nodded in the affirmative.

  "One of you is missing. Where is the eighth member of your group?" That question brought about several mumbling attempts at an explanation until finally, an older man stepped forward.

  “My son, Thomas, is not well. He is in his room.”

  “What is your name sir?” Ian stepped up to continue the questions when the clean-up crew arrived and Lando moved back to the window and began giving them instructions.

  “Edward, my name is Edward Casey.” Lando half listened but didn’t comment. The removal and clean-up needed to be handled swiftly in order to keep it from the awareness of the citizenry and the local authorities. Shifter and supernatural existence could never be revealed, eve
n the lowest and most debauched of their kind understood the importance of secrecy.


  Thomas listened from the landing. It gave him a view of the room without anyone being able to see him or scent him considering the distance and the terrible smells that currently filled the room. Even if they did scent him, he simply smelled like the other cats.

  The medallion that he wore around his neck covered his natural scent and left him smelling like the shifters he lived with. He smelled like a basic cat shifter. His father had bargained with a being called the Gallic Witch for the amulet years ago back in Minneapolis and its power had allowed him to hide in plain sight for years.

  He watched the formidable dark-haired vampire question the cats and it ate at him that he had to hide. But there was no other way. Their experience in Minneapolis taught them all that hiding was the only way for Thomas.

  The others arrived and the handsome one with the dark hair moved to assist them while the one with sandy hair went back to the questions. They knew the room was filled with lies but they weren’t getting irritated or violent as Thomas had half expected them to. They just asked more questions. They were playing one off the other in order to get the men standing there off balance and cause them to reveal the truth.

  Thomas had seen this technique used before but never so expertly as these two vampires. They were smooth and flawless, you wouldn’t see it if you weren’t carefully studying the interchange.

  Thomas was thankful for his speed because he hadn’t realized that the vampires were watching them. The Jackals went down so fast it was hardly a fight, but it allowed him time to disappear before the two vampires arrived. They were fast, lightning fast, but he was faster.

  The dark vampire was astonishingly attractive. He'd never found himself attracted to vampires before but this man was definitely calling to him. Vampires, as a rule, were attractive but this dark Adonis had an air that enthralled and intrigued beyond the physical. His friend was also fine looking but he lacked the depth that the other possessed. Thomas shook his head and forced himself to focus on what was taking place and being said and away from his crazy carnal observations. He needed to pay attention because his very life might depend on it.


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